2XD Fishing

2XD Fishing

Bass, Boats, Passion! For those who are truly passionate about the sport of Bass Fishing - and woul

Tips, Techniques, Videos, Reviews, Baits, Boat Parts, Merchandise... 2XD Fishing is your Bass Fishing source!


Hey everyone....as we get up and running, I have some really exciting news that the new boat has arrived at the dealer. I can tell you that it's a very unique package as a hint!

But what did I choose? Triton, Skeeter, Ranger, Vexus, Caymas, Bullet, etc...????? which one? You will have to wait till I post my pick-up video this week, but let's get the guessing going from everyone



Welcome to 2XD Fishing - Bass, Boats, Passion!

For those who are truly passionate about the sport of Bass Fishing - and would sleep in their boats to prove it - 2XD Fishing is for you!

Tips, Techniques, Videos, Reviews, Baits, Boat Parts, Merchandise... 2XD Fishing is your Bass Fishing source!