Danya Fredette Health Coach

Danya Fredette Health Coach

Super Health Coach for Dr. Bill Cole and Key Cellular Nutrition, specializing in gut health, women's

Timeline photos 17/04/2022

When it comes to selecting a nutrient dense protein source, fish is a great choice - it’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, and healthy omega-3 fats that are vital for cellular health and healing. 🐠

The way a fish was raised and caught matters, though - wild-caught and farm raised fish are not equal in nutrient and contaminant levels. Although both options can contain mercury, wild-caught is the better choice and here's why:

Wild caught fish are lower in contaminants, more nutritious, and the fish are free to swim in their own natural environment.


Farm-raised fish are higher in contaminants, higher instance of disease due to farming conditions, and they are fed antibiotics due to those farming conditions!

🐟 🐟

Want to Get Rid of Heartburn Permanently? Stop Taking Antacids and PPIs. 16/04/2022

Want to Get Rid of Heartburn Permanently? Stop Taking Antacids and PPIs. The most common medications used to treat acid reflux only make the problem worse — this is how to relieve heartburn for good.

Timeline photos 15/04/2022

Every journey has unexpected twists and turns, ups and downs, challenges and victories - the journey of health most of all!

Disease should never be accepted as a permanent state of being…it’s a twist, a challenge to be overcome on the road to health. 🚧

Our bodies were created to exist in a state of health - not disease! Don’t ever accept dysfunction and ill health as a norm, or something that you have to live with indefinitely.

When we stop pumping our bodies full of unhealthy food, toxins, and stress, and heal from a cellular level, we give them what they need to return to that healthy equilibrium they were created for…and that, my friends, is the final destination! ❤️

Timeline photos 11/04/2022

Has anyone considered the toxic load of the cleaners in their cupboard? 🙋‍♀️

All those products have a natural alternative -- it just takes a little bit of time and research to get educated about it.

Here's a great recipe I love sharing with my clients. It's a switch for those weird blue glass cleaners that are full of toxic chemicals!

Best Glass Cleaner

💧2 cups of water (use distilled or filtered to avoid residue)
💧2 Tbsp vinegar
💧10 drops of essential oil of choice (we suggest lemon to help cut the vinegar smell)

Combine ingredients in a spray bottle (preferably glass) and use as needed to clean windows. For best results, use a microfiber cloth to wipe windows clean.

Note: If a commercial window cleaner has always been used in the past, mix a couple drops of liquid castile soap or liquid dish soap in some of this mixture the first time the window is cleaned, which will remove detergent residue.

Timeline photos 10/04/2022

A proper level of magnesium in the body is essential for good health.

The powerhouse mineral is at play in an impressive variety of bodily functions - hundreds of enzymes rely on it for various chemical reactions that regulate everything from muscle and nerve function to blood pressure and blood sugar levels, building proteins, and bone health. It's also important for brain function and mood, and is a powerful relaxation agent. ❤️ 🦴 🧠 🧘

While we can get a good amount of magnesium from our diets, even magnesium-rich foods don’t have the same levels of the mineral that they used to, thanks to our nutrient-depleted soils.

Even still, it’s important to incorporate magnesium-rich foods in your diet (you know I always take a food first, supplement second approach to health!), things like:

🐔 Pasture-raised chicken & beef and wild-caught salmon

🥬 Dark leafy greens, like spinach, kale, and collard greens

🍌 Bananas

🥑 Avocados

🌱 Nuts and seeds, like almonds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and cashews, and dark chocolate (for those not actively in the AIP elimination phase)

If you decide to add a supplement to the mix, there are quite a few different types to choose from - so many that it can be overwhelming to know which to pick! 🤯

I like magnesium glycinate because it’s easily utilized by the body with few side effects…that’s the form we typically recommend to our KCN students.

To see all your options, though, check out the graphic above! You can see the different forms and their main actions / benefits in the body all in one place. 🤓

The Sneaky (Leaky) Health Hazard You Need to Fix NOW! 09/04/2022

The Sneaky (Leaky) Health Hazard You Need to Fix NOW! If you thought the leaky faucet🚰 in your kitchen was a problem, wait until you hear about leaky gut!

