Apukuna Center

Apukuna Center

• A sacred space for holistic experiances, uniting mind, body and spirit. • eco-village • Slovenia •


Toplo vabljeni, da se nam pridružite na posebnem dogodku, Yawanawá retreatu, ki bo trajal od 1.2. do 18.2.2024 v čarobnem okolju Apukuna centra v Žerovincih.

Na tem edinstvenem potovanju boste imeli priložnost doživeti magičnost Rapeh snuffa, sanange, petja tradicionalnih pesmi, tradicionalnega poslikavanja obraza, udeležbe v tradicionalnem obredu s Uni in kambom.

Pridružite se nam pri tej globoki in izjemni izkušnji, kjer bomo skupaj raziskovali ter slavili bogato kulturo Yawanawá. Prepustite se čarom in modrosti starodavne tradicije ter doživite povezavo s tem izjemnim ljudstvom. Vabimo vas, da delite to popotovanje z nami ter se podate na pot odkrivanja notranje modrosti in duhovne rasti. Skupaj bomo ustvarili nepozabne trenutke, polne skupnosti, veselja, povezanosti in globokih doživetij.

Za več informacij in prijave nas kontaktirajte preko e-pošte na naslov: [email protected].

Število mest je omejeno, zato si zagotovite svoje mesto na tem posebnem dogodku čim prej.

Apukuna Center

Photos from Apukuna Center's post 01/11/2023

We sit with the Medicine to heal, reconnect, to remember, to surrender, to learn, to forgive, to find love within ourselves, to experiance reality as it is… Dissolving belives that no longer serve us and welcoming what is true to our soul. Connecting with Mother Earth and ourselves, our being, our true essence.
With trust and gratitude in our hearts ❤️

Photos from Apukuna Center's post 12/10/2023

✨🍃 Yawanawá retreat 🍃✨

V mesecu februarju bomo v Apukuna Center gostili Tuato, Lydio in Vanashahu 💚
Zato vas z veseljem vabimo, da se nam pridružite na tem popotovanju, kjer bomo spoznavali kulturo in tradicijo domorodnih ljudi Yawanawà ter se povezali z energijo Amazonskega pragozda. 🦋

Retreat je razdeljen na tri vikende. - Program najdete v opisu 👇🏼

Za vse informacije smo vam na voljo preko emaila: [email protected]


Photos from Apukuna Center's post 09/10/2023

Another wonderful retreat is complete ✨🪶🪄🧚

We spent 4 days in the countryside of Slovenia with 9 amazing participants, 2 dogs, our special family and in the companionship of pure nature, great weather, fire, ancestors …. The list is long 😉

But we do wanna say a few things that made this retreat a truly special one.

Each event we organize is unique and cannot ever be repeated, and this one taught us all about the unity, the oneness.

We came into such a synergy and connection that we could feel each others emotions, speak each others words and help one another to release pain. We helped one another to heal through deep processes💓

So beautiful to witness how we keep attracting humans that are so ready to shine their unique light, to be fully themselves and each day express the depths of their hearts more.

It is truly a blessing to have received this mission of opening hearts that we named Familia Cacao 🪶

We pray that next year we can have you there as well!

Mucho amor,
Your other piece 🧡

Written by: Špela Koželj 🦋

Familia Cacao




Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 17/06/2023

FlowHive 🐝💚


Še vedno iščemo prostovoljce 😊 več na zs 🙏🍃💚

Iščemo prostovoljce! 🌱✌️💗

Iščemo posameznike, ki bi se radi naučili kaj več o naravni gradnji, vrtnarjenju in pri tem pomagali. 😊

Prostovoljce iščemo za delo med tednom (od ponedeljka do četrtka).
Pomoč pa iščemo za urejanje vrtov, sejanje, pri gradnji z slamo in glino, pa še kaj se sproti najde 😊

Če bi koga zanimalo, naj nam piše na zs za več informacij. ✌️



Holotropno dihanje & temazcal

Oaza sprostitve ✨ Narava 🌿 Transformacija 🦋

🪷 Ali si vedel/a? Holotropno dihanje je močna metoda samo-raziskovanja, zdravljenja travm in pripomore k boljši integraciji naših preteklih izkušenj v spremenjenih stanjih zavesti.

