Courtney's Keto Connection

Courtney's Keto Connection

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! I'm so excited to have y'all here. This is a page for all things keto! Share recipes. Build each other up.

Be the motivation you would want to have. We are all in this life together!

Photos from Courtney's Keto Connection's post 19/10/2022

One of the best choices I made for me in my life was to take a chance on myself. I tried these packets thinking there's no way a powder is going to help me. Nothing else had. I wanted to give up. I was struggling so bad with my confidence. My emotions were all over. I had no energy. I wasn't sleeping. I was over eating and I was just giving up.

A friend introduced me to my miracle. I tried one packet and have been hooked. After I tried it I bought the 10 Day challenge. Let me tell you. I have never been so alive! I thought no way. What is this?
I bought another one. That second one is what got me hooked. Then I found out I could get them for free! I was like what??!! You want to know how? Oh , let me share! Smart ships. Selling them. Trial packets. So many more ways. All for drinking and sharing my success and my story.

I am not a bragger by no means. I'm still not where I want to be. BUT, I'm better than where I started. I want to help people like me. I want to talk to people like me.

So if you need a change. If you want a chance. Just message me. If you know someone who has said why doesn't anything work. Why don't my clothes fit. I'm tired of these diets that don't help. Then give them my name. I will help them too. Share this out! I'm in this for the long haul.


I am loving this chill in the air right now.

What is your favorite thing to do on a chilly Friday night?


This made me giggle a little too loudly 🤣😅🤣


Yes yes yes!!!!! Apple a day keeps the cravings away! Try the new Apple PTK. Tastes more like an apple dum dum sucker than that sour apple jolly rancher! So many yums in one apple packet! Grab yours today and get a jump start on our next Jump program!!!

Drop apple in the comments for more amazing deals and info!


I'm believe in this completely. I have changed my entire outlook by trying to become a better version of myself. You can too!


Life's a party and y'all are invited! If you would like more information on these simple drinks I have daily to keep my energy up, boost my mood, metabolism, fat loss, muscle preservation and so much more, just comment party 🥳🥳 below 👇 and I'll make sure that you're in!

The party starts today with no cost. No obligation to buy. Just free info (maybe free give aways too 🤫🤫🤫).

So grab a reservation now for our massive chat and learn how I do it!


Yes it's FREEBIE Friday but also wanted to share the trial packets prices I have going on! I will take an additional $5 off if you tag and share and get a friend to try them with you!

How can you beat that! So you can will a free box, you can try them for low low cost and if you get a friend to try them too you will get even more off!

Yup. I did it! Comment TRIAL for more info. Tag and share!!!!


These packets have changed my life and I am so excited to now offer sample packs so you all can experience the same! 🥳

Comment ME below if you wanna snag one of these before I run out 🏃🏼‍♀️ 🏃🏼‍♂️


OMG OMG OMG!!!! Have you ever wanted to try those ketones but couldn't afford it? Well now you can test drive them! Message or comment for more information on how to get your body in ketosis without have to monitor macros!


As many of you see I promote ketones. What many of you don't know is why. This is a very vulnerable post for me. It's very difficult to share your feelings.

I was never the cool kid. I was never the skinny girl. I have always had weight issues. Self confidence issues. Struggling battles on the inside that nobody knew about. I would eat my feelings away. Food comforted me. I would hide behind baggy clothing. I would be quiet so nobody would notice me. I didn't like being the girl who got looked at or be in the light. I hated attention. I hated summer. I hated me.

I got married young and had kids young. As many of you know having kids put a toll on your body. I gained a lot of weight with my pregnancy and I had a very hard time losing it. After my second child I found out I had the onset of cancer. I had to have a total hysterectomy that really put my body into a downward spiral. This did not help at all with my weight. I had more internal struggles. Mental struggles. I cried all the time. Shopping for clothes was a nightmare for me. Seeing the cute outfits all the women my age wore saddened me. I wanted to wear cute clothes but nothing was flattering.

