Once Upon A Fog Blog

Once Upon A Fog Blog

#Author ✍️ and #illustrator 🎨 who has #Fibromyalgia 🦋 and writing my first book series. Please pardon my pixie dust! I am remodeling my page. Stay tuned!


Post 28
Me: I’m ready to get some work done today! I feel inspired and excited to get this chapter done!
Body: 😂😂 Good luck with that!

In the past, I would feel awful that I wasn’t getting any work done. It’s not like I could help it. Due to my work ethic, I felt like I was wasting the day. So how do I handle it when this happens? I read, watch my favorite tv shows or movies. I turn to my Pinterest for ideas. Even when I’m not physically writing, my brain takes over.


Me: I can keep on writing through the pain.


Post 27: I needed to make a couple of corrections, so that my book series makes sense. While I was doing that, I needed to make a couple of changes because otherwise it wouldn’t be factually correct. Am I making too many changes? Nope. This is gonna be one good series!

Photos from Once Upon A Fog Blog's post 04/08/2023

Post 26 p1 and 2: Happy weekend readers! Yesterday was interesting. I was hurting (what else is new?) and my back device was only working in my left leg. Surgery may be in my future. Needless to say I called it and I took it easy for the rest of the day. Frustrated, scared and concerned over here. I write to forget about reality for a while. Kind of difficulty to do that when life screws it up.

I Love Lucy - Lucy Starts Her Novel 02/08/2023

Lucy I’m ho-me! Back to writing! Y’all knew I couldn’t stay away for long..

I Love Lucy - Lucy Starts Her Novel For more educational clips from television and movies, visit us at https://www.classhook.com.Lucy starts writing a novel and includes Ethel, Fred, and Ricky ...


Hi everyone, I am taking a hiatus due to a death in the family. I will return as soon as I am able to. Thanks for understanding.


Post 25: Got a lot of good work done yesterday after my post. Guess what? I slept last night! The meds are helping! Hallelujah!


Post 24:
When I do things, I either go big or go home. I haven't ever done things half way. I had my pain mgt. appointment this week. He thinks that I have pulled my hamstring in my left leg. My doctor was nice enough to give me something other than what I had been taking when the pain is so intense I can't stand it.

Wait though, here's the really fun part! My rep that helps me with my back device is watching how well the program does for me this time. This year alone, my iPod that controls my back has gone wonky and stopped working. The first time they didn't think anything about it. It was fixed within a few minutes and I was fine for a few more months. Then last week it stopped working again. Like before, I went in and saw the rep. Just like the last time, he tested it out before I left. Since I was not getting the therapy in my right leg,he is wondering if there is something wrong with one of the leads in my back. Meaning if the lead is torn or fractured in any way. If this keeps up, I will be looking at surgery to replace the lead.

At the time of the visit, I could only think of one way I could've hurt it. By that evening, I also remembered that I had taken a fall in the bathroom. Which would indeed cause the lead to break or be fractured. If you were to ask me about the cons fo having this surgery, I would list this problem as my number one con. The second would be that it is easier to effectively use the back device if you have an iPod to control it. other than that, I am still glad I had the surgery with no regrets.
It could be so much worse, but that's what I'm dealing with right now. Fun Fun !😂🥰

Despite everything, I am still plugging away at my book. Like I said a week or two ago, no-one can say I am not putting my blood, sweat and tears into my book.


Dallas, Tx


Post 23:
Great wk started! Inspiration hit in the middle of the night. It’s finally doctor week for me! I’ve been waiting months for it. Got an appt w/ pain doc, then neurologist and my blood work done.


Post 22: I’m on a bit of a rant today. Since it’s been a hot minute since I checked in here we go! Last week my back device stopped working again. That is the only draw back I can see from having the surgery. It all boils down to technology. It is still very unrealiable. I get a kick out of the old Twilight Zone episodes. What they thought we would be like by the year 2000 is too funny. Strangely enough this could not have come at a “better time.” Dallas, my rep can meet me on Monday during my doctors appointment. Usually I have to wait a few days. Luckily I made the appointment for later in the day. My fibro is the worst in the morning and in the evening.

So, I have to stay in bed until Monday. The good news: I can still write. Chapter three is in progress! As I get deeper into writing my book, the more fun I am having. With a bit of luck 🍀 I will be right as rain and able to kick out chapter 3.


Post 21: 🤩


Post 20: That's how it's done ya'll! I'm up to 10, 181 words now. I'm taking the rest of there day off to relax.


Didn’t quite get there today. Too worn out! Goal is 405 tomorrow. Easy Peasy!


