UFO and X files

UFO and X files


According to experts, Moses did cross the Red Sea after discovering an ancient Egyptian army submerged. - Ufo and world 11/10/2022

According to experts, Moses did cross the Red Sea after discovering an ancient Egyptian army submerged. - Ufo and world According to the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, archaeologists discovered the remains of a huge Egyptian army from the fourteenth century BC in the Gulf of Suez. Researchers were looking for Stone Age and Bronze Age ships and artifacts when they discovered a vast mound of human bones that had bee...

Video:Gray Alien Baby-an Alien Clone. - Ufo and world 11/10/2022

Video:Gray Alien Baby-an Alien Clone. - Ufo and world Will there ever be a population of clones of humans? Currently, researchers are working to develop viable, dense cell tissues that could live outside of Earth. NASA wants to reduce the health hazards associated with astronauts who would take part in future extended space missions. The purpose of the...

KGB agent and a captured alien being communicate solely through telepathy, and the alien requested assistance - Ufo and world 09/10/2022

KGB agent and a captured alien being communicate solely through telepathy, and the alien requested assistance - Ufo and world The clip was captured by a former KGB operative. This evidence was obtained by the agent who was tasked with gathering information from an investigation. He visited a secret underground facility and discovered many locked doors there. He claimed that several unusual noises were being made by unknown...

A Mysterious UFO, 5 Times Larger Than Earth, Was Captured on Camera by A UFO Enthusiast - Ufo and world 09/10/2022

A Mysterious UFO, 5 Times Larger Than Earth, Was Captured on Camera by A UFO Enthusiast - Ufo and world Numerous extraterrestrial alien drones are reportedly orbiting our globe, gathering information and researching our culture. Because of their huge size, which is similar to that of planets in the Solar System, the races or beings that created and manufactured them should have technology that is far....

PHOTO: Ancient artifacts of strange shape, originating before modern civilizations! - Ufo and world 08/10/2022

PHOTO: Ancient artifacts of strange shape, originating before modern civilizations! - Ufo and world The evidence that there is more to ancient history than we were taught in school is coming in thick and fast. Find out about cities that are many thousands of years old, about artifacts that curiously resemble modern inventions and customs and traditions that have their beginnings before modern civi...

Ancient Alien Elongated Skulls Prove We Was Colonised By Aliens - Ufo and world 08/10/2022

Ancient Alien Elongated Skulls Prove We Was Colonised By Aliens - Ufo and world The recent discovery of the skull (above), from Sonora, Mexico has promoted a wave of articles proclaiming it, and other similar examples to be evidence of ancient alien contact. Images of elongated skulls or ‘cone-heads’ can be seen as far back as Sumerian and Egyptian times. But the act of cra...

Why Are Scientists Suspicious of Signals from a Mysterious Object at the Bottom of the Baltic Sea? - Ufo and world 06/10/2022

Why Are Scientists Suspicious of Signals from a Mysterious Object at the Bottom of the Baltic Sea? - Ufo and world Oceanologists got close to solving the enigma of one of the world’s most puzzling oddities in 2018. Millennium Falcon submergedOcean X, directed by Dennis Osberg, is a Swedish corporation that specializes in uncovering the mysteries of the bottom. The 56-meter research vessel OceanX MV Alucia, equ...

A ‘Supermassive Wall’ beneath the Earth’s ocean encircles the whole planet, according to a mysterious video (Video) - Ufo and world 06/10/2022

A ‘Supermassive Wall’ beneath the Earth’s ocean encircles the whole planet, according to a mysterious video (Video) - Ufo and world This mystery wall, discovered by the YouTube channel ‘Flat Earth Arabic,’ claims to be tens of thousands of miles long and thousands of miles wide beneath the sea. UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists have discovered several inexplicable items on Google Earth in the past. Google Earth has ca...

Unidentified Flying Object the Size of a City Seen Shooting Past Our Moon - Ufo and world 05/10/2022

Unidentified Flying Object the Size of a City Seen Shooting Past Our Moon - Ufo and world Youtube user Nathaniel Webb was taking pictures of the Moon as a mysterious object passed over our natural satellite. The unidentified object appears to be much bigger and quicker than an ordinary airplane or bird. An object of that size ought to have been detected by the local radar. The fact that....

