Arabia Media Network

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Travelers Advised to Arrive Early at Nairobi's JKIA Airport Amid Heightened Security

By Arabia Media Network Correspondent

Passengers traveling through the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi on Tuesday have been urged to arrive at the airport well in advance due to heightened security checks and potential traffic disruptions on roads leading to Kenya's main airport.

The Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) issued a notice on Monday evening, informing travelers to expect extended security protocols.

The national carrier, Kenya Airways (KQ), advised passengers to arrive four hours before their scheduled departure time.

According to the KAA, "Due to heightened security checks and protocols at JKIA, passengers are advised to arrive at the airport early to avoid any potential delays in catching their flights. Kindly contact your respective airline for the latest flight information."

Similarly, KQ stated in a separate notice, "Traveling customers can physically check in at the airport as early as 4 hours before flight departure; online via or on their mobile devices via the KQ Mobile app from 48 hours to 90 minutes before flight departure.

" The airline further cautioned that "traffic disruptions were anticipated on major roads leading to JKIA on Tuesday."

The heightened security measures and travel advisories come ahead of planned anti-government demonstrations in the capital city, where protesters have been mobilizing for a march to JKIA, dubbed "OccupyJKIA."

In response, the Acting Police Inspector General, Douglas Kanja, warned protesters against accessing protected areas, stating, "The Protected Areas Act Cap 204 Laws of Kenya prevents the entry of unauthorized persons into areas which have been declared to be protected areas... [They] include the LPG Plant, the Bitumen Plant and Petroleum depots situated at the Embakasi Aviation Depot (JKIA)."


National Police Service Commission Shortlists Top Cops for Deputy Inspector General Roles

By Hassan Adan

The National Police Service Commission has interviewed eight candidates for the vacant positions of Deputy Inspector General (DIG) for both the Kenya Police Service and the Administration Police Service.

The positions were left open after former Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome resigned on July 12.

Following Koome's resignation, President William Ruto appointed Douglas Kanja, the former KPS DIG, as the acting Inspector General.

Ruto also removed Noor Gabow from the position of DIG APS and named James Kamau as the acting DIG, while appointing Eliud Lagat, the commandant of the General Service Unit, as the acting DIG KPS.

The candidates were required to hold the rank of Assistant Inspector General of Police or above.

Those who appeared before the Eliud Kinuthia-led Commission for the Kenya Police DIG position were George Sedah, the Coast Region Police Commander, Lagat, Tom Odero, and Vincent Makokha.

For the Administration Police DIG position, the interviewees were Gilbert Masengeli, Margaret Karanja, Kamau, and Masood Mwinyi.

The panel also included Kanja, the acting Inspector General, Mohamed Amin, the Director of Criminal Investigation, and other commissioners from the National Police Service.

Kinuthia, the chairperson of the National Police Service Commission, stated that the commission is mandated by law to complete the process within 14 days and recommend a suitable candidate to the appointing authority for the substantive appointment.

He emphasized that the interview process is a competitive recruitment guided by the law, specifically Section 14 of the National Police Service Act and Article 32, which require that appointments and promotions be done in a competitive manner.

According to Kinuthia, the interviewees were taken through a structured process of engagement as the panel sought to evaluate their preparedness and readiness to perform in the office of DIG.

The commission is set to announce the top performers by Friday this week.


Government Quashes Rumors of JKIA Privatization, Unveils Plans for Airport Modernization

By Arabia Media Network Reporter

The Kenyan government has moved swiftly to address the widespread online rumors regarding the potential sale or leasing of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA).

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has categorically denied any plans to put the strategic public asset up for sale.

Speaking before the Budget and Appropriations Committee at County Hall, Mudavadi asserted, "This is a public asset, it is a strategic asset and if it was going to be sold, you can only do it after a full public process that Parliament endorses. So anybody who is giving the impression that Jomo Kenyatta airport has been sold is not being factual."

The government's clarification comes in response to the recent surge of claims on social media suggesting that JKIA had been leased to a foreign entity, purportedly for a 30-year period.

While dismissing the privatization rumors, the Prime Cabinet Secretary acknowledged the need for the airport to undergo modernization, including the construction of a new terminal.

He revealed that previous plans for a Greenfield Terminal were stalled due to legal challenges.

