Faith Bound Love

Faith Bound Love

Uplifting inspirational daily devotions created by a Christ loving mother of 2 and wife of a cowboy.


Tonight’s Dinner: BLTs & fried Squash. Easy tasty dinner inspiration.


You know sometimes things just come into your life. Not thought out, not planned they just happen. Bandit is one f those instances.
One day a lady posted in our local small town group that she needs to rehome this friendly kid loving dog. I instantly fell in love with his face but thought wonder what’s wrong with him, why are they really rehoming him? I inquired about him but decided not to force it. I showed them our farm page, wondered how he’d be around livestock but then I let it go. I recall intentionally thinking ‘God, if this should happen let it happen, if not I’m ok with that too”. So roll a few days forward and it’s Easter Eve. I’m running all over town getting last minute items. Shortly after getting home who pulls up? The lady and Bandit. I think man am I ready for this? Easter is tomorrow, we have a full house, do I want to take this on now? My husband sees Bandit and approves and says we will take him. I take a deep breath. But Bandit has been a wonderful blessing. He sleeps peacefully all night, he loves sleeping in the bathroom for some reason. He relaxes inside most of the day. He enjoys playing with our pigs. He’s stopped noticing the chickens. The kids adore him. He brings peace to my soul. I feel like we rescued him. Kept him from having to experience a harsh life in the pound. Saved his sweet spirit from the stress of wondering when someone will come for him. Saved him a lot of stress. He seamlessly fit right in, didn’t skip a beat and found his place here. And each day I know God’s hand was in it 💕


Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the flowers 🌸 💐


After teaching an Awana class last night, this really spoke to me. No matter what is going on in our lives, we have the promise of heaven by following God and believing in Jesus as our Savior. That’s a powerful promise! One that gives comfort in knowing in the end, all will be well.


Let’s celebrate with joy friends! You don’t have to be perfect to be a follower of Christ, He paid the debt for you! Just love Christ and love His Children, aka your fellow brothers and sisters, with all your heart! And He will rejoice with you! 🙌🏼🕊


Oh isn’t this true friends? I know any difficulty I have faced, anytime I was scared or ashamed, He was my refuge. He was my stronghold to heal me. He blessed me with His grace and mercy. I’m thankful to know I always have God as my refuge 🙏🏽


Serve the Lord in gladness my friends! Do it with a sincere heart. Be happy about the opportunity to serve. Minister to your family and loved ones. Show them God’s love and mercy. Serve with gladness today! 🙌🏼💕


Give a full on ask today friends! 🙌🏼 💗


Let us rejoice and be glad today friends! Take a few minutes today to reflect on any blessings that occurred today.
For example, the blessing of food to eat today, the blessing of warm clean water to shower in, the blessing of family, maybe you are blessed with children or caring siblings or a supportive person in your life. Maybe something good happened even if it seemed small.
Really think on it and if you do, I’m confident you will find plenty of reasons to rejoice!


Picture it friends! God rooting you on! Encouraging you in your struggles. Being your best friend, your biggest cheer leader. Wanting you to be the best you that you can be. Saving you a place in His kingdom one day!
Now, Imagine knowing a big celebrity. And they tell you that they have a mansion waiting for you. A big incredible one. The kind you’ve always dreamed of. Seems like winning the lotto right? An opportunity that will probably never happen? Who just gives those away? Well now realize that it is reality. That God has made that promise to you if you believe in Him and obey his simple commandments. He has promised you a place in His kingdom. A mansion if your very own. The debt’s been paid already by His own son. You owe nothing. He just wants you there. How amazing is that?! So be not afraid, so much awaits you such as God cheering you on!


