The Christ's Gospel Truth International Ministries

The Christ's Gospel Truth International Ministries

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Help The Needy 01/06/2021

Help The Needy

The Ministry of Correction - Introduction 27/07/2020

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It's Possible With God (Day 134)

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Being A Blessing2 12/01/2020

Please listen to the parts one and two of this message, be blessed and share them extensively to bless others. God bless you iJn.

Being A Blessing2 Being a blessing


''For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.'' - 2 Pet 5-9


The Christ’s Gospel Truth International Ministries
Email [email protected] 08034465225

Delivered by: Pastor Yemi Omogboyega
Sermon Topic : Kingdom Series: What God Requires from Us As Christians
Bible Text: James 1:19-27 19

''My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. 22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. 26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (NIV)''

Date: 19th November 2019

We hope it will benefit you. If it does, kindly endeavour share extensively. God bless you.

The Message:

THANK God for our salvation which we received not by works but the grace we have by simply accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior (John 3:16)

Outside accepting Jesus Christ and believing in him, there is no other thing required of us other than to remain in him and follow what the book of James 1:19-27 tells us to do thus, that is, a servant of God ought to read, meditate upon the word of God, (Josh. 1:8-10) listen to the word of God and Do what He requires of him or her.
As Christians, our uppermost goals should be to make heaven and spend eternity with our Maker John 3:15). To make heaven and spend eternity with God, therefore, God Almighty requires us to have good relationship with Him with over our fellow men.

In order to be able to do these successfully God handed over to us the manual of our lives – The Holy Bible - which in turn, reveals His will on every subject of life to us.

First, He requires us to carry His word with us all the time, Study it, meditate on it day and night and endeavour to do what He tells us so that we can achieve good success in this world and reign with Him in eternity. (Jos. 1:8-10)

Therefore God requires us to develop personal relationship with Him through Fellowship which is our spiritual purpose for which he has created us in the first place. When we have personal relationship with Him, we would study His word, discover what He wants us to do and then apply them to our lives.
According to James 1:19-27 we are to listen to and do what He asks us to do. As stated earlier on, as human beings, we are to fellowship with Him always. Fellowship involves Praising God all t, he time (Psa. 9:1; 45:17). We are to worship Him with all our hearts (psa 86:12, etc). We are to study His word, Teach the Word and Preach the word (Matt. 28:16-end), we are to offer Him thanksgiving offering, to the work of God, Baptise new converts, observe Holy Commnion, (1 Cor. 11:24) contribute financially to the work of God 2Kings 12:4-5, extend love to our neighbours, help the needy amongs us (the widows, the strangers, the orphans, etc) counsel others, do good generally and offer servant leadership services to humanity. All these are under worship.

We are also to apply the word of God to the practical management of all the 7 facets of our lives eg. Birth, education, career, marriage, parenting, retirement and our expectation of making heaven after we leave this world. Let’s briefly examine a few of these requirements.
God wants us to be biologically fruitful (except those who choose not to have children which is not a sin, (Matt 19:9-12) so no one is expected to be barren biologically (Gen. 1:28). To be biologically fruitful therefore requires that one’s medical situation is in perfect shape and one is morally disciplined or morally upright as not to corrupt his reproductive capacity. Outside these (medical issues or sexual discipline as well as and personal choice a man or woman is capable of making, no human being is expected to be biologically barren. So do all you can to be in good health and be morally disciplined so as to realize God’s will for you in this area.
Education. God wants us to gain knowledge (Hosea. 4:6). The knowledge required is both spiritual (knowledge of him) and temporal (knowledge of many things around us including the skill we will practice in order to prosper.)

From knowledge comes insight (deep understanding) and from understanding comes wisdom and wisdom itself is the right application of knowledge that leads to spiritual fulfillment and physical solution to a particular problem (the work of our hands Deut. 28:11-14 which the Lord is prepared to bless) in order to attract financial and material wealth to ourselves.

Because of lack of insight, Africans have misinterpreted quite many things about happenings in nature. One example, we have once believed that the recurrent death of some children in the olden days was due to either the work of witches and wizards or worse still that they are children with familiar spirit.

