

I need a kidney to continue to live and am reaching out to everyone to help me in my search. I am no


February 14th is Valentine's Day and also National Organ Donor Day...For more information about Phil and his need of a Kidney donor please go to www.1Kidney4Phil.com


May you have a Joyful, Healthy and fulfilling New Year!
Please share my website so that I can find a kidney donor to save my life in 2023!


Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season. Please consider the ultimate gift of donating the Gift of Life to someone. For more information about me please go to www.1Kidney4Phil.com


Wishing you and your Family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

1kidney4phil.com 07/11/2022

Here is a video of Josh answering questions about Kidney donation.
Please share this with everyone you know in my quest to find a donor. For more information please go to www.1Kidney4Phil.com

1kidney4phil.com Most people are born with two kidneys, just like two arms, two legs, two eyes, so it is natural to assume that we should need two kidneys. The reality is that our second kidney is unnecessary to live a normal, healthy life. As transplant surgeon Miguel Tan, M.D. put it: “It’s a redundant system ...


Happy Halloween!

For more information about my need of a person to donate a kidney, please go to www.1Kidney4Phil.com

Sara's video 26/10/2022

A great video about me and who I am....
For more information about me and my need of a Kidney donor go to www.1Kidney4Phil.com


Sara's video

Aviva's video 17/10/2022

A great video about kidney donation. For more information please go to www.1Kidney4Phil.com

Aviva's video


Please read and share this post so that more people become aware of my need for a kidney. www.1Kidney4Phil.com

September 8, 2022 Zoom video 09/10/2022

At a recent meeting my nephew shared my personal story in hopes of finding me a kidney.

For more information please go to www.1Kidney4Phil.com

September 8, 2022 Zoom video


For our friends that are celebrating and words for us all to live by!


Thanks to everyone that attended the meeting on September 8th. Shortly there will be a video and more information about that meeting on this page. To learn more about me and my need please go to www.1Kidney4Phil.com

Josh Sturm for Philip.mp4 14/08/2022

Here is a video about my need for a kidney and how you can help me by spreading the word.

Josh Sturm for Philip.mp4


Here are some reasons why you or someone you share my page with might consider being my kidney donor. Also, ask people to like my page as the more likes the more exposure my story gets.
For more information click on; www.1kidney4phil.com

Videos (show all)

May you have a Joyful, Healthy and fulfilling New Year!Please share my website so that I can find a kidney donor to save...