"What we know that is important is that going forward, the Kenya Airports Authority must look at its investment programme very carefully, make sure that everything is transparent so that during the expansion process of the second terminal, if it's under the PPP arrangement, let it be done properly, thoroughly through the legal process so that everybody knows what is going on," Mudavadi stated.

Mudavadi outlined the government's long-term strategy to position Nairobi as a logistics hub, with plans to develop similar hubs in cities like Mombasa and Naivasha.

The aim is to establish Kenya as a desirable destination for the United Nations' logistics operations, similar to the hub in Italy.

Mudavadi's appearance before the Budget and Appropriations Committee was in his capacity as the acting Treasury Cabinet Secretary, following President William Ruto's decision to dismiss his entire Cabinet on July 11.


Kenyan Parliament Resumes from Recess with Debate on Rejected Finance Bill

By Abdullahi yussuf

The Kenyan National Assembly has returned from a three-week recess, with the contentious Finance Bill 2024 at the forefront of their agenda.

Speaker Moses Wetangula, in a press conference on Monday, July 22nd, stated that the bill, which was recently declined by President William Ruto, will be a central topic of discussion in the House.

"The President sent back the Finance Bill 2024 with a memorandum, rejecting all its clauses. Under our Standing Orders, any member who wishes to overturn this memorandum must secure a two-thirds majority in the House. We will place the memorandum before the House for consideration," Wetangula said.

The Speaker also clarified that there is no legal requirement for the bill to become operational within 14 days of its rejection, stating, "It is not true, and we have no legal or constitutional basis for such a claim."

Alongside the Finance Bill, the government has introduced a supplementary budget as part of ongoing austerity measures.

The supplementary budget has been forwarded to the Budget and Appropriations Committee, which is expected to conclude sector hearings by Tuesday, July 22nd.

"The report on the supplementary budget will also be presented on the floor of the House," Wetangula noted.

The Division of Revenue Bill is also on the House's agenda, with Wetangula stating, "Given the shrinking fiscal space, the President has indicated that both levels of government must accept reductions in their revenue allocations."

President Ruto's rejection of the Finance Bill 2024 came following widespread public protests.

In a televised address on June 26th, Ruto expressed his gratitude to the MPs who voted for the amended bill, but acknowledged the public's dissent, stating, "Listening keenly to the people of Kenya who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with this Finance Bill 2024, I concede, and therefore I will not sign the 2024 Finance Bill and it shall subsequently be withdrawn."

Ruto also announced immediate austerity measures across government departments, starting with the Office of the President.

These measures include cuts to operational expenses, travel, hospitality, vehicle purchases, and renovations.

"Working with the Treasury, we will undertake budget cuts and austerity measures to ensure we live within our means, respecting the clear message from the people of Kenya," said President Ruto.

Photos from Arabia Media Network's post 22/07/2024

Re-Nominated Cabinet Secretaries to Undergo Vetting, Affirms National Assembly Speaker

By Hassan Adan

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula has clarified that the six Cabinet Secretaries nominated for reappointment by President William Ruto will undergo the same vetting process as the rest of the Cabinet nominees.

Wetang'ula stated that once he receives communication from the Executive regarding the nominations, he will initiate the vetting process.

"If I receive the communication tomorrow, we will publish the names as required under law. The public will be allowed to give views, send memoranda, and any accolades, and we will then set a date for the vetting," he explained.

The six Cabinet Secretaries nominated for reappointment are Alice Wahome (Lands), Kithure Kindiki (Interior), Rebecca Miano (Attorney General), Aden Duale (Defence), Davis Chirchir (Roads), and Soipan Tuya (Environment).

While Wahome, Kindiki, Duale, and Tuya have retained their previous dockets, Chirchir has been moved from the Energy docket to the Roads docket. Miano was previously the CS for Industry and Trade.

Addressing a press conference, Wetang'ula emphasized that the six nominees cannot be deemed unfit to hold public office solely because they were dismissed from the Cabinet.

"If you read the law properly, persons who cannot occupy public offices are those who have been removed from office on account of violation of Chapter 6 of the Constitution. The six were simply dismissed. There was no allegation of any wrongdoing against them," he added.

The vetting process will allow the public to provide their views and feedback on the nominees, and the National Assembly will then set a date to conduct the vetting.


