Unknown writer

Unknown writer

Here i will be writing what ever comes in mond but i promise it will be good and impressive only�?



At the age of 10 years to 11 Years, evey night i used to stay with my grandfather in the roundervel enjoying our last meal of the day and there he is sitting opposite me alongside the fire with his cigarette in his right side of his mouth that he only takes off his mouth when ashing it to this big bowl made of still and full of ci******es stoppers dumped in it. We always sit like this at night and he will start telling me his horrifying old storie.
Some of these stories sounded so...real in such away that i would be frustrated and leave him telling the story to no one because once he has started he never stops untill the story ends even if you are not listning. He would tell me stories about Witchcrafts, zombies, big river monsters and many more strories. We used to sleep very late because his stries were long and horrifying at the same time.sometimes we slept there near the fire with no blankets but we survived because it used to be warm at the roundervel.


Hey if you see anything you like just react and comment that will mean a lot to me😍😊✨🚴‍♀️
