Rapid weight loss lake charles

Rapid weight loss lake charles

Rapid weight loss lake charles


28. You Get Your Daily Vegetables More Easily
Green Smoothie Vegetables

A lot of people don’t like vegetables. Personally, I think vegetables are delicious when prepared properly, but everyone has different tastes. Still, you do need to eat vegetables to get the nutrients your body needs, and smoothies can be a great way to do that without tasting them.
29. Smoothies Don’t Require Extreme D.i.e.tary Shifts to Lose Weight
Healthy Meal and Smoothie

A lot of d.i.e.ts force you to cut out huge chunks of your d.i.e.t to fit some norm, whether it’s low-carb, keto, paleo, or some other program. With the smoothie d.i.e.t, you don’t need to do that. Your dinner should angle towards the healthier side of things, but for the most part, you can eat what you want outside of your smoothies.

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Why Fruit Can Be Bad

There’s just one problem with fruit: it’s loaded with sugar. It’s packed with natural sugars, but sugars nonetheless. It’s healthier than eating something packed with high-fructose corn syrup or a ton of cane sugar, but it’s not that much better.

1 cup of blueberries contains 15 grams of sugar.
1 cup of apple slices contains 11 grams of sugar.
1 cup of banana contains 28 grams of sugar.
1 cup of pineapple chunks contains 16 grams of sugar.

Figs, mangoes, lychees, grapes; they’re all surprisingly high in sugar.

Now, gram for gram, natural fruit sugars are a lot better for you than processed and refined sugars, and especially sugars present in things like corn syrup. Those added sugars are way worse for you.

Eating Fruit Variety

Depending on your health and your d.i.e.t, you may need to be very careful with fruit. For example, anyone operating on a ketogenic d.i.e.t needs to be wary of fruit. See, in case you didn’t know, sugar is a carb. Keto is a heavily carb-restricted d.i.e.t, such that you can only eat 50 grams of carbs per day.

50 grams of carbs might seem like plenty if you’re still only getting under 20 grams from a cup of fruit. The truth is, though, it’s a lot more restrictive than you might think. That’s because both starch and fiber are also carbs, and you get a lot of both of those in a lot of things you eat. While a cup of blueberries contains 15 grams of sugar, it contains 21 total grams of carbs, which is nearly half of your total daily allowance.

Remember, as well, that fiber is very important as part of a healthy d.i.e.t, more so than sugar. Most of your carbs should come from fiber, which can be difficult with sugar-heavy fruits.

Of course, that’s mostly relevant if you’re on a heavily carb-restricted d.i.e.t. Other d.i.e.ts, like Atkins, may be low carb but aren’t as restricted, giving you more leeway. And, of course, a d.i.e.t that isn’t low-carb but instead focuses on macronutrient balance and generally healthy foods will have fewer restrictions.

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A Calorie is Not Just a Calorie
Clearly, I’m not going to suggest that the right caloric number is all that’s important. You could easily fill up your calorie allowance with garbage food, and while you may have won a number’s game, your body will not respond in a healthy way.

Low Calorie Meal
It’s true that all calories have the same amount of energy. Every single dietary calorie contains 4,184 Joules of energy. In that respect, a calorie is a calorie.

But when it comes to your body, things are not that simple. The human body is “a highly complex biochemical system with elaborate processes that regulate energy balance.” The kinds of food you eat inform how healthy your body is in warding off viruses and diseases and a whole host of other benefits.

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