Parliament Denies Media Restrictions, Allocates Dedicated Space for Journalists

By Arabia Media Network Reporter

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula has refuted claims that the Parliament has blocked media access, stating that journalists have been allocated a dedicated space across the road from the main Parliament Buildings.

Speaking to the media on Monday, Wetang'ula addressed the allegations, saying, "I have been seeing in the media, allegations that any restriction on the media coming to Parliament. Nothing is far from the truth and the testimony is that you are being here before me and that you have come to Parliament to do your work."

The move comes after a section of Parliamentary journalists claimed they were banned from accessing the main Parliament Buildings, following the damage caused by Gen Z protesters during the recent anti-Finance Bill 2024 demonstrations.

"Following the extensive damage that Parliament suffered, we allocated media that covers Parliament space across the road at the Red Cross building," Wetang'ula explained.

However, the Speaker assured that the Parliament will continue to facilitate live coverage and provide access to parliamentary materials for the media.

"We will be able to ensure the safety and security of Parliamentarians, our visitors including the media are guaranteed at all times without any inconvenience," he said.

Wetang'ula also stressed the importance of the media's role in ensuring transparency and accountability, stating, "We have a duty as Parliament to ensure that whatever we do is open to the scrutiny of Kenyans in whatever parts of the world they are through media circulation and coverage."

On July 17, Wetang'ula met with media stakeholders, including the Media Council of Kenya (MCK), the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ), and the Kenya Parliamentary Journalists Association (KPJA), to discuss the media's role in strengthening the partnership with Parliament.

"The Media is an integral stakeholder in facilitating effective delivery of Parliamentary work and in informing the public while ensuring National values on transparency and accountability are achieved," Wetang'ula said.


IEBC Selection Panel to be Gazetted Next Week, Paving Way for New Commissioner Recruitment

By Hassan Adan

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is poised to kick-start the recruitment of new commissioners, as the selection process is set to be gazetted by Tuesday next week, according to National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula.

Speaking during a press conference at the Parliament Buildings on Monday, Wetang'ula stated that all bodies mandated to second names to the selection panel are expected to do so by Friday this week.

"By the close of the week, we shall have all names, and send them to the President for gazettement by Tuesday," he said.

The bodies expected to submit names to the panel include the Parliamentary Service Commission, Law Society of Kenya, Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya, Political Parties Liaison Committee, and Inter-Religious Council.

The newly amended IEBC (Amendment) Act, 2023, outlines the specific number of candidates each institution will nominate.

Wetang'ula further revealed that the panel should be in place within 14 days after the President signed the IEBC (Amendment) Bill, 2023 into law.

Once the panel is gazetted, it will invite Kenyans to apply for the positions of IEBC chairperson and commissioner, and then proceed to shortlist candidates for interviews.

The IEBC has been without a chairperson and commissioners since January last year, and the new recruitment process aims to fill these crucial roles.

Photos from Arabia Media Network's post 22/07/2024

Kenyan Government Rolls Out New Digital ID Cards, Sparking Concerns

By Hassan Adan

The Kenyan government has introduced a new digital identity card, known as the Maisha Card, to replace the current second-generation ID cards.

The Maisha Card, which was launched in late 2023, bears a unique personal identifier (UPI) called the Maisha Namba and has a 10-year expiry date.

The government's decision to implement this new system has sparked concerns from civil society groups, who argue that the short lifespan of the Maisha Cards could potentially disenfranchise voters in the upcoming 2027 general elections.

In a statement on Sunday, members of the civil society voiced their concerns, stating that the 10-year expiry of the Maisha Cards raises "a lot of suspicion" and could be "a scheme to rig elections.

They argue that for holders whose digital IDs will expire in 2027, the same time as President William Ruto's term, they might be locked out of voter registration due to not having a valid ID card.

However, the Immigration Department has dismissed these concerns. In a statement on Monday, Immigration Principal Secretary Julius Bitok said the Maisha Cards' expiry dates do not correlate with the general election date.

"The Maisha Card features a machine-readable microchip that contains relevant security features and personal details.

Like other documents, such as ATM cards, the microchip has a shelf life of a maximum of 10 years from the date of issuance," Bitok said.

The PS further explained that the renewal of national ID cards every ten years is a standard practice in countries such as Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Senegal, and France, among others that have implemented an ID with a microchip.

