Matte Frequency

Matte Frequency

Live and direct from the divine.


Each day it becomes more clear to me that the only way 'out' is to go 'Within'. Also big up on the great work on spreading more truth & light🙏🏿💡


'Lock down' sessions throwback.

The irony of that period...

'OUTSIDE' became the gym.
My mind 'OPENED' up to so much 'elevating' wisdom/ information.
I stepped 'OUT' of my comfort zone with so many things.
I felt my inner being 'RISE' to a state of awareness I've never experienced before.
The list goes on...

I affirm all conditions serve me & my dearest for my/our 'HIGHEST' good.

Treating pressure like blessings!


I zone out in creation mode. Big up for catching these sincere moments.


Its so mad being divinely in love with something you can't 'see'.


Never judge by appearances or feel afraid to question your 'present' paradigms.
