

Electronic repair, recycling, and re-purposing


Nice and clean, well kept store. With friendly & helpful staff that will direct you the items your looking for, to complete your task. Don't have what your looking for? Just ask if they can order it for you.


Remember when I said to watch ALL of those that announce they are not running for reelection? Well, Start paying attention!


I don't think I need to tell you what that color means. hehehe
But we should see some flakes of snow around 4:05am


!!! TRUTH !!!


And I wear my Tin Foil Hat with PRIDE and CONFIDENCE!
Because the Truth always prevails!!!


Next week starts one of the most destructive times of the year for a home owner (and car owners).
Water thaws out during the day, filling in any gaps in trim, cracks, or exposed wood.
Then at night, that water freezes, expanding the gap a tiny fraction of in inch.
And the next cycle begins with that water thawing out to fill the space made from the expanding ice the next day.


For more info on this gran event (the great reset), visit SpaceWeatherNews on X.
And catch his daily shows every morning on Youtube.

Robby Starbuck on X 16/10/2023

This is why we are a failing nation!
The stupidity of humanity is deplorable.
This is why we are now a 3rd world country!!!

Robby Starbuck on X This video PERFECTLY explains how the Democrats are able to win some elections.

DC_Draino on X 16/10/2023

Because of "Freedom Of Speech" this thing gets to express it's opinion. And I am only posting this to show you that "they" DO exist!

But, this is what a deranged devil worshiper looks and sounds like.
If you encounter a being like this in the public, slowly back away from it. And shield your heart and soul. This "thing" is actively trying to convert you over to the dark-side. There is NO saving an entity like this!
And when TRUMP gets back in office, we can then start to round up these demonic followers of satan.

DC_Draino on X We have record inflation, an open border, wars breaking out across the globe, rampant violence, a weakened military, and unaffordable housing Yet this lady genuinely believes America is doing better under Biden than Trump Leftism is a mental disorder


I have a WHOLE list of Truths that will blow your mind!

Classic 90's - The Kids Guide to the Internet 29/09/2023

Here is a great video describing what the internet is, and how to use it.
It's so simple even you can do it!
Just watch this video and start surfing the internet right away!
It's super fun, and all the cool kids are doing it!

Classic 90's - The Kids Guide to the Internet A classic video that helps show kids how to use the internet/email/chat. Very 90's and very funny to watch.


Are all my ROCKTOBER Birthday babies ready to PARTY???

Quantum Resistant Encryption Upgrades to Signal Protocol - ThreatWire 27/09/2023

Signal just keeps getting better and better.
This is why I EXCLUSIVELY use Signal for ALL of my communication needs. And why you should too!

Quantum Resistant Encryption Upgrades to Signal Protocol - ThreatWire ThreatWire Totem Board - Limited Edition! - Shop ThreatWire Merch on Teespring! - https://morsecode.creator-...


The arrival of the CME last night, that was launched from the surface of the Sun on the 18th, produced some incredible Auroras!
Unfortunately for us, every time there is a noteworthy space event viewable from our area, the clouds roll in and it rains.


Was out cruising around in my favorite green chair today.
Got ALLOT of looks !!! hehehe
What do you think was the most yelled out sentence I heard repeatedly during my ride???
Put it in the comments below. LoL


It will be officially FALL in 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Who's ready to PARTY???
Rocktober 7th is only 2 weeks away!!!

The Doveland, Wisconsin Disappearance: Was It a Real Place and Did It Vanish in the 1990s? | America Is Weird 19/09/2023

What happened to Doveland, WI. ?
Where did it go ??
Why can't I find it anymore ???

The Doveland, Wisconsin Disappearance: Was It a Real Place and Did It Vanish in the 1990s? | America Is Weird Doveland, Wisconsin was either a real town that supposedly vanished into thin air, or it's just yet another internet hoax. You decide.


ROCKTOBER is less than a month away !!!
Who's Ready To PARTY???
!Rocktober 7th. Saturday!

