Joelle Ya Salame

Joelle Ya Salame

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Learn to surf.

The waves can't be eliminated.



Don't run away.

Don't look away.

Feel it.

Process it.


Absolutely love this quote from Susan David.

Yes, there are definitely limits to stress and discomfort. However, running away the moment we feel them is impossible. As long as we are alive, we will have stress and discomfort, the way we react to them and the way we view them makes the whole difference.

Tonight is

Photos from Joelle Ya Salame's post 16/01/2023

Some additional information to keep in mind:

⚡Babies older than 6 months normally need the same quantities, and their intake will gradually decrease with introduction of food.

⚡Milk intake can vary with the same baby due to many factors: growth spurt periods, baby is sick - (and some babies decide to not eat that much during the day because they prefer to directly breastfeed when mom is back and might nurse more at night and during the week-end to reconnect with mom.)

⚡Ideally, you should not start pumping before your baby is 6 weeks old. During this time you are establishing your milk supply and if you pump too early this might lead to oversupply - which is not beneficial for mom or for baby. Now if you really need to , it is possible. And it could be better to discuss it with your lactation expert.

Going back to work soon and don't know where to start? Contact me and let's chat about that!


⚡MYTH: Drinking more water won't make you produce more milk!

Although, the nursing mother/parent might feel more thirsty and drink naturally more water, it does not mean that you need to overdrink to make more milk. Drinking more than your needs might cause discomfort and - insisting again - won't increase your supply.

Please take a minute and read this paragraph taken from Kellymom (Kelly Bonyata, IBCLC) website:

"Nancy Mohrbacher’s Breastfeeding Made Simple (2010) notes, “Contrary to popular belief, drinking more fluids is not associated with greater milk production.”

In Nutrition During Lactation, the IOM summarizes:

“It is widely assumed that milk production requires a high fluid intake on the part of the mother, yet the evidence suggests that lactating women can tolerate a considerable amount of water restriction and that supplemental fluids have little effect on milk volume…
Thirst may sometimes function too slowly to prevention dehydration among women with high fluid losses resulting from exercise or high ambient temperature (experienced by many women without air conditioning in the summer).
Thus, careful attention to adequacy of fluid intake is warranted in such situations, but under most conditions there appears to be no justification for emphasizing high fluid intake as a way to improve milk production.”

Save this or share it with the next person who tells you that drinking more water is the key to increasing your supply!


When we start shopping for our baby, we are so excited. Those small cute items are so irresistible. The small pants, the cute little bodies...Then we see small mittens, and we hear that newborns might hurt themselves with their nails so this can serve as protection.

While you might have the best intentions, it has been shown that it is best to leave their hands free! (you can take care of the nails in other ways)

In addition to being free, it is best not to clean them at all. Why? Because they still have the smell of the amniotic fluid in your womb. And this serves them as comfort in this new environment, and helps them get attracted to your breast which also has the smell of the amniotic fluid (right there in the Montgomery glands).

So to recap: your baby's hands and smell are a big comfort for him/her. Their smell is familiar and it can play a role to kickstart your breastfeeding journey on the right foot.


Do you love or absolutely hate nursing your baby to sleep?

Or maybe it is not completely black and white. Maybe you do it because you are convinced and it is working for you. Or you felt that it's not for you and tried to find other sleeping rhythms.

If it is working for you why stop? Why some women have this "shame" to say it out loud? People around you start telling you: you are spoiling your baby, your baby will never sleep on his/her own. This starts creating doubt and fear. And all those words are false and untrue.

It is a biological norm, mammals do it: are they creating bad habits or spoiling their babies? No they are just following their instincts. And surprisingly enough, especially during the first newborn period, it gives more time for mom to rest (of course there are exceptions).

Nursing to sleep is the easiest fastest way to make a baby sleep. Side-laying position, or just sit down and rest while breastfeeding. Which mom wasn't so overwhelmed from child birth and this new parenting role? If nursing to sleep helps her rest and makes her feel good why are we fighting that?

If you want to support a mom, encourage her to do whatever she finds easier and whatever works for her.

So let's recap. If you breastfeed to sleep and it is working for you. Put those ear mufflers and continue doing what you are doing. If it is not working anymore for you, there are many solutions that can help you transition and switch to a sleep routine that suits you and your baby. Go to your support group, contact your lactation consultant or your holistic sleep support specialist.

"Nothing is absolute, everything is relative" ;)

Tell me, do you love or hate nursing to sleep?

Photo source: Unsplash, Artish: .li



🤱New Mastitis Protocol

Remember when you were told to breastfeed more, empty your breast and put a warm hot compresses when you had Mastitis? Well new studies (Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine) are telling you to forget about that and follow these new recommendations:

1 - NO EXTRA PUMPING OR BREASTFEEDING - continue feeding on demand or your routine expression. You can't express a Mastitis out. trying to empty the breast more often than your baby's need will only increase your supply which can make your inflammation worse.

2- ICE PACKS! same as with any inflammation on your body. It applies as well to your breast. Use ice packs or cold compresses, in between feedings or pumping sessions, to reduce inflammation and swelling. Heat on the other hand can increase inflammation and make the swelling worse.

