The Angels Online

The Angels Online

Our mission is to bring Juvenile Awareness to communities worldwide by administering open dialogue


Students speak out on bullying & mental health...
"Reporting to teachers isn't helpful." "I was depressed."
A teacher advises: "Notice behaviour changes & ask questions."
Let's create a supportive environment... and get ready for Season 4!

Photos from The Angels Online's post 26/06/2024

Reservations for 4 please! Step up & step out! Get with those that allow authenticity, deep conversation, respect and understanding. 🤞🏾💪🏾💞🥰

Photos from Marthas Angels 's post 26/06/2024

Empowering words of wisdom...
In this inspiring clip from our previous season, a participant shares a powerful message: 'You're not what you come from.'
Ronda adds her own insights, emphasizing the importance of listening to our children and recognizing that life is full of unexpected twists and turns: 'Life is not a script... and sometimes we need to listen more than we speak.'
Together, their words encourage us to embrace our individuality, foster open communication, and embrace the beauty of life's unpredictability.
Join us in spreading empowerment and positivity... and get ready for Season 4!


The hurtful legacy of betrayal and bullying...
In this poignant clip from our previous season, a participant shares a painful experience: "My friends lied to me, which led to trust issues... and I ended up bullying them."
Her words reveal the damaging consequences of dishonesty and the importance of addressing the root causes of bullying behavior.
Let's work together to build a culture of empathy, honesty, and healing... and get ready for Season 4!


A call to action for parental awareness and support...
In this thought-provoking clip from our previous season, Ronda shares a crucial insight: "Parents don't get mindful if their kids have problems... Why can't they give kids the information about mental illness now?"
Ronda's words emphasize the importance of open communication, education, and support in helping children navigate mental health challenges.
Let's work together to break the silence and empower the next generation... and get ready for Season 4!


A powerful story of resilience and hope...
In this emotional clip from our previous season, Malika bravely shares his personal experience with bullying and the dark thoughts that followed: "I thought of committing su***de... but I realized that I wasn't alone."
Malika's story is a poignant reminder that bullying has real consequences and that seeking help and support is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Let's work together to create a safe and supportive environment for all... and get ready for Season 4!


The importance of evolving perspectives on mental health...
In this insightful clip from our previous season, two healthcare practitioners share crucial observations:
"A lot of parents expect the same mental health they experienced growing up from their kids, forgetting that times have changed."
"A lot of things that weren't okay when we were growing up aren't okay now, and we need to recognize that."
Their words highlight the need for adaptability, awareness, and a willingness to recognize the changing landscape of mental health, letting go of outdated beliefs and embracing a more informed and compassionate approach.
Join us in exploring the evolution of mental health perspectives... and get ready for Season 4!


Shooting season 4 episode 2 tomorrow and pretty excited with the youth I have. Its a topic that is crucial at this time & many of ya should listen to it when it drops Aug…. !


The painful truth about bullying and kindness...

In this emotional clip from our previous season, two survivors share their heartbreaking experiences:
"I'm bullied in school, and people make fun of me."
"I treat others with kindness, but I don't receive the same treatment."
Their words highlight the harsh reality of bullying and the importance of empathy, understanding, and reciprocity in our interactions with others.
Join us in creating a culture of kindness and respect... and get ready for Season 4!


The ripple effects of trauma: addressing trans-generational pain...
In this poignant clip from our previous season, a healthcare practitioner reveals a crucial aspect of their work: "Some of the kids we deal with are dealing with the aftermath of events at home... and we're not just working with the kids at school, but also with the family. Most of the mental health issues in children are trans-generational."
Their words highlight the profound impact of intergenerational trauma and the need for a comprehensive approach that supports the entire family, breaking the cycles of pain and fostering healing and resilience.
Join us in exploring the complexities of trans-generational trauma... and get ready for Season 4!


The importance of early intervention: addressing childhood trauma...

In this insightful clip from our previous season, a healthcare practitioner highlights a crucial truth: "A lot of health issues in adults started in their childhood, and now they're trying to treat the adult, but we need to focus more on adjusting the issues in the child."

Their words emphasize the need for early intervention and prevention, tackling the root causes of trauma and mental health concerns in children to build a healthier and happier future for generations to come. Watch the full episode of MENTAL HEALTH on our Youtube channel.
Join us in shedding light on the power of early intervention... and get ready for Season 4!

Photos from The Angels Online's post 16/06/2024

When I sent my baby brother off to the military, I knew he would do great things! It’s wonderful seeing him become a responsible man & work his way to leadership in the US Airforce. He was on season 2 Peer Pressure episode. Remember…its up to YOU all to make the changes and decisions to better your futures.


A declaration of independence and self-love!
In this empowering clip from our previous season, a survivor shares a powerful moment of self-liberation: "I'm not negotiating, and I'm not doing what you want me to do. I'm just gonna do me."
Her words resonate deeply, reminding us that true healing and growth come from embracing our authenticity and refusing to compromise our worth.
Join us in celebrating survivor strength and resilience... and get ready for Season 4!