Whereas insight, which came as a result of many years of research, has proved this claim to be wrong. It is now a known fact that the incompatibility (or mismatch) of the genotype of the couples that produce such (SS) children is the very genesis of such sad occurrences. So the Bible is right when it says in Hosea 4:6, that “My people die from lack of knowledge”. Education is very vital in people’s lives and GOD WANTS US TO BE THOROGHLY EDUCATED all-round.

So please note that learning is for life. Never stop learning something that will profit you and humanity. Daniel learned through study of books. (Dan. 1: 3-4 and 9:2) and he was therefore chosen to be amongst the qualified Israelites chosen to be in the Kings palace.
Career. God wants us to work and pray (Rom. 12:11). Rom. 12:11 is the spiritual and temporal equilibrium of God’s two purposes for creating man – the spiritual and the temporal. Man ought to work hard (Prov. 22:29) to fend for his family for he who fails to provide for his family is worse than an infidel (1 Tim. 5:8). Therefore for us to prosper spiritually and in the temporal matters, we ought not only to work but to work very hard. This leads us to the very important issue of financial and material prosperity i.e. wealth creation.
Wealth creation: God does not want us to be poor (Deut. 28:11-13) as God Himself promised to bless all the work of our hands so that we can truly prosper. Indeed, if we work hard and are prayerful and be financially disciplined by spending more on investments rather than wasteful spending, God’s mind for us is to prosper so much that we should not borrow but lend to nations.

Word of Caution: However, we must note that worldly material or financial prosperities are not the ultimate aim of se we will give our whole live to financial and material wealth acquisition at the detriment of serving our God This will be an error.

Making heaven is the most important goal of man so that we can fellowship with God for eternity after leaving this world (Matt. 6:33). But we need financial and material prosperity to pursue our goals. So they are means to an end but not an end in themselves.

What’s the mind of God concerning Marriage?

God requires the husband and wife to follow the order of heaven. God is the Head of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church and the head of the man.
Wives are commanded to submit to their husbands while the men are commanded to love their wives. Eph. 5:23 ff. On the management of the home, God gave both the man and the woman the responsibility to provide for the family Prov. 31:11-31. Therefore, it is not the singular responsibility of man to provide for the family. It is a joint responsibility. In addition, a woman has the duty of administering the entire family to ensure that everybody is catered for. Let us take time out to study these vital provisions of the Bible and do them in order to put a permanent stop to the high rate of divorces being recorded even amongst Christian couples as divorce is contrary to the will of God for any marriage. If a woman will wake up and take on her responsibility as a provider for the family, financial tensions plaguing families will be put on check.

Retirement. We ought to retire happy. God wants us to finish well (Jer. 29:11). Therefore we need to plan our lives in such a way that we will not end up as failures in our old age or resort to begging for food or die pre-maturely.

God’s mind concerning parents and children are clear. Parents are supposed to take good care of their children by training them in the way they will go (Prov. 22:6) and vice versa (Eph. 6:2, Exod. 20:12). Parents Children are to honour their parents and take good care of them, particularly at their old age. Parents should not provoke their children to anger (Eph 6:4). How is this possible? A child that is not properly catered for can end up becoming an armed robber, a vagabond, etc and such child can end up being angry with the parents. These messages are clear for both the children and their parents. God requires that we all stick to our own responsibilities.
Every Christian or convert, all assemblies of the saints referred to as the corporate church are required to take good care of the their followers particularly the widows, the needy, the orphans (Acts: 2:45)
In the Old Testament days when tithing (of produce not of money Prov. 3:9, Mal. 3:8-10, Matt123:23, Luke 11:41) was mandatorily required to be paid by children of God, the use to which the tithe was required was to feed both the Levites (on regular basis) while one tenth of the tithe is used to provide food and wine for the converts at given places (Deut. 14:23-39).

Today, tithing is no longer required because (a) we have no Levites again (b) present-day leaders are expected to cater for themselves and only be supported by the church. Paul, the Apostle laid made this very clear both in his teachings and his application of the word. Even though it is not a sin for Pastors to be given gifts or to receive salaries (if on full-time) 1 Tim. 5:18, Luke 10:7, Matt. 10:10, Lev. 19:13), such cares must be given Voluntarily (2 Cor. 9:6-9 and 2 Thess. 3:10) because it will amount to unrealistic expectation for able-bodied Christian Leaders to depend totally upon the church for their 100 per cent sustenance. Indeed no reasonable man of God should do this for the bible makes it clear (2 Cor. 7:1) that it is not proper to give to someone who is able to support himself financially but refuses to do so). If he does, he might be taking a great risk. Every Pastor, worthy of his or her calling ought to resolve the issue of how to survive financially without resorting to the church.

