mr phenomenal
I wonder y god n man have 3 letters
Woman n satan have 5 letters
Dear god:
Cab u plz award me with a gal that grabs a dick while kissing
Real eyes realize real eyes
Let life roll out the best way
Yes. Money can buy happiness 💎❤
Maths lit be like 'pienaar is a dancer calculate his zekethes'
Tembisa nkile gwaba le beauty contest gwa se win'e motho
Mara le sure gorr bhuda wa boya or re lebale ka yena
Once o robala o lebeletse godimo , letswele la wela ka lekwafeng go fedile ka wna
I wonder y di dj txao hloka matric di dlala monate soo
Baya makuleng ka stofi mara Rena bare etela ka Jean ya kunupi txe thwelefo '12'