Nutrition Plan RN

Nutrition Plan RN

I’m Tara Snow, Registered Nurse, health and wellness advocate and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

My goal is to support others to implement sustainable and positive nutrition and lifestyle changes with a holistic, bioindividual perspective .


Don’t undo all of your and for !

By eating mindfully and engaging in certain activities, you can remain confident in yourself and keep your body in check all summer long.

TIP #1: Stock the kitchen!
Book a room with a kitchenette and cook your own meals. You’ll save money and can still make those morning smoothie and control what’s in them.

TIP #2: Enjoy the local fare!
It’s ok to splurge a little on local fare you can’t get elsewhere. Just enjoy in small portions and eat consciously for other meals.

TIP #3: Pack it up!
Take your favorite fruits, protein bars, and other healthy snacks along with you, so you’re not stuck with unhealthy meal options which plague most tourist destinations.

TIP #4: Be a local!
Spend the day enjoying the local Farmer’s Market. The fair prices and true cultural experiences are great additions to picking up fresh snacks for the week.

TIP #5: Get creative!
You don’t need a fitness center to stay active. In fact, you’re likely to be just as active by enjoying local activities such as walking or running along the boardwalk, hiking, biking or swimming. Plan for activity every day of your vacation.

TIP #6: Preview online!
Let’s face it, you’ll be dining out on vacation, and there’s no reason to feel guilty. Hop online before you head out and preview the menu options.

TIP #7: Skip the buffet!
If the breakfast buffet included in your stay can’t be avoided as an option, choose the smallest plate they offer and fill it with as many fruits and vegetables as possible. You’ll fill up faster than you think and you won’t feel guilty about eating all those waffles and muffins or splurging on a special meal later in the day.

TIP #8: Beware of jetlag!
Adjusting to a new time zone may make you hungry at odd hours. Resist the 4 AM hunger pangs and hold out until you can make smarter choices at breakfast.

TIP #9: Drink plenty of water!
If you trust the local tap water, refill your reusable BPA-free bottle consistently throughout the day to stay hydrated and avoid the need to purchase sugary drinks. If needed, purchase water from the local grocery store so you have some on hand.

Any tips to share?


Mindful Eating

For many of us, meals are eaten on the go or while distracted doing other things, like sitting at our computers, watching TV, or driving between destinations. 🍽 🖥🚙

Busy schedules and on-the-go food options make it easy to eat while multitasking and not put much thought into what we’re eating or even how it tastes!

Today, challenge yourself to eat a meal or a snack while giving all your attention to the flavors and textures.

Doing this will help you get in better touch with your hunger cues so that you make sure to eat the right amount of food to satisfy your hunger (not too much or too little).

Its also better for digestion!


Stress definitely interferes with sleep!

High cortisol levels at night can keep you from falling asleep and is directly correlated to less-than-satisfactory sleep.

The best way to combat stress is to help your body complete the stress cycle, which is most effectively done through exercise.

Aim to get at least 150 minutes of exercise per week in the daytime hours, not before bed, and see if your sleep improves!


Now get 20% off + free shipping 08/06/2021

50% off today! For those of you looking for toxin free cleaning supplies to protect your immunity and hormones, Force of Nature is a safe alternative to bleach and other chemicals.

And the value bundles are 50% off today! Use code BFF50

Now get 20% off + free shipping Get started on the bleach-strength way to clean with no toxic chemicals. Meet the little appliance that turns salt, water & vinegar into a powerful multi-purpose cleaner.


Been trying out a Continuous Glucose Monitor for the past three weeks and have to say it’s been very insightful in how my body manages glucose.

I know what spikes my blood sugar(ice cream, brown rice pasta, cauliflower gnocchi and even a salad if it’s a larger portion without enough protein).

Exercise post meals helps, avoiding snacks and sugar, eating protein and fat at the beginning of the meal and any complex carbs at the end, eating my last meal around 6pm, vinegar prior to meals, meditation for stress management, restful sleep and I’m testing a few other responses.