Timeline photos 08/04/2022

The CHA program is different from other health programs in many ways, but one of the most significant is the dedicated mindset coaching and support we provide to our students. 💜

Identifying why you want to regain your health is of the utmost importance for success - it’s what will keep you motivated long-term to make lasting changes in your life, not just temporary changes (like a fad diet) that will soon fizzle out.

Do you want to get back to an activity you love but can’t participate in anymore? Are your loved ones missing you because you never have the energy to attend family gatherings? Do you have kids or grandkids you want to be present for, and have the energy to play with? Do you want to travel? Exercise without pain? The “why’s” are endless, and unique to each person.

♠️♠️♠️ If you’ve tried other programs in the past that weren’t successful, I’d be willing to bet you didn’t find the support, accountability, and encouragement you needed to succeed…but I can promise you’ll find all of those things here in spades! ♠️♠️♠️

If you want our help, visit http://ed.gr/dzxlk today.

Timeline photos 04/04/2022

When a person is suffering from congestion, they can't breathe properly. Sleep is typically pretty tough to get.

But there is an essential oil remedy for congestion!

Here's the one I share with my clients. It can be used in a bathtub, where the warm water can have additional benefits

💧2 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
💧2 drops Frankincense
💧2 drops Lavender

Topical: Mix essential oils in 1 cup of bath salts and pour into the bathtub. Soak for 15-20 minutes or until water cools. Feel free to stay in that tub for longer, though, if it feels good to you!

Take that time to relax and de-stress -- and make sure your cell phone is far, far away from you!

Timeline photos 03/04/2022

This tiger nut butter cookie recipe from looked too good not to share! 🐯

Boasting a delicious 🍁 maple flavor 🍁, these cookies are AIP / Paleo friendly, vegan, and low Fodmap - so practically anyone can enjoy them regardless of dietary restrictions!

Here’s the recipe:

½ cup tiger nut butter (if using another nut butter, may need to add 2 tbsp applesauce or oil if batter is too crumbly)
¼ cup maple syrup
½ tsp baking soda
3 tbsp coconut flour
Pinch of pink Himalayan salt

-Preheat oven to 350°F.

-Combine butter and maple syrup in a bowl, mix well.

-Add remaining ingredients and mix to combine. You should have a wet but malleable dough.

-Divide dough into 6-8 balls on a parchment lined baking sheet, then press down gently (use a fork if you want the fancy lines on top).

-Bake for 8 minutes until edges are just beginning to turn golden brown. They may seem underdone, but they aren’t!

-Let cool for a couple minutes before transferring to a wire rack to finish cooling completely.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think in the comments below! 🙌

Our Thoughts Shape Our Reality… And Our Health 02/04/2022

Our Thoughts Shape Our Reality… And Our Health We each have around 70,000 thoughts a day. That’s an astonishing number, isn’t it?

Timeline photos 01/04/2022

☠️ We live in a toxic world. ☠️

Everything from cleaning and household supplies to beauty products, food storage containers, fast food wrappers, medications, the air we breathe, the water and alcohol we drink, the food we eat…it’s all ushering toxins into our bodies every day of our lives. 👎

In order for us to effectively eliminate these toxins, our detox pathways have to be healthy and functioning properly, especially our liver, which is the main detox organ of the body.

But we’re not making it easy on ourselves.

The Standard American Diet is highly inflammatory 🔥 and damaging to the liver, as are all the toxins I mentioned above - at a certain point, it just can’t keep up! And that’s a dangerous place to be. When toxins can no longer effectively be removed from the body, they back up inside of us, wreaking havoc on our health. 🙁

To keep your liver happy and healthy:

➡️ Eat a nutrient-dense, whole food diet full of organic vegetables, fruits, grass-fed meats / wild-caught fish, and plenty of healthy fats…cut out all highly processed, unnatural foods!
➡️ Reduce exposure to toxins wherever possible - swap plastic containers for glass, buy natural beauty and cleaning products, only take medications that are 100% necessary, filter your water and air, etc.
➡️ Limit alcohol intake.
➡️ Drink half your body weight (but no more than 100 oz) of filtered water per day.
➡️ Get good sleep and regular exercise.
➡️ Maintain a healthy weight.