DC_Draino on X 05/09/2023

MY prediction...
Obiden will catch the fake covid virus and die.
In order to avoid being prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

DC_Draino on X 🚨Joe Biden will be officially wearing a mask again Alex Jones was right They’re bringing back masks

MERICA MEMED on X 25/08/2023

Take that FakeMedia!
!!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ TRUMP 2024 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ !!!

MERICA MEMED on X Blue Steel


Does this look like a man that is afraid of whats happening?
Or is this the face a man that is in control???
Nice job Fake Stream Media! Looks like this event blew up in your face!!!


When the numbers turn RED...
You don't go outside!!!


Hopefully this will help the hummingbirds cope with the scorching heat coming this week.


If you fall for this s**t again, Delete me from your friends list so I don't have to!
The simple fact "they" are trying this scenario again is... It's all they have left. It shows WE are in control!!!
Now don't lose this control by falling for the PLANdemic again!!!


The forecast for 4pm Thursday is... Burst Into Flames!!!
Next week is going to be a


Remember this?
Remember what I said about it??
Remember what you labeled me as, for what I said about it???
I was right AGAIN!!!
!!! TOLD YOU SO !!!
All you had to do was, try to prove me wrong.
In that simplest of moves, you would have figured out this ass clown was trying to kill you off, all on your own.
But now, here we are almost 4 years into it, and countless people died from this deceptive mind controlling propaganda. And allot of you still believe the lies coming out of this evil man's mouth.

Remember, we have been impatiently waiting for you to all wake up, and start paying attention to what is really happening on this planet. There is a time limit! And that time is quickly running out!!!
!!! WAKE UP !!!


Double TRUTH !!!

Rock-n-Labs on Twitter 02/08/2023

Rock-n-Labs on Twitter β€œAnother free advertising indictment for Trump. With EVERY indictment, his following increases in volume! It's like "They" are advertising for him to win. Keep the indictments coming. πŸ€ŸπŸ½πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ€ŸπŸ½!!! TRUMP 2024 !!! πŸ€ŸπŸ½πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ€ŸπŸ½β€


Now that more people have awakened, It's easier to identify the bad ones.
Tick Tock users, Chicks with Dicks shows, and berating people who are against child p**n, are the EVIL ones! Treat them as the pedos they are!


But this isn't the whole truth.
What they reviled is only a smoke screen to what's really going on. If you haven't noticed, nobody really gives a f**k about the existence of aliens. Those of us that have know it all along, Have Know All Along! those that didn't know, won't say anything, because it makes them look stupid for not believing the truth in the first place.
So now you have to ask yourself...
What is REALLY going on?
What are "they" trying to cover up with the announcement of aliens??
What is currently being exposed, that effects every single child on this planet???
The answers are staring you right in the face!!! And once you finally see it, you will be far more horrified about IT, than any smokescreen announcement about aliens.
Wake Up People !!!
We are literally waiting on YOU, so we can ALL move on.
and yes...
Aliens DO exists !
πŸ€ŸπŸ½πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 🀟🏽


Outside is officially cancelled! Been outside 3 time today, and died 4 times!


What was scheduled to be one of the s**ttest day of the year, turned into one of the best!

MOUNTAIN OF HELL 2023 πŸ₯‡ WINNING RUN (+Speedometer πŸš€) I Full Race X Kilian BRON 03/07/2023

Midnight Riders Assemble !!!
Who's ready for Midnight Rides again???
Let me know below in the comments if your interested in cruising the streets of Janesville at Midnight. Temps are cooler, NO sun!, and far less people on the paths. Excellent Times!!!
Let's RideπŸ€™

MOUNTAIN OF HELL 2023 πŸ₯‡ WINNING RUN (+Speedometer πŸš€) I Full Race X Kilian BRON My Full Run of the Mountain Of Hell 2023 ! Forth VICTORY with some max speed of over 100km/hSubscribe for more videos | Kilian BRON β–Ί

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Hopefully this will help the hummingbirds cope with the scorching heat coming this week.
