Reclaiming Hearth w/Reid

Reclaiming Hearth w/Reid

Reconnecting and pursuing the things that make us healthy and whole by reclaiming the concept of 'he


Taking time for is essential for a peaceful mind and body. Enjoying a calm evening with relaxation and me-time is the ultimate way to re-set before bed to recharge and prepare for what comes next.


The early bird catches the worm, and I'm feeling accomplished already! Getting up early and starting the day with productivity is truly a game-changer " 🌅💪


Metaphors are the building blocks of human understanding. We use them to make sense of the world around us, to describe the indescribable, and to connect with others on a deeper level.


Memories are anchors that keep us grounded in who we are and where we've been. Cherish the good, learn from the bad, and keep creating new ones.


This quote reminds us that happiness isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have for success. When prioritizing our well-being and positively approaching challenges, we unlock a powerful advantage that propels us forward. Choose happiness and thrive.


The time between times can be strange and mysterious, where past and future merge into a fleeting present. Embrace the uncertainty and make the most of every moment. Set up your hearth to help you achieve more


Sometimes, when you fall into a rut and your actions tend to stall, simply moving to a different desk or going to the coffee shop can help get the spark going again. When feeling unmotivated, try changing your routine or environment to get a fresh perspective.


I have been watching people overloaded trying to reach goals with “what they say", "you should be,” “you are not doing it right,” etc., etc. – those others acting as disconnected coaches trying to shame people into health and control; without genuine concern or consideration of the person they are telling.

This happened many years ago when I was trying to build up to running. I have exercise-induced asthma, it’s not severe, but I usually cannot last long running/cardio for over 5 minutes, and I am gasping and out of breath and need to stop to recover. Well, I was using a treadmill and could build up to running without stopping for 30 minutes – this may not be a big deal to some, but for me, it was HUGE; I was so excited. So what is the problem? I stopped running on the treadmill. Because someone told me “they say” that running on the treadmill is not ‘real’ running, you “should” train on the actual ground for full benefit. So I listened to them and stopped running everywhere because I was not built up to running on “real ground” and believed the lie that running on the treadmill was not helpful.

Not realizing at the time, my desire to “do it right” kept me from taking the baby steps I needed to take BEFORE I “did it right” — I want to share this with others because I think many are in the same situation.

I have a couple of secrets to share:

• You don’t have to wait until Monday to start your exercise plan.
• You don’t have to wait until you set up your notetaking app to write down your ideas
• You don’t have to wait until you go grocery shopping to buy vegetables to begin making healthy eating choices.
• You don’t have to wait until you join the gym to begin moving and exercising.
• You don’t have to wait for someone else to do it for you.
• You do not have to be dogmatic or pedantic with hearsay
• You do not have to follow the same plan that someone with different skills follows.

The reality is you CAN start something right now; if you only spend two minutes doing it, GOOD FOR YOU, BOO! Let’s do two minutes together until you can do three, etc.; don’t forget a huge snowman starts with a handful of snow to start. Make the habit and build the momentum; countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 🚀 and try to do it daily. Miss a day or two, get back on the next chance you can and don’t allow the fallacy of the perfect for keeping you from your goals.

That is why I am here for us to come together in a community and encourage each other in the goals that are personal to each of us; meet each other EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE.

Let's build our own snowmen!


One of the way that I like to reclaim my hearth, as I live abroad, is with the simplicity of a hand written note to connect with others. I use postcards because they are simple, fun, and add a little joy to someone's day. Do you like getting real mail?


Time Between Times - 4💧Orange, 3 💧Cinnamon Bark, 3💧Clary Sage, and 2💧Siberian Fir. Great for dusk and dawn healthy home atmosphere - Need an account?


This was not easy for me to learn. I mean we hear it all the time, to do things little by little seems trivial. But once I started practicing incremental and baby steps, and rejecting the perfectionism that kept me from acting, I started to see things happen.


200 PV Special Lasts All Month —


Roses are red, jasmine is white. This flash sale will be such a delight! 🥰
Let’s keep the pampering coming even after Valentine’s Day. Buy Rose Touch by February 16 and receive Jasmine Touch as a gift from dōTERRA. (US Market)


Feb 2023 US Promotions. 1️⃣ Product of the Month is Fennel (LRP by the 15th) 2️⃣ Yarrow/Pom 15% Off all month 3️⃣ 200 PV Digestzen Special - No account? Enroll here


"Constantly scanning the world for the negative comes with a great cost. It undercuts our creativity, raises our stress levels, and lowers our motivation and ability to accomplish goals." By Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage


I want you all to know that I'm very grateful for you and appreciate you supporting me with this new page and journey.