We are all bio individuals and react differently to diet and lifestyle choices. I’ve been trying to be intuitive but it’s sure nice to see what’s really happening on the inside.

The body is amazing!
Be good to yours!


Strawberries are super dense with Vitamin C. The powerful (and necessary) antioxidant Vitamin C is essential for helping build and repair the body’s tissues, boost immunity, and fight excess free radical damage.

Studies have shown that Vitamin C promotes healthy eye function and could potentially help us prevent facial wrinkles. Read about it here:

Go about the rest of your day knowing that your 8-ounce serving of these beautiful berries also packs more than a quarter of the suggested daily value of manganese, as well as a respectable amount of dietary fiber (3 grams, to be exact).

Buy organic strawberries, if you can!


Eat the rainbow!

Here are just some of the benefits associated with different color fruits and vegetables:

RED contains Lycopene, ellagic acid, Quercetin, and Hesperidin. These nutrients reduce the risk of prostate cancer, lower blood pressure, reduce tumor growth and LDL cholesterol levels, scavenge harmful free-radicals, and support joint-tissue and prevent arthritis.

ORANGE and YELLOW contain Beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, flavonoids, lycopene, potassium, and vitamin C. These nutrients reduce age-related macular degeneration and the risk of prostate cancer, lower LDL cholesterol, and blood pressure, promote collagen formation and healthy joints, fight harmful free radicals, encourage alkaline balance, and work with magnesium and calcium to build healthy bones.

GREEN contains Chlorophyll, fiber, lutein, zeaxanthin, calcium, folate, vitamin C, calcium, and Beta-carotene. The nutrients found in these vegetables reduce cancer risks, lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, normalize digestion time, support retinal health and vision, fight harmful free-radicals, and boost immune system activity.

BLUE and PURPLE contain Lutein, zeaxanthin, resveratrol, vitamin C, fiber, flavonoids, ellagic acid, and quercetin. These nutrients support retinal health, lower LDL cholesterol, boost immune system activity, support healthy digestion, improve calcium and other mineral absorption, fight inflammation, reduce tumor growth, act as an anticarcinogen in the digestive tract, and limit the activity of cancer cells.


Give home cleaners an upgrade by buying products that are safe, effective, and healthier for you AND the environment!

💡For many of us, the coronavirus pandemic changed how we approached cleaning our homes and (especially at first) we brought out the BIG GUN cleaners … or in some cases, whatever was available at the store!

👉🏾 It is possible to keep your home clean AND also kill off the nasty bugs and viruses you don’t want around.

⚡The problem with a lot of antibacterial and antimicrobial cleaners is that they can be a little too aggressive and kill off beneficial organisms, which can have an impact on gut health, especially for babies and young children.

A major study found that being exposed as babies to disinfectants and detergents was linked to a higher body mass index – while being exposed to eco-friendly products wasn’t linked. They also wreak havoc on your hormone receptors. Check those baby wipes and personal care wipes, too!

How do you know which eco-friendly and hormone safe products actually work?

The nonprofit Environmental Working Group is constantly updating its database of products. Check out their free guides here:

* Toss products that don’t show an ingredient list

* Toss products that have a warning, caution or danger message (why do we ignore these?)

* Toss disinfectants or sanitizers

* Toss anything with fragrance in the ingredient list(this is a way to disguise over 4000 chemicals that could be in the products without disclosing)

* Toss products with synthetic preservatives like methylisothiazolinone, benzisothiazolinone, phenoxyethanol

* Read labels and look for certifications such as “EPA Safer Choice,” “Green Seal,” or the “EcoLogo.” Also look for the new “MADE SAFE” seal for products that are paving the way for healthier home and personal care items.

* Make sure your room is well ventilated when you clean.

If you’d like recommendations on safe products, let me know in the comments 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼



Are you reading any books right now!?

