Dr. Timothy Trader

Dr. Timothy Trader

Dr. Tim Trader is a gifted Naturopath, Nutritionist, and researcher that bases his insights in nutrition and lifestyle instead of covering up symptoms.

He has helped people to get healthy for over 35 years. He specializes in the hard to heal cases.

HOME | TTTKU Film 11/02/2024

I have been wanting to see this film since 2021, I just haven’t found it available, but it is now. the film I am talking about is, They’re Trying to Kill Us. I have to tell you; it was worth the wait. It is not a happy film, but it is an important film to see. In the vegan world there are a lot of films that show the cruelty to animals, this is one that not only talks about the cruelty of animals but also the cruelty to humans, it speaks of systemic racism, the lies we are all told about our food, and how this impacts our whole society as well as the health of everyone. It is now available online, for free…at least until the end of the month. You can find information on the film’s website, https://www.theyretryingtokillus.com/ and you can find it for free on the streaming website, Tubi at https://tubitv.com/movies/100015069/they-re-trying-to-kill-us Take the time to be educated.

HOME | TTTKU Film They’re Trying to Kill Us is a new groundbreaking documentary from Executive Producers seven-time NBA All-Star, Chris Paul and 7X Grammy winner, Billie Eilish. 


A recent study has come out that you might be interested in, especially if you are getting up there in age. As we grow older, and get into our senior years, some of us may get more frail. Well, they found that getting antioxidants can definitely reduce oxidative stress and help with being healthier. But this study has gone a bit further and has found that a certain antioxidant called quercetin lowers the odds of frailty onset. They say that just getting an additional 10 mg more of quercetin a day will lower the odds of the onset of frailty by a whopping 35%. Now how do you get 10 mg of quercetin in? Well, to start with one apple has approximately 10 mg of quercetin. Thinking about this, what if you got more than just an apple in a day. Quercetin is in lots of fruits, like oranges, grapes, and dark berries, like blueberries and blackberries. And it is in some veggies like kale. So, a diet full of fruits and vegetables just might help you really keep from getting frail in old age. You also have to include movement and exercise to stave off this dreaded part of growing older, but getting some fruit sure seems like a delicious way to start ensuring a healthy older age. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002916523468426?via%3Dihub

Tim Trader 33 Years Raw! 18/09/2023

In case you missed it… I was interviewed by Jeannette aka Ms. FitVegan last week. It was great to connect with this powerhouse lady. If you want to view the interview, here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQAkYvyERUM&ab_channel=Ms.FitVegan and she just added an excerpt of the interview on her channel of when we talked about spirulina, blue-green algae, and chlorella, which you might find interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=san6XPfaM5U&ab_channel=Ms.FitVegan and if you do find this intriguing, there is more to come.

Tim Trader 33 Years Raw! 🍉 Check out The MsFitVegan Podcast Here: https://open.spotify.com/show/0SQEYcULlus4C0JfmaTP57🍉 I have a dream of opening a 100% fast-fruit cafe called Frui...


Here is a new study published this month, that says, “ Vegetarian and vegan diets were associated with reduced concentrations of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B” and that, “Plant-based diets have the potential to lessen the atherosclerotic burden from atherogenic lipoproteins and thereby reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.” Funny thing is that we have known this since the Dr. Dean Ornish studies of the 1990s. (which is mentioned in this study) but this time maybe someone will listen. But it is good to know that the science is still proving the same point, that plant exclusive diets lower total cholesterol and reduce atherosclerotic plaque and thus has the potential of preventing and healing cardiovascular disease. https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/44/28/2609/7177660?login=false


A new study has shown that a high fruit and vegetable diet is linked to fewer symptoms for those with Multiple sclerosis. They compared a fruit and vegetable diet to one of a diet high in meat and processed meats, which showed more symptomology. They even noted that a diet low in vegetable matter also had higher symptoms. In my experience I have seen a complete reversal in MS on a plant exclusive diet, but this study is a big step in the medical community to finding their way to seeing that those with MS, don’t have to go through a life with this terrible disease. To see the study go to https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40120-023-00505-5


I will be speaking at the California Fruit Festival on Sunday June 25th. This is a virtual event and there will be many speakers. So, come join us and celebrate a fruit-based diet. To get tickets go to https://californiafruitfestival.anywhereseat.com/


Have you seen this? Another new study comparing a high-fat diet and a low-fat diet and the relative mortality of each diet. Not only did they compare the two diets, they broke each regimen into two facets, a healthy or unhealthy diet and analyzed how that was relative to longevity. By now you have to be wondering how that all played out, well, even the healthy high-fat diet could not even touch the longevity of a low-fat diet. so, what was considered the parameters of the healthy low-fat diet, was higher amounts of plant proteins (in opposition to animal proteins), high quality carbohydrates (compared to ultra-processed foods), and lower amounts of saturated fats…a nice start. The healthy high-fat diet had a much higher amount of saturated fat, that is quite the kicker as we know that high amounts of saturated fat have been associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer, the two conditions that this study found was contributing to the overall mortality rate. Let us eat a low-fat, plant exclusive diet and live longer and healthier. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/joim.13639

