Lucky Stone

Lucky Stone

Lucky Stone is a small stone derived from a place with special energy. It is considered Lucky becaus


Man tried to predict the future since ancient times. The difficult living conditions due to lack of food, inability to control the forces of nature, to defend himself against threats either from other people or animals led him to seek an understanding of how favor and luck work. Un-weighted factors that man never managed to control and make it work for his benefit.

Beyond luck, God played a huge role throughout human history, whether it was the Sun or something else later, or the One and only God whoever he was. The nature of fate, however, remained a human doctrine that needed understanding and conquest. The mystics and spiritual teachers have played their role in universality by helping people live better. One might say that God put fear in people to maintain balance between beings so as they would not lose oneself in the power of another. God gave everyone the right of survival by offering gifts and skills to everyone. And to level their fear eventually He gave us luck. A feature that could neither be acquired nor learned as it does not derive from the inner world of beings. So no one could get it by looking for it somewhere specific or acquire it as a reward for sacrifices and even loyalties to God himself. Putting its character into a dimension independent, free and equal for all. Luck however remained neutral without fans only with seekers. It remained faceless and revered by all the people with the ultimate purpose to carry on their side. In difficult, too difficult times, a "random" event can change your life for better. How does one manage to control it and make it his ally?

Human history is full of unexplained messages and secrets that the cognitive mind may not analyze and explain. There enters the property of fortune and favor. For many, luck is nothing more than options with positive energy.

Action and luck are cousins and the existence of one causes the pull of the other. The right choices with positive energy, love and faith in our lives attract luck and favor for a better life where all beings need it.

However, the ancient Greeks could not live without explaining the unknown and the mindless so they tried through myth to give a logical meaning for the existence of fortune.

A very interesting legend says that there was a time when humanity's fate hung from the whims of the gods. The Olympus was the temple where both the finest but also the world’s cruelest events began from.

Earthquakes, wars, twisted romances and formidable monsters were shaped and defined by this godly community. Among the gods, Zeus was the most powerful. King and father of all gods he balanced and ruled in a tantamount and hard manner and his every will and whim came to pass every time. Zeus was also known for his insatiable sexual mood. Always fell in love, conquered and took mortal females in bed with him. By these amorous adventures gods, demigods and a few other various strange creatures were born. One night, Zeus sprawled with the beautiful Themis, goddess of laws and justice.

From this union Luck was born, Fortuna for the Romans. A beautiful little girl who was blessed with her father's favor and love. The legend says that, since Luck was a little girl, Zeus was asking for her and constantly wanted her near him. To entertain her, he commanded each inhabitant of Olympus to teach something to his beloved daughter. From Hermes, especially, he asked him to teach her to run faster than anyone. Before she turned eight, Luck could run faster than the winged Mercury's, and outran any God, man or animal. Dimitra urged her to learn everything about the crops and fruit. Luck knew everything about every crop and fruit in Greece, with speed and accuracy she could differentiate between them. She knew where each tree grew, when each plant flourished and how to mow the crops.

Hera however, Zeus’s wife, never liked Luck because she was the fruit of passion between Zeus and another woman and therefor the goddess of gods wanted to banish her from the Kingdom of the gods, Olympus. Of course, it was already too late to confront Zeus. The sly god had already concocted a plan to make Luck an integral part of Olympus, on the contrary to being expelled; Luck was protected and pampered more than anyone else.

To be a God, as we know, one must be immortal, forever young and handsome. This was made possible by the God’s by drinking the necessary quantity of nectar and eating Ambrosia every morning– the sacred dishes that gave Gods their power. When Hermes and Dimitra finished teaching Luck; Zeus announced changes to Olympus. From that day, the nectar and Ambrosia will not magically appear in a bottle at a breakfast basket, but were to be collected every morning from the first fruit of the trees on Earth. The first apples, the first peaches, first strawberries every day will contain in their flesh magic nutrients that would maintain the inhabitants of Olympus young and healthy. The plan was perfect. Who, could recognizes and picks up the first fruits of the day Zeus thought, so skilfully and so quickly so as not to catch the first rays of the Sun?

“Only Luck”

So it was. Before hack, Luck was hasty and was running all over Earth to glean the first fruit from any tree before the sun spoils the divine content. She put them in a basket and speedily went to Olympus for the breakfast of the gods, where they cheered and praised her ability. One morning luck did not arrived on time and the gods began to worry. It would not be so terrible if for a day the gods did not eat nectar, however, if it continued they would eventually become ill or, worse, will grow old and die.

A delegation of the gods came out in search of Luck in the streets of Greece. There they learned that a fisherman had accidentally caught Luck as he threw his nets in the Aegean Sea to catch fish. Fascinated and amazed by the beauty of the cargo the fisherman didn't want to let her go. The gods were presented in front of the fisherman and asked what Exchange he wanted to leave Luck. Trembling, the man asked:

"Can I ask for anything I want?"

"What you want of the gods, will become yours, just let her free '.