A sobering reality: mental illness on the rise in youth...
In this thought-provoking clip from our previous season, a healthcare professional sounds the alarm: "Mental illness is showing its prevalence more in kids, children, and adolescents than it used to."
Her words highlight the urgent need for increased awareness, support, and resources to address the growing mental health concerns among our younger generations.
Join us in shedding light on this critical issue... and get ready for Season 4, the voice of the unheard.


A powerful vow to break the cycle of trauma...
In this emotional clip from our previous season, a survivor makes a resolute declaration: "The assault is going to end with me. Nobody is going to do that to my kids."
Her words convey a sense of determination and protection, highlighting the importance of breaking the cycle of trauma and creating a safer future for generations to come.
Join us in honoring survivor strength and resilience... and get ready for Season 4!


Season 4….


A powerful message of hope and resilience...
In this inspiring clip from our previous season, a brave survivor shares her essential advice for anyone experiencing sexual assault: "Tell someone, even if you feel like no one is listening. Keep talking, keep sharing your story."
Her words remind us that speaking out is a sign of strength, and that together, we can create a culture where survivors are heard, believed, and supported.
Join us in amplifying survivor voices and creating a culture of support... and get ready for Season 4!


In this thought-provoking clip from our previous season, our host highlights how society often jumps to conclusions, judging survivors and accusing them of lying, without truly listening to their stories or understanding the complexities of sexual assault.
Let's work together to create a culture of empathy, belief, and support for survivors, rather than rush judgments and harmful skepticism.
Tune in for more insightful conversations... and get ready for Season 4!


A heartbreaking betrayal of trust...
In this emotional clip from our previous season, a survivor of sexual assault reveals how her assailant exploited her vulnerability and that of her cousin, posing as a trusted father figure when they needed guidance and support.
Her story sheds light on the tactics predators use to manipulate and abuse, and the importance of recognizing the signs of grooming.
Join us in standing with survivors and creating a culture of protection and support... and get ready for Season 4!




In this courageous clip from our previous season, a survivor of childhood sexual assault shares her heart-wrenching story of being robbed of her innocence at just 11 years old by someone she trusted - her stepfather.
Despite the pain and trauma, she continues to seek healing and justice through therapy, inspiring others to do the same.
Join us in amplifying her voice and supporting survivors everywhere... and get ready for Season 4!


A sigh of relief, a sense of validation...
In this powerful clip from our previous season, a survivor of sexual assault shares the moment she felt a weight lift off her shoulders - when her assailant was finally detained and his true history was revealed in court.
Despite his attempts to portray himself as a law-abiding citizen, the truth came to light: he had a prior case in the 90s. Her story is a testament to the importance of believing survivors and holding perpetrators accountable.
Join us for more impactful conversations... and get ready for Season 4!


A powerful call to accountability...
In this impactful clip from our previous season, a survivor of sexual assault delivers a strong message to those who perpetrate harm:
"If you're comfortable victimizing others, be comfortable with the consequences too."
Her words resonate deeply, reminding us that accountability is a crucial step towards justice and healing.
Tune in for more empowering conversations... and get ready for Season 4!


In this powerful clip from our previous season, a survivor of sexual assault shares her raw and honest thoughts on forgiveness and justice.
With 10% of her feeling empathy for her assailant and 90% of her believing he deserves accountability, she bravely reveals the intricate emotions that come with healing from trauma.
Join us for more thought-provoking conversations... and get ready for Season 4!


Healing is a journey, not a destination...
In this emotional clip from our previous season, a brave survivor shares their experience of undergoing therapy for 2 years after sexual assault.
Their story is a powerful reminder that healing takes time, patience, and support - but it is possible to find hope and happiness again.
Tune in for more inspiring stories of resilience and recovery... and get ready for Season 4!

Breaking Stereotypes: A Gender Dialogue 28/05/2024

Breaking Stereotypes: A Gender Dialogue In this episode, we dive deep into the realm of common gender stereotypes, unraveling their impact on individuals and society. Join us as we candidly discuss...

Videos (show all)

A powerful story of redemption and growth...Chloe bravely shares her past experience: "I got suspended for bullying in 5...
Education & parenting: learning & growing..."Education matters." "No handbook for parenting."Join us for Season 4!#menta...
Students speak out on bullying & mental health..."Reporting to teachers isn't helpful." "I was depressed."A teacher advi...
Empowering words of wisdom...In this inspiring clip from our previous season, a participant shares a powerful message: '...
The hurtful legacy of betrayal and bullying...In this poignant clip from our previous season, a participant shares a pai...
A call to action for parental awareness and support...In this thought-provoking clip from our previous season, Ronda sha...
A powerful story of resilience and hope...In this emotional clip from our previous season, Malika bravely shares his per...
The importance of evolving perspectives on mental health...In this insightful clip from our previous season, two healthc...
The painful truth about bullying and kindness...In this emotional clip from our previous season, two survivors share the...
The ripple effects of trauma: addressing trans-generational pain...In this poignant clip from our previous season, a hea...
The importance of early intervention: addressing childhood trauma...In this insightful clip from our previous season, a ...