EC Western Gear University

EC Western Gear University

Bringing you relevant content related to all things Horses and Western.

Helping all Horse Lovers with Educational Information to ensure proper care and handling of their beloved Horse!

The Future of Horse shoeing 09/09/2021

New way of shoeing horses!!

The Future of Horse shoeing Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I have recently released a brand new online education platform called eFarriery Education. If you follow the lin...


Racing -
Racing is a high-stress environment that requires a lot of concentration and, more importantly, cooperation from your horse. So, of course, finding the perfect bit to achieve a more manageable and trainable horse is very important.

The Snaffle Bit is most commonly used in this activity as it provides more steering power and is considered to be a softer, more moderate bit. It is composed of two pieces of rounded metal (Rings) connected by a bit mouthpiece that act with direct pressure.


Which bit do you prefer for your horse and riding style?

Our first series of article's will include helpful information about bits and which equestrian style they are most popular with.