Organic Aid Aruba

Organic Aid Aruba

Imported by H.M. Croes & Sons

Tur producto di Organic Aid ta obtenibel na tur Botika. All Organic


Organic Aid® Cleansing Foam is ideal for:

Anyone who wants a fresh, clean feeling, silky smooth face each time they wash
Anyone who likes the natural benefits that come with Vitamin E
Anyone with sensitive skin or who prefers a very mild facial cleansing foam


Organic Aid® Natural Clear Soap:
Deep cleanses, leaving pores unclogged
Won’t strip natural skin oils
Does not contain skin-drying alcohol
Is non-comedogenic
Contains low PH and is alkali free


*Available at all Aruba Pharmacys*
Organic Aid® Vitamin E Oil is a recognized antioxidant that protects your skin from harmful UV rays and is believed to enhance the ability of skin cells to repair damage from the sun.


Tur nos producto nan ta Natural i obtenibel na tur botica rond Aruba!
