Lifeforce Hypnotherapy and Counselling

Lifeforce Hypnotherapy and Counselling

Vicki Childs
🌟Clinical Supervisor for Mental Health Care Workers
👩‍🎓ACA & ASCH Registered

Subconscious Mind Healing
Individuals and Families

Medical fund rebates.


Hello Community 💫

A few random thoughts while I attend to notes and paperwork.

Go gently into your weekend.

Tread lightly on the earth.

Be mindful of the impact of your words.

Hold others' hearts with care.

Look with renewed curiosity.

Stay open to new experiences.

Remind yourself about one thing that you love about yourself.

Have a great weekend 😀

Lifeforce Hypnotherapy and Counselling
Est 2013


How to 'rewild' yourself. 💖

We love all of these, how about you?

Which one will you do today?



Spot on for many with ADHD.

Glad to see more light shed on this.


Popping this wonderful organisation on for anyone who may be doing it tough, trying to feed their family.

Sydney based organisation.

Respond and register on their website for assistance


If you can’t afford groceries, you might be eligible for our food run program.

we believe access to safe, nutritious and culturally appropriate food is a human right.

To find out more information or apply for support, Simply click on the link below


Hi Community,

A beautiful reminder for those walking the path of judgement today.

They don't 'know' you.

Feel free to share because you never know who may need it.


Sharing for anyone that needs to see or hear it.



Saturday Morning Vibes.

Trust the Universe.

Sharing is Caring, go on, press that share button.



Good Morning

Let's talk about this meme. I absolutely love it. I'm quite sure most readers will know the feeling of sensing something is 'off' or 'not right' with ourselves or others, before we understand or are informed as to what may be going on.

You may have a strong emotional response to a person, place or situation that comes entirely out of the blue.

It is also quite common to feel supercharged, or overly emotional right before we have that moment of understanding that allows us insight into why we have been deep in emotion.

As human beings we often develop strong emotions before we have the slightest inkling why.

Emotions always come before cognition.


Good Evening Community

Just a reminder that if you are with the NDIS and self managed or planned managed we gladly accept new clients.

Our services are available Australia wide.

Counselling. Hypnotherapy. Coaching. Workplace Training. Holistic Healing.

More information on our website.


This. This. This.

It all comes from you 💞


Love this. Many of our lovely clients struggle to know what to say to their children at bedtime.

Here’s some wonderful examples to help with self esteem and confidence.


Please remember to share or like our posts to keep us active in your feed.

lift fun ❤️


A beautiful reminder. Simple as that.

Please don’t talk about kids as if they can’t hear you…any kid!


A reminder for today. Not all days are going to be sweetness and light.

There will be days when it all feels like it’s too much.

Days where our energy feels low, and we experience a whole myriad of complex emotions.

I have found personally, as well as in my professional opinion, that when you’re having one of these days, to sit in it.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with allocating yourself a ‘poor me’ day!

As long as you don’t reside there, day in and day out, it’s quite normal.

Use this type of day to hold yourself gently, and understand healing takes time and patience.



Burning Sage

Many times our lovely clients are curious about the smell they encounter when coming into our clinic space.

The scent/small varies depending on what day you visit. Some days it’s a beautiful soy candle, other days, we start the day by burning sage.

Have you ever wondered why and when to burn sage?

Here’s a few tips around using sage.

Don’t forget we sell premium quality sage on our sister site


“Don't abandon yourself. Not when you're sick. Not when you're tired.
Not when you've lost the thread, the thought, or the thing you thought defined you.

You will die many times in one life and create yourself anew. This is natural. This is a gift.
I've died a few times now here in this world. The person I was: gone.

Throw that older skin into the water. Give it to the sky. Step into what wants to emerge now. Nothing can hold you back when you are willing to be Yourself…”

~ Jeannette Encinias via Wanderings~

~Art by Yuumei ~


Hello Community

Well, the dreaded Norovirus, along with a side dish of Influenza A, has struck.

As many of my clients and friends know, I struggle badly with this type of thing due to my autoimmune conditions.

Therefore, I have no choice but to transfer this weeks client appointments to Zoom Consults only.