3- GENTLE MASSAGE - if you must, you can carry out a gentle massage to flush the extra fluids. However, strong deep massages are not recommended anymore. Ask your lactation consultant about the proper breast massage for Mastitis inflammation.

💊 Ibuprofen can be taken to reduce inflammation (please always consult your doctor). Remember, Mastitis is not always a bacterial infection, therefore antibiotics are not always needed, you might see some improvements because they might have anti-inflammatory effects making you think they are removing it, while they are not.

👩‍⚕️If symptoms persist more than 48h, again please consult your doctor.
Being in touch with your lactation consultant is always a good idea!

Save this post for when you need it!



So your baby is here, first 24h (if all went well), are ok. Baby is still tired from this big transition and has an ok first night.

Second night comes in, baby realizes that he is in a totally new environment. The sound that comforted him in the last 9 months in your womb are no longer there.

Every time you drop him in their crib, he starts crying again. You try to burp him, change his diaper. Nothing changes. This is where many moms start thinking that they are not making enough milk. Rest assured, if wet and dirty diapers are good, then your baby is getting enough milk.

However, he discovers his voice, and it's the only way to tell you he is not feeling safe in this totally new environment.

Few tips to get you through this night:
- TRUST YOURSLEF - shut down external comments that only make you doubt yourself.
- NO MITTENS. Baby was used to his hands in your womb, feeling his hands next to their face can be comforting.
- SNUGGLING - after every feed, remove your baby from breast and put them on your chest in an upward position, don't try to burp (unless you really feel they need to), just snuggle and make your baby feel safe. Skin to skin is always a good idea.

PS: This doesn't only happen the second night. This might happen again everytime your child is in an new environment or in a new situation.

And to be honest, I wouldn't mind being hugged myself by a loved one in my adult life, during situations where I don't feel so safe.


I can help you prepare you to have a successful breastfeeding journey. Let's chat!

Photograph taken from Pexel by


Key moments: 3 days, 10 days, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (approximatively).

Those are your babies growth spurts moments, when they are facing developmental milestones (physically, emotionally, brain development and more).

This period can be hard, and many moms and parents give up lactation during these moments thinking they are not making enough milk. Remember, if wet and dirty diaper are ok - and weight is ok. Then nothing to worry about. It's a hard phase but necessary for your baby and your milk supply. Continue in confidence and remember: This too shall pass.

Photos from Joelle Ya Salame's post 13/12/2022

Going back to work and not ready to wean your baby and switch to formula?

Feeling insecure about pumping at work? That you will be less of a good employee if you do that? But on the other hand you want to continue providing the benefits of your breastmilk to your baby?

Continuing to provide breastmilk to your baby while working, is not only beneficial for you and your baby. It is also beneficial for your company and employer.

Even if it wasn' have to be your own advocate and do what is best for you and your baby. You can't be making sure you are pleasing everyone, it's too much to bear and it's impossible!

If you think your company needs some information or update in this subject, why not proposing to your company a training to become a more breastfeeding friendly workplace? How? by contacting me :). I offer trainings for companies that wish to provide their employees a better support in their breastfeeding journey.


Mutual of Omaha. (2001). Prenatal and lactation education reduces newborn health care costs. Omaha, NE: Mutual of Omaha

Ortiz, J, McGilligan K, & Kelly P. (2004). Duration of breast milk expression among working mothers enrolled in an employer-sponsored lactation program. Pediatric Nursing, 30(2):111-119.

EEO Trust. (2001). New Zealand’s Best Employers in Work and Life 2001. Auckland, NZ.

Cohen R, Mrtek MB & Mrtek RG. (1995). Comparison of maternal absenteeism and infant illness rates among breastfeeding and formula-feeding women in two corporations. American Journal of Health Promotion, 10 (2), 148-153.


The best way to ensure a successful breastfeeding journey, is to prepare for it in advance.

Yes, it is possible to happen naturally. Some of the "natural" things for humans are normally transmitted from parents to children, through society or by imitation. Unfortunately, a lot of misinformation is told to newly parents by their surroundings. And less proper knowledge is transmitted.

Start learning about breastfeeding before the arrival of your baby. Join breastfeeding groups like La Leche League - they have support groups almost everywhere and they are for free.

You've got this!

❇️Joëlle ❇️Lactation Counselor and Massage Therapist🦸🏻‍♀️ on Instagram: "When someone tells you to cover yourself when breastfeeding. Or not to breastfeed in public 🤣. Today is just for the laughs. Julia Garner in Ozark. #brea 08/12/2022

❇️Joëlle ❇️Lactation Counselor and Massage Therapist🦸🏻‍♀️ on Instagram: "When someone tells you to cover yourself when breastfeeding. Or not to breastfeed in public 🤣. Today is just for the laughs. Julia Garner in Ozark. #brea ❇️Joëlle ❇️Lactation Counselor and Massage Therapist🦸🏻‍♀️ shared a post on Instagram: "When someone tells you to cover yourself when breastfeeding. Or not to breastfeed in public 🤣. Today is just for the laughs. Julia Garner in Ozark. ...


Stop, Pause and Breath. You are the entire world for your baby.
Yes you are that much important and that much powerful.

You've got this.

Videos (show all)

Key moments: 3 days, 10 days, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (approximatively). Th...
