Limestone Ledgers

Limestone Ledgers

YGK Bookkeeping.


It's a small investment with a big payoff! Imagine it - it's time to do your taxes, and you aren't stressed at all because your bookkeeper has everything ready to go!


Often the hardest part of getting organized is getting started. We can help you put systems in place that save you time and headaches, and free you up to focus on more important things - like running your business!


Step 1: Know where your money is going.

Increasing revenue is always a goal, but lowering expenses is an equally important component of increasing profits. Are you tracking your expenses? Are you comparing month over month? Are you analyzing to determine what's of value and what could be re-evaluated? Creeping expenses can do a lot of damage. Accurate bookkeeping is the solution!


You didn't start your business to spend your time dealing with the numbers, but I did! Free yourself up to do what you do best, nobody is meant to 'do-it-all'.


Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. It is important for an individual's competitiveness and employability, but also enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development - Wikipedia


If something were amiss with your revenue or expenses, how long would it take you to notice? A good bookkeeper is on top of where your money goes, and provides you with monthly income statements so you can see where things are working and where they aren't. Making informed decisions, instead of blindly treading water, can be the key to growth and longevity!


Outsourcing your bookkeeping to an expert means:

- having up-to-date reporting
- having your bank accounts reconciled monthly
- having government remittances tracked and taken care of
- stress free tax times
- and, most importantly, knowing where your money is going.

Money known is money grown!


Especially in YGK, we have an endless variety of amazing local makers, growers & sellers!

Photos from Limestone Ledgers's post 04/07/2023

It’s to hot to cook, thank you for always having fresh, healthy meals ready to grab and go! Peanut Noodles tonight 🀟


Remember back in January, when you set all those goals for 2023?

Well, I hate to point it out, but 2023 is half over! This is a valuable opportunity to spend some time checking in with those goals. Review your progress - where have you done well? In what areas are you falling behind? Take an honest look at where you stand at the mid-year point. July can be a great time to reset and get inspired to finish the year off strong!


Don't be caught scrambling at the end of the year, trying to make sense of your deductible expenses. We can work with you and organize everything up to the current date, then create a system going forward. At tax time, it will simply be a matter of printing a report!


Sticktoitiveness: the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult. (=perserverance, tenacity)


Happy Pi Day! Today is March 14th, also known as Pi Day because the first three digits of pi are 3.14. Celebrate by eating pie or doing some math!


Spring cleaning for a business can involve several tasks, such as:

- Organizing and decluttering digital files and documents
- Reviewing and updating company policies and procedures
- Cleaning and tidying up the physical workspace, including desks, shelves, and common areas
- Checking and restocking office supplies and equipment
- Reviewing and updating financial records and budgets
- Evaluating and improving customer service processes

These tasks can help improve the efficiency and productivity of a business, while creating a clean and welcoming environment for employees and customers.


If your business is incorporated with a Dec. 31 year end, but had taxable income of less than $500,000 in 2022, your taxes owing are most likely due March 31 (always confirm your tax dates with the CRA). Hard as it may be to believe, March 31 is 19 days away. Are your reports in order to take to your accountant or tax preparer? Consider this your friendly reminder that this should be making it's way to the top of your to-do list!

Photos from Limestone Ledgers's post 11/03/2023

Congrats on a beautiful new space! I finally made it out for a breakfast sandwich πŸ₯ͺ πŸ™Œ
It’s wonderful to see this area becoming populated with great local businesses!!


It's never too soon to start getting organized. We've all done the last minute scramble and it is no fun at all.
Have you categorized your expenses?
Do you have a total for you revenue?
Did you sell a product, and if so do you know your COGS (cost of goods sold)?
Did you work from home?
Did you have vehicle or mileage expenses to claim?
If you get overwhelmed at the paperwork and feel like you need help, reach out to [email protected] and let's chat.


Hang in there, Kingston! ❄️


Imagine: It's Tax Time. Your income and expenses have been properly allocated, your bank accounts have been reconciled each month, your HST has been accurately tracked, remittances seen to, your books are up to date, and all you have to do is print a report.

With a year-round bookkeeper, it really can be that easy!


Do you spend too much time trying to stay on top of the books, while the tasks you enjoy are neglected? It might be time to outsource your bookkeeping. You didn't start your business to be a bookkeeper - but we did!


What are your goals for 2023? How will you know if you are on track to achieve them?


Are you struggling to stay on top of your books? Does the thought of tax time stress you out? Are you too busy to give your business the financial oversight that it needs to thrive? It might be time to outsource your bookkeeping!


YGK Bookkeeping - Coming Soon