While I am grateful, what is even more important is would like to support you in your endeavors to reclaim the earth in the areas of life -- this may be different for all of us, and that is OK. We are here for it all!

So, as I share, please feel free to reach out to me privately, or in a comment on a post with questions or needs, and we can begin the dialogue together to help you too; you do not have to do it alone!

February is upon us and I look forward to the continued journey.


Have a wonderful Seollal. Wishing you all the best this Lunar New Year - 행복한 설연휴 되세요! #설연휴 #설날 #경토끼 #설연휴 #설날 #경토끼


An important lesson for me to learn is that I could not (and will not) do it "perfectly" all the time. It's okay, making habits outside of willpower has helped move me forward.


"Waiting to be happy limits our brain’s potential for success, whereas cultivating positive brains makes us more motivated, efficient, resilient, creative, and productive, which drives performance upward." — truth from


Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts.
This is the secret of success.

아무리 작은 일이라도 그 안에 네 마음과 정신, 영혼까지 넣어라.
그게 성공의 열쇠다.


Your speed doesn't matter.
Forward is forward.
속도는 중요하지 않아.
전진은 전진이야.


If you have been following along and are wondering how to get these oils into your home, let me help you!

When you get started through me, you get full access to my community, education, and private consultation with me to go over your kit and any questions you have.

dōTERRA has starter kits that have been bundled and discounted, OR we can customize a starter kit to your specific needs. Just comment below or send me a DM with your specific questions, and I will help guide you to a kit that best fits your needs and budget!

I can’t wait to see these oils change your life!


So now you have a little info in your back pocket, you may be wondering what resources you can utilize to become an essential oil expert yourself.

Some of my favorites include:

📕 The Essential Life book
📗 Emotions & Essential Oils book
📱 The Essential Life App

Do you have a go-to resource you would like to share with us?


One of my absolute FAVORITE things about dōTERRA is the Loyalty Rewards Program (or LRP for short).

It is so amazing that this company rewards its members for being loyal customers. The Loyalty Rewards program offers free product credits for monthly purchases that can be used as cash for dōTERRA products in the future. The longer you participate, the greater the rewards!

🤩 Learn how you can get up to 30% back on what you spend here:


DIY All-Purpose Spray

20 drops On Guard
10 drops Lemon
1 cup vinegar
1 cup water

Add to a 16 oz spray bottle. Shake and spray surfaces!


PUREfume Blend

In a 5 ml roller, blend:

-5 drops Balance
-5 drops Lavender
- Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) or other carrier oil

Apply to pulse points (anywhere you would your perfume!)


Today we are going to shift gears a little bit and focus on the topic of Supplementation and why it is important! Unfortunately, even if we eat a well-balanced, healthy diet, we still do not get all of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need due to depletions in our soil. This is why supplementing with whole food vitamins is so important!

dōTERRA knows this, and that is why they have formulated the Lifelong Vitality (LLV) Pack for us. Because supplementation is the foundation of overall health and well-being, LLV continues to be a bestseller year after year. One box contains a 30-day supply of essential nutrients and powerful antioxidants to keep you energetic, healthy, and well!

Who doesn't want wellness, vitality, and strong immune function? Sign me up for sure! The best part is - there is a money-back guarantee! What have you got to lose?

Do you supplement your body?


Luckily for us, dōTERRA offers a wide assortment of essential oil diffusers. Let’s take some time to break down what makes each one unique!

✅ Petal Diffuser - The Petal diffuser has a relaxing mist as well as a soft light and services up to 330 square feet. It has customizable settings for 2 or 6 hours, continual or 12 hours intermittent.

✅ Volo Diffuser - This diffuser comes in Onyx (black) or Marble (White) to match any home decor. This diffuser has customizable settings 1,3,6 hours or continuously up to 14 hours and reaches up to 300 square feet. There is also an auo-dimming timer light and different light settings (light-free, warm or bright ambient light).