Therefore, we boldly, with all humility, touch extensively on the subject that seems to be the most controversial in modern day Christianity which in effect has divided the church into two parallel lines - those for and those against. This ‘division’ (or divergent opinion on the interpretation of the tithing doctrine) however does not make one side better than the other. However, it is good for converts on both sides to know that they can take personal decisions therefore both sides should be free to state their own case using the bible as their reference point. Quarrelling should be out of the question.

It is not in our character to judge pro-tithe or to claim that anti-tithe churches are better than the former. That authority solely belongs to God (Matt. 7:1-3) so it is wrong for any Minister of God to say person will go to hell or heaven because he or she tithes! Ours is simply state what the Bible says so that people can know that tithing is not a command in the New Testament dispensation because in reality, demands by churches for tithes have only promoted hypocrisy and sense of guilt in believers especially when they are unable to pay it.
Majority of converts don’t really tithe and if they do at all they don’t do so correctly. The problem that arises when a person does not tithe or tithe correctly is that they feel guilty, inadequate and sometimes, it so dominates their spiritual lives that they feel condemned. This is always a bye product of the “Law” which the Old Testament stands for. Whereas we are in the Grace dispensation.

Our salvation does not demand that we pay any money to church involuntarily. It is free from God (Eph. 2:8) – For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God). John 3:16 also make is quite clear that Jesus paid the price for our salvation. The Bible is very clear on this. Any money that the church should collect, must be given voluntarily.
Salvation cannot be purchased. If it can, the sacrifices of the old would have done so. The blood of animals used for sacrificial purposes to atone for the sins of the people did not avail. But when Jesus came he cleared all our sins and the various tormenting laws in the Old Testament (including the law of tithing, the law forbidding the eating of certain animals, the Law of men leaving their beards unshaved, the law of Sacrificing the animals at the altar, the law that prevents the ordinary man to enter the Holy of the Holies in the Temple or requiring sacrifices before approaching God at the altar, the laws that prevent ordinary member of the church from laying hands to and reading the Bible by himself or herself, the law that prescribed Saturday as Sabbath Day instead of today’s Sunday were) have all been abolished (Matt; 27:51) for the curtain of the temple was torn in tow from to pto bottom. Shilo, as in the Old Testament, has been completely destroyed (Jer. 7:12), though there’s nothing wrong if a church decides to gather at particular periods of the year, (such as RCCG’s Holy Ghost Nights, Conventions and Congresses) say the church’s anniversary provided they are not taken as a re-enactment of the Shilo of old which God destroyed. It should simply be to fellowship together nothing more. And provided everything including transportation to and fro, feeding and other logistics expenses are bourne by the church. If this is practiced, which should be the case, many churches will stage less of such!
We hold firm that relying on Mal. 3:8-10 to coerce people to pay tithe is an incorrect interpretation of God’s intentions for man in our Christian era thereby making them feel guilty or give involuntarily for “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).

Cajoling people that things are tight or will be tight for them because they don’t tithe are fundamental errors in the interpretation of the provisions of the Bible. Nothing of such nature is stated in the Bible. Also promising people miracles (not accomplished by work) because they pay tithe, we say with all humility, is an incorrect doctrine from God’s own perspective according to our own understanding of the Bible because what God blesses is the work of our hands (Deu. 28:) and not simply claiming empty pronouncements made by our G.O.’s . Giving tithes because you want to be blessed by God and waiting for the miracle to happen without doing something lead people to indolence!
The worst of this wrong teaching is the claim by some of our top-most religious leader’s (hiding under ‘obedience doctrine’) wrong claim that non-tithers will not make heaven! This is one of the most absurd claims because the Bible did not say so. It is simply man’s strategy towards forcing instead of allowing people to give voluntarily to the church of God. If a man wills, he can give more than 100 per cent of his earning to his church or to anybody organization for that matter but it must be voluntary. This is what the Bible says. Anything to the contrary is false, no matter who is telling it.

