Pennsic Family Point

Pennsic Family Point

Family Point is located at the playground during Pennsic War and provides activities and education for those Pennsic-Goers under 18.

This page is held and managed by the Family Point Coordinator of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this office here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.


Happy Thursday!

Teen Classes Start today!

Teen Classes in AS6
12-1 Calligraphy
1-2 Really Basic Leather Stamping for Teens
2-3 Teen/Tween Fingerloop Braiding

Children's Classes in FP1
9-10 Scroll Painting
10-11 Sewing: Make a Pouch
11-12 It's hot! Make a Hand Fan
1-2 Create a Heraldic Device
2-3 Heraldic Field Games
3-4 Pennsic Rocks

Youth Classes in FP2
10-11 KWAG Social (10:30)
11-12 Origami Claws
1-2 Fingerloop Medallion Cord Make-and-Take
2-3 Beginning Kumihimo
3-4 Beginning Embroidery for the Young Sewer
7-10 T(w)een Lounge: Game Night and Character Building

FP Games Lounge
9-12 Open for Hangouts/Gaming
1-3 RPG One Shot Honey Heist
3-5 Domos Draconum

7-10: T(w)een Lounge: Game Night and Character Building in Family Point Tent 2


Happy Wednesday!

We've got lots of great stuff planned today! Our first Teen Lounge is this evening! Come by Family Point Tent 1 to grab a schedule handout today.

Family Activities in Family Point Tent 1
9-10 Medieval Game Make-and-Take
10-11 Beginner Sewing: Make a Ball
11-12 Sharing Stories from the Past and Present
1-2 Life-Sized Castle Building
(in Family Games Tent) and Quiet Coloring in Main Tent
2-3 Weaving
3-4 Pennsic Rocks

Youth University in Family Point Tent 2
10-11 Sewing Dragon Stuffies
10:30: KWAG Walk Day
11-12 Youth Sewing Basics
1-2 Constellations and Crafts
2-3 Garb Swap
7-10 T(w)een Lounge: Welcome To War Meet-n-Greet

Family Gaming Tent (Back of Playground)
9-10 Open for Hangouts/Gaming
10-11 Open for Hangouts/Gaming
11-12 Open for Hangouts/Gaming
1-2 Family Point Build Your Own Castle Class
2-3 Open for Hangouts/Gaming
3-5 Domos Draconum

Tomorrow we will start our Teen Classes in AS6!


Family Point is open today!

Family Point
Welcome to war Craft Time 9-12
Closed for Lunch 12-1
Secret Codes and Hidden Messages 1-2
Catapults 2-3
Scroll Painting 3-4

10:30 KWAG Social Day
1:00 Origami

Gaming Tent (behind family point)
9-12 open gaming
1-3 open gaming
3-5 Domos Draconum DND Game


Greetings from the Family Activities Department!

Pennsic is coming, and the Family Activities Department is prepared to fight the biggest foe: Boredom!

We’ve planned out tons of activities for those under 18 and there are also plenty of general Pennsic Activities that are family friendly and ready to welcome you. Some featured events include Movie Night in the Great Hall, our evening teen lounges, and classes for three separate age groups.

We’ve put together two guides chock full of options for both younger and older gentles. In most cases, the age ranges are suggestions, except where required for safety or developmental needs.
Family Activities Guide for Those 10 And Under : -

Family Activities Guide for Those 10+ :

Teen Lounge Schedule :

These will be updated to reflect the most recent options. If you have an edit suggestion, please contact Mestresse Leonete D’Angely at [email protected].

We are also still looking for volunteers to teach pre-made classes, assist in our tents, and youth officers to be the official background checked supervisor. Please sign up here:

Family Activities Help Wanted 17/04/2023

Family Point Staff is working hard to plan a fabulous Pennsic for our families, but we could use more help! Take a look at the job descriptions here, and let me know if you have any questions!

Now is also the time to submit background checks to help supervise our spaces at Pennsic!

Family Activities Help Wanted Thank you for your interest in helping with Family Activities for Pennsic 50 in July 2023. Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in one of our open positions.


Greetings from Leonete, Family Point Coordinator!

My apologies that I’m doing this so long after Pennsic! For a variety of reasons, I wasn’t able to sit down and write my official Pennsic report until now, and while it’s super important that I share with my superiors all the amazing things that those who volunteered at Family Point did during this War, you all deserve to know how awesome these folks are too.

At Pennsic 49, Family Activities provided over 54 hours of programming to those under 9, and almost 50 classes for those 9-17. We did so with approximately 40 teachers and fewer than 20 background checked supervisors compared to around 100 teachers and 50 background checked supervisors in 2019! I want to thank every one who attended a class or activity for their patience with schedule changes, cancellations, and my very frazzled self!

I want to thank every single person who taught a class, every person who jumped in to teach when a teacher was not able to make it, and all the family members who tidied the tent, helped us put walls up or down, or otherwise made it so that we could provide activities. We could not have done this without you. There are a few folks I’d like to name personally:

Sefa Hrafnsdottir was my rock as Deputy Family Point. From cajoling people to teach to helping me set up and making sure I ate lunch, she did it all. She also jumped in whenever I needed help or had someone cancel.