Dr. Tim Trader 2023 INTERVIEW 18/04/2023

I was just recently interviewed by Sherylea Hurst on her Holistic Healer Podcast. You can find the interview on YouTube, Apple podcast, Google podcast and several other formats including parts of it on TikTok and YouTube shorts. Here is a link to the YouTube video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvQ5n2pgai0&ab_channel=LifeSpanners I hope you find some good information there and maybe something to think about. And thank you Sherylea for having me on your podcast.

Dr. Tim Trader 2023 INTERVIEW Dr. Tim Trader is an icon in the health and wellness field and has been a Raw Foodist for over 30 years. Dr. Trader was able to overcome debilitating physic...

Code Blue 31/03/2023

I just can’t let March end without saying something during Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. For those who suffer from this autoimmune disease, there is hope. With an exclusive plant diet to can put a hold on the progression and possibly reverse the destruction to the myelin sheath of the nerves. I have seen it several times but there is a movie about a doctor who reversed her own MS and is helping others. The movie is called CODE BLUE and even if you are not interested in MS, the movie is still something to watch. https://www.codebluedoc.com/ The movie not only talks about MS but it can show how many chronic diseases can be turned into health with just a change in lifestyle. Not only does the movie feature Dr. Saray Stancic, but interviews several prominent lifestyle physicians that really know their stuff. All-in-all, it is a movie to see for hope and vibrant life. Here is the best trailer about Dr. Stancac’s recovery… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyqokMV0jx4&ab_channel=WalkwithaDoc

Code Blue Code Blue reveals lapses in the current state of medicine and provides a common sense solution by featuring the practice of lifestyle medicine to prevent, manage and reverse chronic diseases. The film presents the hurdles to the proposed shift: antiquated curricula in medical schools, confusion i...

Forks Over Knives Documentary - Buy or Watch It Online Now 21/02/2023

I can’t let Heart Awareness Month go by without saying something. So, can I remind you of the film “FORKS OVER KNIVES”? It has been around for about a decade, but it is so very relative to what is happening today. It is reported that 17.9 million people die from cardiovascular disease each year and it is getting worse. In most cases, it is preventable. It is the number one killer of people worldwide and it does not have to be that way. Changing your diet and being active more can be miraculous. The problem is that even doctors don’t know the science and just how effective a plant exclusive diet and some movement can be. We have had the knowledge for decades, so when do we actually change things? This is truly the heart awareness we truly need.

Forks Over Knives Documentary - Buy or Watch It Online Now The Forks Over Knives' plant-based documentary tells you how common chronic diseases can be prevented, halted, or even reversed by one simple change. Watch now!


I just watched a documentary that you may be interested in. Especially if you want to see if diet can reverse chronic diseases. The movie is called Disease Reversal Hope!, and it is worth seeing. The movie follows several people with chronic diseases of all types, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disease (like Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis) and more. The big bonus is that a lot of the people reversing their chronic diseases are also doctors. This film shows people getting off of their meds, getting vital, and reversing their chronic diseases all with a “plant-based diet.” You can find this documentary on many streaming services and free with commercials on VUDU. Check it out at https://diseasereversalhope.org/film/ yes, there is hope, even when officially is considered incurable.


Have you seen this? A new study has shown that the less Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) you consume or make inside of you, can help you lose weight, improve body composition, and increase insulin sensitivity. Okay, so, what are AGEs and how do you decrease AGEs? AGEs are compounds that can be ingested through food or formed in the bloodstream when proteins or fats combine with glucose. AGEs cause inflammation and oxidative stress which causes havoc in your body and helps to create diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Now, how do you reduce your AGEs? AGEs are found primarily in animal products and to reduce them all you have to do is to start eating more whole plant foods.
This was a 16-week randomized clinical study. All the participants were overweight, half of the individuals were put on a low fat, plant-based diet (LFPB diet), the rest made no dietary adjustments. Those on the LFPB diet decreased their AGEs by a whopping 79%, they lost an average of 14 pounds, and improved their insulin sensitivity. And it all happened even after their calorie intake was adjusted with the control group.
This was an amazing study and I just had to tell you about it. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/osp4.646
One side note… there is a rumor that fruit has a high AGE content, and to tell you the truth, fruit actually has the lowest AGE content, just like vegetables. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1568163718301193 keep eating your fruits and veggies!


Wishing everyone the best holiday season and a great new year!


