Lisa Muth

Lisa Muth

Hello I am Lisa and I am here to help encourage women in their journey to stress less and laugh more.

Photos from Lisa Muth's post 02/11/2023

We had a trunk or treat and this was our truck! Such a fun time. We saw so many faces and gave out so much candy.

Now it’s November and almost time for Christmas decorations 😂 time is flying!


To the one out there who thinks you could have done some things different today...there will be a bright new start tomorrow. To the one that compares themselves to others or feels they will never measure are enough. To the one who is hearing a conversation with her own inner mean girl quite her voice with the voice of Jesus.

To the one who wants to make an impact but doesn't yet know how to get started. Start with what you know well and share. Tell your story. Share your gift. Don't be afraid of being you! To the one who has started making impact but feels like there is a lag...keep going. The best is yet to come.

To the one who takes a few steps forward and then finds themselves a few steps back. take inventory of your words. Are you speaking life or death. Change it..."LIFE" is always the best choice. There is great power in your words. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” You can use your words as a weapon to harm and destroy or as a tool to build and heal. It starts with inventory.

To the one being held captive but all the things you are what-IF-'ing. I hope you can do this..."bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" Maybe you've said...what if I said that or what if I chose differently or what if....make it come into obedience to Christ. What does He say. Walk in His truth b/c He is trustworthy.

To the one needing to forgive themselves. Forgiveness is free. There is no payment you need to make only words that need to be spoken and a heart bent toward the one Who can forgive it all. He can hear all...He can see all...He knows all. Forgive...and Live.

To the one who has it all going great right now. You are on that Mountain Top...Celebrate and experience it. This thing is are either going into one (a valley), coming out of one (a valley), or in the middle of one (a valley). But you are not alone and you are not consumed.

I absolutely love the story in 2 Kings 6 how God provides an army of angels leading horses and chariots of fire to protect the prophet Elisha and his servant and opens the servant's eyes so that he can see the angelic army surrounding them. The armies didn't show up when the servants eyes were opened to see them. They were there all along. What a powerful story of a powerful God who can cause our eyes to open to the things He is doing. Just trust Him.

Take a listen to Chris Tomlin song story of “Whom Shall I fear”


I am getting ready to leave for another trip. I will be at the with Kimberly Olson and the crew and I am kinda...a little bit...super duper excited. Im a put it in a box type of girl. Meaning...I work in chunks of time. I have had so many things going on leading up to this conference. My own company conference, a second business conference, kid activities, home school, Home school COOP, homeschool activities group, building a yearbook, planning a golfing conference with my amazing admin team friends and tons more.

Sooo...I say all of that to say...I haven't been able to even think much about this conference other than I know it will be amazing. It is finally here. I am going and I am so excited!

I LOVE TO TRAVEL! Do you? Here are 3 Tips for Traveling...if you travel a little or a lot.


Can I just say W.O.W you are amazing!

Thank you for being you! Thank you for your quirkiness, your quietness, your loudness, your kindness and even when you don't feel so kind.

You are amazing! You are worthy of all the great things coming your way. Accept them! Be thankful that they are coming. Stand up and take them.

You are amazing!


Ya'll! Can I be real?

After the last few years we have had...sometimes I struggled to even get out of the bed so I couldn't even take a step. Prior to that we had some traumatic events happen with the birth of my youngest son and then after his birth as well. I have been stuck in the "Fights or Flights" for about 3 straight years now.

My body has felt feels I have never felt before. My heart has felt beats it's never felt before. My lungs have breathed air and stopped breathing at the same thing I have learned...Small Steps Every Day matter. It is what has gotten me to where I am right now.

Small steps to check on me, myself and I when everyone around me was first. And don't get me wrong. People should come first but not at the expense of you losing your health and wellness. It has taken small steps to sort through my feels. Small steps to weigh what is needed and what I need to let go of. Small steps to come up with a game plan to help get me to a better place. Staying in bed with my covers wasn't serving me! And it's not serving you either.

Maybe you are like me. Fights and's not cool! If you'd like to know what I did to help get me over the hump reach out.


A long time ago I didn't think I could ask for things from God. I never felt that I deserved anything from Him because I could never measure up. Now that I am older and have read and learned a lot more...I have realized that I didn't have to deserve anything good just like me kids don't. But I want to bless them anyway. They don't have to do something so that I give them a blessing. No! I bless them because I love them.

The Bible is clear that God hears our prayers. Jesus intercedes for us. When I delight myself in the Lord, He will give me the desires of my heart. Will those desires be everything on this vision board. Maybe not but even if He blesses me with 1 of them I will be thankful and I will still be counting on the rest to be answered.

Do you have a vision board? I'd love to hear what you are goal'ing for below. Let me hear from you.


A little funny today.

