Smart ECG

Smart ECG

Smart ECG is a platform that offers information to users regarding the utility of the smart ECG devices.

It offers a team of experts who can give detailed interpretation of your ECG giving information about the presence or absence of arrythmias.

Multichannel Electrocardiogram Results Obtained by a Smartwatch for the Diagnosis of ST Changes 26/09/2020

New study published on JAMA Cardiology suggests a multichannel ECG obtained with a smartwatch might be useful for a diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction. This could be useful in the setting of current ongoing pandemic.

Multichannel Electrocardiogram Results Obtained by a Smartwatch for the Diagnosis of ST Changes This case series evaluates the use of a smartwatch vs the standard measure of electrocardiographic recordings in patients with acute coronary syndromes.

Large-Scale Assessment of a Smartwatch to Identify Atrial Fibrillation | NEJM 18/11/2019

New study shows that a smartphone based app can detect irregular heart rhythm and atrial fibrillation when integrated with traditional ECG monitoring. Digital technology for personal health applications will soon become ubiquitous.
If you experience any symptoms of irregular heart rate, high or low high rate use your smart devices 📱and perform an ECG and share it with your doctor. It can help to detect a life-threatening arrhythmia and save you life.

Large-Scale Assessment of a Smartwatch to Identify Atrial Fibrillation | NEJM Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine — Large-Scale Assessment of a Smartwatch to Identify Atrial Fibrillation

Timeline photos 10/11/2019

Editors’ Insights: How will mHealth influence the future of AFib detection and treatment? New study examines the feasibility and outcomes of mobile device-based continuous AFib screening:

Diagnostic Accuracy of a Smartphone-Operated, Single-Lead Electrocardiography Device for Detection of Rhythm and Conduction Abnormalities in Primary Care 26/09/2019

New recent study shows how a smartphone-operated ECG device is a reliable instrument for detecting atrial fibrillation and other cardiac arrhythmia when assessed by cardiologists. It represents a powerful tool for patients and primary care MD to improve diagnostic accuracy for diagnosis of atrial fibrillation.

Diagnostic Accuracy of a Smartphone-Operated, Single-Lead Electrocardiography Device for Detection of Rhythm and Conduction Abnormalities in Primary Care PURPOSE To validate a smartphone-operated, single-lead electrocardiography (1L-ECG) device (AliveCor KardiaMobile) with an integrated algorithm for atrial fibrillation (AF) against 12-lead ECG (12L-ECG) in a primary care population.

Optimized AED Placement May Improve Cardiac Arrest Outcomes 18/09/2019

Optimized AED Placement May Improve Cardiac Arrest Outcomes

Optimized AED Placement May Improve Cardiac Arrest Outcomes A computer simulation shows that automated external defibrillator (AED) deployment can be optimized to increase accessibility and possibly survival after cardiac arrest.

FDA Clears First Cuff-Free Blood Pressure Monitors | 17/09/2019

FDA Clears First Cuff-Free Blood Pressure Monitors

FDA Clears First Cuff-Free Blood Pressure Monitors | The FDA has granted Biobeat, an Israeli firm, clearance for the company's wrist watch and patch that measure blood oxygenation, heart rate, and blood

Apple doesn't say the Watch saves lives, but it wants to prove it anyway 16/09/2019

“Apple doesn't say the Watch saves lives, but it wants to prove it anyway”

Apple doesn't say the Watch saves lives, but it wants to prove it anyway Contribute to the greater good and also our bottom line.

How cardiologists say you should — and shouldn't — use Apple Watch ECG 16/09/2019

How cardiologists say you should — and shouldn't — use Apple Watch ECG

How cardiologists say you should — and shouldn't — use Apple Watch ECG At a recent Apple Store event, doctors shared aspirations for, and current limitations of, the sensor-laden smartwatch.

