The Humerus

The Humerus

Massage therapy news and humor.


Rolfing and Structural Integration were based on 20th century Monism yet the world of fascial exploration is growing within the medical community!
So I’m really excited to work with fascia! 😌

I had planned to eat my dinner during the time slot I had left open for the day.
I had three appointments, back to back, a break and another appointment, when my empty allotment got filled. The body in question was a woman. She complained of ankle pain and opposite shoulder pain. In the spa where I currently work, I don’t offer fascial work. It’s mostly “fluff and buff” massage and it has its benefits regardless. I managed to approach her ankles from a structural point of view. From the deep teachings of Dr. Ida and of course, from my heart space.
Very minimal.
Yet she felt pleased, seen and relieved.
We had sporadic conversation throughout.
I mentioned I was from Bosnia. She mentioned she had been to Croatia in the 70’s. She said, “The people seemed unhappy under Soviet rule.” Puzzled for a second, I explained that Croatia has never been under Soviet rule. I explained that former Yugoslavia, of which Croatia was a republic was not under Soviet or NATO rule. They were independent and didn’t have the same kind of communism or socialism as all the other communist or socialist countries. I explained they had a free market even, to which she seemed flabbergasted. She shared to be an anthropologist at the University of Utah, teaching up to 120 students in a classroom.
I wondered how many people she told about Zagreb and Dubrovnik and their false belonging to the Soviet. Oh well. Most Americans don’t seem educated enough about foreign affairs
She got up and left as choppily as she came.
She was an interesting lady.
Small, rounded shoulders.
Which brings me to fascia and all the interesting manifestations of it.

Felt great to offer that work again.


I feel the heat beneath my fingers, sometimes so intensely it burns my nail beds. This is when you know unwinding is needed, I was taught. Usually the occipital ridge is full of that energy. Does the throat have horizontal fascia? As well as the eye band?
I feel like back there they are one fascia and most often it is bound up and wound up.
Large intestine point, which is located on the forearm just beneath the elbow(distal), supine, I was taught assists in unwinding stuck energy in hips in relationship with the sphenoid, a master bone.
The sphenoid houses the brain, pituitary gland, sela turcica, and the pineal gland.
When this point becomes still, (the large intestine) you can move to the next place.
Unwind the sacrum first, then heart, then head.
This is The Way



It’s very interesting when a client comes in and “tells me what we are going to do”.
Right off the bat she said, “ I don’t need any work on the front or my arms! Just focus on my neck, my low back, and my legs. And please work my IT bands!”
“Just that?!”, I said.
She selected a Sports Massage from our spa which rests somewhere along the lines of medium pressure and going a little deeper in a couple of areas.
What she described she needed sounded a lot more intensive, so I suggested a deep tissue, which she declined.
Okay lady, I know my work.
You don’t go to an accountant and say here is all my stuff, I want you to do my taxes but I don’t want you to add or subtract anything!

Anyway, I gave her a deep tissue session. She paid for the Sports.
She came out happier than a goat on a mountain side and she is coming back to see me.
I explained to her that where she actually needs more work is in the front line of fascia which she keeps ignoring and so the back line fascia becomes locked long and hurts.
She was grateful.

Phew! 😅
One day at a time.


It’s very interesting when a client comes in and “tells me what we are going to do”.
Right off the bat she said, “ I don’t need any work on the front or my arms! Just focus on my neck, my low back, and my legs. And please work my IT bands!”
“Just that?!”, I said.
She selected a Sports Massage from our spa which rests somewhere along the lines of medium pressure and going a little deeper in a couple of areas.
What she described she needed sounded a lot more intensive, so I suggested a deep tissue, which she declined.
Okay lady, I know my work.
You don’t go to an accountant and say here is all my stuff, I want you to do my taxes but I don’t want you to add or subtract anything!