My face when my boss asks me have I done anything today....Oh wait I am the boss....eek!

Photos from Lisa Muth's post 09/09/2022

Do you have business and you are not sure how to brand yourself? You hear it all the time but you really don't know what you are supposed to do with that?

Keep swiping for Four Branding Tips For Entrepreneurs.


I was reading this book. Well does audible count as reading because that is how I read books now. 😜 I can pop it on 2x’s speed and after a few minutes I am in that book with the author and it is awesome!

When she spoke these words! Then I read them on the page…how my heart was shocked and happy!

Love makes you brave and Jesus makes it worth it!

Wheew! Have you loved people that are hard to love? Have you sold out to God and promised you will love people more this year? I have! I am learning that my level of expectation of peoples love back for me isn’t my business. Often it is not fair either to expect the same level of love I give (because y'all...I love! With all the times, talents and do I love!) and often my expectation of love in return is much more than someone is either able or either willing to love me back. And that’s ok! Have you been there?

2021 for me was a year to make me better, to make me braver, to make me dependent on the Lord and sadly…I am here to say that it made me bitter, it made me more fearful and it didn’t make me depend on the Lord as it might have in other seasons. I know right! But being transparent here....My expectation of 2021 and the reality that it produced in my life stands in stark contrast. It was one that revealed my insecurity in love, relationship and honestly how much God was in control.

I had expectations of how things would look like for me that year and they fell far from my mark of expectation. Was it the same for you too? But that’s ok! Because I can now reflect on it and learn from it right? You can too!

When others don’t love me like I think they should…it is the love that the Father gives to me that is far more important. Would you agree? Jesus makes it worth it. He helps me to love with no expectation. He helps me to pour out His love for others, onto others. He is the perfect example of Love. For what He did for us can’t ever be fully repaid or done by anyone else.

Love makes you brave and Jesus makes it worth it.

Here is to 2022! Happy New Year!


For the longest time I felt like I needed to know all of the things about what I wanted to do. But I needed to have everything perfect. Well a few weeks ago I remembered by goal to get my VA Business up and running before the end of the year and be at a full client list by spring of 2022.

So I just pulled the plug and realized I don’t have to know all of the things. I don’t have to have help. I don’t have to make it perfect I just need to execute.

So I am pleased to announce I my brand new business “The Virtual Assister, LLC” woohoo!

The fullness of vision will come.

Just go.

The people you need to help you will come.

Just go.

The resources you need to make things happen will come.

Just go.

Pick a date. Pick a way. And go.

Name it later.

Change it later.

Figure out all the boring formalities later.

In the meantime…if you need a sign to move forward. This is it.

Just go.


A dream written down with a date becomes a GOAL.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN.

A plan backed by ACTION makes your dreams come true.

What is on your goal, plan and action step list this week?


Discipline is a word I used to cringe at. I heard a message on the radio this week where the host mentioned the same thing. She mentioned growing up in a strict home and the very sound of the world discipline as it relates to effectiveness still gave her a cringe. Can I tell you I totally related. She then said I changed the word...I called it consistency! And its the same thing basically with out the icky feelings surrounding the other word that had became a bad word to her. Change the word if you need to. Reframe the story. Don't sit in the victim mentality I promise it will seep through your words. Stand firm in victory because you are powerful and created for a purpose. So why live in the hurt of the past. I can relate to that too. I have lived there. I often find myself there and have to reframe it! Reframe the STORY!

You are not junk!

You are powerful!

You may be a victim of some past hurt but you are not required to wear that title around your neck.

If someone did you wrong...make it right.

If you did someone wrong...make it right.

If you feel afraid process it and see why.

Is it a legitimate fear or is it that you are looking at the entire book instead of reading the first line in the book.

You can do anything! I repeat you can do anything! At any age and at any stage with tons of grace!

Just step out and make the move!

Here are some tips to help you be consistent.

Which one resonates with you most?


Don't get mad at me...I am just saying (heehee)


Is there a statement more true that you have read today?

Sometimes we just need to start! Just pick ourselves up and take the step. Is it it worth it...Oh YES!

Sometimes we will doubt ourselves. Sometimes we will be told no. Sometimes we will be afraid but do it anyway. There has no fear too scary to hold you back from your calling. JUST GO DO IT!

Timeline photos 11/10/2021

Wow! Wow! So true!

If you have ever experienced an unexpected darkness, a silence and stillness you aren’t used to, know that these hard times, these devastating disappointments, these seasons of suffering are not for nothing.

They will grow you. They will shape you. They will soften you.

They will allow you to experience God’s comfort and compassion. You will find life-giving purpose and meaning when you allow God to take your painful experiences and comfort others. You will be able to share a unique hope because you know what it feels like to be them.