I thought I was done with the new studies on ultra-processed foods, but a new one was published this week from Brazil. Again, they have found that, “the consumption of ultraprocessed foods represents a significant cause of premature death.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749379722004299 The more ultra-processed foods you eat the sooner you will cut short your life. But the more whole fruits and veggies you eat the longer you will live and the healthier you will live as you get older. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4115152/ It sounds like it may be worth eating a exclusive whole plant diet. but don’t forget to exercise, get your sleep and laugh a lot.


To add to my last post about ultra-processed foods and mortality, there is also a new study on ultra-processed foods and cancer. Which, there is no surprise that there is a link between “junk foods” and cancer. This time the particular cancer is colorectal cancer. https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2021-068921 Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer related deaths. so, the sad thing is that this study recommends limiting the ultra-processed foods, instead of seeing that we need to eliminate these foods entirely, when we know that something causes cancer, it needs to be taken out of the diet completely and colon cancer is mostly preventable, By replacing the ultra-processed foods with whole plant foods, you are preventing and lowering your risk of colorectal cancer, shouldn't that be our choice?


We all know that ultra-processed foods (junk foods) are not the healthiest foods around. But a recent study form Italy has come up with a rather interesting observation on ultra-processed foods and mortality. They saw that people who ate a high amount of ultra-processed foods had a greater mortality than just looking at the consequences of the lack of nutritional components of the foods they ate. In other words, the processing of the foods created more detriment than just the low nutrition they were getting. It is the processing in itself that can cause you harm beyond poor nutrition. I think I will stick to whole un-processed fruits and veggies to stick around longer and be healthier. https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2022-070688


Today is the International Day Against Beast Cancer and the pink ribbon campaign is 30 years old this month. Besides the sad story that breast cancer is largely preventable, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2515569/ I am also bothered by the fact, that for the last 30 years corporations have been using women and the scourge of breast cancer for profit. If you don’t believe me, please watch the movie PINK RIBBONS INC. https://www.nfb.ca/film/pink_ribbons_inc/ We have to stop taking advantage of someone else’s afflictions in the name of helping them. You can find PINK RIBBON’S INC. on most streaming sites and for free viewing on several sites, like Kanopy, Daily Motion, and even on YouTube if you don’t mind the Italian subtitles. I encourage everyone to see this film, it may be over 10 years old, but it is still very relevant today. Breast cancer awareness has become a focus on getting mammograms and not real prevention. We have to stop seeing women as a commodity and actually value women.


October is breast cancer awareness month, personally I think it should be breast cancer prevention month. Of course, no cancer is 100% preventable, but if ladies were to start doing preventative measures while they were still young, it could be a whole life changer. But a new study this year, found that postmenopausal women can reduce their breast cancer risk by eating a healthy whole food, plant diet by a whopping 14%. That is not a junk food plant-based diet, but a healthy whole food plant diet. Just by changing their diet alone, ladies can reduce their chances of this devistating disease . https://academic.oup.com/cdn/article/6/Supplement_1/253/6606830 Not to mention if you exercised, got enough sleep and other healthy lifestyle choices. We need to focus on keeping healthy and not treating disease.


A recent study correlated the inflammation of a normal western diet to depression and frailty in old age. So, just what would happen if we fed all the people in retirement homes a plant exclusive diet high in fruits, which is the most anti-inflammatory diet possible? Maybe, we would find our seniors being more active and less frail all the way around. In other words, as we all get older, maybe our healthspan would equal our longer lifespan. https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/gerona/glac140/6643326?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false

Fruity Fridays 18/09/2022

I will be talking this Friday Sept 23rd on Fruity Fridays with Ronnie Smith. It is a free online gathering happening every Friday at 7 pm UK time or 11am pacific time. My talk will be entitled Fruit Phobia and there will be a Q&A afterwards. If you want information on Fruity Fridays you can go to https://fruitfest.co.uk/fruityfriday/ or if you want to sign up for emails telling you who is coming up on Fruity Fridays…go to https://www.rawvegancourse.com/fruityfridays I hope to see you there!

Fruity Fridays

Lockwood Film - The End of Medicine 13/09/2022

I just watched the film “THE END OF MEDICINE” for the second time. it is powerful. It is about an industry whistleblower, who happens to be an insider veterinarian, who is telling the truth about factory farms and is also telling us about where plagues come from and how the antibiotics we are feeding to livestock are going to turn our whole world’s health upside down. It is a must see, for those who want to understand why our health, our planets health is in jeopardy. “THE END OF MEDICINE” can be seen on many streaming sites and for free (with commercials) on vudu. https://lockwoodfilm.com/unbound

Lockwood Film - The End of Medicine We're very pleased to have completed our first feature film alongside Producer Keegan Kuhn and Exec Producers Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix. The End of Medicine aims to highlight how the way in which we consume and treat animals, drives the emergence of existential health threats such as zoonotic....