Fast forward, I got up to a weight I never thought I'd be at. It was devastating to look in a mirror. I was trying on clothes to go out and would just cry. Say I wasn't going. Or even make excuses to not go. I retreated into myself even more. I had tried every diet there was. I tried the pills, fads, exercise. Which some exercises I can't do due to an injury in my back. But at that point I thought the only option was surgery. That's when I found the miracle packets. I thought well I've tried everything thing this won't work either.

Imagine my shock when after i started them I noticed several changes. Not just the fat loss. The energy, the moods were getting happier. My focus at work was improving. I wasn't as grumpy. I wasn't as hungry all the time. Snacks were becoming less and less needed to get by.

In two months I was down 3 pant sizes and 20 pounds. I went from a 3XL shirt to an XL. In just two months everything changed for me. Now I'm still working on more weightloss. My journey is not over.

I want to show myself that I'm worth it. You're worth it too. So if you want to do this journey with me I would be more than happy to help you along the way. Support is always better when it's some one who's been there. And trust me, I've been there.

So drop INFO in the comments and let's talk!!!


We are up to 190 followers! Share share share! Can we hit 200 by Sunday?


Hey y'all! Y'all know what today is??

That's right FREEBIE FRIDAY!

It's your chance to get 20 of those miracle packets I take for 🆓. Did I just say 20 packets for free? Yes I did!!!!!🎉🎉

So if you want to the secret code to enter your self to get:

❤️Better energy
❤️Better focus
❤️Better fat loss
❤️Better metabolism
❤️Better , better, better

🚨there are no strings attached to enter🚨

Drop me a 💲💲 in the comments.


I have a secret....shhhh. Want to see my secret?


Ever wanted to make the money that others only dream about? Ever wanted to set your own hours? Ever wanted to have more time for your family or yourself? Do you find your phone in your hand? Let's talk!


Stay up to date on specials and discounts. My VIP group will always get the first dips as soon as available!


Happy September! First day of the new month! Any goals for the month? Who's got the best goal?


If you've ever wanted to try ketones now is the chance! Get these amazing drinks for a special price while we celebrate our birthday with you!


Freebie Fridays are the best days of the week! I love sharing free stuff! You can be a winner with no purchase at all!!!! Ya hear me. None!!!!

Tag a friend in the comments and help them win too!


Happy Friday!!!!! It's FREEBIE FRIDAY!

Who wants to win a free box of Ketones????

Drop 🙋 in the comments to get the private link!

I hope everyone has a fantastic beautiful day.

Remember, today is a new day and yesterday is in the past!


If you love lemon shortbread cookies but are on keto, this is for you!!! Comment info below to get more great recipes and find out about other flavors available to help put you in ketosis!!!


Oooooo, what can it be????


I love my job!

Photos from Courtney's Keto Connection's post 23/08/2022

Keto diets or low carb diets do not have to taste bad or be hard to keep doing. I have soooooo many recipes and ways to enjoy food. If you want to know how to enjoy the taste of keto/low carb options I can hook you up! 🫢🫢🫢

So many misconceptions about how the food tastes bad or how you can't eat anything sweet or yummy or enjoy your favorite foods. Oh, but yes you can! I do it and continue to lose fat. I keep my energy up. I sleep better at night. I even have milkshakes. Keto of course but they taste even better.

Wanna know how?🙋🙋🙋


Is it that kind of day????


Videos (show all)

Yes yes yes!!!!! Apple a day keeps the cravings away!   Try the new Apple PTK.   Tastes more like an apple dum dum sucke...
These packets have changed my life and I am so excited to now offer sample packs so you all can experience the same! 🥳Co...
I have a secret....shhhh.  Want to see my secret? #momlife #truckerwife #recipes #bossbabe
Ever wanted to make the money that others only dream about?  Ever wanted to set your own hours? Ever wanted to have more...
If you love lemon shortbread cookies but are on keto, this is for you!!!  Comment info below to get more great recipes a...
Oooooo, what can it be????
I love my job!
