Douglas Laing & Co. Asia

Douglas Laing & Co. Asia

Douglas Laing & Co獨立裝瓶廠於1948年蘇格蘭的格拉斯哥成立,致力於呈獻最好的蘇格蘭威士忌。


🎉 驚喜開箱!台灣威士忌達人 好兒 首次品嚐初登場 #史翠森威士忌,還有嘉賓 的加碼酒款!實在讓人太期待~

睽違十年,道格拉斯蘭恩第三代傳人卡菈蘭恩再次踏上台灣,這次她帶來道格拉斯蘭恩最新之作:蘇格蘭高地的 #史翠森單一麥芽威士忌,並與台灣知名威士忌達人、酒心智庫 Spirits & Wisdom 主理人好兒 Howard 一同品飲其中的極致風味!還沒有品嘗到的朋友們,快點到留言處進來一起跟我們聞香開箱吧 😋
After a decade-long wait, Douglas Laing’s third-generation heir, Cara Laing, returns to Taiwan. This time, she brings the latest creation from Douglas Laing: . She joins renowned Taiwanese whisky expert Howard for a tasting of this exquisite whisky. For those who haven't had the chance to try it yet, join us for an aromatic unboxing experience!
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 21/06/2024

👏 感謝各大媒體報導 👏 系列分享 - 02
【 道格拉斯·蘭恩歡慶 75 週年,第三代傳人卡菈·蘭恩來台揭示:75 週年紀念精選系列與史翠森單一麥芽威士忌 】

#酒訊雜誌 WSD酒訊雜誌(Wine & Spirits Digest)
" 2019年納入Douglas Laing 道格拉斯·蘭恩旗下的Strathearn史翠森位於蘇格蘭高地的伯斯郡,是蘇格蘭境內最小的蒸餾廠之⼀,卻產出整個行業最強勁的單⼀麥芽風味潛力,Strathearn史翠森相信,美好的風味,往往都需要從小細節開始著手,如同品牌銘言:「橡樹參天,始於橡實。」"

#經濟日報 經濟日報
“ 為了更加彰顯「The Diamond Collection」系列酒款的尊貴獨特,每一瓶酒都包裹在鑽石形狀的禮盒中,附上由Cara Laing卡菈·蘭恩和Fred Laing 弗瑞德·蘭恩親筆簽名的證書,搭配由知名玻璃工匠 Richard Brendon手工製作的鑽石切割水晶醒酒器和威士忌酒杯。”

#車勢文化 CARTURE 車勢文化
“ 「自道格拉斯·蘭恩創立以來,亞洲地區一直是我們家族極為重要的市場,我很榮幸可以親臨,不但以75週年紀念精選系列酒款展示我們的非凡歷程,更透過『Strathearn史翠森高地單一麥芽威士忌』的上市,宣告道格拉斯·蘭恩邁向新一世代的里程碑,從調和、裝瓶、更多進展到蒸餾業務」 ”
“ 其他像濃郁卻充滿清爽果香的麥卡倫 35 年、帶有獨特的溫暖香料和糖漬葡萄干風味的布萊爾阿蘇 30 年、帶有新鮮檸檬汁、麥芽糖和蜂蜜口感的卡麥隆橋 45 年,與帶有篝火灰燼、煙燻泥煤和木炭灰燼味道的波特艾雷 40 年,都值得喜愛威士忌的讀者進行嘗試喔。”

#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 20/06/2024

✨ 感謝各大媒體報導 ✨ 系列分享 - 01
【 道格拉斯蘭恩 榮耀歡慶創立 75 週年精選系列威士忌珍稀限量問世】

“ Douglas Laing 道格拉斯·蘭恩創立於1948年,專精於精選特殊的手工蘇格蘭威士忌,為了致敬品牌75年以來的輝煌歷程,Cara Laing卡菈·蘭恩與創辦人 Fred Laing 弗瑞德·蘭恩自家族珍藏的酒窖中,精心挑選出六款最珍貴稀有的單桶原酒,匯聚而成「The Diamond Collection」。”