The Apollo-20’s primary goal was to investigate the mysterious locations in Delporte Craters. - Ufo and world 05/10/2022

The Apollo-20’s primary goal was to investigate the mysterious locations in Delporte Craters. - Ufo and world The Western and Eastern Blocs were engulfing whatever they could throughout the Cold War, which lasted for decades. Whether it was through technology, military spending, military power, or propaganda. As is frequently stated, technology advances rapidly during war, as demonstrated, for instance, by....

Locals In Malaysia Record Two Separate Videos Of A Giant UFO - Ufo and world 02/10/2022

Locals In Malaysia Record Two Separate Videos Of A Giant UFO - Ufo and world An immense flying saucer appeared in the sky of a province in Malaysia. Witnesses have reported that UFO was hovering very close to trees. Home 2022 September 24 Locals in Malaysia Record Two Separate Videos of a Giant UFO MORE COOL STUFF The ‘Real’ Postpartum Body Photos Every Mom Needs To See ...

Strange Ball Supposedly Dropped From UFO In Southern Peru - Ufo and world 02/10/2022

Strange Ball Supposedly Dropped From UFO In Southern Peru - Ufo and world Around 18:30 on the 27th, it was confirmed that the locals of Azangaro, Southern Peru, had dropped a ball from the sky. Upon examination, the witnesses confirmed that there was a very thick scent of electrode welding in the air, making it look like the object was artificial after all. Nobody knows w...

Photographer for National Geographic Admits to Encountering Strange Underwater Alien Beings - Ufo and world 01/10/2022

Photographer for National Geographic Admits to Encountering Strange Underwater Alien Beings - Ufo and world Luis Lamar is regarded as one of the best in his area. He’s spent the most of his career as a professional photographer for National Geographic and Ocean X, and many experts consider him to be one of the best in the field. That being said, he just made a statement in an interview with […]

An Apollo Astronaut’s Interview: “Humans Are Descended From Extraterrestrials” - Ufo and world 01/10/2022

An Apollo Astronaut’s Interview: “Humans Are Descended From Extraterrestrials” - Ufo and world Alfred Merrill Worden, 85, a space traveler from the 1971 mission, generated debate as the astronauts descended to Earth. The mission in which Worden participated was under the leadership of spacecraft commander David Scott. To sell as collectibles, the team made a stamp book in space and brought it...

The TRUTH About Reptilians - Ufo and world 30/09/2022

The TRUTH About Reptilians - Ufo and world They are among us. Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their cold-blooded little heads: to enslave the human race. They are our leaders, our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning singers, and...

NASA Expert Claims To Have Seen A 3-Meter-High Entity With 2 Astronauts On A Space Mission - Ufo and world 30/09/2022

NASA Expert Claims To Have Seen A 3-Meter-High Entity With 2 Astronauts On A Space Mission - Ufo and world A former NASA engineer claims to have seen a 3 meter tall alien while monitoring a space mission. Clark McClelland would have been part of a team based at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, when he saw the humanoid alien. The “entity,” he says, stood on two legs and approached ...

5 Skull Finds That Science Couldn’t Explain - Ufo and world 30/09/2022

5 Skull Finds That Science Couldn’t Explain - Ufo and world In 1928 as he was exploring the Peruvian desert, young archaeologist Julio Tello came across the most mysterious discovery of his life as he spotted more than 300 mysterious skulls that date back to 3,000 years ago. The skulls are all 25% larger than any known human skull and 60% heavier and as you....

A Dark, Four-Legged Creature Was Found on Mars by a NASA Rover - Ufo and world 30/09/2022

A Dark, Four-Legged Creature Was Found on Mars by a NASA Rover - Ufo and world You can immediately understand why this picture, which was taken by the Mars Opportunity Rover as the title says, attracted so much interest, to put it mildly. Experts couldn’t help but connect this four-legged creature to a bear from our planet as it brushed by the camera after appearing out of n...