🧠Reading has amazing benefits for your brain health and general outlook on life.

😲 But so many people don’t read … in fact, more than 25% of people told researchers in 2019 that over the course of a year they hadn’t read a single book (or even part of one).

Just look at this list of benefits! Reading:

📗 Strengthens your brain by improving the connections within it
📘 Boosts your vocabulary and comprehension
📙 Helps you sleep better
📚 Reduces stress
📕 Lowers your blood pressure and heart rate
📔 Fights symptoms of depression
📗 Prevents age-related cognitive decline
📘 Is linked with longevity, and
📚 Improves your ability to empathize with others.

Pretty amazing list, right?!

Here’s my stack of recent reads, one I’m currently reading and a couple in the queue.

Let me know what you’re reading! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼




⭐ You might not think of onions as a “star” vegetable that’s front and center of your meal … but its nutrition power is undeniable!

✅ In fact, the entire allium family (including shallots, leeks, chives, and garlic) packs an impressive nutritional punch!

💪🏾 Onions are a great source of gut-friendly and immune-boosting prebiotics, which help keep your gut healthy. They also appear to help lower blood pressure as well as high triglycerides.

👉🏾 High in potassium and vitamins B and C, they may help lower your risk of cancer and heart disease – plus they have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. 

🏅 But wait … there’s more!! They may help reduce blood sugar and are associated with improved bone mineral density.

🥣 Add onions to salads, soups, stir-fries, and as a topper to your sandwiches, steaks, chicken dishes, or burgers.




❓ What’s your favorite way to eat cauliflower – mashed like potato, transformed into pizza crust, or as a yummy side dish!? Let us know below! 

💡 Cauliflower has a lot going for it. Not only is it one of the most versatile veggies, but it also contains some of every vitamin you need, as well as a healthy dose of fiber.

💦 Not bad for a veggie that’s 92% water!

💪🏾 Cauliflower is rich in antioxidants, low in carbs and calories .. PLUS it has protective qualities to guard against cancer and heart disease! It’s also a good source of choline, which helps your metabolism, cell health, and supports many processes in your body.

✅ Because of its mild taste, it can be added to a number of recipes to replace less nutrient-dense, higher-carb ingredients.

👩🏾‍🍳 It can be used many different ways in your meals – steamed or roasted, turned into “rice,” mashed like potato, or even shredded and used in bread and pizza crust! 



Do you have an emergency kit for your home?

🎒 It’s time to create or refresh your “Go Bag” – basically a survival kit that will get you through at least 72 hours.

✅ Save this post for later reference if you can’t work on it this weekend!

👉Hopefully, you’ll never need it, but these are great to have ready-to-go just in case.

🧳 Pack up the items in a backpack (or two) or luggage with wheels so you can leave at a moment’s notice and be sure to double-check its contents every six months or so. Schedule it in your phone, otherwise those granola bars will be hard as a rock!

🔦 Here’s a list of items suggested by the US Department of Homeland Security -you may or may not need some of them:

* Flashlight(s) and headlamp�
* First aid kit�
* Plastic sheeting and duct tape in case you need to shelter in place�
* Moist toilettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties�
* Dust mask/cloth face covers�
* Soap, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes�
* Whistle (in case you need to signal for help)�
* Cell phone chargers/backup battery�
* Prescription medications and non-prescription pain relievers and digestion soothers�
* Battery-powered or hand-crank radio�
* Extra batteries�
* Tools (wrench or pliers in case you need to turn off utilities)�
* Multi-purpose knife with a can opener�
* Matches in a sealed plastic bag�
* Copies of personal papers (insurance, ID, birth certificate, etc.), sealed in a waterproof bag�
* Paper and pencil�
* Comb/brush/travel-size personal care items �
* Feminine supplies and toilet paper�
* Paper plates/towels/cups and eating utensils�
* Cash and a roll of quarters�
* Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person�
* Change of clothes and shoes (include layers and rain gear)�
* Extra pair of eyeglasses/contacts�
* Water (at least 1 gallon per person per day, for at least 3 days, for both drinking and sanitation)�
* Food (at least a 3-day supply of non-perishable food for everyone in your household)�
* Pet food and extra water�
* Baby formula, diapers, wipes, etc.�
* Book or activities to keep the kids occupied

📸Let’s see a photo of your “Go Bag”!!!