Post 19:
Maybe I should just just write on my iPad and not bother getting a new laptop. I do have my desktop to locate flash drives. I know there’s a way to find a flash drive on a iPad. I’m just not sure how to do it. By having just the iPad and desktop would help a lot. Especially with the cost of having to get another laptop.


Post 18:
RIP laptop! You were loyal, handy and a good little piece of technology. I guess this is where we part ways. I’m going to send you to the big laptop in the sky where they refurbish electronics.


Post 17:
SOooooooo I’m crosssing my fingers 🤞🏻 and silently praying my laptop has not died. Yes, thankfully I have backed up all my stories. Luckily, I can still write on my iPad. I will know more later today after I’ve let it charge a bit more.


Post 16:
This is very true! I throughly enjoy reading these stories. They are more engaging vs 2nd or 3rd person. So much in fact, I decided to change my POV around to the first person. Before then, everything was in 3rd person. Several of you have asked me what my story is about. Although I can’t share that kind of information until my book is published; I can tell you the main character and I have a great deal in common.


Post 15:
I’m having to play “catch up” with myself. Last week I had some of the worst flares I’d had in a long while. No one can say I haven’t given this book my all. Despite the pain, I wanted to keep going. If I made bad mistakes, I’d just have to redo it. When working on a project, have you ever felt so close, but so far away? That’s me at this point with chapter 2. It’s my Mt. Everest.


What’s your favorite genre?

Photos from Once Upon A Fog Blog's post 29/06/2023

Post 14: Where do you get your ideas from?
If you’re like me, I sit back and people/ nature watch. I go to the zoo and arboretum here quite a bit and take lots of reference shots. When I was working for Disney, on my days off, I would go to either B/N or one of the parks to sketch. I found these two tree pictures from Amazing World. I love to check their page to see what new beautiful nature and animal pictures theyI have. I can not stop looking at these trees. They both tell a story. I feel my own story ideas coming popping up.

If you’ve ever seen Walt Disney’s Flowers and Trees, the tree picture on the left may look familiar. It’s called “The famous Baobab trees nicknamed 'The lovers' entwined around each other near the Avenue of the Baobabs location, Madagascar.” I don’t believe it’s the same tree they used for reference.
It was the “pose” of the tree that reminded me.

As much as ‘the lovers’ tree is cool to look at, it’s the tree on the right that has captured my imagination. It’s called “the sleeping tree.” At first the face almost looks photoshopped. I could see the tree in one of my books. I want to add, doesn’t this tree look like it belongs in Labrynth? Or the live action Snow White?

Being both a visual artist and a writer is a good thing and a frustrating thing. Why? I’ll write a chapter and read over it. I’m such a perfectionist, it’s been a real struggle to leave it alone. I am getting better though!

It’s 3:12 a.m here. I’m very tempted to start my day now while those creative juices are flowing. Having a chronic illness such as Fibro, unfortunately, prevents me from having a set schedule. Although I do my best to write during the week and let myself rest on the weekends.

What time of day do you work best??
Guess that’s about it on this end. I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow! Have a great rest of the week!


Post 13:
I had the best break through on Monday. So excited about chapter 2! It’s still coming along bc I am still in the process of checking historical dates. Research is so important no matter what kind of book you’re writing.


Post 12: One of the top ten writing tips. So it looks like I am on the right track.


Post 11:
By a show of hands, how many of you go into a bookstore? If, so which one? I’ve always loved Barnes and Noble. So much, that I worked there until we moved back to home.. I would be honored to read and do a signing of my book once it’s finished. Maybe I could do it without being invited? Just show up and start reading aloud? 😂😂 I’m totally joking! Happy reading!


Post 10:
Decisions.. decisions.. I have my back therapy device up the highest I’ve ever had it. . It goes up to 20 but I would definitely not be able to handle that. As you can see it sends out tingles in my body (therapy) to help. I have another program on my iPod I can switch back and forth on. What’s my point? I am trying to decide if I wanna continue with my writing for today or call it.


Post 9:
It’s taking me a bit longer to finish up the first book is bc I am planning out a 5 book series. I had way too many characters when I first started out. This new way all of characters will have an opportunity to shine.


When you don't want to stop writing, because it will bring you back to reality.

Photos from Once Upon A Fog Blog's post 22/06/2023

Tips 7 and 8!


Good info!

Welcome purple butterflies!!!

I’m a wife, author, blogger and illustrator. In my blogs, I spread knowledge about Fibromyalgia with a positive twist! I hope y’all will enjoy reading my posts as much I love writing them.

Please subscribe to my website: www.onceuponafogblog.com. Subscriptions are always free!

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