Bitok also said that Kenyans renewing expired Maisha Cards will not be required to have their biometrics captured afresh, but they will need to retake their passport-sized photos due to potential changes in facial features over the years.

The government's move to introduce the Maisha Card is part of a broader effort to consolidate information in a master database that will manage data for all registered citizens, refugees, and foreigners using fingerprint biometric technology.

The Maisha Card has a microprocessor electronic chip with encrypted data of the holder, card serial number, the holder's photo, identification number, biometric data, biographic data, and residential particulars.

According to PS Bitok, the Immigration Department has so far issued 972,630 Maisha Cards, and the government has acquired a modern printer to enhance the daily printing capacity to 30,000 cards, against an average demand of 10,000 applications.

The government's decision to implement the Maisha Card system has also faced legal challenges. In February, the High Court lifted orders that had halted the Interior Ministry from processing new digital ID card applications since December 2023, pending the determination of a petition by the Katiba Institute.

The rights organization had challenged the roll-out, arguing that the government does not have the legal basis to implement it and that there was no privacy impact assessment and meaningful public participation or publication of key information about the project.

The court lifted the order and transferred the case from the Judicial Review Court to the Constitutional Division of the High Court, where the matter is still pending.

The government's move to introduce the Maisha Card system has sparked a debate about the balance between security, privacy, and the rights of citizens.


Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka Reacts to President Ruto's remarks calling Gen Z 'Anarchist'.


editorial Pick

Championing the People's Cause: The Unrelenting Dedication of Omar Sala

Even after being voted out of his seat as member of parliament for Mandera East, Omar Sala has remained a steadfast champion for the people of his community.

Rather than retreat from public life, Sala has continued to dedicate himself to serving the needs of his constituents with an unwavering commitment.

In the days since leaving elected office, Sala has undertaken tireless efforts to support those in need across Mandera East.

Our reporters on the ground have witnessed firsthand the smiles and gratitude that now grace the faces of residents in places like Arabia, Sala, Omar Jilicow, Oda Aresa, and Libehiya.

Sala has gone about this work quietly and without fanfare, driven solely by a desire to better the lives of the people.

This is in stark contrast to many other politicians who disappear from their communities after losing an election, only to reemerge with empty promises when the next campaign season arrives.

Sala has shown that true leadership is not about chasing titles or power, but about standing by one's people through thick and thin.

Tragically, the same cannot be said for the current Mandera East MP, Hussein Weytaan, who has seemingly abandoned his constituents in favor of the comforts of Nairobi. Even when contacted by some of his voters, Weytaan has refused to engage, preferring to enjoy the fresh air of the capital while his people back home continue to struggle.

As the current speaker of the Mandera County Assembly, Sala continues to wield influence to channel resources and support to the grassroots.

Our sources indicate he is working tirelessly to address the needs of the remaining areas within his former constituency.

It is this level of dedication and care for the community that has earned Sala the admiration and trust of the people.

Though he may not be seeking reelection, there is no doubt that the voters of Mandera East would enthusiastically return him to office if given the chance. His actions have spoken louder than any campaign promises ever could.

Arabia Media Network is proud to stand behind leaders like Omar Sala who put service above self-interest.

In a political landscape too often defined by empty rhetoric and broken commitments, Sala's example shines as a beacon of true public service.

We can only hope that more of our elected representatives will follow his lead in the years to come.


Stay tuned

Arabia Media Network has uncovered a disturbing trend of Mandera County government officials holding fake academic certificates.

Our thorough investigation has exposed the case of Mr. Hassan Abdullahi Abdikadir, the Deputy Clerk of the Mandera County Assembly, who has been masquerading as an "elite" despite possessing a fraudulent degree from a university in Uganda.

The Arabia Media Network's reliable sources have confirmed that Mr. Abdikadir's academic credentials are nothing more than a sham, casting serious doubts on his qualifications and suitability for the crucial position he holds.

This discovery raises immediate concerns about the integrity of the county's governance and the processes employed in vetting and hiring public officials.

Our investigative team is currently gathering further evidence to substantiate the extent of this scandal.

The Arabia Media Network is committed to exposing the truth and ensuring that the Mandera County government is held accountable for its actions, or lack thereof, in addressing this issue.

