Copy That By Cotto

Copy That By Cotto

Owner of Copy That By Cotto - Social Media Management


Studies like this incorrectly portray Ketogenic and Carnivore as harmful and dangerous. In all actuality, Keto, when done correctly, is healing.

There are numerous testimonials of folks getting off medication and reversing their conditions/issues/diseases, such as Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Eczema, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Depression, and so many more. Even I have reversed my prediabetes, lowered my blood pressure, and lost 40 pounds.

Do your research and ask yourself this, "Who is actually paying for these studies?" You may or may not be aware but these studies are usually paid for by big pharma and the processed food companies, who are oftentimes one and the same.

Also think about this: if you are sick and on meds and continually getting prescriptions filled, who is making a profit off of you? Wouldn't they want to keep you sick so they can continue reaching their financial goals and increasing their bottom line?

And for those that think that long-term effects of Keto are not known...actually, they are. Keto Adapted - Maria Emmerich has been keto and helping others for over 20 years. She has numerous testimonies on her website, including her own story about reversing PCOS and losing weight.

Other practitioners to research and follow: Anthony Chaffee (medical doctor), ⚜️ DR. KEN BERRY ⚜️ (medical doctor), Ovadia Heart Health (Cardiologist), Keto Adapted - Maria Emmerich (Keto, PSMF, Carnivore Coach) Healing Humanity: The Power of a Proper Human Diet (documentary movie-in-the-making).

Want to see what a really bad study looks like? And with completely misleading headlines and likely an agenda behind the articles and titles? Check this out!

This “study” was a really poorly done observational study of 305 people. They gave them a one time, 24 HOUR, food survey. You read that right, they asked them what they ate over the last 24 hours.

And here is the worst part. They then labeled anyone eating less than 25% of calories from carbs (and more than 45% from fat) the Keto group. Yup, on a 3,000 calorie a day diet, that is up to 187g of carbs a day. That is TEN times what a good keto diet would have for carb intake. So that group basically ate high fat and high carb.

This is complete garbage, but it will be broadcast across every media channel as fact. And it give keto a really bad unfair rap!

Just ridiculous!


As a business owner, you sometimes need some inspiration regarding hot industry topics.

In addition to using , I rely on other sources of information. One of those sources is Google.

Sure, we all have "Googled" the cast of a movie or to find out what year a song was released, but Google is so much more than that.

You can set a Google Alert for pretty much any topic you'd like, then Google sends you a list of blog articles relating to that topic. Pretty cool huh? That way you let Google do the work for you!

Who doesn't want to take another task off their plate? I sure don't mind taking some help from Google.

Check out and see how it can help you.

Do you use Google Alerts? Let me know. Happy Google Alerting!


As a GenXer, my first experience was with Facebook. And now as a for and Coaches, Practitioners, and Providers, I wanted to broaden my services to include Instagram.

Yikes, I was so intimidated by it, however, I have chosen to embrace it!

One of the challenges is diving into the fascinating world of Instagram's algorithm! 🌐 Being a proud Gen Xer, I've decided to embark on this digital adventure and attempt to decode the magic behind the algorithm - it's like a digital adventure! 🚀 And who doesn't love an adventure?

Join me as we navigate this Insta Algorithm together and make our presence felt!

Let me know how you've embraced Instagram or would like to include it in your social media marketing.

Comment below 👇 👇 👇


Just as you need to plan your meals as part of a successful weightloss strategy, you need to plan your content in social media.

As a Keto/Carnivore Social Media Manager, I love developing a social media plan to help focus on the target audience.

Keto/Carnivore Coaches struggling to devise a plan to get their content on social is my jam. If you are a coach, I'd love to hear from you.

Comment below or DM me and let's chat.


Hey Keto/Carnivore Coaches... love encouraging your clients to use butter but it's so unspreadable on Keto Bread Carnivore Bagels

All ya gotta do is have them leave the butter on the counter... and bing bang boom! It's spreadable.
And contrary to popular belief, you don't have to refrigerate butter.

Yeah, I know. 🤯


Got so much going on with your biz? I get it...some days I do too!

Let me help take social media off your plate.


I've been working on improving my physical flexibility with yoga. I was watching one of the Kate Potter Namaste Yoga episodes on YouTube and came across this quote.

I was floored! (figuratively and literally)

I have been experiencing obstacles in my professional and personal life and this quote just hit home.