Link do dogodka v komentarju... ✨🙏


Iščemo prostovoljce! 🌱✌️💗

Iščemo posameznike, ki bi se radi naučili kaj več o naravni gradnji, vrtnarjenju in pri tem pomagali. 😊

Prostovoljce iščemo za delo med tednom (od ponedeljka do četrtka).
Pomoč pa iščemo za urejanje vrtov, sejanje, pri gradnji z slamo in glino, pa še kaj se sproti najde 😊

Če bi koga zanimalo, naj nam piše na zs za več informacij. ✌️


Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 01/10/2022

New painting in the ceremony space 🐸💚

Thank you Talia 🙏


Mailing List ✳️

Če želite biti obveščeni o novostih in dogodkih, ki se bodo dogajali v našem centru, se lahko prijavite na spodnjem linku...
Ja... Spletna stran se končno gradi 😊

✳️ https://apukunaretreatcenter.mailchimpsites.com/subscribe

* Z mailing liste se lahko tudi kadarkoli odjavite.

Apukuna Retreat Center

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 22/09/2022

Summer is comming to an end. 🌿 This year went very fast for us. Lots of events happened and we met some beautiful people.
This year our family growed bigger. Hannah Amaya was born at embrace of our home, and two more beautiful souls joined our community ~ Lana and Živa 🔥
Together we are cocreating here on this land, and expanding our minds and souls for the higher good. Great spirit is guiding our way, we are just listening and following our hearts.
Life is simple, often we just think too much. So, being in the present and enjoying the moment here and now is the biggest gift.
Life itself is a gift, and we are greatful that we can live in such way, expanding our potentials, working with earth, fire, water and air. Living with understanding towards each other and earth.
Thanks to each one of you for following and supporting our projects, for cocreating beautiful events together, for helping each other and growing together.



Če želite biti obveščeni o novostih in dogodkih, ki se bodo dogajali v našem centru, se lahko prijavite na spodnjem linku...
Ja... Spletna stran se končno gradi 😊

✳️ https://apukunaretreatcenter.mailchimpsites.com/subscribe

* Z mailing liste se lahko tudi kadarkoli odjavite.

Apukuna Retreat Center

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 29/08/2022

Hvala vsem, ki ste bili del tega čudovitega vikenda. ❤️ Za spominjanje kako je življenje lahko lahkotno, polno ljubezni in miru, ko se prepuščamo.
Hvala vsem za odprtost, da smo se tako lepo povezali drug z drugim, z našimi srci, ker smo v esenci eno. Ljubezen 🔥
Za tako izkušnjo je težko najti besede, ki bi opisale to hvaležnost.
Hvala Walterju, Špeli in celotni ekipi za to ker ste preprosto to kar ste ❤️
In se kmalu spet srečamo 🔥

Majevski ognjeni oddih




Foto: Pran Gopal

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 09/08/2022

Pachamama 💚

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 22/05/2022

Drum workshop of African rhythms with Issiaka Sanou 🔥✨🎶

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 20/05/2022

Treehouse 💚🧘‍♀️

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 16/05/2022

The Goričko Project : We have been invited to help and superwise share knowladge and teach how to build 2 Straw-Bale Houses in National Park of Goričko. Super amazing project.

If someone is interested to learn how to build such structures can send PM …And we will also make a weekend workshops when we come to a stage where we will start to build Clay Plasters.


Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 02/05/2022

This year's new acquisition.... Greenhouse 🌱💚

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 05/04/2022


Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 23/03/2022


Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 22/03/2022

Preparing for summer 💛🌱☀️


More info comming soon. :D


There is something cooking in the air :D 🌿🌿🌿🌳🐸

Photos from HeArt oficina's post 02/01/2022

5years ago ❤️ Thank you Colorless Green Arcana for capturing the memories ✨🙏❤️



Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 18/12/2021

Beautiful ceremonies made by Portal Pachamama. Full of blessings and love all around the place. :D

Thank you pachamama. 🐸🐸🐸🌺🐸🐸🐸

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 23/10/2021

We just had a visitors from Serbia , who had this amazing DJI drone :D and he made some photos and videos :D

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 03/09/2021

New project before the winter comes 😊 extending the bedroom ☀️



Iščemo prostovoljce, ki bi bili pripravljeni sodelovati od 3.9. do 9.9.

Več info na zs 🤗

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 21/07/2021

New Art in the ceremony house ✨

Thank you Pinga & Konjiček ❤️🙏

Photos from Apukuna Retreat Center's post 13/07/2021



Details, details, details.... 😀🙏🐦

And soon we will finish the art and start with the last plaster. And then... Painting🙏💚


Dragons 🐉

Videos (show all)

❤️#apukuna #clay #naturalbuilding #naturekids #homeschooling #livingwithlove