藏酒論壇·TW網(Tasting Whatever)
“ Cara Laing卡菈·蘭恩於2024年 1 月被任命為總經理,從此開始領導 Douglas Laing 道格拉斯·蘭恩的業務,並正式成為家族第三代傳人。她出生在威士忌世家,從小就聽著父親的商務旅行和參觀蘇格蘭各地釀酒廠的故事而成長。 ”

TASTE Magazine 品味誌
“ 卡菈•蘭恩特別邀請具有「蘇格蘭威士忌教父」之稱的威士忌權威作家Charles MacLean一同品飲「The Diamond Collection」,他盛讚:「Douglas Laing 道格拉斯•蘭恩豐富且悠久的歷史底蘊,透過『The Diamond Collection』完整呈現,每一款酒都讓人驚嘆!」 ”

#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 07/06/2024

#馬來西亞 VIP品酩盛宴在道格拉斯蘭恩各系列精選年份、多彩卓越產區、限定酒款之中華麗登場 ✨

VIP Tasting Gala has grandly launched with the exquisite selections from Douglas Laing’s various series, featuring diverse exceptional regions and limited edition bottles. ✨

The guests’ elegant attire added even more allure to the 75th Anniversary series and its rare, high-age vintages!
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 06/06/2024

✈️ 亞太巡旅如火如荼地來到馬來西亞,美麗的午後時光與媒體達人一起品酩;分享道格拉斯蘭恩75週年紀念系列的榮耀喜悅、卓越產區威士忌的豐富多彩、各款精選限定禮盒版,還有 #馬來西亞限定 龍年系列酒款!

將蘇格蘭威士忌以醇正精神表現出來的道格拉斯蘭恩,在第三代家族傳人卡菈蘭恩由細細地溫柔分享,讓人更是垂涎三尺、欲罷不能 🥃
The Asia Pacific tour has enthusiastically arrived in Malaysia. A beautiful afternoon was spent tasting with media experts, sharing the joy and honor of the Douglas Laing 75th Anniversary Collection, the rich diversity of the Remarkable Regional Malts, various exclusive limited-edition gift sets, and the Malaysia-exclusive Year of the Dragon series!
Douglas Laing, showcasing the true spirit of Scotch whisky, was presented in great detail and with gentle charm by third-generation family member Cara Laing, leaving everyone wonderful memories with Douglas Laing.
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 05/06/2024

#新加坡 與道格拉斯蘭恩第三代傳人Cara Laing 品酩見面會 🌟

透過道格拉斯蘭恩旗下新品 #史翠森威士忌 上市發表的機會,與各界達人好友們相見歡,溫柔的堅持、美好的佳釀,以及最享受的歡笑。道格拉斯蘭恩團隊在新加坡開啟另一珍貴的新篇章。
with the third-generation representative of Douglas Laing, Cara Laing, for a great welcome tasting event / new whisky launch party. 🌟

Taking the opportunity to launch the new release of Douglas Laing's , we gathered with experts and friends from various fields. Gentle perseverance, exquisite spirits, and the most enjoyable laughter marked the occasion. The Douglas Laing team opens another precious new chapter in Singapore.
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 04/06/2024

道格拉斯蘭恩團隊與新加坡各界達人齊聚品酩新品 —— #史翠森威士忌

甫上任的家族第三代傳人Cara Laing 與全球銷售總監 Scott MacDonald親自走訪亞洲地區,包含新加坡、馬來西亞與台灣,她表示:「道格拉斯蘭恩創立以來,亞洲地區一直是我們家族極為重要的市場,我很榮幸可以親臨,並透過『Strathearn史翠森高地單一麥芽威士忌』的上市,宣告道格拉斯蘭恩邁向新一世代的里程碑。」


#史翠森 現正熱烈於亞太區上市,歡迎底下留言或訊息獲取更多資訊
Douglas Laing team gathers with experts from various fields in Singapore to taste the new release - Strathearn Whisky.