A Strange Humanoid Sea Creature Is Found Alive. - Ufo and world 27/09/2022

A Strange Humanoid Sea Creature Is Found Alive. - Ufo and world This strange looking creature was found floating along the shore of this beach in China. While the man who found this creature is holding it up to show his friend we can see it moving it’s legs. The creature seem to have an human like head with some sort of arms and legs. In my […]

Eyewitnesses Spotted A UFO ‘Swallowing Water’ From A Lake In Australia (Video) - Ufo and world 27/09/2022

Eyewitnesses Spotted A UFO ‘Swallowing Water’ From A Lake In Australia (Video) - Ufo and world “More proof that our team members are extremely interested in our natural resources.” They film a UFO swallowing water from an Australian lake. In the early morning hours of Christmas 1994, just outside the city of Gosford, Australia, several eyewitnesses saw something amazing. Everyone denounce...

Flying Saucer Passing 3 Military Jet’s How Did It Get So Close - Ufo and world 26/09/2022

Flying Saucer Passing 3 Military Jet’s How Did It Get So Close - Ufo and world A Flying Saucer type of UFO is literally caught on camera from one of the jet’s passing by three military Jet’s. These three military Jet’s are flying in formation and low and behold a bonafide real UFO encounter takes place but it’s so close to these Jets that the pilot’s could have proba...

4 Evidences That Earth May Be A Prison Made By Aliens. Are Humans Just Experiments? - Ufo and world 26/09/2022

4 Evidences That Earth May Be A Prison Made By Aliens. Are Humans Just Experiments? - Ufo and world Humans have always been considered the most evolved creatures on earth, but it is puzzling that we are still unable to adapt to the earth’s environment. This is not only reflected in the extreme sensitivity of human beings to strong light, but also in the strange gravitational environment of the e...

A Man Records An Alien Entering His UFO In A Romanian Forest And Taking Off (Video) - Ufo and world 25/09/2022

A Man Records An Alien Entering His UFO In A Romanian Forest And Taking Off (Video) - Ufo and world What you will see in the following video is apparently an extraterrestrial entering a flying saucer before taking off. The video was recorded in a remote snowy area of Romania, near the city of Targoviste. According to the video loaded on YouTube, the material was filmed a few years ago, showing how...

Aliens In The Center Of The Earth: How Extraterrestrial Civilizations Travel The Universe - Ufo and world 25/09/2022

Aliens In The Center Of The Earth: How Extraterrestrial Civilizations Travel The Universe - Ufo and world Rodney Cluff believes that he has unraveled the phenomenon of the appearance of aliens on our planet and other space objects. The fact is that, according to the expert, humanity proceeds from an erroneous concept of the structure of the Earth. In his opinion, the outer shell of our planet is about h...

Images From NASA Reveal The Discovery Of Medieval Knight Relics On Mars. - Ufo and world 24/09/2022

Images From NASA Reveal The Discovery Of Medieval Knight Relics On Mars. - Ufo and world As you can see, this most recent photograph of the topography on Mars, which was transmitted back by NASA’s Spirit Rover, generated a lot of discussion online. Online gurus from all over the world initially attempted to explain it, but, to put it mildly, no one was able to do it completely. Althou...

NASA Engineer Shocked The World: I Saw What I Didn’t Have, A 10-Foot Alien - Ufo and world 24/09/2022

NASA Engineer Shocked The World: I Saw What I Didn’t Have, A 10-Foot Alien - Ufo and world A NASA veteran says he saw an alien with his own eyes. It was supposed to happen during a mission to the cosmos 24 years ago. The meeting was part of the conspiracy of the US government and the inhabitants of other planets. Clark C. McClelland was 35 years old from NASA. According to his […]

Filmed From A Helicopter: UFOs (Videos) - Ufo and world 24/09/2022

Filmed From A Helicopter: UFOs (Videos) - Ufo and world A unusual light can be seen in the sky in a video posted to YouTube by Alien Planet. Evidently, there is no scientific knowledge of how this thing came to be. Up until today, seeing UFOs has been enjoyable. In the coming years, they will start to be treated as a very serious concern. VIDEO […]

NASA Is Baffled By The Strange Jupiter Photo Taken By The Juno Spacecraft. - Ufo and world 24/09/2022

NASA Is Baffled By The Strange Jupiter Photo Taken By The Juno Spacecraft. - Ufo and world In order to investigate Jupiter’s magnetic and gravitational forces as well as its polar magnetosphere, Juno was sent into orbit in 2011. Barely a month after launch, Juno was able to capture some breathtaking images in which we can see an enigmatic object that NASA was unable to explain. The thin...

