Migrate With Carol

Migrate With Carol

Welcome to Migrate with Carol! We're always moving, exploring, learning and building. Let's go!

To donate:
Bank: CIBC First Caribbean International Bank
Sheraton Mall Branch, Christ Church, Barbados
Name: Carol Lynch
Account: 1001210616


Migration Mondays™ is eager to embrace this year's self-leadership journey.

However, due to circumstances beyond our control, the Go-Guiding™ series will be delayed indefinitely; but we will publicly notify at least one week in advance prior to start.

We take this opportunity to wish you a healthy, developmental, productive, universally responsible, and enjoyable year.


Carol Lynch
15 January 2024


There won't be any Migration Monday publications on 25th December 2023, January 1st 2024, nor January 8th 2024 . The Go-Guiding™ Series will, therefore, commence on January 15th 2024.

I take this opportunity to wish those of you who celebrate Christmas, joyous holidays.




Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™ on Leadership
#17. Hopes for Better 'Internal' Leadership

From ‘Leadership Fairytales’ and ‘Internal Failure’ to Black Stalin’s ‘Caribbean Man,’ today’s publication juxtaposes my reflections on national political corruption with my enduring hope and dream for national government and governance that embodies commonsense, integrity, fairness, and justice to empower elevated consciousness and advance 21st century Caribbean civilization. The excerpt from Barbados’ national anthem in 'Internal Failure,' therefore, is a caution to local actors that any decision to hold a political leader higher than the Constitution is a decision that abdicates the responsibility of ‘we loyal sons and daughters all’ to be strict guardians of our heritage and firm craftsmen of our fate.

Any people who are prepared to accept that by virtue of being ‘elected,’ their leaders should be privileged to scheme to destroy the most successful of the 270, 000 people among them, with impunity, for political entertainment, is a people who are putting their future and the future of their children’s children in jeopardy. So, as I conclude these reflections, I sincerely hope and pray that future political leaders in Barbados would move beyond soundbites about ‘hearing, seeing and feeling people’ and migrate to doing what is right and fair and just for the people whom they have vowed to serve- regardless of political party preferences. Barbados is simply too small a nation to play transnational people-repression games without wrecking its long-term development and shrinking its already small population.

17. 1 Leadership Fairytales

Always caring, trustworthy and reliable;
acting in the best interest of ‘we the people’;
leading with vision and missions, rather than carnal impulses and division …
sorry to disappoint, but these are illusions - leadership fairytales.

Political ‘burden-bounty’ zero-sum games:
mission critical … killing, stealing, and destroying in God’s name.
Mission ‘unity’ absent internal ‘mission transformation’ with evidenced change?
What an illusion … a leadership fairytale!

---Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch, All rights reserved.---


17.2 Internal Failure and Unethical Implosion

Any Black leader of a predominately Black Caribbean country who enables ‘reality entertainment’ using nuances of slavery is a victim of internal failure:
failed in Caribbean and Black history,
failed in contemporary wisdom,
failed in applied knowledge,
failed in understanding and situational prudence,
failed in the mind … but most significantly, failed within the hidden corridors of soul and heart.

Any Black leader of a predominately Black Caribbean country who intentionally and persistently violates and plunders the people whom they are elected to serve while undermining the democratic and constitutional foundations upon which they came to public office is suffering from catastrophic unethical implosion:
‘F’ for history,
‘F’ for wisdom,
‘F’ for understanding,
‘F’ for prudence,
‘F’ for mind, 'F' for soul and ‘F’ for heart
‘-F’ for failing to deliver on the core internal ‘mission critical’ objectives of putting country before politics, and people before party.