Mobile Health Technology for Atrial Fibrillation Screening Using Photoplethysmography-Based Smart Devices: The HUAWEI Heart study 15/09/2019

“Continuous home-monitoring with smart device based photoplethysmography technology could be a feasible approach for atrial fibrillation screening. This would help efforts at screening and detection of atrial fibrillation, as well as early interventions to reduce stroke and other atrial fibrillation-related complications”

Mobile Health Technology for Atrial Fibrillation Screening Using Photoplethysmography-Based Smart Devices: The HUAWEI Heart study Background Low detection and nonadherence are major problems in current management approaches for patients with suspected atrial fibrillation (AF). Mobile health (mHealth) devices may enable earlier AF detection, and improved AF management. Objectives To investigate the effectiveness of AF screening...


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common tachyarrhythmia with rates increasing especially in the elderly. AF screening has been advocated with the recognition that this could reduce AF-related stroke and death, with the initiation of treatments such as oral anticoagulation, and other risk-factor to reduce complications and arrhythmia progression [1].
Recent advances in mobile and wearable devices provide a possible solution [2]. New technology has been developed to improve the early detection of AF and among these, photoplethysmography and single lead ECG recordings are promising methods available to the public for detecting AF [3]. The Kardia device and the recent ECG app of the apple watch have received FDA approval and allow to record an ECG rhythm strip equivalent to lead I for 30 seconds with just a touch and in the commodity of the house [4]. The apple watch goes beyond simply recording the ECG automatically interpreting the result. The user receives one of the following 5 results: sinus rhythm, atrial fibrillation, low or high rate and inconclusive [5]. Although the automatically reading may have a high accuracy, it still may miss the correct diagnosis. Furthermore, “inconclusive” results due to high artifacts represent the majority of the results making necessary further reading by and expert ECG reader.
However, there are few important tips every user must know.
- Wearable ECG devices cannot detect a heart attack. If you ever experience symptoms such as chest pain, pressure, tightness, or what you think is a heart attack, call emergency services immediately.
- Wearable ECG devices cannot detect blood clots or a stroke. If you or anyone around experiences neurological symptoms call emergency services immediately.
- Wearable ECG devices cannot detect other heart-related conditions such as (high blood pressure, heart failure, high blood cholesterol, or many other types of arrhythmia). If you’re not feeling well or are feeling any symptoms, talk to your doctor or seek immediate medical attention [5].

Smart ECG is a platform that offers information to users regarding the utility of the smart ECG devices, the limits of the ECG recording using portable devices. It offers a team of experts who can give detailed interpretation of your ECG giving information about the presence or absence of arrythmias. On the other hand, if the ECG trace is suboptimal, our team will give advices to repeat the ECG using your portable device by being careful to some precautious to increase the quality of the registration. Otherwise, if the quality of the registration is still uninterpretable, he can simply advise you to perform a classic 12 lead ECG. For further information contact us and we will be happy to help you.

1. Mairesse GH, Moran P, Van Gelder IC, et al. Screening for atrial fibrillation: a European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) consensus document endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS), and Sociedad Latinoamericana de Estimulación Cardíaca y Electrofisiolog. Europace 2017;19:1589–1623.
2. Fitzmaurice DA, McCahon D, Baker J, et al. Is screening for AF worthwhile? Stroke risk in a screened population from the SAFE study. Fam Pr 2014;31:298–302.
3. McConnell MV, Turakhia MP, Harrington RA, King AC AE. Mobile Health Advances in Physical Activity, Fitness, and Atrial Fibrillation: Moving Hearts. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;71:2691–2701.
4. Mela T. Smartwatches in the Fight Against Atrial Fibrillation: The Little Watch That Could. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 May 29;71(21):2389-2391. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2018.03.485.

Apple Heart Study demonstrates ability of wearable technology to detect atrial fibrillation 15/09/2019

Wearable technology can safely identify heart rate irregularities that subsequent testing confirmed to be atrial fibrillation, a leading cause of stroke and hospitalization in the United States.

Apple Heart Study demonstrates ability of wearable technology to detect atrial fibrillation Stanford researchers presented preliminary findings from a virtual study that enrolled more than 400,000 participants.
