Support VFW Hoosiers

Support VFW Hoosiers

We operate in support of the Indiana Branch of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).

Our mission is to provide financial assistance for a variety of VFW programs that directly benefit Hoosier Veterans.


To the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms and the ones we love, we thank you!


Unfortunately, when a veteran comes home, their obstacles are not over. As our Hoosier veterans reacclimate, they may need help financially. That's where the Indiana Unmet Needs Program comes into play. With your generous donation, our veterans can afford groceries, medical bills, household and childcare expenses, and more.

Let's help them over obstacles together:


With prices rising across the US, many of our Hoosier Veterans are struggling to afford basic needs...this can change with your help.

By donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program, you can help a local veteran afford:
—Medical Bills
—Childcare Expenses
—Auto Repairs and more

Become a beacon of light in a veteran's life:


When you donate to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program, you're supporting more than just the veteran.

Your donation also supports their children and spouse! Help our Hoosier veterans with medical bills, groceries, utilities, and more.

Learn more here:


Though they both served our country at different times, their time of need is now.

As our Hoosier veterans continue to return home, they need our support to help get back on their feet. Your donation to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program ensures that veterans can help afford groceries, medical bills, vehicle expenses, and more.

Show your support:


Protecting our country is no easy task.

As our Hoosier Veterans continue to return home, show them they're not alone by donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program. Your donations allow veterans to pay medical bills, pay for household expenses and childcare, and even buy groceries.

Learn more about our cause here:


When you donate to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program, you not only support veterans, but their families as well!

Your donations can help a veteran purchase groceries, pay medical bills, and receive support with childcare!

Learn more here:


A United States veteran commits su***de every 65 minutes.

It's so important that we recognize the signs and ensure that we are taking every step possible to save our veterans.

Recognize the signs and help keep our veterans safe:***de/


Our courageous Indiana veterans have placed their lives on the line to protect our freedoms—it's time we show our support!

Through the Indiana Unmet Needs Program, your support helps our veterans afford medical bills, housing expenses, childcare expenses, groceries, and more.

Learn how you can show your support:

Timeline photos 25/03/2022

Did you know that by donating to the Indiana Unmet Needs Program, you can help a veteran afford a pair eye glasses?

Help improve eye care for veterans throughout Indiana today!


Our veterans relied on a team when they were overseas, but who can they rely on at home?

For our Hoosier veterans, the Indiana Unmet Needs Program acts as a supporting team. Through the Unmet Needs Program, veterans can receive support for groceries, medical bills, housing, childcare expenses, and more.

Learn more about Unmet Needs, and how you can help.


When you support a Hoosier Veteran, you're not only caring for them, but for their family as well!

By donating to the Indiana Unmet Needs Program, your support can be used for childcare expenses including food, clothing, prescriptions, and more.

See how you can donate today:


To the brave men and women who are currently serving our country or who have served, we salute you!

Read more about how you can honor an Indiana Hoosier veteran:


In order to help veterans who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, we must first be able to recognize the signs.

Read the blog below to help:***de/


Vehicles are necessary expenditures in our lives, taking us to and from work, getting us to the grocery store, and transporting our children to school.

If something happens to our cars, like a needed repair, it's essential that we get it fixed right away!

For our Indiana veterans returning home, helping with vehicle payments and repairs are crucial! To help a Hoosier Veteran get around, consider donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program.

Learn more here:


Show some love to our Indiana Veterans this Valentine's Day by donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program!

Through their brave sacrifices, we are able to be free!

Learn more about the Unmet Needs Program, and how you can help:


During the winter months, your support is especially needed! Help a veteran who may be struggling with groceries, rent, or basic needs like clothing get the help they deserve.

See what your donations are used for:


Every 65 minutes, a veteran in the United States commits su***de.

Help us end this tragedy by knowing the signs. The blog below gives information on recognizing suicidal thoughts, tips on how we can fight the stigma surrounding mental health, and an overview of mental wellness.

Let’s end veteran su***de together:***de/


Our Hoosier veterans have loyally served the United States through their dedication and many sacrifices.

Show your loyalty to our vets by donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program. Through your generous support, our Hoosier vets can afford medical expenses, groceries, utilities and more!

Show your support:


When you help a veteran, you're helping their families too.

By donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program, your support buys food, clothing, prescriptions, and more.

Learn more about what your donation means:


Curious on how donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program makes a difference?

Check out the blog below and learn more about what the program provides, and who it serves!


When you donate to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program, not only are you supporting a Hoosier Veteran, but their family members as well!

Through your generous donations, a veteran can supply their family with:
1. Food
2. Clothing
3. Diapers
4. Shelter
5. Childcare Expenses
6. And more!

Show our veterans you care and donate today:


To all of our Hoosier Veterans, have an amazing New Year full of hope, laughter, joy, and family!

To make a difference in a veteran's life, donate to the Indiana Unmet Needs Program:


We would like to wish our Hoosier veterans and their families a very Merry Christmas!


Whether it be mental health, financial burdens, or medical issues, our Hoosier Veterans can feel like they are pushing a boulder up a hill when they return home. Help relieve some of that weight by donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program.

The Unmet Needs Program provides funds to veterans in need so that they can afford life's essentials.

Be a change this holiday season, donate now:


To everyone who has donated to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program—We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Through your donations, we are able to help veterans:
1. Afford rent or mortgage payments
2. Afford medical bills and prescriptions
3. Pay for childcare expenses
4. Pay for utility bills and trips to the grocery store

Through your generosity, our veterans continue to thrive:


As Hoosier veterans continue to return home, it's our duty to ensure they have a warm home to come to. By donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program, veterans in need will be given support with their rent or mortgage payment.

It's our turn to carry the torch, please consider donating:


We all know someone who served—whether they are our mothers, fathers, grandparents, or our own children. This holiday season, honor a veteran close to you by donating in their name. Thank them for their noble sacrifices by giving back to other Hoosier veterans who are less fortunate.

Together, we can make a difference. Donate now:


This holiday season, it's time to make sure those who were ready to lay their lives on the line for our freedom are taken care of. When you donate to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs Program, you're helping our Hoosier veterans get back on their feet.

Your donations can be used toward: mortgage payments, medical bills, childcare needs, and more.

Show you care this holiday season, donate now:


This holiday season, our Hoosier vets need you! Help support a veteran in need by donating to the Indiana VFW Unmet Needs program. Your donations can help our heroes afford medical bills, mortgage payments, food, clothing, and more!

Learn more about our mission and how you can help:

Videos (show all)

Memorial Day
Overcoming Obstacles Together
Become a Beacon of Hope for a Veteran
Give From the Heart
Their Time of Need is Now
Show Our Indiana Veterans Some Love
Support Veteran's Families
Support Our Hoosier Veterans
We Need Your Support
It Takes a Team on the Front lines and at Home
Your Support Goes Beyond the Soldier
We Salute You