So, as strict guardians of our heritage and firm craftsmen of Barbados’ fate, we will hold those who hold themselves up, over and beyond the Constitution to account without fear or favour because:

“The Lord has been the people's guide
For past three hundred years.
With Him still on the people's side
We have no doubts or fears.
Upward and onward we shall go,
Inspired, exulting, free,
And greater will our nation grow
In strength and unity.”
(Excerpt from the Barbados National Anthem)

---Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch, All rights reserved.---


#17.3. Caribbean Man © 1979 Black Stalin
⦑ Verse 1 ⦒
Yuh try with a Federation
De whole thing end in confusion
Caricom and then Carifta
But somehow ah smelling disaster
Mister West Indian politician
Ah mean yuh went to big institution
An' how come yuh cyar unite seven million?
When a West Indian unity
I know is very easy
If yuh only rap to yuh people
An' tell dem like me

⦑ Chorus ⦒
Dem is one race (the Caribbean man)
From de same place (the Caribbean man)
Dat make de same trip (the Caribbean man)
On dе same ship (the Caribbean man)
So wе must push one common intention
For a better life in the region
For we woman
An' we children
Dat must be the ambition of the Caribbean man, the Caribbean man

⦑ Verse 2 ⦒
Yuh say dat the Federation
Was imported quite from England
An' yuh going and form a Carifta
With a true West Indian flavour
But since Carifta started runnin'
Morning, noon and night all I hearin'
Is just money speech dem Prime Ministers givin'
But I say no setta money could form a unity
First of all your people need
Their identity

⦑ Chorus ⦒
Like one race (the Caribbean man)
From de same place (the Caribbean man)
Dat make de same trip (the Caribbean man)
On the same ship (the Caribbean man)
So we must push one common intention
For a better life in the region
For we woman
And we children
Dat must be the ambition of the Caribbean man
De Caribbean man
De Caribbean man

⦑ Verse 3 ⦒
Caricom is wasting time
The whole Caribbean gone blind
If we don't know from where we coming
Den we cyar plan where we going
Dat's why some want to be Communist
Some want want to be Socialist
And one setta religion to add to the foolishness
Look a man who don't know his history
Cyar form no unity
How could a man who don't know his roots
Form his own ideology?

⦑ Chorus ⦒
Like one race (the Caribbean man)
From de same place (the Caribbean man)
Dat make de same trip (the Caribbean man)
On de same trip(the Caribbean man)
So we must push one common intention
For a better life in the region
For we woman
And we children
Dat must be the ambition of de Caribbean man
De Caribbean man
De Caribbean man

⦑ Verse 4 ⦒
De Federation done dead
An' Carifta going to bed
But the cult of the Rastafarian
Spreading through the Caribbean
It have Rastas now in Grenada
It have Rastas now in St. Lucia
But to run Carifta
Yes, you getting pressure
If the Rastafari movement spreading
And Carifta dying slow
Den it's something them rastas on
Dat dem politicians don't know

⦑ Chorus ⦒
Dat Dere's one race (the Caribbean man)
From de same place (the Caribbean man)
Dat make de same trip (the Caribbean man)
On de same trip (the Caribbean man)
So they pushing one common intention
Is for a better life in the region
For dey woman
And dey children
Dat must be the ambition of de Caribbean man
De Caribbean man
De Caribbean man

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch
18 December 2023


Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™ on Leadership
#16. Black Girl Political and Religious Leadership Tales

16.1. Black Girl Stories 'pon de Replay

Stay in your place, Black girl; do as you’re told, Black girl.
Your political leaders sold you like chattel slave.
We covet your capacity; we envy your possibilities; but most of all we're obsessed with your ‘privacy’.
How dare you resist being my ‘Hagar’ - my concubine-slave?

Your productivity isn’t good enough, Black girl; work harder, do more.
Crushing, suffering, and r**e are 'preps before promise' - developmental and maturity gifts from God.
So, in everything, give thanks, Black girl- endure, endure, endure …
Just like your ancestors, you’re stronger than you think.

Forgive, forgive, forgive … forgive Black girl.
Love your oppressors:
“We is we.”
Doesn’t the Bible say that slaves should obey their masters and victims should love their enemies?

Love, Black girl, love.
Love devoid of apologies, justice, restitution, respect, or equality will set you free to 'keep the peace'
while we press 'replay' on historically dehumanizing Black girl stories to entertain our audiences, enrich ourselves, and satisfy black-woman lust. Why hold us accountable Black girl? Isn't it the legacy?