✅ Laluz Diffuser - The Laluz will cover up to 330 square feet. Dim, bright warm, and lavender light options. Continuous mist from 4 - 8 hours with timer options of 1, 2 and 4 hours.

✅ Roam Diffuser - The Roam Diffuser is made with natural, colorful ground stone and has a built-in rechargeable battery and comes with a charging dock so it can be cord-free. Reaches up to 270 square feet. Has continuous and intermittent operation for up to 8 hours on battery and 10 hours plugged in.

✅ Dawn Aroma Humidifier - The Dawn Aroma Humidifier helps maintain ideal humidity levels in your home throughout the day and night. Ideal for a 270 square foot space, it can run from 7 all the way up to 22 hours!

✅ Pilot Portable Diffuser - Bring the Pilot Portable diffuser with you anywhere you go! The car, the office, or even room to room… It is rechargeable and comes with a double port USB adapter so you don't even have to worry about a plug!


Diffuser Blend for Seasonal Support

2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Lemon

Diffuse to combat those pesky seasonal threats when everything is blooming or falling!


Along with Balance, another oil blend that helps calm me down and center me is Adaptiv. It is also one of my favorite scents. Wild Orange, Lavender, Copaiba, Spearmint, Magnolia, Rosemary, Neroli, and Sweetgum provide stress-relieving effects while uplifting and energizing.

If you have a big work meeting, a special event, or even just day-to-day anxious feelings - then you need Adaptiv in your collection. If you need a little R & R when you get home, add Adaptiv to your Epsom Salt bath and enjoy a spa-like experience!

👉 Could you use Adaptiv in your life?


Balance, also known as Grounding Blend

This incredible blend does exactly what its name implies, grounds you and your emotions. Stress and feelings of anxiousness can come at us all throughout the day, but when you have this tool in your hands, you are better prepared.

This warm and woodsy aroma of Balance promotes a tranquil environment, so it is perfect for the diffuser or to apply topically to the wrists or neck to keep you relaxed all day.


Breathe, or Respiratory Blend, is the most refreshing aroma that will leave your airways clear and your senses alert. Breathe will also minimize the effects of seasonal threats. It is best applied topically to the chest, back, or the bottoms of the feet. Think non-toxic Vicks for the win!

Try this diffuser blend at night to support the immune system while calming the senses and promoting a good night's rest. Bonus - Breathe will help open the airways if you share a bed with someone that snores!

💧 4 drops OnGuard
💧 4 drops Breathe

Turn on the diffuser and enjoy through the night. Full disclosure, this is one of my "go-to" blends for getting a good night's sleep.


Copaiba. Another versatile oil that has been used for centuries, it, of course, makes our list this month because of all the wonderful things it can do for us! Copaiba oil supports all of the major body systems: cardiovascular, immune, digestive, and nervous… so another oil to add to your collection.

Copaiba essential oil is derived from the resin of the Copaiba tree found in tropical South America. It is widely used in cosmetic soaps because it promotes clear, smooth skin while reducing the appearance of blemishes. Copaiba is also a powerful antioxidant that promotes immune health. Copaiba oil also contains the most amount of Beta-caryophyllene (BCP) among currently known essential oils which is neuroprotective and therefore supports the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Since its introduction, this essential oil has been an incredible addition to the dōTERRA lineup!


Essential Oil Safety - Internal
As we continue to cover the many uses of essential oils, it is always important to keep safety in our minds! Today, we will focus on safety regarding the internal use of essential oils. First and foremost, I have to reiterate that the ingestion of essential oils is only specific to dōTERRA because of the safety standards we have in place.

Here are some quick tips about the internal use of oils:

✅ If your bottle has a “Supplement Fact” label, it is meant to be taken internally. If not, then it is only recommended for aromatic and topical use.

Essential oils are not meant to be ingested by children under the age of 7.

When adding citrus oil to the liquid we are ingesting (water, tea, etc.), we want to use glass, ceramic or stainless steel only. Avoid plastics as the oils are so detoxifying that they will pull the chemicals from the plastic.

Less is more. Start with one drop, maybe two.

Have you tried your oils internally?


Another top-selling essential oil we have to talk about is Lemon! 🍋

Lemon is cleansing, purifying, and invigorating and another staple in anyone’s oil collection. Lemon is a powerful cleanser, and will purify surfaces as well as the air. When added to your drinking water it will act as a detoxifying agent for your body. It can also be added to cooking or baking.

