BGBodyworks & Equine Services

BGBodyworks & Equine Services

Equine Bodywork & Kinesio


Howdy, everybody!

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted on here, but there’s still been taping going on behind the scenes!

Rodeo season is in full swing & IL IBRA state finals is on its way… reach out to get on the schedule for your next event 😉 your horse will thank you!

Below is a recent shoulder taping on my person horse ✨ lots of rodeos, barrel races, and everything in between means recovery & prep is SO important in our programs!


Keeping it simple, yet effective ✨💙

It’s rodeo/show season, y’all! Get a hold of me to help your equine partner feel the best this year!


Oscar just wanted to pop in and show off his latest post-workout recovery taping and ask why you haven’t added it to your equine athletes regimen yet!


❤️ Reduce/control pain

💙 Manage edema & swelling

❤️ Support joint motion & muscle function

Support, relaxation, pain relief - the long and short of KT benefits!

Oscar was the perfect candidate for lymph tape after a minorly freak accident not long ago that resulted in a swollen knee for a day or two! With proper prep, the tape stayed on through dirt, fly spray, and everything else thrown at it resulting in his knee going back to normal fairly quick!


‼️Rodeo athletes‼️

We’ll be at the Whippoorwill Rodeo at Iron Saddle Ranch this Saturday, the 20th!

Why KT for your equine partner???

✅ Kinesio facilitates the body’s natural healing process by providing soft tissue manipulation. This manipulation mimics the effects of massage while providing support and stability to joints and muscles without restricting range of motion!

➡️ Kinesio pairs AMAZINGLY with massage, chiropractics - any and all bodywork!
(While I don’t offer massage at this time, I know a few great folks that do that I can put you in touch with 😉)


Research shows that the thoracolumbar fascia has a high proportion of sympathetic nerve fibres. This might be able to explain why many people who have low back pain find it gets worse when they're under stress. There is no reason to think it's any different in horses. When dealing with horses with persistent back pain, make sure you implement stress reducing strategies into the rehabilitation programme as well.

Photos from BGBodyworks & Equine Services's post 09/05/2023

What does your pre-rodeo prep look like?

Ask me about adding kinesio to your pre-rodeo prep 😉

Photos from BGBodyworks & Equine Services's post 26/04/2023

We like big butts and we cannot lie 👀

Cailey’s Miss Gypsy got some well deserved TLC today after a long show weekend!

The perfect recovery after a big show if you ask me 😉 Do yourself AND your horse a favor! Horses that feel good, run good! ✨


Win, lose, scratch - these horses don’t know the difference, but give us their hearts regardless 🤍

As athletes, our equine partners deserve the most. Simply that.

Chiropractics, massage, kinesiology, etc.

^^ it all may seem like window-dressing, but that could very well be all the difference for helping your horse feel the best in order to give you its best!

Old, young, 1D, 5D, fast, slow, & any horse in-between can benefit greatly from so many different modalities and what is often deemed as maintenance.

Do your horse AND yourself a favor. We can’t expect them to give their all if we’re not giving them our all!

Photos from BGBodyworks & Equine Services's post 03/04/2023

Laidback Sundays mean finally taking the time to tape my own horse 🤣

Fingers crossed, we’ll be breaking out and hitting the road here soon so season prep has commenced!!

We’ll most likely be at Rocky Road Arena on the 15th - holler at me and we’ll get your equine partner taped up and ready to rock and roll 😉 Just shoot me a message!

Photos from BGBodyworks & Equine Services's post 29/03/2023

💪Gearing up for the season = horses and owners hard at work after winter break 🐎

Miss Cailey’s mare, Gypsy, gets taped regularly to help keep her feeling her best in and out of the arena!

Prepping for the upcoming jackpot/rodeo season? Holler at me to see the benefits of kinesiology taping first hand!


I am SO excited to announce the first member of the team 🤍

Here’s a warm welcome to Miss Cailey Clark! I’ve had the honor of working on her mare, Gypsy. She’s been a part of my case studies and has supported BGBodyworks from the get-go, so it was only fitting to ask Cailey to be a part of the crew!!

“My name is Cailey Clark and my main mare, Gypsy, and I compete in the IL IBRA. I’m from Pittsburg, IL and I’m currently getting my Master of Science in Human Sciences from SIUC and have my Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from SIUC as well. Through my education in human kinesiology, as well as my job with SIU athletics, I know firsthand how important care and maintenance is for athletes so when I found Bryndle, I knew I wanted to add her to my care routine for Gypsy! I have a crazy year ahead with barrel races, school, work and getting married this summer so it’s comforting to know I have somebody who genuinely cares about keeping my horse feeling good on my team. We are so excited to partner up with Bryndle and can’t wait to see what the future holds for us as a team!”