Alternate, to the above, I will need to reschedule appointments for 2 weeks time.

I apologise for any inconvenience, however, it is important to prevent the spread of these bugs and ensure I am 100% before coming back for face to face appointments.

Did I mention, how much I loathe Winter? Maybe, I did, a few hundred times.


Let's talk about emotional intelligence, also known as EI.

Often, when we have challenges communicating or connecting with others, we may struggle to understand why. It's not uncommon to start thinking the following:

Is it me?
Is it them?
Have I done something to offend this person?
Why don't they understand what I'm saying?
I give up, they don't get it.

In certain cases it can be that there's incompatability in the emotional intelligence areas that govern friendships, relationships and family dynamics.

One person may be exhibiting and using high emotional intelligence, while the other person may be sitting in low emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is far more than you think. Interestingly, being direct and assertive (not aggressive) is actually on the high intelligence scale!

Surprisingly for some, being predictable (sometimes seen as boring) is also on the high scale!

When working with clients who are experiencing conflict with families or their partner, simple tweaks and awareness of EI can make a huge difference.

Where are you sitting on the EI scale? Most people, if they honest are in both camps. This is completely normal. EI can also change due to situations, environments and stress factors.

If you would like to know more, or work with me on this issue, please go to my website, direct message, or book on the 'Book Now' link on this page.

Lifeforce Hypnotherapy and Counselling. Est. 2013.


Hello Saturday Morning

Yes, I will.

How about you?


Some late night thoughts after my last session......

“The purpose of your life
is to love.
All other tasks
are secondary.
And in time,
what concerns you now
which does not stem from a place of love
will soon be forgotten.”

Words by Tahlia Hunter

Artwork by Catrin Welz-Stein


It sure is.

Do you have any self care plans this week?

Yes it is 💜 how can you practice self care today? 🙂


Heading into the long weekend, here's a little reminder for dealing with people in general.

Sometimes, more often than not, extreme reactions, emotional outbursts and dislike towards you as a person have absolutely nothing to do with you.

You can be the ripest, juicest peach, and someone is still going to dislike peaches.


Hypnotherapy for Nail Biting 🍥🍥🍥

Why do people bite their nails?

Nail biting almost always begins in childhood. It’s a behaviour often associated with stress or anxiety, but it’s likely more complicated than that.

For instance, one theory is that it helps some people regulate their emotions — or it may at least feels like it does.

Think of it this way:

💅 When you’re understimulated (aka: bored or dissatisfied), biting your nails feels like it gives you something to do or feel satisfied about.

💅 When you’re overstimulated (aka: excited, nervous or impatient), biting your nails can be a distraction or temporary escape from some overwhelming emotion.

Nail biting is a classic example of the formula that governs habit formation, which requires the following:

A consistent cue (same thing, same time, same place)

A simple behavior (typically one that’s deemed useful)

A reward (inherent or attached to the behavior by you)

Many repetitions of the above.

There’s much to address with any unwanted habit. Hypnotherapy addresses the root cause at a very deep level. This allows for cessation of the habit.

I have worked with many clients around nail biting with good success.

Get in contact for more info.


Photos from Lifeforce Hypnotherapy and Counselling's post 27/05/2024

A reminder that as well as working Wednesdays and Fridays in the Norwest Office, I offer after hours Online Zoom Counselling and Hypnotherapy from 5pm - 11pm.

Life as we know it is not simply a 9-5 day. Many of my lovely clients have found that online sessions are just as effective as in person appointments, with the added benefit of being able to do therapy in your PJ's or while drifting off to sleep (Hypno).

The other great thing about online counselling sessions is that you don't have to worry about finding parking or anyone recognising or seeing you, which can be a concern for some.

Please message me or book direct from our website.



Counselling (Individual and Families)

General Counselling
Specialist Couples Counselling
Clinical Hypnotherapy
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
Life, Happiness and Success Coaching
Equilibrium and Energy Rebalancing

EFTPOS & Paypal.

Medical Fund Rebates with *appropriate level of cover.

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12 Century Circuit
Sydney, NSW