Michael Collins Statue

Michael Collins Statue

Please support the campaign to put up a statute of Michael Collins in Cork City


Three Irish sporting legends have agreed to unveil the first statue of Michael Collins in Cork city centre at 12pm on Friday 20th October 2023 — a piece described as a “monument for the people, funded by the people”.

Ronan O’Gara, Jimmy Barry Murphy and Rena Buckley have all said they were humbled and honoured to be asked to unveil the near life-size statue of the Big Fella on the Grand Parade on October 20.

And the members of the Michael Collins 100 Committee, who have spearheaded the project, have issued an open invitation for people to attend. Committee chairman, Tim Crowley, said they were delighted that three Cork sporting legends have agreed to unveil a statue of another Cork icon.

“All are welcome. We are expecting a large turn-out, so I would advise anyone who wishes to attend to get there before 12 midday. It should be a great day and a fitting tribute to Cork’s and Ireland’s greatest hero,” said Councillor Shane O’Callaghan

Location for Cork City's first Michael Collins statue revealed 09/04/2023

“The first Michael Collins statue in Cork City will be installed on the Grand Parade — the scene of one of his most famous public orations, it has been confirmed.

The decision, announced on Thursday, follows a series of meetings between City Hall and members of the Michael Collins 100 committee over recent months following a decision by Cork City Council last year to proceed with the statue.

The near life-size piece will feature Collins standing alongside a bicycle, based on the iconic photograph of him taken with a Pierce bicycle in Wexford in 1922 when he cycled around Dublin at a time when there was a bounty on his head.

And in an email update to city councillors on Thursday, it was confirmed that a location on the Grand Parade, understood to be close to the city library, has been agreed.

While another location on St Patrick’s St was in the running, the Grand Parade was chosen given its historic connection to Collins, who addressed a massive pro Treaty rally on the wide thoroughfare on March 12, 1922, with estimates putting the size of the crowd at close to 50,000.”



Location for Cork City's first Michael Collins statue revealed The near life-size piece will feature Collins standing alongside a bicycle, based on the iconic photograph of him taken with a Pierce bicycle in Wexford in 1922


Committee representatives Tim Crowley and Fidelma Collins were delighted to tell Daithí and Maura all about the mission to erect a new statue of Michael Collins in Cork

The full interview is available on the RTE Player. Search for “Today” show, the episode is from Fri 27th Jan 2023. It starts at around the 17 minute mark.

Please visit www.michaelcollinsstatue.com to make a donation or to find out more about the project.


Cork City Libraries will host a public information meeting on the Michael Collins Statue Fund within the City Library, Grand Parade on Saturday January the 14 from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.

Michael Collins was a leading figure in the Irish struggle for Independence From revolutionary hero, minister for finance, commander-in-chief of the National Army and Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State the mystique of the Collins name is palpable.

The proposal is for the Michael Collins Statue to raise the funds, to have the statue made and then presented to Cork City Council for placement at a suitable location in Cork City Centre.

Members of the Michael Collins 100 Committee will be present to provide information on the project.


Cork City Libraries will host a public information meeting on the Michael Collins Statue Fund within the City Library, Grand Parade on Saturday January the 14 from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.

Michael Collins was a leading figure in the Irish struggle for Independence From revolutionary hero, minister for finance, commander-in-chief of the National Army and Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State the mystique of the Collins name is palpable.

The proposal is for the Michael Collins Statue to raise the funds, to have the statue made and then presented to Cork City Council for placement at a suitable location in Cork City Centre.

Members of the Michael Collins 100 Committee will be present to provide information on the project.

Via Cork City Library


Cork City Libraries will host a public information meeting on the Michael Collins Statue Fund within the City Library, Grand Parade on Saturday January the 14 from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
Michael Collins was a leading figure in the Irish struggle for Independence From revolutionary hero, minister for finance, commander-in-chief of the National Army and Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State the mystique of the Collins name is palpable.
The proposal is for the Michael Collins Statue to raise the funds, to have the statue made and then presented to Cork City Council for placement at a suitable location in Cork City Centre.
Members of the Michael Collins 100 Committee will be present to provide information on the project.

Cork City Libraries will host a public information meeting on the Michael Collins Statue Fund within the City Library, Grand Parade on Saturday January the 14 from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.

Michael Collins was a leading figure in the Irish struggle for Independence From revolutionary hero, minister for finance, commander-in-chief of the National Army and Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State the mystique of the Collins name is palpable.

The proposal is for the Michael Collins Statue to raise the funds, to have the statue made and then presented to Cork City Council for placement at a suitable location in Cork City Centre.

Members of the Michael Collins 100 Committee will be present to provide information on the project.

Photos from Michael Collins Statue's post 12/12/2022

A large crowd assembled in the Council Chamber in City Hall on Saturday 3rd December for the official launch of the fundraising campaign to erect statue of Michael Collins in Cork City Centre.

The campaign was formally launched by the Lord Mayor Deirdre Forde who said that a statue of Collins would be a great addition to the City and was long overdue as Collins was a great Corkman who had made an enormous contribution to the struggle for Irish independence.

On 12th September, a motion proposed by Cllr Shane O’Callaghan had been passed by the members of Cork City Council, asking the Council to facilitate the placing of a statue of Collins in Cork City Centre. The proposal was for the Michael Collins 100 Committee to raise the funds, have the statue made and present the piece to Cork City Council for placement at a prominent location in Cork City Centre. The Michael Collins 110 committee propose to create a statue of Collins with a bicycle, based on the iconic photograph of him with a Pierce bicycle in Wexford in 1922.

Fidelma Collins (grand-niece of Michael Collins) described how the name of every person who made a contribution to the statue would go into a time capsule which would be placed into the plinth of the statue when it was being put up. Every person who made a contribution would also receive a special certificate acknowledging their contribution and the amount given. The certificate is modelled on the certificate the Collins gave out for the national loan when he was Minister for Finance in the outlawed Dáil government.

Chairman of the Michael Collins 100 Committee, Tim Crowley said that the idea for a statue of Collins in Cork City Centre had come about as a result of discussions between him, Noel Scannell, Cork businessman Jerry Carey and Cllr Shane O’Callaghan. The idea was for a statue of Collins as the rebel leader in the Rebel City, leading the military resistance to British rule, managing the finances of the outlawed Dáil government and running a war against the British Empire, the most powerful the world had ever known. All of this, whilst riding a bicycle dressed as a businessman. He described how it would also symbolise Collins’ efforts to develop the economy of the newly independent Irish State in 1922.

He described how the statue of Michael Collins in Clonakilty had turned into a major landmark in West Cork and had attracted a large amount of extra tourism to the area. Announcing that the new statue of Michael Collins would be located in Patrick Street, Tim said that he had no doubt that the new statue would serve as a focal point, which would attract lots of extra tourists and shoppers to Cork City Centre.

Tim thanked Chief Executive Ann Doherty and the Council Executive for the positive and proactive role which they had played in the project since September and thanked the members of the Michael Collins 100 Committee for all of their hard work.

The sculptor of the statue, Kevin Holland had the head of the statue (minus the hat) on display in the Council Chamber and there was also an actor with the same make and model of pierce bicycle which Collins had been photographed with in Wexford in 1922.

Tim said that the Committee needed to raise in excess of €100,000 in the next few months and that all contributions, big and small, would be most welcome. Details on how to make a contribution are on the website www.michaelcollinsstatue.com