Photos from BGBodyworks & Equine Services's post 11/03/2023

❗️Tentacles vs Lymph Tape ❗️

I’ve had the opportunity to help Mister Cowboy reduce some swelling in a hind leg due to an old, old injury!

These two pictures look like they are potentially treating two different things, but both are an aid in stimulating lymphatic drainage! Same “treatment”, two different applications!

A restriction of the lymph circulation is often caused by inflammation of damaged tissue. The discharge of liquid leads to an increase of pressure as the swelling fills the space between the skin, restricting the lymph flow.

Tape isn’t a fix-all, but a great tool to utilize!


Two. Weeks.

No prep like I normally do on client horses and lots of time out in the rain and mud, and Oscar’s most recent tapings held on fairly well considering! 🌧️

With that being said, prep is SO important especially when summertime rolls around - winter coats help a TON with keeping tapings on!

Prep is the first thing I’ll do after I’ve muscle tested a horse and know where I’m going with the tape! Ensuring these applications stay on is very important to me!

I just wanted to share this to show that taping can and will withstand the elements (some areas better than others)!

Photos from BGBodyworks & Equine Services's post 02/03/2023

✨Tailored maintenance ✨

My personal horse, Oscar, is no stranger to maintenance. Heck, he gives me his all every single run and it’s the least I can do to make sure he’s always feeling his best!

Part of Oscar’s regimen aside from chiropractics and massage is taping, of course!

Two of my favorite tapings tailored specifically to Oscar are below!

All around support for his tendons and ligaments in his front legs alongside circulatory taping around the coronet band! The case behind that particular picture is actually post-coffin bone injections, so with time off and stall rest came the KT tape! I particularly like that application with trailering in mind as well!

On the flip side, supporting Oscar’s entire back, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis are equally important in keeping him feeling good and “maintained”!

While I may see many horses in the same discipline/event, every horse has its own level and need for maintenance! Let me assist you in tailoring your maintenance protocol to your horse to break the pain cycle and help them feel 100%!

Photos from BGBodyworks & Equine Services's post 01/03/2023

🚨Barrel horses ≠ one size fits all taping 🚨

One horse’s sore, problematic, or compensational area can be completely different than another horse despite doing the same event!

The horse on the left was taped for neck tension, thoracic sling, + lumbar relaxation & SI 💖

The one on the right addressed the lumbar, glutes, and Tensor Fascia Latae 🤍

Super glad I got the opportunity to tape these two up before some upcoming barrel racing! I love getting to play a part in the conditioning & maintenance!

Photos from BGBodyworks & Equine Services's post 28/02/2023

❔Do only competing horses find benefit in kinesiology taping❔

Absolutely not!!

Older, retired horses get the same effects and benefits from KT!

Just like us humans get stiffer and sore with age, so can horses too!

Retired or still riding, senior horses are just as much candidates as the younger crowd for this kind of holistic approach to maintenance and care!

Below are 2 older horses (I failed to get pics of the 3rd) that I got the opportunity to tape a bit ago! and they showed just as much relief and enjoyment from it as any other horse has!


💙Kinesiology tape for horses💙

Kinesiology tape can act on five major physiological compartments of the equine body: skin, fascia, muscles, joints, and the lymphatic system.

What are the benefits???

* Decompresses the tissue, enabling increased blood flow and oxygenation which promotes and facilitates healing.

* Decreases muscle spams, tension, soreness and trigger points.

* Helps relax overused muscles.

* Decreases edema and swelling.

* Provides support to tendons, ligaments and joints in both athletic and injury rehab situations.

* Helps to improve muscle and joint mechanics.

* Tissue decompression helps provide pain relief by decreasing the pressure on the skin's pain receptors and how the receptors respond to messages from the brain.

* Can be used in a preventative manner for horses that have weaknesses or are prone to injuries.

* Can help horses recover faster in athletic training situations.

* Can assist with horses that have chronic conditions such as lesions, kissing spine and chronic stiffness.


Howdy everybody!!

What better way to to kick off this page than an introduction of myself and the horse that kickstarted my drive for holistic and effective approaches to equine maintenance and bodywork!

My name is Bryndle and I’m on the path of completing my certification in equine kinesiology and plan to add more services to my repertoire in the near future. I’m also currently an online student at Murray State and will be completing my bachelors degree in Agribusiness this May!

The big ole Sorrel gelding pictured below is Oscar! He’s been my main mount for a few years now and being that he’s 17 this year and still running sound and healthy, his upkeep, care, and maintenance is a huge priority to me. Barrels and breakaway roping can take a toll over time and he is the exact reason I’m a firm believer in ALL equine bodywork!

Thank you for tagging along with us! As I finish my case studies I look forward to getting the chance to help your horses feel and perform better! These athletes deserve it!