16.2. The Elected and the Unlawful

When the ‘elected’ lead, the people willingly follow;
investing trust, they seldom question the validity of what, why, how, when, or where.
Why should they?
Doesn’t the ‘elected’ genuinely ‘care’?

When the ‘elected’ disregard just and reasonable rules and procedures, people also follow;
trusting that the ‘elected’ will grant immunity from consequences, they seldom ask, “What if …?”
But why should they?
Aren’t the ‘elected’ conferred with powers of exemption and privileges to care about what they prefer to care?

Thus, when the ‘elected’ choose to inspire or enable crime,
people foolishly follow;
trusting that the ‘elected’ will network to frustrate and disempower law enforcement, they seldom ask, “What if …?”
But why should they?
Isn’t law enforcement the government and the government the ‘elected’ - in many, if not most and perhaps all countries?

I sincerely hope that the democratic framework of government and governance isn't becoming a leadership clown sport!

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2021 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
11 December 2023


Starting next week, I'll be sharing migratory reflections on leadership which will segue into the launch of Go-Guide Leadership™ in January 2024.



Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™
#15. Reflections from the Book of Ecclesiastes

“… The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so people are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11-12 NIV)

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NIV)

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2021 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
4 December 2023


Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™
#14. Reflections from the Book of Proverbs

'My son, if sinful men entice you, do not give in to them. If they say, “Come along with us; let’s lie in wait for innocent blood, let’s ambush some harmless soul; let’s swallow them alive, like the grave, and whole, like those who go down to the pit; we will get all sorts of valuable things and fill our houses with plunder; cast lots with us; we will all share the loot” - my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths; for their feet rush into evil, they are swift to shed blood.

How useless to spread a net where every bird can see it! These men lie in wait for their own blood; they ambush only themselves! Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the life of those who get it.' (Proverbs 1:10-19 NIV)

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2021 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
4 December 2023


Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™
#13. Trust

Generous cups of trust I freely give - use as you please.
Value the trust and get more trust - the converse is also true.
But when fully exhausted, graciously exit and “Keep it moving!”
Trust is a personal gift to give or not to give; and a decision to trust or distrust, is simply, self-determination.

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2021 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
27 November 2023


Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™
#7. Light Wins

The beauty of light reveals itself everywhere,
illuminating, refreshing, and hope-inspiring.
With generous rays of truth, justice, and loving kindness,
light wins and wins and wins ... and keeps on winning.

Yet, deception lurks everywhere in search for trusting prey.
Shortsighted, imprudent, forgetful, and impulsive,
the deceiver is oftentimes genuinely ignorant - self-deluded ...
because, ultimately, light wins.

So, as it was in the beginning,
let it also be with your renewing:
may summons of light disempower, evict and cause to flee,
all residences of darkness that compete with your truest beauty.

And at the end of all endings,
may the brightness of your immortality radiantly tell the tale of an overcomer who yielded their will to the Light of all lights ...
because ultimately, eternal light wins!

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2021 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
20 November 2023


Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™
#6. When Magical Thinking Bows to Jurisprudence

positive thinking with negative acting,
while being invincible;
mega lights, mega cameras, mega people, mega connections, and mega crimes,
until …

Neither foundational principles,
nor core values,
nor ethics matter;
shutting out ‘the negative’ welcomes self-serving positive interests: a peaceful harmony of criminal prosperity,
but until …

Until … law enforcement- jurisprudence's reality:
indicts, prosecutes, and incarcerates;
then …and only then,
will Magical-Mega’s right to parade criminal fantasies,
magically dissipate.

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
13 November 2023


Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™
#5. Lessons from the Titanic

Opulent arrogance by design
Prideful with compromise
Cruising, moving, travelling
Wilfully ignoring danger signs.

Music, singing, dancing
Pretending all was well
The mega-ship: flooding, bending, breaking … sinking
But still entertaining.