Whatever asked the fisherman of the ' they gave after Fortune was free again. The gods returned on Olympus. The supplier of their food was not at stake and was again in good hands. However, the rumor began to circulate among humans because people always talk among themselves about the unexplainable, magical and anything that favors or makes them distinct from others. Anyone who had luck could ask the gods whatever he wanted. Once informed of the risk, luck started taking more precautions and asked the other gods to teach her more things, for the good of all. Artemis taught her how to be invisible. Luck began to travel with great secrecy, without anyone noticing. Aphrodite taught her how to comb her long and beautiful hair. She learned how to pull her hair in a fabulous braid which instead of throwing in her back as he did until then, she began to bring them in the front with her breasts. From Uranus he learned how to become untouchable, and from Ares she learned all about the strategy of the war.

Because of what he learned and from fear that someone would trap her during her daily path, Luck decided that the path has to be unpredictable. To achieve this, she came to a strange decision. Her legs should never pass a second time on her own footsteps. Just out of habit or as a whim, her decision became an obsession, and Lady Luck became cautious not to pass twice from the same place again. The legend says that even today the ancient promise holds, and if your ways sometimes grabs the goddess Luck, the gods are ready to give you what you wish for to let her free again. The difficult part is of course to be in the right place doing the right thing. Maybe it's the day that you get lucky because you deserve it or because you need her or maybe because you may control your personal universe.

But when the catch her you should not you act selfishly. You need to show humility and help others get a piece of her because only then the world will become a better place and therefore will bring happiness to all beings and to you. You should be sharing this blessing and favor to all people because "it happened" to you to get lucky.

People always brought good news and good deeds from around the world. They wanted to feel that they contributed towards a positive change in the welfare of other people in order to feel good and important. These stories continued to pass from generation to generation and by word of mouth carried the messages along so that other people could understand what is good for all.

Tradition says that many years ago, pirates arrived in a mysterious island. Like all pirates, they too, were looking for food and all kinds of loot and continue their travels.

After reaching the coast they found nothing useful and edible. So, they decided to go up the big hill. The place is said to have been really beautiful and with a powerful energy capable to change man just by being there.

Having climbed enough, like something inside them, lead them; pirates arrived in an unexpected place. In front of them appeared a race of indigenous people. The residents were first shocked to see the pirates in front of them but soon realized that their moods were not threatening.

The pirates would otherwise loot whatever they found in their path. Instead they remained silent and enchanted by the place and its beauty. But above all were shocked by the unprecedented vitality and energy of the place.

The locals welcomed and gave much of everything that grew there. They explained to the pirates that they once were looking for a place to settle down until they got there and the island became their home. They showed the pirates some huge rocks that seemed to be something carved on them. The stories say that those words meant "luck" and or rather "good luck".

In addition to the rocks and the intense energy of the weird site the strangeness continued. The residents said that the soil was magical and surrounded by good spirits. Food from the land and water were very nutritious for the human body. No child deaths, life expectancy was high, the food was rich in taste, smell, color and light. Their mood was always good, their hunts rich and their respect for others was evident.

The story passed down from generation to generation until the present day. Without knowing exactly how, this magical place belongs to some very old people that lived here a long time ago. We are the descendants of all these people. We decided, since our family was very lucky, to sprinkle this luck into the world. The stones come from this region and its rocks. We offer them as tokens for good luck and prosperity.

Furthermore we believe that luck is not a condition that comes from outside. You need to do something to claim Luck like the ancient Greeks believed. Eastern traditions also mention Feng Shui and the significance of objects. The truth for us is in supplement to the puzzle of the philosophies of East and West. Luck is all about believing in something and having a positive attitude toward life.
This stone is coming from a region with a long history of positive energy for all who passed through there; respect and love can be found in the hands of all, and not only in our own. By itself the stones signify luck. Wanting to share positive energy, love, history, but above all good luck in the world, we give stones from this small but very important part of this blessed island.

Finally, our hope is that you too will forward the message and not keep it for yourself. That way you will contribute to prosperity, love, favor, luck and positive energy of all.

I believe that you have not come across this site by chance, and you got an opportunity to do something to change your destiny. The change is in your own hands. Finally, wanting to thank you for your time, we wish with all our positive energy for you to meet what you are looking for.

Lack your Life?

Get your Lucky Stone!


May it enlighten the secrets and occult knowledge that human intelligence possess despite it has been forgotten over the years.
May it give you strength and energy to confront the difficulties of everyday routine, relationships, work, and health issues.
It May remind you that you have to confront any obstacle with positive energy, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.
It May open the gates of life living what you desire and search since you were child besides conscious thinking.
May the Lucky Stone you hold in your hands manifest the way towards prosperity, equilibrium, and love.
It May remind you that you have to learn to love yourself and other fellow human beings forever.
May the Lucky Stone give you the place to find all the unspoken answers inside you now.
May the love guide your spirit and your holy body from now on and forever.
May the great Luck be with you from this day, forever and ever.
May You, Be and Become Yourself!

Photos from Lucky Stone's post 29/03/2021

Go, go, for Your Lucky Stone!


Lucky Stones!


The Place!

