Daniel Sto

Daniel Sto

Pioneering the future of learning through experiments, training, philosophy, and the internet.


E-learning is here to stay.

On top of that, people are spending more and more time on their smartphones and that is an opportunity to spend that time more productive instead of mindless scrolling, watching funny cat videos, or catching up with the news.

It is on us, the creators, the developers, and the product managers of the world to make high-quality and engaging mobile applications and bring value to people's "scrolling lives".

I don't know about you, but learning a new language from the comfort of your own home on your phone or iPad sounds like a time well spent to me. Same thing while commuting no...?

And that is what I tried to do, I published gamified Language Learning Mobile App called Speak The Lingo on both major mobile platforms, for iPhones, and Android Phones.

We've built a website for the app as well.

While doing that, in that process I learned a few lessons so I am going to share them live here on Linkedin (and on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter).

Join the live multistream on your preferred platform and see what it takes to build and publish an e-learning mobile app.

I'll reveal all, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

As always, questions are more than welcome and I will answer them all live.

See you there...



Kindle vs Physical Books - Live Unboxing Party

Leaders are Readers. I am convinced of that.

That’s why I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of non-fiction books mainly, however, the majority of them were in hard copy.

And after spending thousands and thousands of $$$$ and filling up my to the max library, before I buy and install a more immense library I decided to give it a go and try out the Kindle Route first.

I did the research, made the pick, and bought the Kindle of choice.

If you want to see what and why did I pick, come and join me at this live unboxing party where I will reveal what Kindle did I choose, why I’ve made the choice and will share my initial impressions live…

What is your opinion on Kindle vs Physical Books?

I will share my thoughts, pros, and cons on the live stream too.

See you there.

Photos from Daniel Sto's post 26/05/2022

Book Of The Week Recommendation…

If you want to succeed in business, career or life, the state of your mind will have the largest impact on whether you’ll make it happen or not.

Messy House = Messy Mind.

And there comes the book recommendation “The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo, the warrior princess in the war of clutter.

And what is more important than reading quality non-fiction books? Actually implementing what you’ve learned from them.

At the beginning of this year, I decluttered and donated 6 big bags full of clothes to charity (see images).

I dare you to empty your closet too, it will do magic for your mindset and your focus will raise to a completely another level.

The steps that you need to take in order to do it in one swoop and not rebound, are nicely outlined and explained in the book. You can read the book in one day, so the excuses of not knowing how to do it will be gone after you read it.

If you’ve done something similar or you plan to, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments…


Ever wondered what the heck is a Non-Fundable Token or NFT?

If you wanted to know how NFTs work in simple words, can they be useful, is this something that you should know, then please join us at the Linkedin Live event tomorrow, 25th of May at 5 pm Dubai time.

We will be joined by Vietek Ladislaav, NFT artist and Crypto Enthusiast on tomorrow's live event:

"𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗡𝗙𝗧 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸?"

We will be answering your questions as well, so join us live to ask them or write them in the comments on this post.

See you there...


Timeline photos 23/05/2022

Timeline photos 19/05/2022

Mark Twain once said, “It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.”

Timeline photos 18/05/2022

A sophist (Greek: σοφιστής, sophistes) was a teacher in ancient Greece in the fifth and fourth centuries BC.

Since the times of Homer, it commonly referred to an expert in his profession or craft.


Webinars are here to stay!

Since ancient times, there were public gatherings, seminars, and open talks.

And we are not going to change that anytime soon.

Even Aristotle in his own gymnasium known as the Lyceum organised discussions with his brilliant research students, called “peripatetics”.

The need for sharing the message among humans is there, now we just slap technology on top of it, and voila there is the webinar (seminar on the internet).

Aristotle built a substantial library to streamline the events, we have Zoom and Social Media instead.

And one of the most effective ways to promote a cause, share information, or sell something which needs to be further explained is by holding a webinar.

However, no matter how good your presentation is, if people do not show up to the live event, all that hustle and bustle went flashed to the toilette, unfortunately.

And one of the fastest and most effective ways to make sure there will be people to listen is by running ads.

So join me on this live event where I am going to cover “How to run ads to a live webinar”.

You might wanna take pen and paper and watch the replay since it ain't going to be a straightforward thing, that I guarantee.

It is kind of complicated, however, if you show up live, you’ll be able to ask me questions directly and will be able to clarify what you need clarification on.