Anyway, I gave her a deep tissue session. She paid for the Sports.
She came out happier than a goat on a mountain side and she is coming back to see me.
I explained to her that where she actually needs more work is in the front line of fascia which she keeps ignoring and so the back line fascia becomes locked long and hurts.
She was grateful.

Phew! 😅
One day at a time.




Out Call Massage!

Enjoying the rain/hail cloudy day on the mountain resort of Park City.
The smoothest two massages, back to back, I’ve ever done.


Hey lovelies…

How is existence treating you?
How are you treating yourself?
How is your body feeling through it all?

Are you in need of some down time?
Some “feel” time?
Are you ready to shed and relax into a state of gentle bliss?

Get ready to lay down and close your eyes while the loving hands of a trained professional remove the stigma attached to your ache…just breathe…

Let it all go

Photos from The Humerus's post 09/02/2022

This here says it all 😍


Starting to feel the good energy flow again. My love for structural work is rekindling. Psoas work is proving to be at the core of most postural dysfunctions. Feeling into the core and repatterning the relationship in hips between psoas, deep hip muscles, hamstrings and adductors seems to free up space for movement. And movement is Life.


Schedule changes before the busy season kicks off are never that fun, let’s be honest. But that’s where the magic happens! This will be my first season working as a professional in Park City for the winter season and I can’t tell if I’m excited or a little scared 😳
⚡️Probably both.
As I prepare, both, physically and spiritually for this magical season kick off, I am noticing some notable differences this year.

#1 I am working less and earning more 😍

#2 I am less stressed yet still producing desired results with clients’ needs 😍

#3 still using the basics of core massage 🤩

Let me just exclaim, with utmost joy, that there is really so much to your mindset when manifesting work!!
After 9 long years of forming my own unique relationship to bodywork and energy work I have to share that SELF WORTH will create the results you get in the end!! When I decided to stop playing small and owned it, it finally came through! And it just keeps getting better.

I worry less about how well my clients will enjoy my massage. As someone who has, at times struggled with self esteem, I used to give so much of myself in sessions and I had to learn how to pull back a little. And I love the payback of that! I still give a great massage, I just don’t exhaust myself in giving my energy if it’s not necessary. And I find that most of the time, it’s not necessary.

Technique. Technique. Technique.
Sure, I like to get fancy and put my client in a lotus position while I tract their spine and stretch their cervicals with a hot towel!! But when it really comes down to it, what I love most is feeling great after a session, knowing, my client also feels great and most of the time that means “keeping it simple”. I also keep to the basic structural integration rule “down the back, up the front, and always toward the midline”, and I ALWAYS get results this way. And without hurting my body. After nine years it’s easier said than done.

So, my fellow therapists, try adjusting your standards a bit and see what happens!
After all, you can’t keep doing the same thing, expecting different results!

Happy Holiday Season!
From Yours Truly,

The Humerist!


‘Tis the season to be Jolly or jelly …


Hey now! Don’t wanna funk around and start a conspiracy! 🤣


Sometimes it be like this!




This one is kind of Grim…muahaha get it?!


It’s a very important date!!!!


I’m hearing Diane reams in my head.


Purrrretty good yes!!


I need it!!


Ninjas got nothin’ on this grip!!


Let’s examine your posture! 😉




Yes please!


Heh heh


This could be us but we’re LMT’s. 😃😂


Sunday this week is a day packed full of bodywork waiting for me. Hopefully some soul work too, entwined in there. I aim to take a soak in the hot springs the day before to unwind and prepare for healing. It’s been a while since I’ve done yoga or any repatterning. How do you take care of your body??


Anatomy enhanced my Spiritual practice.
Visualization of deeply layered tissues intensified my sessions. The deeper into the body I could visualize, the more profound my work became.
How do you practice healing?
What works for you?


Have you ever had a client yell at you? I wasn’t sure what to think at first but it was later brought to my attention my client may have a tick and may be on the spectrum. This changed my whole outlook. We all feel each other. How can we have better communication?
