BPS Performance

BPS Performance

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from BPS Performance, Coach, .

Individualized training for anyone willing to work hard and achieve their goals through a holistic focus, including education on training, goals, health & lifestyle factors.


Building up the foundation and strength reserve for the upcoming season 🏒 shown here: bulgarian split squats, split jumps and dumbbell rows > working descending rep scheme with one back-off set — 4 sets x 6, 4, 4, 8 with moderate to heavy loads (for bulgarian & rows). Split jumps train explosive strength moving lighter loads fast ⚡️


Hey friends, I stumbled upon this great blog post by Chelsea Levinson at Kickoff - "5 Habits to Boost Your Mental Health." It really resonated with me, and I think it could help so many of us during these challenging times. You can read it here: https://www.trainwithkickoff.com/code/BenShcolnik-u1d4q36r

As someone who is passionate about holistic health and well-being, I believe that taking care of our mental health is just as important as physical fitness. That's why I offer remote personal training services tailored to help you achieve balance and strength in both body and mind.

If you're looking to prioritize your mental well-being and take positive steps towards a healthier lifestyle, let's connect. Feel free to message me, and let's work together to reach your fitness and wellness goals. 🌟


Hey everyone! I’m now working with an innovative new company called Kickoff to provide affordable remote personal training and nutrition coaching. Have you been thinking about making some changes for your health? Let’s work together! It costs about $3/day. Link in my bio!


BPS Performance Blog is live!
Message me with your email if you’d like to subscribe 💪🏼

Photos from BPS Performance's post 10/08/2023

Tips for training around low back pain

1. Work less in the sagittal plane and work more in the frontal & transverse planes (see slide 2) — this means working more in a side to side manner and rotational based movements. Try incorporating split stance and single leg exercises where you’re challenged to stabilize in 3 planes of motion.

2. Stay upright during training simply means keeping your torso/spine tall & vertical. This is opposed to bending over or hinging where your spine will experience a lot of pressure and shear force. Keeping the vertebrae of the spine stacked on top of each other allows for safer compressive forces in advantageous positions.

3. Build up your abdominals! Poor positioning of the spine & pelvis put the abdominals in a suboptimal position to create stability which forces the lower back to do more work than it can often handle. Rather than crunches & sit-ups, think more about planks, side planks, pallof press, wood chop variations, farmer carries, dead bugs, pullovers etc.

*other exercise examples include side lunges, lateral split squats, split stance wood chops, single leg balance & reach/row, goblet squat, walking lunges, split stance rows, unilateral movements (single arm press/row)

BPS Performance on Google 06/06/2023

Check out this limited-time opportunity to save 20% on our personal training packages! Now is the perfect moment to embark on your fitness journey at an incredible value. Take the time to invest in your well-being with our professional guidance and individualized training programs.

BPS Performance on Google Summer is approaching fast, take advantage of this limited time offer! Present this coupon for a 20% off discount on a personal training package!


Off-Season #6 with Hak 🏒

As a defenseman in hockey, he needs to cover a lot of skating distance over a longer period of time on the ice compared to other positions in the sport. This time of year is important to lay a foundation of strength & stability that will build him up to a better place come next season.

Key training qualities we’re working here include explosive endurance of fast twitch fibers (ability to perform powerful movements repeatedly), explosive strength & power + dynamic & static core stability. This is just a snippet of our off-season work 💪🏼


Strength training for improved posture and mobility

Movement 1: Romanian Deadlift + Row Combo

🔹 posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings, low/mid/upper back) focus with increased challenge on core/abdominals
🔹 must maintain engagement of abdominals to relieve stress from the lower back while rowing

Movement 2: Iron Cross

🔹 great exercise for postural control — opens up shoulders while requiring engagement of abdominals throughout

Movement 3: Side Lunge + Front Raise Combo

🔹 frontal plane (side to side) movement which engages all of the muscles inside and outside of the hips while maintaining posture through abdominals
🔹 front raise with dumbbells also inherently forces you to sink deeper into your hips during the lunge

Great demonstrations from my remote client Evan 💪🏼

Photos from BPS Performance's post 22/02/2023

It’s never too late to take control of your health — here are solid results in only 3 months time. The key is always consistency and sustainable improvement. Focus on creating good habits and making your health a priority.

Losing weight & body fat can often lead to losing muscle mass as well. Being able to maintain muscle is important and is achieved through specific strength training & increased protein intake.

Jumps and grip strength are great measures and an easy way to track strength, power & monitor one’s nervous system 🧠⚡️

Learn how to train and take control of your health & performance — www.bps-performance.com or 📧 [email protected]


Escalating Density Training (EDT)

Popularized by strength coach Charles Staley, EDT was developed to perform more work in a set amount of time. We’re using a 20-minute time limit for two exercises paired together (push-ups & TRX row). Rest for ~5 min after completion before another 20-minute time frame for another two exercises (squat & shoulder press).