I am now seeing obstacles as opportunities to make changes for the better.

What obstacles do you have and how could you turn them into opportunities? Let me know in the comments.


Happy 2024 🎉

I'm officially launching my social media management business!

I also offer email marketing management, WordPress website blog management, and general administrative services. As a bonus, I'm also bilingual in Español 😀

Want to learn more? Comment below 👇

Let's grow together in 2024 and beyond.

Click on the link or comment below 👇


Sometimes we could use a little help in drafting our social media posts, so why not take a little help from our new friend, AI?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is all the rage if you haven't heard. But there is a caveat. You cannot always rely on your findings; your output is only as good as your input.

Not sure what I mean? 🤔

Here is an example:

Broad and general: write a post that discusses dogs
Better: write a post that discusses loyal breeds of dogs
Best: write a post of 50 words that discusses the most loyal breeds of dogs, including any citations and emojis

See that? I just requested AI be as specific as possible and include some emojis and citations. Easy peasy.

In case you're wondering, here was the output for that last one:

The German Shepherd 🐕‍🦺 , Labrador Retriever 🐾, and Golden Retriever 🐶 rank among the most loyal dog breeds. Renowned for unwavering devotion and protective instincts, these breeds bond deeply with their families. (Source: American Kennel Club) Their loyalty and affection make them cherished companions worldwide.

I used Chat GPT, but there are several others.

Just remember that AI is a tool. 😉

Do you use AI? Let me know 👇


Have a wonderful and safe new year! Bring on 2024!


As a social media manager, I rely heavily on tools that allow me to fulfill my clients' social media needs. One of those tools is Canva.

Canva is a cloud-based graphic design tool for creating on-brand marketing content, sales presentations, videos, and more.

Want to get started using Canva? They have this pretty cool free beginner tutorial.

Don't have time to delve into all things Canva, reach out to me by commenting below. Let's get to creating. 🎨


Ah, the social media many options to choose from. Some are free, some you gotta shell out some bucks 💵 . It all depends on how you want to use your social media.

I prefer the 🆓 ones, for businesses just starting. There is no need to invest lots of money for just scheduling social. Simply select the free version and away you go.

As your social media followers grow, then you can look for options for what you need.

Check out this blog post from Social Pilot highlighting the 19 best social media schedulers. 19, that's an odd number. 😜

I like Meta's planner and Publer. What do you use? Let me know in the comments.


The new year is upon us and you are probably setting some business goals for 2024. If you have a business, consistent social media posting should be in the mix.

You can block out your content schedule for the next month by planning all your posts and aligning their themes. This will boost your consistency and prepare you for success.

Want some social media content ideas? Pick up my free social media planner and never be without some content.

Happy posting!

Psst... if you don't have the time to draft, schedule, and post, contact me and let's build your brand together! Comment below 👇


🎅 Santa Claus flies tonight!

I track Santa's flight using NORAD's tracking system.

Do you or your kids enjoy tracking Santa? Let me know below👇

Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Why do businesses need a social media marketing strategy?

A social media marketing strategy is no longer optional for businesses; it’s a 𝗻𝗲𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆.

In the ever-changing social media landscape, you will need to be able to ensure that every post, reply, like, and comment serves a purpose, contributing to the broader business objective. 👍

If you're a business without a social media marketing strategy, stop by, and let's chat. 😉

Let's build and grow together in 2024.


As a ketogenic/carnivore follower, I have to agree. Please no cookies, just give me the bacon. 🥓

What do you prefer? Be honest... I don't judge 😉


I came across this super informative blog post from Neil Patel, who is a digital marketing guru.
In it, he mentions the top 5 digital marketing trends to be on the lookout for 2024.
Here they are in a nutshell:
1) Podcasts over blogs
2) Spending advertisement money on less popular social platforms
3) It's all about branding
4) You will change the way you write content. Read AI
5) Expand your marketing globally

If you want to read the entire article, check out the post here >>

I have some work to do. Do you? Let me know in the comments 👇


I am not that artistic! I would just supplement with another paper or just scrap it and use a gift bag. 😆

What do you do when you run out?


As a social media manager, it's important for me to stay up on the latest trends and info for all platforms.

With 2024 fast approaching, this article:>> lists which 5 social media platforms you should focus on to maximize business growth.