See you there.

I promise it will be worth your time.

Timeline photos 16/05/2022

Funnel Terminology

Timeline photos 15/05/2022

“Instructional design is the creation of learning experiences and materials in a manner that results in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.”

Please pay attention to the part where it says “acquisition and application”.

Timeline photos 14/05/2022

In this new world, analog incumbents – large, successful companies that predate the digital revolution – can feel like they are being ‘hunted’ from all sides, with hundreds of startups attacking traditional markets.

Timeline photos 13/05/2022
Timeline photos 12/05/2022

Timeline photos 11/05/2022

At the end of the day, you have to find a way to add value to your students!

Now, the barriers to create an online course have deteriorated and people think that they just need to read some books or blogs and wrap that up in some nice package, offer as little as possible, slap a price on it, and bring the profits home.

Well, I am sorry to disappoint you but up to 2015th you might even have succeeded this way, but the times have changed.

I can’t stress how important this is. If you don’t provide value to your students or your course is boring, even state-of-the-art digital systems won't help you!

Timeline photos 10/05/2022

Step 3 Is Missed By Many...

And that is the only traffic that you actually own...

Timeline photos 08/05/2022

How to create value for your online audience?


Agree or Disagree...?


Live Unboxing Party - unboxing a small robot cameraman helper

Do you know how many times, there was an onsite event and the discussion of recording that event suddenly arose?

Whether it was a training, seminar, workshop, or similar, we always have considered recording the event, whether to sell it later on, use it as marketing material, post it on social media, make it a product as a part of a subscription model, or put it in a course on an e-learning platform?

And almost always the discussion led to arguments that yeah, in theory, this sounds great, but whoever is doing the training is not static most of the time, meaning they move when they teach, therefore putting a fixed camera would not be a realistic representation of the event.

Then one thing led to another, we discussed hiring a professional crew that will follow the expert trainer or the presenter, and suddenly, there were more problems than solutions, the extra cost being one of them and in 90%+ of the cases, we dropped that option.

Alternatively, there were some individual attempts to record it and put it as marketing material but the video was always static and didn’t follow the trainer, the sounds sucked and it was practically unusable.

What if I tell you that there is an easier alternative?

In order to find out how, feel free to join me at this live unboxing party, where I will unbox this small robot cameraman and we will check out its features and we’ll discuss how to use it in a training environment.

And the beauty of it? You can do it all by yourself, no expensive camera crew is needed.

This is the first part, there will be a second part where we are going to discuss how to solve the sound as well. It will be a live unboxing party too ;)

The live stream will end with a dedicated Q&A session as always.

See you shortly.


Anyone who is serious about selling his/hers expertise should have some kind of form of the TripWire Funnel.

This funnel is the best starter funnel too, which means if you don’t know where to start here is your answer.

In this live training, we are going to cover the TripWire Funnel from a bird's eye perspective, talk about its logic, and discuss math.

We will cover all the building pieces, in detail too, and we will leave no stone unturned.

Moreover, we will cover what numbers you should monitor if you want to run profitable ads to this funnel.

The training will end with a Live Q&A Session as always.

See you there.


A client of mine asked me to prepare a Course proposal related to Digital Procurement, so I am going to build it live.

Join me at this live build party where I am going to lift the curtains and reveal what I have learned from seeing 20.000 proposals (courses, coaching, consulting, tenders) in my career.

We are going to build a full-blown Course Proposal from scratch.

You can use these kinds of proposals for your Course Sales Page, RFP, RFI, Tender Bids, Brochures, Slides Deck, Marketing Materials, etc…

This respective course proposal will be a unique mix of my hands-on experience (8-Figure) in the training and procurement industry.

Time and Date: 2 pm CET, Monday, April 4th.

We’ll end the training with a live Q&A session as always.

See you there.

Videos (show all)

I Published E-learning Mobile App for iPhones and Android Phones and This Is What I Learned
Kindle vs Physical Books - Live Unboxing Party
What is a Non-Fundable Token (NFT) and how does it work?
How To Run Ads To A Live Webinar
Agree or Disagree...?
Live Unboxing Party - unboxing a small robot cameraman helper
TripWire Funnel, The Holy Grail of Funnels for Course Creators
Watch me build Course Proposal from scratch (learned from 20.000 proposals)
Watch Me Build Full Live Webinar Funnel (Step By Step & Beginners Friendly)