Some of my favorite tips for lemon include but are not limited to:

👉 Acts as a natural Goo-Gone. Got a stubborn sticker? Use your Lemon oil to remove it! This goes for tough stains on the stove or oven too!
👉 Freshen your kitchen sponge. Place a drop or two on the sponge to keep it clean and fresh!
👉Use a cloth soaked in Lemon oil to preserve and protect leather furniture
👉 In the early stages of tarnish, use lemon oil to liven up silver or other metals.

Did you know Lemon was such a jack of all trades?


When using essential oils, we want them to not only be safe but effective.💪

To ensure that we are using them to receive their maximum benefit, I like to be sure my oil community knows how to dilute oils for topical dilution properly. As we have gone over, essential oils are very potent and concentrated. When we dilute them with what we call a “carrier oil,” we minimize skin sensitivity as well as extend the absorption into the skin.

👉 So, what is a carrier oil? Carrier oils are vegetable oils with minimal or no scent that are used to dilute essential oils. Our favorite is Fractionated Coconut Oil. Fractionating coconut oil removes the fatty acid chains taking the coconut oil from a solid to a liquid. This liquid extends the shelf life of the essential oil, is non-greasy, and provides for better skin absorption. Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, and Olive Oil are suitable carrier oil options.

How to dilute: if you aren’t a math whiz, have no fear; we have got you covered.

For 1 tbsp of carrier oil:
✅ 3 drops of essential oil give you a 1% dilution ratio
✅ 6 drops for a 2% dilution ratio
✅ 15 drops for a 5% dilution ratio

For babies and elderly or folks with sensitive skin, it is best to start with 1%. A 5% dilution is perfect for adults familiar with essential oils!

Did you know about the importance of diluting your essential oils?


Deep Blue or Soothing Blend is a must-have in your home! This essential oil blend can be applied topically to provide a soothing and cooling sensation that is ideal for a comforting massage. It is often used by athletes and exercise enthusiasts to comfort muscles and relax the body after strenuous activity.

Tips for use:
✅ Apply on feet and knees before and after exercise
✅ Have a growing child? Massage into kid’s legs before bedtime to ease growing pains
✅ Massage Deep Blue on the lower back after a heavy day of lifting

Have you experienced the cooling sensation of Deep Blue?


Lavender, also known as the Swiss Army knife of essential oils, is rightly nicknamed that due to its versatility.

This is definitely a must-have oil. Many people are familiar with the calming and relaxing properties of Lavender, Lavender can be your go-to solution for a stressful day, Or perhaps when you need to turn your mind off for the night so you can get some sleep. Add a few drops to your bedside diffuser to help you rest 😴

Lavender is also wonderful for the skin. It will soothe any imperfections and is great for assisting those times in the kitchen where you may touch a hot pot (use lavender to help soothe afterward).

I also like to recommend it for seasonal support when pollen and other aggravators can be annoying.

What is your favorite use for Lavender?


Oh, Peppermint! 🤩

If you have had a Peppermint experience, then you know just how versatile and wonderful this essential oil is! With so many uses, it is no wonder it makes its way to the top of the popularity charts.

Peppermint is an oil that I like to have people experience when they are new to oils because it can easily be used in all 3 ways: aromatically, topically, and internally.

✅ If you put some in your hands or in your diffuser and take a deep breath, Peppermint will alert your senses and clear your airways.
✅You can put a drop in your hands, rub together and graze your temples, neck, and shoulders to cool down as well as assist in any muscle tension.
✅ If you put a drop on your finger and touch the roof of your mouth, you have instantly freshened your breath and soothed your stomach.

Have you tried dōTERRA's Peppermint?


DigestZen is dōTERRA’s Digestive Blend, and this oil is another one of dōTERRA’s most popular blends.

🤯 I have found that it is most often the oil that turns skeptics into true believers.

DigestZen was formulated to aid in the digestion of food, soothe an occasional upset stomach as well as reduce uncomfortable gas. This blend of Peppermint, Coriander Ginger, Caraway, Cardamom, Fennel, and Anise essential oils is perfect for all of your digestion needs. Maybe something didn't agree with you at lunch, or you overdid it at dinner… DigestZen has you covered!

Pro tip: Use DigestZen on a long road trip or flight to help with stomach upset.