Recording Of An Imprisoned Alien In A Brazilian Secret Base - Ufo and world 24/09/2022

Recording Of An Imprisoned Alien In A Brazilian Secret Base - Ufo and world You’ll see a top-secret location in the upcoming film featuring multiple rooms owned by the Brazilian army. There are several sources that claim that extraterrestrials are preserved. The video appears to be authentic and unedited despite the fact that the source is unknown. If this movie is real, ...

Aliens Don’t Just Exist On Other Planets, They’re Also Found Deep In Our Oceans (Video) - Ufo and world 20/09/2022

Aliens Don’t Just Exist On Other Planets, They’re Also Found Deep In Our Oceans (Video) - Ufo and world There is a vast and inclusive universe, multiverses are theorized, aliens are not all the same shape and not all are in outer space, our oceans are full of alien life. Alien life isn’t just on other planets! The visible sky is an outer space view of the surface of an astronomical object that is [....

“Floating City” Appears In The Sky In Haikou, China - Ufo and world 20/09/2022

“Floating City” Appears In The Sky In Haikou, China - Ufo and world On July 14, 2022, residents were amazed at the sight of a strange phenomenon in the sky in Haikou, capital of Hainan, southern China. The footage which was recorded by a local resident and appears to show a mysterious city floating in the sky. While some people have raised fears that this mysterious...

Man Is Photographing A Tall White Alien And Makes It Public (Video) - Ufo and world 20/09/2022

Man Is Photographing A Tall White Alien And Makes It Public (Video) - Ufo and world A witness photographs a weird humanoid that he says is it a Tall White Alien. The event took place on June 13th in Clayville, New York. The man sent the images to the MUFON website for further investigations, hoping to get more info about the weird humanoid from his photos. The weird humanoid resemb...

Thιs Ιs The Best Vιdeσ Γσu’ll Ever See: Gιaпt UFO Fιlmed Bγ US Marιпes Ιп Arιzσпa Desert. - Ufo and world 20/09/2022

Thιs Ιs The Best Vιdeσ Γσu’ll Ever See: Gιaпt UFO Fιlmed Bγ US Marιпes Ιп Arιzσпa Desert. - Ufo and world The ρhσtσs shσw a helιcσρter traпsιtιпg пext tσ a massιve flγιпg saucer, wιth a grσuρ σf small shιρs beпeath them, accσrdιпg tσ Telemuпdσ’s detaιl. Bσth σf these eveпts created a great deal σf fear aпd ρaпιc fσr thσse ρreseпt. What’s mσre curισus ιs...

“GRAY” ALIEN Captured By Surveillance Camera In The United States - Ufo and world 20/09/2022

“GRAY” ALIEN Captured By Surveillance Camera In The United States - Ufo and world The video recorded by the infrared camera starts with an intense glow, certainly due to the effect of opening a portal or Stargate (Teleport). Then suddenly a mysterious gray-looking being appears. The Alien enters the huge room perhaps a shop or apartment being restyled, disappears for a few second...

I’m a super soldier fighting in space war after being abducted by 15ft alien Dracula - Ufo and world 20/09/2022

I’m a super soldier fighting in space war after being abducted by 15ft alien Dracula - Ufo and world Russ Kellett from Filey, North Yorks says for the past 30 years he’s part of their army fighting the ‘Dragos’ which are tall and scaley with heads like dragons – and four hours here is four years on one of the planets It’s an earth-shattering claim, but Russ Kellett says he’s a “super ...

WARNING: A Supermassive Black Hole Is Heading Earth’s Way At 110 Km Per Second - Ufo and world 20/09/2022

WARNING: A Supermassive Black Hole Is Heading Earth’s Way At 110 Km Per Second - Ufo and world Life as we know it will eventually be extinguished by a black hole that is moving toward Earth and has millions of times the mass of the sun. The Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way’s nearest and largest neighbor, contains the black hole, which is traveling toward Earth at 110 kilometers per second. A...

Before passing away, an astronaut said: “Aliens arrived to stop a conflict.” - Ufo and world 20/09/2022

Before passing away, an astronaut said: “Aliens arrived to stop a conflict.” - Ufo and world Are you familiar with Edgar Mitchell? a NASA astronaut who, during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, became the sixth man to set foot on the Moon. He was the lunar module Antares’ pilot, and Antares transported 40 kg of lunar material to Earth for study. He established the Institute of Noetic Science...