⁉️Did I forget anything⁉️



Do you really know what’s in your water?

Safe, clean drinking water is one of the most important contributors to our health and one of the most important environmental resources. Nationwide, we are exposed to contaminants in our water which have serious chronic effects on our health and wellbeing.

This morning I sent my Tap Score water test kit to the SimpleWater certified laboratory to be tested. Now, I will wait for my personalized health analysis and their unbiased water treatment matching suggestions. I’ve been putting off buying a home filter until I knew the exact contaminants I needed to filter out.

Have you thought about testing your water?

Tap Score kits have everything you need to know about your water. You choose the kit that matches the water source you want to test and for the contaminants you may be concerned about. The kits come with easy to follow instructions.

???Have you tested your home water???


Addictive substances definitely affect your ability to sleep.

Generally speaking, caffeine affects most people by keeping them awake. This means that having a 4 PM cup of coffee or energy drink to get you through the rest of your workday might end up keeping you awake way past your usual bedtime!

If you’re someone who’s affected by the stimulating effects of caffeine, try to avoid it 6 hours prior to bedtime, or even earlier if you are extra sensitive to caffeine. Many of us are slow caffeine metabolizers and should avoid it all together.

???? How does caffeine affect you????


Don’t let “greens” for breakfast turn you off! This quick skillet is so good and a perfect way to get some vegetables in early in the day!

Greens Breakfast Skillet




2 tablespoons ghee or grass fed butter
1 garlic clove, minced
4 ounces pancetta, diced( I get it at Trader Joe’s already diced) or 2 pieces of uncured, nitrate-free bacon or turkey bacon
5-6 asparagus stalks, trimmed and diced (leftover works great!)
1 cup chopped kale, cabbage or bok choy
2 eggs
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


1. Heat ghee in a medium skillet over medium high heat. Sauté the garlic for a minute, then add in the pancetta and brown for another minute. Add in the asparagus, cooking for a few minutes until soft.

2. Add in the kale and sauté for a few minutes until wilted. Push the greens to the perimeter of the skillet making a hole in the center and add eggs to the skillet. Season with salt and pepper to taste, cover and cook until eggs are cooked to preference.

Are you going to try it? 🧑🏻‍🍳🥣👨🏻‍🍳



➡ Asparagus isn’t just delicious, it’s also incredibly nutrient-dense … and it’s also low in calories, with a half-cup serving containing only 20 calories!

💡 It’s an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, disease-fighting antioxidants, and fiber.

⚡ Among its health benefits, asparagus can help 1) promote digestive health and 2) reduce your risk of diabetes.

It’s also believed to help lower high blood pressure and it’s high in folate.

🤓 TRIVIA FACT: These little green (or white and purple) stalks are actually part of the lily family.

👩🏾‍🍳 Asparagus is especially delicious roasted or steamed (and NOT canned or overcooked).



Get a little fresh air and sunshine today! It’s an instant pick me up and great way to start your week!


😋 🍔 These bison burgers are a flavorful change from beef burgers. If you haven’t tried bison before, this is a good recipe to get started with!

When you cook them, be sure to keep a close eye on them because they take less time than beef, and can become dry if they get overcooked.

(Serves 4)

* 1 lb. (450 grams) lean ground bison�
* 1 tsp each: mustard, pink Himalayan salt, freshly ground black pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder�
* 1-2 dashes hot sauce�
* Avocado oil for cooking�

Mix the seasonings into the ground bison in a large bowl.

