Emily Vajda - Writer

Emily Vajda - Writer

Welcome! This is my page for writerly updates, motivational shares, and blog posts.


We tell ourselves stories in order to live.

- Joan Didion, THE WHITE ALBUM

Mindful Self-Compassion Short Course (6 weeks)// July 14 - Aug 18 11/07/2022

#4 and #5! for sure!

lucky this brilliant lady is my neighbor and friend.

Mindful Self-Compassion Short Course (6 weeks)// July 14 - Aug 18 Mindful Self-Compassion 6 Week Online Short Course Thursdays 7/14 - 8/18; 10:00-11:30am PT

Making Little Fictions 30/04/2022

writers who want to create stunning sentences, read here. nina chooses one stunning sentence per week & breaks down how the sentence is constructed & the effect it has on its reader. in a word: stunning.

i love that we can continue to learn over and over again & i will be gobbling up each sentence she chooses.

extra credit - try writing a sentence of your own, following the same construct of this stunning sentence.

There she perched, never seeing him, waiting to cross, very upright.
Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf


Making Little Fictions There she perched, never seeing him, waiting to cross, very upright. Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf The right word, or for this sentence, the right verb, can make all the difference. Woolf uses a verb that serves as a metaphor. She could have written, “She stood at the curb, never seeing him…” ...


LOVE THIS!! Can't wait to read it!

Many congratulations to our alum, Douglas Weissman.
All details 👇


chapter one of Book Two in the Inn Buchanan Series complete! dare i try to write two chapters before baby boy arrives?!

going for it!


Get this: in 2 weeks it’ll be 2.22.22.

To celebrate, my friend Vanessa and I are going to be celebrating 2 book releases! Her debut, THE TURNING POINTE and the paperback copy of THE TRUTH PROJECT release – join along as we embarrass each other at Browsers Olympia!

And because we know that everyone can’t make it – I’ll be streaming the whole thing LIVE on TikTok! So if you don’t already follow me there, make sure you do now (there’s a link in my bio) so you don’t miss out!


**Sneak Peek**

AILA/Inn Buchanan Series/Book One
341 pages/20 chapters/86252 words

Chapter One

Aila Buchanan stood on the balcony of the third floor suite, her private residence, at the Inn Buchanan. Wind from Puget Sound lashed her hair, sending it sailing behind her in twisted copper-colored ropes. Second nature, she wound the fine strands around her finger and tied them in a ballerina’s bun at the nape of her neck.
Never had she imagined herself an innkeeper, or a “spinster” – alone.
She’d imagined herself in toe shoes, pirouetting endlessly from stage to stage, the haunting notes of Tchaikovsky lighting the neurons of her body and sending them sailing as she danced Swan Lake or The Sleeping Beauty, in places like Germany, or China – the Paris Opera Ballet – traveling the world and experiencing other cultures, as she spun and spun, fingertips reaching to touch, alive with music.
And yet, here she was. An innkeeper. In an inn where she’d been born, where she’d grown, and now where she stayed. Would stay. Out of necessity, sure. But still. Stranded on this Pacific Northwest Island.
Granted, she’d always planned for her return, to help Mama and Papa with the inn as they got older, after she’d had her great adventure, but life had a way of snatching your plans, your adventure, your family away.

LOVED writing this book. And I'm eager to jump into Book Two with FREYA, the middle Buchanan sister. Hoping this one gets published!

(fingers crossed.)


pretty sure i'm going to finish this novel tonight!


remembering that the end must speak to the beginning.

last chapter.


just rolling...chapter 19 finished.


made chapter 18 my bitch.

2 chapters left. 5 weeks until baby...unless baby decides differently.

keep. writing.


c'mon chapter sixteen. work with me here. give me some love.


six chapters left...eight weeks until baby boy arrives. i've got quite the deadline going here...!!!


plotted out the last six chapters of my novel. almost there...


by Victoria Erickson, Writer

(instagram: victoriaericksonwriter)

Soon Enough by Craig Holt — BIRCH BARK EDITING 03/12/2021

Soon Enough by Craig Holt — BIRCH BARK EDITING My son is still with me. We are sitting in the grass on a warm summer evening, looking up, when the star-burdened sky . . .

Emily Vajda 29/11/2021

i didn't think i "deserved" a website until i sold my book. but my agent pointed out that i won't sell my book until i have a website, that if i don't believe in myself enough to promote myself, then why would a publisher...so...here it is...


website is live!

Emily Vajda Emily Vajda, writer, actor, singer


great gift for the holidays!

Children's Book: Who's Your Hero? The newest children's book featuring all your favorite modern-day heroes and role models.


chapter ten finished...now to edit...


1800 words flew tonight.

Gold Man Review Issue 11 05/11/2021

Congratulations, Nina Schuyler!!

Gold Man Review Issue 11 Gold Man Review Issue 11

Petition to the President of the University of San Francisco 29/10/2021

sign it, please! doesn't take much time!

Petition to the President of the University of San Francisco I've just signed a petition to President Fitzgerald of the University of San Francisco, and I hope you will want to add your own name. Did you know that part-time faculty teach 45% of all credit-hours at the University of San Francisco? They are almost 2/3 of the faculty. But these dedicated teacher...

Felicity Carrol and the Murderous Menace: A Felicity Carrol Mystery 20/10/2021

In the mood for a Victorian mystery novel? Take a peak! It's on an Amazon Kindle deal!

Felicity Carrol and the Murderous Menace: A Felicity Carrol Mystery Felicity Carrol and the Murderous Menace: A Felicity Carrol Mystery

Videos (show all)

Snippet of my current MS!
Hermit crab adventures. #pnw #getoutside #tidepools #momlife #seattle
Revision is complete! 352 pages. 85k words. Love, love, love this book. Going out to publishers soon. It's been a loooon...