Throw CC
A way to bring people together by "throwing" (yoyo) together locally within Corpus Christi!
Today is Election Day. Enjoy this track and trick. Go Vote
- Throw CC
Hello! My name is Roman Suarez and welcome to Throw CC!!
Throw CC, a name I came up with before Covid19.. A concept to help grow an already amazing yoyo community by bringing more local Corpus Christi players into it.
My initial goal was and still is to bring awareness to how great of a hobby and lifestyle "throwing" (yoyo) is. There is a comradery and acceptance to each type of person within the yoyo community and it's something I personally haven't experienced too often and would like to help share.
My long term goal is host monthly throwing hangouts where we can each learn, teach and hangout together.. Unfortuntaly, I’m unable to say when we will be able to make that move happen during this pandemic, but if you or a friend have ever been interested in learning a fun skill that truly brings people together. Please give this page a like and stay tuned for more!
Hello! My name is Roman Suarez and welcome to Throw CC!!
Throw CC, a name I came up with before Covid19.. A concept to help grow an already amazing yoyo community by bringing more local Corpus Christi players into it.
My goal was and still is to bring awareness to how great of a hobby and lifestyle "throwing" (yoyo) is. There is a comradery and acceptance to each type of person within the yoyo community and it's something I personally haven't experienced too often and would like to help share.
My long term goal is host a monthly throwing hangouts where we can each learn, teach and hangout together.. Unfortuntaly, I unable to say when we will be able to make that move happen during this pandemic, but if you or a friend have ever been interested in learning a fun skill that truly brings people together. Please give this page a like and stay tuned for more!