It is simply tying salvation to money which is a fundamental error that should never be allowed to continue unchallenged by Christians who care about what the Bible really says. Thank God we now all have access to the Bible. Let the preachers who preach such unbiblical doctrines preach and let those who care to understand the provisions of the Bible thoroughly research into our bible and counter such teachings if we find them faulty as we do with the doctrine of tithing. I won’t even say let God be Judge but let Him please have mercy over us both for all we seek is insight in order to do His will acceptably in Jesus name.

But in our own church, we just feel that we should not for the mere sake of raising funds to meet the need of the church, as pro-tithers claim, institute tithing (which was then law in the old testament but not so in the grace period of the new testament) as a means of meeting such needs.

Therefore, at The Christ’s Gospel Truth International Ministries, for instance, we do not tithe because we trust in our All-sufficient God’s ability to raise even, if only few people, who will voluntarily as the Bible stipulates severally in the New Testament, give to the church to accomplish her goals of Evangelism and caring for the needy in our midst.

Don’t we need money? Yes we need money to build befitting structures for to house us during fellowship (2 Kings 12:5-5) to protect us from the rains and sunshine and equip such, (for God does not live in a house built by man - Acts. 7:48) we will cut our coat according to our size and live within whatever we realize from voluntary gifts or donations, normal voluntarily given love offerings, thanks giving offerings and so on. As stated earlier, the larger per centage of our incomes shall be applied towards evangelism and caring for the needy (James 1:27) according to the limit of our ability (2 Cor 9:7). These are the most crucial businesses of the church not building edifices.

We will rather teach our members and the Ministers of God amongst us to do the will of God by laboring (2 Cor. 4:12) with their hands to earn their living and be financiers of the church rather than depend upon the church to meet their unrealistic needs. As a result of this we will rather encourage part-timers as Ministers. Anyone who volunteers to lead must be prepared to fend for himself or herself because we certainly will not want to focus on wrong motives. Paul is our role model in this regard. Though he was entitled to take from the church but he rather depended upon God and his work to fend for himself.

Care for the needy

Care for the needy amongst us. Everybody has a need and God requires that as a church and even individuals, to care for them. Bible is very specific about some of such needs i.e. the orphans, the widows and the strangers. We can also include the jobless.
We also owe other stakeholders a duty of care. These are the communities in which we operate and even our nation at large. God requires that as a gathering of saints, we need to do our utmost best to address these needs. Therefore our focus will be to address them to the best of our ability.

We will also teach and regularly counsel our members, as God requires of us, to reach out to the needies in their own environments beginning from their immediate and extended families and to people not related to them by blood. We will also teach and emphasise for them to be part of community development in their local domains. Above all, I fervemt;u believe that as you are reading this material, it is already being laid upon your heart to do so too. This is because the Bible says, in the book of James: 1:27, the “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (NIV)

Brethren, we hope you have been richly blessed during today’s service. In order not to be swayed or confused by myriads of teachings on several topics such as we addressed today, please we do admonish that you set aside laziness and be close to your bible always to check out all we are teaching you.

After comparing what we teach you with the Bible, take the one that you understand to be the truth. Of course, we may err as humans, the Bible will always be correct. Also please do go home and review all these issues raised and mirror them all against your present practice. The Kingdom of God is so important that nobody should miss it. I plead with you, try to fulfill God’s will as enumerated above. If you do, then making heaven shall not be something to fear about. God bless you in Jesus name.

Altar call.
If you are yet to give your life to Jesus Christ, please do so today by either fellowshipping with us at The Christ’s Gospel Truth International Ministry or by joining any Bible believing church nearest to you without any further delay. God bless you
Closing prayers: Our father in heaven, we thank you indeed for today’s message as given to us by you. We now know your mind concerning many issues of our lives. As we mirror our lives with your word today, please help us to be able to make necessary changes that will be counted to us as righteousness. From now onwards, let us move closer and closer to you so that we will not miss heaven at the end of our sojourn in this world and Daddy, please let us reign with you in eternity. In Jesus Mighty name we have prayed. Benediction.