It’s okay to tell Him you don’t like any of this pain, sweet friend. But don’t let the pain cause you to pull away from Him or from others. Bring Him all of your emotions. Hand Him every piece of your broken and hurting heart. And ask Him to use all of this. For your good. For the good of others. For His glory.


Well Hello There!

Have you ever had a difficult situation arise and you were not sure how to handle the response? I recently did and I chose to not speak. I chose to smile and pray. It is not easy to deal with difficult situations but it is 100% in your control how you respond to them.

I hope your week is amazing and big things come your way and are for you this week!

Happy Monday Ya'll!

Photos from Susannah B. Lewis's post 04/09/2021

Love this from OhSusanna who apparently is just Susannah now and have a sweet new toddler baby like we do! Where has the time done? Anyway! Lanes! Yes stay in those lanes. I love her response! 🤣👏 And because she’s the Momma she can do what she wants 🤷‍♀️😍

Wayta go Susannah! We got chu boo! 👏 But you got chu’self I see too! I am still dying over that Sonic video 😆😉


Simone Biles is a role model and I had no idea she had ADHD. As a kid I was told often that I was being to loud. I was told to settle down. I was in “special” reading classes. I was constantly going and I knew it but I couldn’t stop. As an adult it hasn’t gotten any easier for me. I haven’t been diagnosed ADD/ADHD but have taken several surveys and most assuredly I am. And it’s ok!

When Simone Biles first spoke openly (and without shame) about her ADHD, she inspired a generation to celebrate its differences. Today, by prioritizing her mental and emotional health, she has reminded us once again what it means to be a role model. We love you, Simone, and the example you set for us all.

Miracle Mindset | Lisa Harper | 05.23.21 25/06/2021

Miracle Mindet!

Miracle Mindset | Lisa Harper | 05.23.21 Miracle Mindset | Lisa HarperIn this installment of Miracle Mindset, Lisa Harper helps us understand that we cannot have secrets if we want to experience mir...


This sweet girl will make your heart happy and your smiler smile.


I found this photo on Pinterest from and How cute is this!! It says a lot to me...

Prickly cactus with a beautiful flower arrangement. That might seem weird to some. It did to me at first too....Why put a stabbing plant with pretty plants. Won’t someone touch it with their nose while they reach in to smell the other flowers. Won’t they get hurt?

Isn’t life like that? Some good with the bad. We have to take them both and “decide” what to do with the remaining that doesn’t suite us. We decide where to focus....are we going to focus on the prickly parts of our life or are we are going to not give it our attention and focus on the parts that are less prickly. So much right now is screaming for our attention...isn’t it?

Please tell me I am not alone here when I say I have been guilty of focusing on the pointy parts of my life...the parts that are hurting me. I didn’t spend time focusing on the parts that are blessings TO me! When I changed that...and started focusing on the blessings...I stopped seeing the poking cactus in my life. Before I got that under control, I completely bypassed the beautiful floral arrangement of life and only focused on the cactus. Some poking is good it’s meant to mold me to be better.

I take full comfort in knowing and reminding myself that NOTHING happens TO me but everything happens FOR me! My God is Big and that challenge in my life that is am facing (you might be facing too) passed through His inbox. He didn’t click delete on it. Oh no! My friend He filtered it and it went though! It’s FOR my edifying. It’s FOR my growth. It’s FOR my families growth. It’s FOR me. It’s Not AGAINST me!

When I let God use the sharp, rough, harsh, hurtful uncomfortable parts of my life then He gets the glory. It may not be pretty. There may be some bloodshed...some fall out...some hurt. But GOD!

He never walks away from us. Oh no! He is always there! In fact, He is ever present. So tap into His mercy, His power and see the life and the season you’ve been given as an arrangement that He can be magnified in.

Don’t give power or energy to the poking parts of life. Just know they are part of life’s floral arrangement. So go out there and focus on the life you’ve been given. Poking or not.


If you are looking to RESET in your business or in life...then this event is for you! We have ERCELL CHARLES, VP Global Learning at Dale Carnegie on the GCBN Platform this Friday. Tickets are still available and I have 1 Ticket for a friend. Let me know if you want it!

If you aren't a GCBN member its just 20 bucks and you'll get more value out of this SUMMIT than you'll pay in. I can promise you that! Plus I'll be teaching a Project Management Tool that has rocked my business.

Friday is our RESET SUMMIT Join us! Tell your friends! It is going to be an amazing Event!

Register Now at this link to get access to the event


On days when you don’t feel like going....those are the exact days that you must. Make a list of the little things that matter in your life. Make a list of the things you are so thankful for in your life. That is your reason and your purpose.

Keep the faith! Stay strong! Enjoy the little things.

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To the one out there who thinks you could have done some things different today...there will be a bright new start tomor...
