Esme Carmichael, Author

Esme Carmichael, Author

Author of dark, gritty fantasy with flawed heroes and dystopian worlds. Esme published her debut novel - The End of Everything - in January 2021.

This is the first book in 'The Connection Series', which Esme began writing almost 10 years ago. Esme enjoys putting a dark twist on familiar tropes, creates stories with vivid worlds and writes characters full of snark, body and life. She's currently working her way through editing and publishing her long list of stories, ranging from high fantasy tales to paranormal romances. When not writing, E


My original plan was to publish The Bonds of Blood at the end of October 2023 For the most part, we're nearly there at 115k words and 3 rounds of edits.

Even so, I'm not quite ready to type "The End" just yet.

I want nothing more than to deliver the best possible ending to Alira's story, and so I have decided to push back the release date to 2024.

Thank you for your patience. More updates coming soon.


Only one more day until The Waltz of Wolves: The Complete Collection is out!

But do you know the story behind this cover? 🤔

🔴 for the blood on Campbell’s hands.
🔵 for the colour of Mason’s signature coat.
🔘 for Maya, and the rest of the morally-grey cast, suck in the middle of Campbell and Mason’s feud.
💎 eyes, because diamonds are deadlier than swords, and stares can kill.

Intrigued? 🤔


Calling all readers!

I'm undergoing a shift in my social media presence, including Facebook. From now on, I'll be using this platform more to share my writing progress and ARC/book reviews, as well as updates for my own books and publishing schedule!

So, if you like dark, dystopian fantasy reads, with questionable characters and plotlines that will take you through the emotional wringer, stick around 😉


I proudly present The Waltz of Wolves: Part 2 — coming 31st August 2021!

Thirteen years after Campbell Anders escaped Maelstrom, the Dagger Rebellion has developed a wide and fearsome reputation. Its one goal is to liberate the New World and free the thousands enslaved to Mason's cruel regime.

But when Campbell commits an unspeakable crime and severely weakens Mason, the Rebellion is faced with a tactical advantage they can't afford to waste. As tensions rise and retribution looms on the horizon, the Rebellion must decide how many lives their anonymity, and their safety, are worth…

(To avoid potential spoilers, I recommend reading after The End of Everything, The Waltz of Wolves: Part 1, and The Mover of Mountains)


While it wasn’t the end result we were hoping for, it was still one hell of a ride ⚽️ 👏


Campbell Anders and Harrison Dagger: the ultimate friendship goals


It's been a while since I posted on here, given that life has been a little chaotic recently! Thankfully, the weekend gives some time to catch up: Saturday for writing, Sunday for reading.

My current read is "The Nature of Witches" by Rachel Griffin. What are you reading?


I'm thrilled to announce that my website is officially up and running at !

There, you'll have the option to sign up for my monthly newsletter, FAQs to all my books, a New World inspired photo Gallery, and my writing blog. Each month I'll be adding a new blog entry, covering a whole range of topics: everything from writing your first novel to the self-publishing process. There'll also be guest articles from across the indie author community!

Creating a website has been on my To-Do list for MONTHS and I had such fun making it. I hope you enjoy!