The newly appointed third-generation family member Cara Laing, along with Global Sales Director Scott MacDonald, personally visited Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan. She stated, "The Asian market has been extremely important to our family. I am honored to be here and announce a new era for Douglas Laing with the launch of 'Strathearn Highland Single Malt Whisky.'"
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 01/06/2024

#史翠森單一麥芽威士忌 重新定義你的威士忌體驗 🥃


#史翠森 現正熱烈於亞太區上市,歡迎底下留言或訊息獲取更多資訊
Unveiling the essence of tradition and innovation in every bottle. Strathearn Single Malt is here to redefine your Whisky experience 🥃
#Whisky #道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神


👑 史翠森酒廠位於蘇格蘭歷史上第一座首都「珀斯」的郊外,這裡接近蘇格蘭國王傳統傳奇命運加冕石的所在地 👑 對我們來說,這是個相當貼切合適的地點,因為 #史翠森 得以在這充滿蘇格蘭歷史與性格的地方釀製,產出最優質、最精緻、最具個性的單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌 🥃


#史翠森 現正熱烈於亞太區上市,歡迎底下留言或訊息獲取更多資訊
Strathearn Distillery is sited on the outskirts of Perth, the first capital of Scotland, close to where Scottish kings were traditionally crowned on the legendary Stone of Destiny 👑 A fitting location for a Distillery producing a Single Malt Scotch Whisky of the utmost quality, refinement and character 🥃
#Whisky #道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌 #醇正精神


僅有的三人團隊辛勤釀製的 #史翠森蘇格蘭威士忌,自上市以來持續收到各界好評!

誠心感謝大家的支持,舉杯慶祝美好工作與生活之後,我們繼續生產 #醇正精神 手工製作的高地單一麥芽威士忌 —— 史翠森🌳🥃


#史翠森 現正熱烈於亞太區上市,歡迎底下留言或訊息獲取更多資訊
Raising a glass of Strathearn Single Malt after a successful launch of our inaugural release 🥃

We are delighted with the response since launching and our small team of only 3 at Strathearn Distillery have been hard at work, continuing to produce our genuinely hand-crafted Highland Single Malt 🌳🥃
#Whisky #道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 28/05/2024

來聊聊 #史翠森威士忌 的個性吧 —— 濃郁深邃、醇厚真摯且又撫慰人心,沒有經過冷凝過濾且未添加色素 —— 如同一位真實保持最自然的樣貌的蘇格蘭紳士 🥃


|始於橡實,橡木參天| 史翠森高地單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌
#史翠森 現正熱烈於亞太區上市 🔥 歡迎底下留言或訊息獲取更多資訊
INTRODUCING: Strathearn Single Malt Scotch Whisky🥃

This rich, deep Whisky is a bold yet soothing dram, non chill-filtered and with no added colouring, this release is as natural as it gets🥃

On the taste, the syrupy palate coats the mouth in sweet notes of honey, buttercream, dried apricots with a hint of spice. The warming finish is reminiscent of home baking and indulgent buttery oat biscuits that invite you back from another sip🍯🔥

Get your bottle of Strathearn Single Malt now from global specialist retailers and at
#Whisky #道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 28/05/2024

🌟 我們很高興要與大家分享備受期待的 #史翠森單一麥芽威士忌! 🌟

2019年納入道格拉斯蘭恩旗下的史翠森位於 #蘇格蘭高地 的伯斯郡,是蘇格蘭境內最小的蒸餾廠之⼀,卻產出整個行業最強勁的單⼀麥芽風味潛力!