Make 4 x half-inch (1.25 cm) thick patties out of the meat and spice mixture.

Preheat your heat source (grill, stove, etc.) to medium-high. Brush or coat your pan or grill with avocado oil. Grill the burgers for about 4 minutes on each side for medium doneness. (or cook to your desired temperature)

Serve with your favorite burger fixings! Go bunless if you’re watching your carbs!



This post isn’t for my vegan friends but trying to keep you all covered 😜

💡Have you tried bison before? What did you think!?

💯 If you enjoy red meat, it’s definitely worth checking out!

🍽 Bison can be a nutritious alternative to beef, as it contains more omega 3 fatty acids. 

👉🏾 Bison tends to be leaner than beef, too …. and it’s an excellent source of protein, B vitamins, and iron.

Plus, it contains the antioxidant selenium, and zinc, which helps your body heal.

Use bison the same way you would use beef.

✅ Because it’s so lean, it’s easy to overcook so keep a close eye on it. Try using your favorite marinade on it to help 1) boost the flavor and 2) keep it tender!



😋🍋Eat this Lemon Cream Overnight Oats as-is or with some yummy toppings – either way, you will be looking forward to breakfast!

You can use any kind of milk you want in this, but I like oat milk because it has a creamier texture.

✅If you want to boost the protein and cut back on the tartness, stir ½ to 1 scoop of your favorite vanilla plant-based protein powder. If you use protein powder, stir it in just before serving. You might have to add a little more milk so it doesn’t get dry.

(Makes 2 servings)

* 1 cup (80 grams) old fashioned oats (gluten-free, if possible)

* 2 tbsp chia seeds

* Juice of half a lemon

* 1 tsp vanilla extract

* 1½ cups (355 ml) milk or unsweetened dairy alternative 

* 1 tablespoon maple syrup

Optional toppings:
* ½ to 1 scoop vanilla protein powder

* ½ oz. (15 grams) chopped nuts (I use chopped almonds)

* Toasted coconut flakes

Place all the oats ingredients in a large mason jar and cover tightly. Shake it to mix the ingredients, and store it in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, shake the jar again and divide the oats between two bowls. Stir in the optional protein powder (and milk if needed). Add optional toppings and enjoy!



😋 I looove lemon cake but we’ll save that for another day! What’s your favorite healthy lemon dish? Lemon chicken … lemon-garlic fish … or maybe a lemon-based dressing drizzled over quinoa and veggies?

💯 So good! It doesn’t just taste delicious. Lemons contain a LONG list of nutritional benefits thanks to its antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals!

💪🏾 Lemons can help boost your immune system, ease your digestive system, and they even contain anti-cancer compounds.

🧡 Plus, they are good for heart health, may help prevent stroke, can lower blood pressure, and they may contain compounds that help control your weight.

✅ One way to get more lemon in your life is to drink infused water every morning! To make it, simply squeeze a couple of tablespoons of fresh lemon into a glass of water (warm or cold, your choice!).

🍲 You can also drizzle lemon on your veggies and salads.



Your sleep environment is important to signaling your body it is time for rest.

Sleep, intimacy, and sickness are the three things that you should be using your bed for.

When it comes to other activities like eating, working, or playing around on the computer, save it for elsewhere!

Is your bedroom clutter stressing you out?

Do you have piles of clothes strewn across your bedroom floor? Do you have a desk full of stacks of paper? How about an unfinished project like a half-painted wall or a new shelving unit that’s still in its box?

Even a pile of unfolded laundry can cause your bedroom to be a stressful environment! Take some time to clear out and clean up your bedroom, even if that means putting up a room separator and keeping your clutter out of sight.


🌿When you want a tasty, less sugary fizzy drink this is a great choice!

