Edumax Asia

Edumax Asia

Best Learning Technices Ever


Facebook Ads And Marketing – Lead Generation Pro – 2020
This course will teach you all that you need to know to get started with lead generation quick and easy. These are all practical examples that I have used to generate leads for different businesses.

Topics Include :

- Understand Lead Generation in 30 seconds
- How to access your ads manager
- Setting Up lead Generation campaign
- Ad budget, audience & scheduling
- Using Video kit to transform your ad creative.
- Making A Lead Generation Form
- Conversion tracking
- Setting up facebook Pixel
- 191 Leads Generated – Case Study Overview
- $1500 Product Case Study
- Make sure you enroll in this course and learn something useful out of it!


Facebook Ads + Marketing MASTERY in 2020: 8-Figure Blueprint
- Learn how you can be an expert doing Facebook Advertising using this Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass Mini-Course!

- In this ultimate introductory course, you will know and understand all the vocabulary used on Facebook Advertising to change your life and change your business.

- Learn how to leverage the power of Facebook pixel. You will easily understand all the pieces of puzzle that can help you skyrocket your sales!

Facebook Ads + Marketing MASTERY in 2020: 8-Figure Blueprint – Asia Edumax In this ultimate introductory course, you will know and understand all the vocabulary used on Facebook Advertising to change your life and change your business.


Out of all of the methods I used to grow my brand, social media marketing was by far the most effective method. In one year, my blog traffic increased 15 times over primarily because of social media. Just like anyone else, I struggled with social media in the beginning, but after learning a few game-changing tactics to grow my social media audience, I started to get the results that I now have today.

I currently have over 200,000 social media followers across all of my platforms and I interact with hundreds of people on them every day. It’s fair to say I am living the advanced version of a teenage dream 🙂

In this course, I will share with you the methods I used to go from no audience to over 200,000 social media followers in a time effective manner. Since I go to school, write blog posts, and create products, I don’t have much time to work on growing my social media platforms, but the time that I use on my social media platforms is spent very effectively. In fact, I gain hundreds of followers across these platforms every day.

All you have to do to get lifetime access to all of the lectures on my course and the lectures I add in the future is to click the “Take This Course” button. I look forward to serving you throughout the course and watching you grow on social media.


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Social Media Marketing Mastery Growing An Engaged Audience