This is so touching to me, that the Lord wants to lavish us with His love if we will only accept it. He wants to catch our falls, heal our hearts. I am far from perfect and I feel like I fall short of where I want to be spiritually quite often. But the Lord with His endless mercy and grace is there to catch me every time. He is there to comfort and heal my heart. Isn’t our Lord amazing? 💗


Yes, this! 🙌🏼 As a Christian, at the root of most of our hearts we want to glorify the Lord in all that we do. From a worldly point of view this can be hard. We are taught to be selfish. Everything is about us. Do what YOU love. Live How YOU want. Cut off friends who don’t make you 100% happy regardless of what they may be going through, do everything that is about you, forget everyone else. The problem is this really isn’t an exemplify the Lord kind of attitude. Instead let us focus today on what is the Lord’s will? How can I help spread the good news to others? How can I show my love for the Lord in all that I do? How can I show love towards others? Let us focus on this, this beautiful Sabbath Sunday 💗


Whatever you do, do it from your heart my friends 💗


Feeling this right here! Sometimes life gets you down. At times I feel just weary. Spiritually and physically I’m exhausted. But I do have relief in knowing the Lord plans on making me a mighty oak of righteousness! What an honor! An honor he wants us all to have. 🙌🏼


Chloe enjoying today’s haul from the garden!


I am feeling this today my friends 🙌🏼 I tend to be anxious about a lot of things in life as it is, but times right now are scarier then ever and it’s easy to succumb to fear and let it consume you. But I thank God for delivering me from my fears. For whispering to me through the Holy Spirit that I need not worry. If it’s lost money, He lets me know don’t worry, He will always provide and restore it. If it’s health, He lets me know He will care for me. If it’s relationships, He puts into my heart what I need to do to resolve things. Because of God I need not fear, He lets me flourish. 🕊


Being joyful is free my friends! Let your hearts be joyful today, let God know what is laid on your heart that is preventing joy. I pray your joy will be restored soon. 🙏🏽


Remember this one friends. God does not care about your status, your wealth or how seemingly ‘important’ you are from a worldly point of view. Scripture says it over and over. Jesus said it himself. The first will be the last and the last will be the first. It is what lies in your heart that matters. Do you believe in Him? Do you believe in His grace? Do you believe He will bless you? That’s all He wants, is your true belief in Him. He will provide for what you need. 💗


Friends, I pray you will have only showers of blessings today. Even if things aren’t going how you hoped, sometimes it is the best thing to open the pathway for even better blessings to come. 🙏🏽


You are never alone my friends. When you are afraid I pray you’ll feel God’s presence. I pray you will experience His comfort. Let Him into your heart so you may not be afraid. 💗


Do you believe my friends? I do. I believe with God anything is possible. 🙏🏽 I also believe that we have to honestly believe and trust that God can make the miracle happen in order for it to occur. When I really believe without doubt, I never cease to be amazed by His miracles. 🕊


Friends I hope you enjoyed your Saturday. I pray you will have a fullness of love beyond words. The Lord would love to have that kind of relationship with you. Where you love him beyond words. If you cultivate that sort of relationship with Him, I trust you will have the same fullness of joy in your life! 💗


Today is a gift my friends! Not only because it’s Friday 🥳 (or Fri-Yay as I call it) but because we are alive, we get a chance to make our own choices, we can choose to enjoy quality time with our family this weekend, we can get creative and do something fun at home or a park, we have the gift of today! Embrace it and give a prayer 🙏🏽 to God letting Him know you are thankful for each day. 💗


Dream big today my friends! 💗


Are you like Mt. Zion? 🏔 Are you immovable in your Faith? If things get stormy do you doubt? When things go well do you praise? 🙏🏽 Ask yourself where are you in your faith journey? Strive to strengthen your relationship with God so you may be immovable like Mt. Zion in your faith. 🏔 🕊


Enjoyed some time outdoors today! Found a cute little park in the fun town of Van Alystne today! Was nice to breathe in the fresh air, it was just us there which was a quiet blessing in disguise. I love those quiet moments watching the kids play uninterrupted and getting to see them just be kids 💕


Friends, Faith is not merely holding onto God, it is God holding onto you. He loves you and wants to keep you close. He wants you to not stray and avoid the pains it causes. He holds onto you no matter your sin. He is faithful. 💗