Timeline photos 28/03/2022

A person doesn't have to be plagued by a common cold to feel like they're not quite breathing deeply enough. Some wake up feeling as if they have a stuffy nose. Others are plagued by these types of congestion problems even when they're otherwise healthy.

There's an essential oil remedy that will be of great help:

Breathe Deeply
💧 3 drops Eucalyptus Globulus
💧 2 drops Ravintsara
💧 1 drop Oregano
💧 1 drop Peppermint

Aromatic/Topical: To help those with pneumonia or similar symptoms, this blend can be mixed with a carrier oil and applied to the chest or diffused.

As with any essential oil recipe, use discretion here. If a person that is super sensitive to essential oils, use more carrier oil.

Timeline photos 27/03/2022

There's beef...and then there's beef.

What do you look for when you're shopping for meat at the store?

You should know a few facts about grass-fed beef:

✅ Grass-fed beef contains much more Omega-3 than conventionally-raised beef.
✅ It doesn’t contain the hormones, antibiotics, and grain/corn/soy residues that are fed to conventionally-raised cows. When Omega-6 greatly outnumbers Omega-3, it causes inflammation.
✅ Grass-fed beef also contains high levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Studies show that CLA helps with weight loss and also fights against diseases such as cancer and chronic inflammation.
✅ Grass-fed beef is also a good source of creatine, which gives your muscles more energy when you are working out.

Use grass-fed beef in place of conventional beef in any recipe!

Our Guts Do More Than Digest Our Food…Way More! 26/03/2022

Our Guts Do More Than Digest Our Food…Way More! Every good action movie has good guys and bad guys, and our guts are no different.

Timeline photos 25/03/2022

How can we support the health of our cells?

First, let's make clear what exactly damages our cells in the first place:

❌ Bad fats
❌ Too much sugar
❌ Toxins
❌ Poor sleep
❌ Too much stress (physical, chemical, emotional)
❌ Nutrient deficiencies
❌ Leaky, damaged guts
❌ Sedentary lifestyles

So, what do we do?

✅ Change the diet from one that promotes cell damage and inflammation (the Standard American Diet) to one that’s anti-inflammatory and promotes cell health
✅ Support detoxification at the cellular level
✅ Support weaknesses and nutritional deficiencies
✅ Support an overall healthier lifestyle

It sounds simple because our team breaks it all down for our clients, and gives them all the support and resources they need.

Timeline photos 21/03/2022

Kids pick up a lot of things at school and daycare - new friends, new skills and information...and lots of new germs.

Here's a great essential oil remedy to try the next time sickness strikes! 🤒

Quiet Baby Mix:
🌿 2 drops Cypress
🌿 2 drops Lavender
🌿 2 drops R.C.

Diffuse or apply this blend topically to help with cough and congestion. For massage, dilute 1 drop of each in carrier oil of choice.

Timeline photos 20/03/2022

A major contributor to ill health that most have not considered:

Stress 😓

When people think of stress, they probably think of the emotional type. While that is absolutely a factor, there are other kinds of stress that people don't connect to symptoms of illness and disease.

And where stress is present, hormonal issues likely will be as well.

So, how can we lower our stress levels, and take away those harmful effects?

Here are 4️⃣ tips that will help reduce the stress load on both mind and body.

Give yourself permission to say no to events or activities
that drain you.

Following a "box" breathing pattern can almost
immediately calm your nervous system. Breathe in for 4
seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds,
hold for 4 seconds, and repeat as needed.

Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night and work
toward going to sleep at the same time every night.

Take time to find what makes you happy and include
more of it in your daily life.

When these tips are used in combination with an anti-inflammatory diet 🥗, big wins can result!

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