Titanic wisdom keeps on giving
While ‘titans’ continue to build mega-projects with flagrant compromise
Staying the course, protecting their peace and remaining in one accord
What callous disregard for commonsense?

Wooing, compelling
Come, join the enterprise
Until, one day … someday
Titanic and Titan, mega-project and mega-people, encounter demise.

Beware of shortcuts
Beware of dangerous quality control compromise
Build … whether nano, micro, small, medium, large, or mega
Build with integrity and skill, to endure and to last.

Learn, not only from the Titanic but also from the Titan
Self-destruction- even self-implosion, is akin to a su***de mission!

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
6 November 2023


Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™
#4. Remembering God

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV)

How many times has a Christian advised you to move forward and do not look back while quoting the aforementioned. Sadly, these verses are frequently taken out of context and used to either circumvent accountability or to avoid processing past difficulties. Consider, however, that in two verses earlier (vs16-17) God himself reminded his people of his past exploits in making a way, annihilating enemies, and finalising victories. Consider also that in verses 18-19 the incidents for which forgetting was encouraged were determined by God to be resolved.

Throughout the Bible, remembering is an essential component of migrating with God. To forget God and how he intervened in our affairs, leading, guiding, protecting, defending, and providing is dishonourable. Remembering the activities of God in, through and around our lives also compels gratefulness and thanksgiving.

In this regard, today’s Migratory Reflection is a dedication to the God who makes a way through seas, paths through mighty waters, and overthrows chariots, horses, and the arrogance of men. Today, I also choose to remember how God guided me away from publishing religious online content towards publishing secular developmental content; I am truly enjoying the redefinition.

He called me out … and there I found Him in the mystery; in stormy waves and oceans deep my feet and faith stood and shall continue to stand … always remembering that He is able: to do exceedingly above anything that we could ask or think while keeping us from stumbling and falling, to present us blameless before His glory with great joy.

So, as I move forward, I will also be looking back to reflect upon the enduring wisdom of Creator God who still figuratively destroys chariots and horsemen from the oppressor class in seas that He parts to allow the repressed to crossover. Today, as I reflect, I choose to remember God!

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
30 October 2023


Migration Mondays™: Migratory Reflections™
#3. Nuances of Migratory Reflections

Strategically exploiting ‘reflective resources’ within one’s orbit can be useful when navigating disruptive epoch-defining change. For example, thinking deeply and/or critically about incidents, sights, sounds, smells, feelings, observations, experiences, narratives, and stories can assist in identifying opportunities and threats, clarifying issues, and developing appropriate responses. In this regard, Migratory Reflections is a review, a look back so to speak, to learn from the past to enhance the effectiveness of moving forward into what appears to be a highly disruptive decade with fluid and evolving definitions and parameters, and many moving and unknown parts.

Additionally, ‘reflections,’ nuanced to refer to dynamics of the casting back of negative or unwanted projections (without absorbing them) is also used to discourage unhealthy and unfair business practices. For example, in this epoch-defining globally disruptive environment, we should expect insecure personalities whose previous success was rooted in people-exploitation to cleverly dispense ‘projections’ which justify enslavement, servitude, repression, and other types of dehumanizing business practices in a desperate attempt to protect their unjust economic interests while softening the potential for moral backlash. In this regard, Migratory Reflections is a resistance mechanism designed to unapologetically cast back unwanted and/or negative projections which undermine free and fair global economic progress and attendant universal rights to human dignity, self-determination, and economic empowerment.

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
23 October 2023


Migration Mondays™ - Migratory Reflections™
#2. Disruption, Change and Possibilities

Our 2021 Change in Disruptive Environments Edition was crafted with the acknowledgement that the world as we knew it was receding and that parallel alternatives were manifesting. The specifics of what exactly would emerge were unclear, but changes (visible and invisible) were deepening, widening, and accelerating in pace.