In a recent study they found that eating some grapes balanced genetic expression, reduced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and extended longevity, even when eating a high fat, westernized diet...
in female mice. https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/11/13/1984 but this is nothing new, back in 2014 it was demonstrated that a diet of fruit and vegetables extended longevity...in people. https://www.bmj.com/content/349/bmj.g4490.long So, I guess fruits and veggies work for just about everyone, whether you are murine or human. It just may work better if you eat the fruit and veggies exclusively!


Have you seen this? A new study showing our kids are more obese than ever. The study shows that not only that there are more obese kids, but that they are gaining weight at younger ages and all together they are more obese than ever.
All we have to do is to put these kids on a plant exclusive diet, make sure they are getting enough exercise and sleep. Once again we are seeing an unhealthy occurrence that can be prevented. This is sad, because health consequences are more sever with early onset obesity. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/2/e2021053708/188480/Changes-in-the-Incidence-of-Childhood-Obesity?autologincheck=redirected


Dementia risk seems to be in the news all the time, these days. Well, a new study has found that lifestyle may be more of a determinant than age in dementia risk. The study found that people with a healthier lifestyle, like those who don’t smoke and don’t have diabetes have similar brain health to those of 10 or 20 years younger who do have some lifestyle factor risks. In total with healthy lifestyle habits you can reduce dementia risk by 40% https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dad2.12337 it would be nice to see what a plant exclusive diet and other healthy lifestyle practices would do to prevent cognitive decline or even reverse it.
Well, today (August 1st) there are some scientists presenting at the 2022 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference with the results of their study on Ultraprocessed foods. They found that men and women who ate the most ultraprocessed foods had a 28% faster rate of global cognitive decline and a 25% faster rate of executive function decline compared with people who ate the least amount of overly processed food. The study is just being presented and has yet to be published.
And one more piece of news speaking of reversing Alzheimer’s using diet and lifestyle, Dr. Dean Ornish is starting up a new study, using the same protocols as his groundbreaking reversal of heart disease study on reversing Alzheimer’s, it will be great to see the results, but we are going to have to wait as it will take some time to do the study. So, we have lots of news coming for the future.


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommends that American adults exercise for 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity each week or 75 to 150 minutes per week of vigorous physical activity. Now a new study is showing that if you exercise more than what is recommended, you could prolong your life even more. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.058162 another 2018 study revealed that around 80% of adults and adolescents don’t get enough activity to start with https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2712935 So, maybe just getting what is being called sufficient is better than getting insufficient exercise. Personally, I want the best advantage I can get to having the longest lifespan as well as a healthspan that keeps up with that longer life. Besides, you may just feel better doing the “more than recommended” amount of exercise.

Physical activity, diet quality and all-cause cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: a prospective study of 346 627 UK Biobank participants 13/07/2022

Another new study out this week that I thought might interest you. This new study says that exercise does not compensate for a good diet. It takes a healthy lifestyle, not only being fit but also eating a good quality diet. Not just eating junk food and exercising will do it, but eating "good quality" whole plant foods is a major factor along with exercising for being healthy. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2022/07/08/bjsports-2021-105195

Physical activity, diet quality and all-cause cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: a prospective study of 346 627 UK Biobank participants Objectives To examine independent and interactive associations of physical activity and diet with all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and physical activity, diet and adiposity-related (PDAR) cancer mortality. Methods This population-based prospective cohort study (n=346 627) is based on the UK...

Glycerate from intestinal fructose metabolism induces islet cell damage and glucose intolerance 09/07/2022

Just this week, a new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism is showing how the western diet can cause type 2 diabetes. Consuming a diet high in fat increases fructose metabolism in the small intestine creating a metabolite called glycerate. Glycerate in turn causes damage to the insulin producing pancreatic beta cells and thus, causing diabetes. In other words, a meal of a cheese burger, fries and a soda actually causes type 2 diabetes. So why not stop the cause and eat a low-fat, whole plant food diet and reverse the damage? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1550413122001899?via%3Dihub

Glycerate from intestinal fructose metabolism induces islet cell damage and glucose intolerance Dietary fructose, especially in the context of a high-fat western diet, has been linked to type 2 diabetes. Although the effect of fructose on liver m…

The Question of Iodine 10/06/2022

Just posted an article on my website that you might be interested in. It is about iodine. Why you need it, are you getting enough, or are you getting too much. There is are some people saying you need a lot to be healthy and I look at this situation and compare it to the science and my experience. please check it out, and find the facts. https://www.recoverhealth.info/post/the-question-of-iodine

The Question of Iodine By Dr. Timothy Trader, ND, PhD Your thyroid gland needs iodine to produce thyroid hormones, which regulates your metabolic rate, which affects your heart, muscles, digestive function, brain maturation, and bone maintenance. In developing countries around the world, the number-one thyroid condition i...