I do relate to this! 🙌🏼 I often find myself driving home singing praise, yes literally, to God. I can’t help but tell Him how much I appreciate His good works.
It can be anything from appreciating the beauty of the countryside on my drive home from work, looking forward to seeing my children, being grateful for something good that happened that day, or anything else I appreciate.
Try singing 🎤 some praise to God today, let Him know you appreciate all He does. 💗


Friends, I’m excited to get started on this month’s Bible Study!
☝🏼It’s not too late to join us! Get your copy from the link in my Bio. Your copy will arrive in just a few days!
👇🏼I also created a mini companion workbook to pair with the study to help us dig even deeper into our journey.
If you’d like to join just send me a message 📧 or email me at [email protected]
Looking forward to it!! 💗💗


Friends, imagine for a moment God holding yourself hand. Walking side by side with you in your toughest times. Reassuring you to not be afraid. The supreme creator telling you He will help you. He will be there by your side. 💗
Now friends please know it’s not just an imaginary concept, it is real! He will walk side by side with you. Carry your burdens. Ease your heartache. Soothe your soul. Believe in Him and allow Him to work His wonders! 🙌🏼🕊


As this evening closes, I pray dear friends, that God will keep you in the palm of His hand. 🙏🏽 I pray He will watch over you, keep you close, comfort you and help you in times of need. 🕊 I pray you will stay close to Him too and let the warmth of His love wash over you. Have a blessed evening 💗


Happy Sunday! Friends, with God on your side you have nothing to fear! Scripture tells us over and over to not fear. Fear is our enemy. Trust in God. Trust in the supreme creator. Don’t panic!
Now this doesn’t mean to act carelessly or crazy, that is tempting the Lord to think you can act any old way and He will come save you. But it does mean to not let fear consume you. Do not let it control you.
When you focus so much on your fears they become idols in your life, when they have your sole attention.
God wants us to act wisely, but not to fear. Do what you should. Obey the commandments. Be kind and considerate of others. And let God handle the rest. 💗


Friends, remember today that the Lord delights in you. Don’t lose sight of that. We live in a world where we debate over everything and it is easy to quit being loving or kind. To allow opinions to ruin friendships. To let anger slowly stew and turn into hate. Instead delight in the Lord. Delight in His people. Delight in all you have. Delight in what’s to come. Delight in each day. The Lord delights in you when you worship Him. When you are kind to each other. Let the Lord delight in you today and be an example of His love. Amen. 💗


Remember friends, God is the Giver and we are the Receivers. He gives us so much. We receive so many blessings. I pray you will receive His blessings today. 💗


Let your light shine today friends! Don’t let anything s***f it out. If something is negative, veer away from it today. Focus on what makes you happy. Find new things you can enjoy. Find your happy place today, tune out the bad and let your light shine!
God wants you to have joy, he doesn’t want fear to consume you. Find some joy today and have a blessed Saturday friends! 💗


My friends, Do Not Limit the Limitless God ! I just love this. I love thinking about how limitless He can be. I love realizing usually I’m the one who limits myself. It’s hard to put all your faith in something! But in reality, God is limitless 🙌🏼


I pray you will stay strong today my friends! There’s nothing, I mean nothing, God can’t handle. 🙌🏼


Wishing everyone a Happy Friday! Or Fri-Yay as I call it. Challenging everyone to find new ways to have fun this weekend! 💕


Friends, each day, including this one, is an opportunity to begin something new! As you go throughout the day maybe just having a new outlook, a new energy or a fresh approach is what you need.
Has there been something you’ve been meaning to start? Maybe learn something new, take an online class, go visit that nature trail you’ve been wanting to see, go swim in that pretty lake nearby.
Start something new today and go forward today feeling re-energized!
Isn’t it glorious that the Lord gives us an unlimited amount of chances to start over? He provides grace and forgiveness and allows us to be born again.
I hope you all have a wonderful day my loves! 💗


Rejoice in your friends my loves, for they are your treasures on earth! I know I’m not one to have a plethora of friends but I treasure the ones I do have. They are my sanity keepers. They mean the world. I hope you’ve found the same, if not I pray good friends are on their way soon. You can always message me if you need a long distance friend, I know we all need someone! 💕