(makes 2 servings)

* 1 cup (140 grams) pitted cherries (fresh or frozen/thawed)

* ¼ cup (15 grams) fresh mint leaves

* ¼ cup (60 ml) lime juice

* 3 cups (700 ml) seltzer water (black cherry flavor if possible)

* 1-2 tsp honey or maple syrup

Place the cherries, mint, and lime juice in a high-speed blender or food processor. Pulse a couple of times until they are just combined and not completely pulverized.

Scrape out of the container, placing equally in two glasses filled with crushed ice. Pour the seltzer water over it. Add honey or maple syrup to taste, stirring well. Enjoy! 



🤓💡 We often think of peppermint as being a flavor to add to tea, gum, candy, or holiday treats ... but the energizing plant leaves actually contain nutritional compounds!

👉🏾 This doesn’t just go for peppermint, but other members of the mint family including spearmint.

🔥 Among other things, peppermint can help soothe your stomach, ease your headaches, and give you a boost of caffeine-free energy.

🤩 It’s also believed to calm allergies, boost concentration, and protect oral health.

✅✅✅ And it has the trifecta: it has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties!

🙈🙉🙊 CONTROVERSY ALERT! While mint is a popular flavor (hello mint ice cream!), some people think it makes everything taste like toothpaste.

What do you think? Thumbs up or thumbs down?



📚 It’s hard to choose just one!


😋You’re in for a treat! When these ribs are in the oven, you’ll be watching the clock until they’re done! These are always a hit at my house! And the homemade sauce is sugar-free, unlike store bought. You won’t miss it, I promise!

I use my enamel coated Lodge Dutch oven but a braising pan works, too.

Oven-Braised Spare Ribs

Serves: 4


* 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
* 1 tablespoon dried thyme
* 1/2 tablespoon ground cumin
* 1/2 tablespoon pepper
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 3. 5 pounds pork spare ribs, cut into 4 or 5 pieces
* 3 Tbsp organic ghee or avocado oil (ghee will give better flavor)
* 1/2 onion, sliced
* 2 minced garlic cloves
* 4 ounces tomato paste
* 4 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
* 4 cups beef stock or bone broth


1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
2. In a small bowl, combine paprika, thyme, cumin, salt, and pepper. Coat both sides of rib sections evenly with spice mixture.
3. In a large oven-safe Dutch oven, heat ghee or oil over medium-high heat. Cook ribs meaty side down about 3 minutes, until browned, then turn and brown the other side. Remove ribs from pan and set aside. Will have to do in two batches.
4. May have to add a little broth to deglaze the pan if not enough liquid present. Add onions and garlic to pan and cook until onions are translucent. Add the tomato paste, vinegar, and broth and stir together until blended.
5. Return the ribs to pan and coat with sauce. Cover and bake for 2 1/2 hours.



❓ Do you have any apple cider vinegar in your pantry right now? 

💡 If you don’t, you should think about adding it to your shopping list for your next grocery trip!

👉🏾 Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been used for centuries both in cooking and as a traditional folk remedy.

It’s acetic acid (which gives it its sour smell and taste) is credited by researchers for giving ACV its nutritional benefits. 

💪🏾 Not only does it contain antioxidants that help protect your health, but it also has antimicrobial properties that kill pathogens (germs). 

⭐ Plus, it can help reduce your appetite by making you feel full, it appears to help improve insulin sensitivity, and may also lower your body’s blood sugar response after eating.

I like to start my mornings off with 8oz warm water, 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of ACV to get my digestion going and set myself up for better insulin sensitivity. Use a straw though, to protect your tooth enamel and don’t brush for 30 min afterward if you’re going to give it a try.

✅ Unfiltered, organic ACV also contains “the mother,” which is the murky substance at the bottom of the bottle. It’s made up of friendly bacteria, enzymes, and proteins created during the fermentation process. 

➡ Try making your own olive oil & ACV salad dressing! It’s so good: just mix together 3 parts oil with 1 part of vinegar and add pink Himalayan salt and ground pepper to taste. 


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