Sohum Kinesiology

Sohum Kinesiology

Sohum Kinesiology provides counselling and kinesiology services to assist you to live your best life


This is how a kinesiology session with me can be of benefit ....

"Frida has been offering me kinesiology in 2019, while she was still in training. I found her approach to be calm, reassuring and professional. I was struggling with self-sabotage, childhood trauma and mother issues. The few sessions I managed to fit in brought me relief and understanding and when Frida and I caught up a few months later she noticed that I was more self-assured. In April 2020 during the ‘lockdown’ I fell on my left wrist and fractured it. In February 2021 I saw Frida and during our conversation I showed her how I could no longer make a fist with my left hand due to stiffness and a loss of fine-motor skills as my arm had been in a cast for several months. Frida offered me another kinesiology session and like a ‘miracle’ we instantly noticed a change for the better. I was overjoyed at being able to curl my fingers and touch my palm and nearly able to close my fingers into a fist. I am hoping to continue regular sessions with Frida and am confident that I will regain my fine motor skills. Thank you Frida; your approach is life-affirming, intuitive and knowledgeable and I am sure everyone receiving healing and kinesiology from Frida will be as impressed as I am."


I have seen clients with various issues from emotional, digestive, muscle pain, self-love, self-worth, limited beliefs etc.

Emotions from past experiences can get stored n the body. When we experience slightly similar issue again, those past experiences could magnify the current issue out of proportion.

As a young child at 5 years of age
My mother once left me at my grandmother's place and told me she will be back in an hour.
She ended up not coming back until 4 hours later.
As a young child, that make me feel scare when people I love left me or uncontactable, even just for a short period of time.

As an adult, that can result in occurrence such as
if I cannot contact my partner for more than an hour, I can feel the tension in my body and the start of 'panicky' feeling, which will not subside until he is back in touch.

Kinesiology uses muscle testing to 'talk' to the body.
The body might bring us back to the memory of that 5 years old, to bring awareness of where that pattern first learnt.
We can then using techniques such as rubbing acu-points to balance the experience.

However, kinesiology is a two-way process. The body will never bring up anything that you are not ready/capable to handle. So client is always in charge.


If you believe you can, you can.
If you believe you cannot, you cannot.

You are always right!


Do you need to set some boundaries but do not know how to start?

"What is boundary"?
I asked that question 5 years ago. I have no idea what boundary meant at that time, so setting it was ... out of question 😉

Luckily I can say that I now know what that meant and that I have healthy boundaries in place.

If you would like to learn more about how to set boundary, and how a kinesiologist (that is me :D) can assist you to achieve that goal, please do not hesitate to message me.


Kinesiology is a non-invasive therapy that uses muscle testing to find out imbalances in the body.

In a session, we will have a chat about priority issue that you are having in your life right now, that you would like to have a solution with.

A: I have difficulty getting motivated to exercise.
B: What has this issue prevented you from doing? What will you do if this issue does not exist?
A: I will feel healthy and fit and have a lot of energy in my life
B: What will you do if you have lots of energy?
A: I will start all these creative projects I have in my mind and excited about life

We can then frame a goal around
"I now feel healthy, fit and have lots of energy and feel excited about life"

In the session, we might ask the body about stresses, emotions, sabotages, limited beliefs around achieving the goals. We will use acupuncture points, meridian tracing, flower essences, essential oils as well as many other tools to balance the energy to assist the body to have the energy to achieve the goal.

Some of the possible issues that might come up in relation to the goal above:
1. Sabotage: If I feel healthy, I will have to start all these projects that even though I am excited about, I do not believe I am good enough.
2. Sabotage: For me to feel healthy, I need to only eat carrots ;P
3. No one in my family is healthy, therefore I need to also not be healthy to be part of the family.


Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:00