Perform exercises in an alternating fashion for sets of 5 reps each, continuing with 5-rep sets until fatigue sets in and then lower to 4-rep sets and on down to 3, 2, 1 (if needed). Go at your own pace. The best part is you’re competing with yourself. See how many total reps you complete and track over several weeks. Keep the weights the same so you know exactly how much you’re improving in volume/total reps.


We know it’s almost inevitable to gain a little bit of weight around the holidays but here are a few simple and effective strategies to limit how much weight you gain.

1. Stop eating 3 hours before bed! This is a big one. This allows your body time to digest food while also not going to bed hungry. In turn, you will also get a better nights sleep 🛌

2. Chew your food slowly & steadily — this seems funny but this will make a world of difference. This will make the food you chew easier to digest, give your stomach time to feel satiated and effectively eliminate overeating. Most of us don’t even think about this and end up chewing like someone who hasn’t eaten for weeks (I’m definitely guilty of this too). Try it out!

3. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Research has shown drinking more water can help with losing weight and influences metabolism positively. This can help curb those times in the day where you’re more bored than hungry and eliminate unhealthy snacking.

I hope these can help you out and that everyone enjoys the holidays with loves ones!

Photos from BPS Performance's post 25/10/2022

Love to see results like these 💪🏼

There are multiple ways to achieve a goal but the most important thing is implementing sustainable habits. Shorten your focus to the most important goal and keep it at the forefront throughout the process (remember your “why”)

So many factors influence body composition (age, gender, activity levels, diet, metabolism, stress, previous medical & injury history, etc.) however, it’s never too late to get your health & wellness on track!

Contact me if you’re interested in improving health, productivity & human performance


Try these movements if you want to strengthen postural muscles and decrease neck pain — many people spend most of their time sitting and looking down at their phones/laptops etc. This causes a forward head & rounded shoulders posture which puts constant stress on small muscles.

Perform these slow and controlled with little to no weight. Simply use gravity as I am here.
- shoulder Y’s
- shoulder T’s
- shoulder I’s
- overhead press

fb.me 23/08/2022

BPS Performance has been named to the winning list of Nextdoor’s 6th annual Neighborhood Favorites, an awards program recognizing local businesses committed to helping their neighborhoods thrive.



Mobility/Stability Flow


Balance beam work 🦶🏼

Strengthening 29 muscles of the foot and lower leg while building proprioception/body awareness, balance & stability up the ankle, knee, and hip. While it looks easy, it certainly is not — Hakon can vouch for this!

Besides the obvious benefits of strengthening the feet, there are immense benefits for injury prevention & human performance. Greater body awareness & mind-body connection allows for more fluidity of movement & increases muscle engagement from the ground up.

This would work great as a warmup before playing in a sporting event as it activates and primes many small, intrinsic stabilizer muscles — increasing muscle engagement, stability & decreasing injury risk.


Starting our 5th off-season together 🏒

Core & posterior chain focus 💪🏼

🔹 banded dead bug
🔹 reverse lunges
🔹 superman
🔹 lateral lunges

Using training mat to stimulate nerves and blood flow — enhancing foot function and mind-body connection 🦶🏼


A few movements from a clients session. Full body workout with emphasis on relative strength (amount of strength in relation to body size) & core stability for golf 🏌🏻‍♂️

Half Kneeling Low-High Chop
▫️improve rotational stability
▫️strengthen obliques & transverse abdominis
▫️decrease injury risk for lower back

Push-up w/ Rotation
▫️improve upper body relative strength
▫️improve shoulder & core stability
▫️improve hip mobility

Swiss Ball Leg Curl
▫️strengthen posterior chain (glutes & hamstrings)
▫️improve core stability


Here is a great variation for a modified single leg romanian deadlift (RDL). This position allows more stability while training predominantly on one leg. Most people could perform this without much issue and experience incredible muscle engagement.

A true single leg RDL requires a lot of balance, proprioception (body awareness in space) and hip/pelvis/knee stability so if someone is not advanced or ready for that, try this variation out. You’ll still feel great engagement through the stance leg glute & hamstring without sacrificing form.

Think about actively pushing the back foot into the wall while keeping your hip high and sitting back. Maintain neutral spine/low back with a braced core/abdominals & squeeze glutes on the way up 💪🏼


Some golf specific work focused on separation of the hip and torso. Trying to create pure thoracic rotation through isolation of the upper back while keeping the hips square. Additionally some good ole rows to strengthen the mid back - keep neck relaxed & allow scap/shoulder blades to move through full range of motion 💪🏼

Ultimately, this should maximize efficiency of a golf swing by eliminating bad mechanics/posture. Have a lot to work on with my swing including more thoracic spine rotation 🏌🏻‍♂️


Contrast work with 💪🏼

Diagonal Lunge ▶️ Diagonal Bound
Load ▶️ Explode

We’re training explosive power but we can’t forget about proper landing mechanics. Think of a fast car — the brakes and suspension system (tendons, ligaments, fascia) have to be able to match the engine horsepower (explosive muscular power).