Dyryke Hastings and Draven Hastings are rock stars. They unloaded the trailer and helped me set up Point before site opened, and helped with supervisor shifts as well as anything else I needed throughout Pennsic.

Cecily Graham de Inveresk ran all the teen nights and did an amazing job. She planned exciting activities, hosted an awesome movie night in the barn, and put up with the antics of teens at Pennsic so the rest of us wouldn’t have to.

Matthias Grunwald, Arnora Ketilsdottir, and Wynflaed aet Hamtunscir all took multiple Background Checked Youth Officer shifts, and went above and beyond to make sure that classes happened, and everyone at Point was safe and supervised

Hugoline the Delicate and Fiona the Volatile taught classes, chaperoned teen nights, jumped in as background checked supervision, and did all of the major structure takedown of Family Point.

Maggie Rue, despite having many other obligations, gave me her normal: “Any holes you have for classes, I’ll fill” and taught several of her usual classes about spies and herbs to much interest.

Dougald Scelhadun and Aine (Harmony) not only managed bunches of unruly teens doing DnD, but both offered to run second sessions to accommodate more players.

Laura ran some of our most popular classes, and kept offering to teach more!. She jumped in and taught extra sessions of several younger kid role playing games.

Lady Merewen de Cottesmore taught several classes, as she has for several years. Upon seeing my panic that my takedown crew had to leave early due to sickness, she immediately reworked her schedule to be able to help me inventory and pack the entirety of both Family Point tents. I would probably still be at Family Point packing up now without her help.

Saehildr, who was rightfully made a member of the Order of the Pelican just after Pennsic ran a fabulous afternoon version of her event “It Takes My Child to Raze a Village” even through rain and complications. She also taught her immensely popular “Edible Viking Necklaces” and fed me gummy jewelry.

Photos from Pennsic Family Point's post 29/07/2022

We are eagerly getting ready for you!

Pennsic 49 Family Friendly Roundup 03/07/2022

Here it is! A roundup of many, many activities of interest to families. If you see anything that should be included, or any mistakes, please feel free to reach out to this page or by email! I plan to update as needed until 7/29.

Pennsic 49 Family Friendly Roundup Family and Family Friendly Activities at Pennsic War 49 Created by Leonete D’Angely, Family Activities Coordinator. ([email protected]) Any mistakes are mine and mine alone. Includes events registered and submitted as of July 3rd, 2022. Notes: This schedule contains many activities at Penn...


Currently working hard putting together a schedule of all the different things families can do at Pennsic!! It's slow going but will be out soon! Here is an example of a day from Pennsic 2019:

Pennsic 49 Youth and Family Class Submission 07/06/2022

Hi All! We are busy preparing an exciting lineup of classes for all those gentles 17 and under!

We are still looking for teachers for all age groups! Some requests for classes we have had include a Bardic Circle for 9 and unders, Heraldry classes, sewing classes, fingerloop braiding, and other hands-on crafts. If you are willing to teach, please fill out the form here:

We have also put together our signup for background checked supervisors and helpers, who do not need a bgc. If you have your SCA clearances, and could donate 3 hours of your time to support the youth of the society, we would deeply appreciate it!! That signup is here:

Pennsic 49 Youth and Family Class Submission Greetings! We are trying something a little different this year in order to organize our class selections better. If you would like to teach a class to any of our age groups, please fill out the form below, and the appropriate coordinator will reach out to you to help you schedule your class. We und...


Greetings to the Known World,

The Third time is hopefully the charm! While the Mayor and his incredibly capable team continue to plan a safe and enjoyable Pennsic 2022 for all, the Family Activities Department is working hard to plan a full slate of activities for the youngest members of our Society. We need your help! We have some staff positions to fill, and we are seeking teachers for our child (3-10) youth (9-13) and teen (13-17) tracks of classes. The child and youth classes are conveniently located next to the playground, and the teen classes have their own tent in the Pennsic University area. Our youth eagerly seek knowledge in all categories of SCAdian learning, especially hands-on classes.

To learn about our staff positions and apply, fill out this form:
To teach a class, please fill out the following form:
The track coordinator will then reach out to you to schedule. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected].
We are also still asking families to let us know their Pennsic plans so that we can better plan numbers and classes:

Mistress Leonete D’Angely, Pennsic War 49 Family Activities Coordinator

Family Activities Check In 2022 13/03/2022

Planning to attend Pennsic with those under 18? Think your family may attend, but have not yet decided? Please help us plan the best possible slate of activities for them by answering this poll!

Family Activities Check In 2022 The Family Activities staff is hard at work planning for Pennsic 49! We know many families are excited to return, many are cautious, and many are a combination of the two. Please help us plan the best possible war for the under 18 set by answering as many of the following questions as apply to you.