Which ones do you focus on? Where does your audience primarily spend their social media time? Drop a comment below 👇


If you haven't seen The Write Place, Right Time's Ally Berthiaume and 5 Days of Giveaways with TWPRT, you're missing out!

You can win free stuff and it won't cost you a thing, except maybe hearing me sing.... 🎶

Scroll through her posts and check out days 1 and 2, too.

Note: as her team member, I am ineligible to win but YOU CAN WIN!


Wishing you and yours a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!


Never forget.
Sept 11, 2001


Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September. It is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.

Source: Dept of Labor website


Do you have “write a book” on your bucket list?

Do you have the beginnings of a manuscript waiting for your return?

Do you have the working draft of a book just sitting on a shelf waiting to be dusted off?

More importantly…

Are you looking for the right time and right place to return to this book idea and breathe more life into it?

Are you certain if you could just step away from real life for a few days and focus on your book you might gain traction?

Are you needing the knowledge, guidance, and know-how from an expert to keep you accountable and show you the way?

Then keep reading.

My friend and colleague, Alyssa Berthiaume, has a unique opportunity for 7 aspiring authors to work with her in a five-day writing intensive called Fall Into Memoir.

It combines writing time, book coaching, editorial feedback, education, and resources on manuscript development and publishing all while you stay in a luxurious 9-bedroom estate in Saratoga, NY.

Not only will you have dedicated and focused time to work on your book, but you’ll also have the container for doing so and a cohort of like-minded peers to journey alongside you.

Plus, she’ll be leading the way as your book coach and writing guide.

This experience is perfect for the author who needs:

✔️devoted time to their project;
✔️an outside perspective on their work;
✔️encouragement and accountability;
✔️to regain their momentum or clarity;
✔️understanding of what’s working and not working;
✔️education and guidance to make informed decisions because they're new to the world of book writing and publishing.

Can you imagine how far you and your book will get with a few committed days with an award-winning author and international book coach and ghostwriter?

Her five-day writing intensive is open for registration and there are only 7 seats.

Mark your calendar for September 28th - October 2nd and if you’re thinking, “YES, THIS IS IT! THE OPPORTUNITY I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR” grab your seat today.

Get all the details here >>


Have a safe and happy 4th of July!


Copy That By Cotto is proud to be a sponsor of Celeste La Fiera's show at Tierra Nightclub on Friday, June 9th at 9pm.

If you love Salsa Music and are in the Philly area, come on out and enjoy some great music!

See flyer for details.

For tickets, visit:


Any aspiring authors out there?
If so, check out my friend and colleague, Ally and her workshop on getting your plan in place to write your memoir. See below for the deets.


The first step on the book-writing path is an exciting one. It’s when you get that initial whisper, nudge, or spark to write a book.

It’s exciting.

You start to imagine yourself as an author.

You envision your cover with your name bedazzled or embossed on the front.

You think about book signings.

All that ‘I made it to the top’ future thinking is awesome and it can be motivating.

But something has to happen before you go whole hog, tearing up the mountain to reach the peak (publication).

You’ve got to slow your roll, my friend.

Getting the spark to write a book is one thing, but what about all the other little baby sparks that come with it.

You know the one that says, “Your book could be about this…” “Your book could be about that…”

In other words, the ideas you have for your book can be like a swarm of lightning bugs and fireflies.

There’s a lot of them and you might mistake them for all being a part of the same fam.

But not every idea you have belongs in your book.

Not every idea is related to each other.

Not every idea is relevant.

Your job is to catch the right spark, follow the right spark, and let that light the rest of your writing path so you can move forward.

Want to slow your roll and catch the right spark with me so you you can ignite your vision and confidence for your book and make a more solid plan?

Awesome sauce.

Join me for Craft Your Memoir Around the Campfire on June 9th. All the details and registration are here >>


Remembering those who gave their lives.

Videos (show all)

Hey Keto/Carnivore Coaches... love encouraging your clients to use butter but it's so unspreadable on Keto Bread https:/...
Got so much going on with your biz? I get it...some days I do too!Let me help take social media off your plate.#socialme...
Happy 2024 🎉  I'm officially launching my social media management business! I also offer email marketing management, Wor...
Have a wonderful and safe new year! Bring on 2024!.....#socialmediamanagementtips#socialmediapostingtips#virtualassistan...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:30
Thursday 09:00 - 16:30
Friday 09:00 - 16:30