The pre-2020 world that we once knew was bending, breaking, fragmenting, and dissipating. Simultaneously, people and institutions across the entire earth were strategically working to contribute to the birthing of epoch-defining changes in what some called ‘the great reset,’ while others were fighting feverishly to maintain yesteryear’s status quo.

Not surprisingly, sudden resetting change can be intimidating especially for those who benefited substantially from the immediate past and who did not anticipate the emergence of external environmental conditions and factors that were outside their sphere of control. Yet, expectedly, the same unpredictable external uncontrollable dynamics could excite creatives and risktakers who long to shift position, course, or direction; and modify, transform, or invent to produce new solutions and reference points for the collective progress of humanity. Therefore, as new epoch-changing gateways of opportunity open, we should expect some of the old chapters to close as new generations of people, products, processes, and systems emerge.

Whether change is suddenly thrust upon us as with COVID-19, or we have time to anticipate and prepare for its arrival, or we intentionally induce it, change as a constant feature of life is inescapable. Consequently, the more comfortable we become living with and through change -moving, growing, developing, transitioning, remodelling, adapting, and fashioning - the more skilled we will become at extracting the best of change’s opportunities while minimizing failures.

Yes, our world is changing whether some people like it or not and before this disruptive decade ends, we should expect people, institutions, and nations to appear out of what seems to be ‘nowhere’ bearing epoch-changing exploits. Metaverses of possibilities are open to humanity in this age of creativity, and inevitably, new players will rupture invisible ceilings of limitation and render historic exploitation obsolete and strategic contemporary collaboration fashionably sensible.

So, like Creator God, let us invite light into our circumstances so that we could uncover the vastness of the virgin potential that surrounds us; and let us do the work that is necessary to provoke change that elevates beauty, goodness, creativity, and productivity while driving away the historic darkness of people repression and exploitation for unjust economic gain so that human dignity and value could prevail for the universal good.

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
16 October 2023


Migration Mondays™ - Migratory Reflections™
# 1. The Concept

Migration Mondays was conceptualized to convey the necessity of movement for healthy living. Contextually, the name is an umbrella brand concept with strategically designed embeddedness to accommodate a wide range of topics given its nuanced multidimensionality. The inspiration first arose from observing deficient public understanding surrounding the necessity of movement for growth, development, maturity, and externalizing manifestation- however defined.

Consider human conception; a speck of fertilized substance containing embedded access to multiverses of possibilities grows day after day, week after week, and month after month- changing while developing structure, systems, capabilities, and intelligence until it attains a level of maturity that cries for externalization – we call it ‘birth.’ These integrated dynamics of ‘conception,’ ‘growth,’ ‘development,’ and ‘birth-manifestation,’ unfold with cyclical but transitory rhythms throughout normal processes of life. Migration Mondays was designed to communicate these embedded migratory living dynamics which inspire the kind of nimbleness, flexibility and adaptability that discourages rigidity, stagnation and slumber, while promoting strategic action/movement to access, unlock and realize the limitless possibilities deposited at conception.

Consequently, at Migration Mondays, we are committed to challenging our publics to live principled values-based lives no matter where the flows of life take them, because the value of the capacity that was embedded in their fertilized human seed is sufficiently powerful to overcome deficient environmental conditions if they maintain healthy internal self-governance buttressed by dedication and determination. We, therefore, provide contemporary practical inspiration rooted in ancient values and principles which promote respect for human dignity, good governance, and the economic power of liberating everyone to unleash their embedded creativity and innovation while increasing productivity. Our hope is that after every migratory cycle of conception, growth, development, and birth-manifestation, … like Creator God, each person who commits to journeying with us will eventually be able to reflect upon the work of their hands and say, “It is good!”

Happy Migration Monday!

Migration Mondays™ © 2023 Carol Lynch
All rights reserved.
9 October 2023


This coming Monday, October 9th, 2023, we'll recommence Migration Mondays™ - our flagship publication. We'll kickstart with 'Migratory Reflections' but with segues into 'Go-Guide Leadership'. In the meantime, check out our 'Avoiding Leadership Distress in Social Media' series at Wisdom with Carol.