As the probe continues, the Arabia Media Network urges the relevant authorities to take immediate action to investigate this matter thoroughly and to implement robust measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

Stay tuned for further updates as the Arabia Media Network unravels the depths of this alarming scandal and its implications for the people of Mandera County.

We shall publish this story on thursday inshaalah


World Breaking News

Joe Biden has dropped out from Presidential Race


Odinga Denies Bribery Allegations, Reaffirms Solidarity with Protesters

By Arabia Media Network Reporter

Azimio la Umoja - One Kenya Coalition principal Raila Odinga has refuted reports that he has been bribed to form a government of national unity with President William Ruto.

In a statement made while in Dubai, Odinga asserted that he remains in solidarity with the young Kenyans (Gen Zs) who are agitating for good governance in the country.

"The idea that I have agreed to such a government is entirely false," Raila stated.

He further noted that the issues raised by the protesting Gen Zs were genuine and that the Azimio coalition had raised similar concerns last year, some of which are yet to be addressed.

Additionally, Raila dismissed reports of a split within the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) or the Azimio coalition, describing such reports as fabrications.

In a robust response, Odinga refuted rumors of discord within the ODM or Azimio, calling such reports mere fabrications, as stated by Azimio TV.

This development comes amidst an emerging rift within the Azimio coalition, with a faction led by Raila endorsing planned dialogue with President William Ruto, while other affiliate parties, including Wiper, Jubilee, PNU, and Narc-Kenya, firmly oppose the talks.

The differences within the coalition came to a head on July 17, 2024, when a group of goons stormed and disrupted an address by Azimio co-principal Kalonzo Musyoka, roughing up journalists in the melee that followed.

"People should go outside! everybody out! the meeting is over! Media people, also leave the meeting is over," some of the goons were heard shouting during the invasion.

Raila later issued an apology after it emerged that he had left the meeting shortly after attending it, citing other commitments.

As a result, Musyoka was unable to read the resolutions of the Parliamentary group meeting.


Homabay MP George Peter Kaluma Urges President Ruto to Prioritize Kenya's Wellbeing Amid Challenges

By Hassan Adan

In a statement shared on X, Homabay constituency Member of Parliament (MP) George Peter Kaluma advised President William Ruto to focus on improving and protecting the country during the ongoing crisis.

Kaluma acknowledged that Ruto is the president of Kenya until the general elections in 2027 and urged him to confidently take actions that would benefit the nation and its citizens.

"President : You are the President of Kenya until 2027 when general elections will be held. As President, do not hesitate to do what is good for Kenya," Kaluma said.

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) lawmaker further encouraged the head of state to establish a government that would cater to the needs of all Kenyans and drive the country's economic transformation.

"Proceed and establish a government of all Kenyans as you had envisioned and create the Nation of Kenya," Kaluma added.

During a press briefing at State House Nairobi, President Ruto disclosed that after extensive consultations, he has decided to form a broad-based government that would harness the country's immense potential and facilitate its economic transformation.

Speaking in Bomet County on Sunday, Ruto vowed to protect Kenya's democratic principles from "anonymous anarchists" who have been responsible for the recent violent demonstrations that have resulted in deaths and injuries.

"Enough is enough! going forward I will protect the nation. We will protect Kenyans, stop the killers, we will stop anarchy and will stop looters. Kenya is a democracy and we want a peaceful nation," Ruto said.

The president emphasized the importance of the country's wellbeing over the interests of any particular group, stating, "The country is much more important than any group of people. We must stand together as a nation, protect our nation and make sure that Kenya is a democracy."

Ruto concluded by affirming that he has given everyone a chance to express their views, but that the current situation cannot continue, as the country's interests must take precedence.

Photos from Arabia Media Network's post 21/07/2024

Former Mandera East MP Omar Maalim's Generosity Shines as Constituents Apologize for Voting Him Out

By Arabia Media Network Correspondent

The residents of Mandera East constituency have expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the actions of their former Member of Parliament, Omar Maalim, despite having voted him out in the last general election.

"We thank and praise Omar Maalim (Omar Sala) for bringing us essential food items such as rice, oil, sugar, and maize," said Osman, an elder from Oda Town in Arabia sub-county. "May Allah bless him for his kindness."

