Elimination of Bad Fats with Me

Elimination of Bad Fats with Me

Tips and resources on how to eliminate Bad Fats with excellence results and looking Great!


Welcome everyone to my Fanpage. My name is Hanz. I've been a nurse for 12+ years. I love to eat anything that come to my craving. I have a sweet tooth and I can never live without desert.
Over the years that I've been a nurse I discovered that more and more people are coming in with Chest pain, heart attack or even stroke. What shock me is that patient as young as 18 years of age is being diagnose of heart problem. This is alarming to many people out there.
Let me share some tips and resources that we can benefit together along the way. Treasure our health for the better. Looking forward to my sharing soon.
Hear is one one of the post that i found beneficial. Take your time and see.
Yours sincerely Hanz
PS: Don't forget to 'Like' and 'share' my fanpage. Thank you 😊

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Hey guys!! Hope you are well and fine out there. Something came across me yesterday. I was thinking is getting rid of bad fats that easy?

Well it can be easy to some people and can be quite tough for most people. Well getting rid of those bad fats can be mentally tiring and can stress you up.

I came across this page that I think is useful and can help you in eliminating those bad fats at the same time keep your mind focus.


'like' and 'share' my page if you find it useful.

Sincerely Hanz

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Hey guys it's me again..

A little bit of sharing again today about what we call 'Bad Fats'

Trans fatty acid or also know as 'trans fat' that appear in oily fried food. The worst and difficult thing to get rid in our body. Some example are deep fried chicken, doughnut or even cola. (Most favorite) this is the best food ever right. Haha

Ways to get rid of it

Tips 1 - Drink plenty of water. Elimination is good for your body.

Tips 2 - Eating a healthy diet. You got to be disciplined on this. Avoid fried food as much as you can.

Tips 3 - Exercise. This include yoga too. Don't push yourself just be disciplined to keep some time for this.

Tips 4 - Eat supplements that can help boost your energy for the better.

Hope this helps.

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Hey guys here are some tips on how to get rid of those bad fat fast.

1. Drink plenty of water
2. Try intermittent fasting
3. Limits sugar intake
4. Try nutritional supplement
5. Exercise

Have a blast day ahead!!

Check out www.globalhanz.com for more info

Sincerely Hanz


Hey guys!! Hope you are well and fine out there. Something came across me yesterday. I was thinking is getting rid of bad fats that easy?

Well it can be easy to some people and can be quite tough for most people. Well thinking of getting rid of those bad fats can be mentally exhausting.

Give yourself some time to breath and think about what you actually want and what is best for you. May you reach reach the top of the mountain with my sharing.

'Like' and 'share' my page if you find it useful.
Sincerely Hanz.