He makes it look easy with smooth stability on the landing between explosive bounds. Being in-season, volume (total sets/amount of work) stays low but intensity high — goal is to maintain strength over a long, grueling season. Train smarter, not harder 🎯


Shout out to my guy 👊🏼

If anyone is looking to elevate their training for health and performance this year contact us here, on bps-performance.com or email! Brand new gym with much more space and equipment (check out IG story) 💪🏼


Adductor w/ T-Spine Rotation

One of my favorites targeting the inner groin (adductors) and thoracic spine rotation! Both are weaknesses of mine (and commonly in most people) so it’s great to do and doesn’t take much time.

Sweep the arm underneath your torso and follow with your eyes up to the ceiling. Then walk yourself forward and backward keeping your straightened leg exactly where it is — this will feel like a deep stretch all throughout the groin/adductors because it hits through all ranges of motion 🎯


I’m so grateful for the relationships built and these always remind me why I love what I do!


Lower Back Angels

Here’s a great exercise targeting the whole posterior chain (upper back, erector spinae, glutes, hamstrings). This is an isometric hold where you’re contracting your muscles without actually moving. It’s great for activation and improving posture.

Key points include maintaining your chest and legs off the ground while squeezing the glutes and slowly moving the arms in a controlled manner. Most people want to train the “mirror muscles” because that’s what you see in the mirror however, it’s equally (if not more) important to train the back! Both for performance, injury prevention & posture. Plus people still see the back muscles so you really don’t want to slack on them!


1-Leg RDL Swing

This is a very advanced exercise so if you don’t have the stability for it, try performing it with your feet in a kickstand position (staggered with one foot behind you on the ground).

It may seem like you’re using your arms to bring the dumbbells up but we’re actually relying on the glutes & hamstrings to extend the hip & drive the weights high. You shouldn’t use heavy weights (stay between 5-15 lb dumbbells).

Ultimately, this builds incredible stability, balance, core control, coordination & functional strength/power.

Photos from BPS Performance's post 25/10/2021

Maximizing Performance Adaptations

Dr. Vladimir Zatsiorsky, professor of kinesiology at Penn State & consultant for Olympic teams from the former Soviet Union for 26 years, has coauthored 15 books & more than 350 scientific papers. He also came up with the “supercompensation theory”

The basic idea is that after a given stimulus or workout, there’s a depletion of resources available to the athlete. This depletion needs to be replenished/restored before the athlete can perform another workout. After a recovery period, the chemical substrates depleted by the workout rise above previous levels, providing an adaptive ‘supercompensation’

Training must be carefully planned to maximize positive adaptations and this is where part of the art of coaching applies. Not all workouts are equal in terms of stress, additionally, life will always factor in to how we respond to stress (emotionally, mentally, environmentally, physically)


Kinetic & Kinematic Sequence 🏋🏻‍♂️

Attention to detail is extremely important when working proper mechanics of a given movement such as the squat.

The goal here is to make your glutes & hamstrings prime movers (primary muscles driving the action). This is because they’re your strongest & most powerful muscles! They also tend to be neglected or underutilized in comparison to the quadriceps.

A simple way to guide this with a client is by using a bench behind them as an external cue so they have to sit back while descending. Make sure you’re keeping a neutral spine (no severe arching), stiff trunk/core, head neutral, driving through tripod (big toe, little toe, heel) 🦶🏼

Photos from BPS Performance's post 20/10/2021

Thought I’d do something fun for my 100th post, well here is my 5.5 month old daughter Sadie’s current training program 😂 swipe for a progression of how she lifts, or rather eats weights

She’s also ready for the opener tonight! 🧡💜

Videos (show all)

Building up the foundation and strength reserve for the upcoming season 🏒 shown here: bulgarian split squats, split jump...
Beautiful day for some walking lunges ☀️ Small break in-season before the home stretch🏒 Main goal is maintaining strengt...
Off-Season #6 with Hak 🏒 As a defenseman in hockey, he needs to cover a lot of skating distance over a longer period of ...
Strength training for improved posture and mobility Movement 1: Romanian Deadlift + Row Combo🔹 posterior chain (glutes, ...
Escalating Density Training (EDT)Popularized by strength coach Charles Staley, EDT was developed to perform more work in...
Try these movements if you want to strengthen postural muscles and decrease neck pain — many people spend most of their ...
Mobility/Stability Flow••••••#health #training #performance #strength #conditioning #fitness #sportsperformance #exercis...
Balance beam work 🦶🏼 Strengthening 29 muscles of the foot and lower leg while building proprioception/body awareness, ba...
Starting our 5th off-season together 🏒Core & posterior chain focus 💪🏼 🔹 banded dead bug 🔹 reverse lunges 🔹 superman 🔹 la...
Starting our 5th off-season together 🏒Core & posterior chain focus 💪🏼 🔹 banded dead bug 🔹 reverse lunges 🔹 superman 🔹 la...
A few movements from a clients session. Full body workout with emphasis on relative strength (amount of strength in rela...
Here is a great variation for a modified single leg romanian deadlift (RDL). This position allows more stability while t...