Maalim, who currently serves as the Mandera County Assembly Speaker, has extended his generosity to all parts of the Mandera East constituency, providing much-needed food aid to the people during these challenging times.

"We thank him, and we apologize for the mistake we made in voting him out," said Halima Abdow from Arabia Town, wiping away tears of happiness. "Inshallah, come the 2027 general election, we will be there for you if God wills it."

The residents of Arabia county have also accused the current area MP, Hussien Weytan, of neglecting them despite their overwhelming support for him in the previous election.

the residents noted. "We feel abandoned as he enjoys the weather in Nairobi and does not answer our calls when we are in need."

The areas where this food aid was distributed are Oda Town, Omar Jilicow, Arabia and Sala.

One voter, Ali Rukow, expressed his disappointment in the current MP, stating, "He cheated us with his white kanzu, making us believe he was a faithful and religious man, but time has taught us otherwise."

The heartwarming gesture of Omar Maalim has undoubtedly won the admiration and forgiveness of his former constituents, who are now eagerly awaiting the opportunity to support him in the 2027 general election.


Presudent William Samoei Ruto address Residents of Chebango, Bomet County.


Controversy Erupts Over Ruto's Reappointment of Dismissed Cabinet Secretaries

By Arabia Media Network Political Reporter

The decision by President William Ruto to re-nominate six of the 21 Cabinet Secretaries he had dismissed on July 11 has sparked a heated national debate on the legality and suitability of the move.

The debate has divided legal experts and civil society organizations, with some equating the dismissal to impeachment and others arguing that it was merely a matter of performance and accountability.

The six re-nominated individuals include Kithure Kindiki (Interior), Alice Wahome (Lands), Soipan Tuya (Environment and Climate Change), Aden Duale (Defense), Rebecca Miano (nominated as Attorney General), and Davis Chirchir (nominated for the Road and Transport Ministry).

Legal experts and civil rights groups have expressed their concerns over the reappointment of these individuals.

Prominent lawyer, Ahmed Nasir, argued that the dismissal of the Cabinet Secretaries "implied a grave omission or commission" and that their "conduct and performance in office" warranted their dismissal, which cannot be easily erased or addressed.

However, another lawyer, Jane Smith, disputed this view, stating that the lawyers' arguments were "ill-informed" and that the dismissal should not be equated to impeachment, which would require a disciplinary process or a court martial.

The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), Inuka Kenya, Transparency International, and the Institute for Social Accountability (TISA) have also expressed their opposition to the reappointment of the six individuals.

They argue that the dismissal was an admission of the government's failure and that the reappointment is "unconstitutional" as the nominees do not meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Kenyan Constitution.

"It looks like the president may have been buying time to allow pressure of the moment to ease," said Wanjiku Gikonyo, a Board Member of the KHRC.

She called for a thorough vetting process, including a lifestyle audit, before the reappointment of the six individuals.

The debate continues, with legal minds and civil society organizations questioning the legality and suitability of the president's decision.

The outcome of this controversy will undoubtedly have significant implications for the new administration and its commitment to accountability and good governance.

Videos (show all)

Kenyan Parliament Resumes from Recess  with Debate on Rejected Finance BillBy Abdullahi yussufThe Kenyan National Assemb...
Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka Reacts to President Ruto's remarks calling Gen Z 'Anarchist'.
Homabay MP George Peter Kaluma Urges President Ruto to Prioritize Kenya's Wellbeing Amid ChallengesBy Hassan AdanIn a  s...
President Ruto Vows Crackdown on 'Anarchists' Ahead of Planned ProtestsBy Abdullahi YussufPresident William Samoei Ruto ...
Presudent William Samoei Ruto address Residents of Chebango, Bomet County.
DP Gachagua Urges Gen Z Protesters to Avoid Infiltration by CriminalsBy Abdullahi yussufDeputy President Rigathi Gachagu...
Dawa FM: Uplifting Mandera County through Responsible JournalismOpinion.ArticleBy Hassan adanIn a world where media outl...
President Ruto Promises Clear Cabinet Mandate, Delivery Timelines Next WeekBy Hassan Adan President William Samoei Ruto ...
Press Briefing in State House Kenya
Governor Natembeya
Mudavadi Urges Youths to Cherish Peace, Warns Against Undermining StabilityBy Hassan AdanThe Cabinet Secretary for Forei...