史翠森威士忌每一滴都是手工製作,將大麥搬至酒廠、在蘇格蘭最小的糖化桶混合蘇格蘭高地水進行糖化,每步都是用心精心執行,努力保持其自然風味,遵循歷久彌新的傳統技藝 🥃

|始於橡實,橡木參天| 史翠森高地單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌

#史翠森 現正熱烈於亞太區上市,歡迎底下留言或訊息獲取更多資訊
INTRODUCING: Strathearn Single Malt Scotch Whisky 🥃

We are delighted to unveil our first and much anticipated Single Malt from 🥃

Every drop of Strathearn is hand-crafted, from manually carrying malted barley into the Distillery, mixing it with local Highland water in one of Scotland’s smallest mash tuns, each step has been meticulously executed, adhering to time-honoured techniques🥃
#Whisky #道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #單一麥芽 #威士忌

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 23/05/2024

🌟 #珍稀高年份酒款 道格拉斯蘭恩 75週年紀念精選系列 🥃

「 Douglas Laing 道格拉斯·蘭恩創立於1948年,專精於精選特殊的手工蘇格蘭威士忌,為了致敬品牌75年以來的輝煌歷程,Cara Laing卡菈·蘭恩與創辦人 Fred Laing 弗瑞德·蘭恩自家族珍藏的酒窖中,精心挑選出六款最珍貴稀有的單桶原酒,匯聚而成 The Diamond Collection,包含斯貝賽55年、波敦達斯45年、麥卡倫35年、布萊爾阿蘇30年、卡麥隆橋45年 與傳奇酒廠 波特艾雷40年,讓威士忌品酩人士得以一嚐Douglas Laing 道格拉斯·蘭恩卓越威士忌的高標準。」

💎 而且,每個水晶酒瓶和威士忌杯都是由英國知名玻璃設計師 精心設計,打造絕佳的飲酒體驗! ✨

🌟 Douglas Laing’s 75th Anniversary Special Selection 🥃

"Douglas Laing, founded in 1948, specializes in selecting exceptional handcrafted Scotch whiskies. To honor 75 years of remarkable history, Cara Laing and founder Fred Laing have carefully chosen six of the rarest and most precious single cask whiskies from their family's treasured cellar to create The Diamond Collection. This collection includes Speyside 55 Years Old, Port Dundas 45 Years Old, Macallan 35 Years Old, Blair Athol 30 Years Old, Cameronbridge 45 Years Old, and the legendary Port Ellen 40 Years Old. Whisky enthusiasts can savor the excellence of Douglas Laing’s standards through these exquisite selections."

💎 Each crystal bottle and whisky tumbler is meticulously designed by renowned British glassware designer , offering an unparalleled drinking experience! ✨

DM us to learn more about DL and the 75th Anniversary.
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #75週年紀念

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 15/05/2024

道格拉斯蘭恩 75週年紀念精選系列 🥃 #珍稀高年份酒款 🌟

#驚喜開箱!道格拉斯蘭恩第二代以及第三代傳人佛萊德・蘭恩和卡菈・蘭恩精心挑選,並引以為傲地手工裝瓶、手工標籤六款極為珍稀的 #高年份單桶威士忌,來慶祝75週年鑽石閃耀般的紀念。讓全世界威士忌愛好者都引頸期盼、難得一見、珍貴的美好佳釀包括了:

🥃 斯貝賽 Speyside 55年
🥃 波敦達斯 Port Dundas 45年
🥃 麥卡倫 Macallan 35年
🥃 布萊爾阿蘇 Blair Athol 30年
🥃 卡麥隆橋 Cameronbridge 45年
🥃 波特艾倫 Port Ellen 40年
INTRODUCING: XOP Single Cask Diamond Anniversary Sets 💎

Here at Douglas Laing we take pride in creating hand-bottled, hand-labelled, exceptional Single Cask bottlings🥃

Our Chairman, Fred Laing, and Director of Whisky, Cara Laing, have selected six exceptionally special Single Casks befitting of our 75th Diamond Anniversary, including:

🥃Speyside’s Finest 55 Years Old
🥃Port Dundas 45 Years Old
🥃Macallan 35 Years Old
🥃Blair Athol 30 Years Old
🥃Cameronbridge 45 Years Old
🥃An elusive Port Ellen 40 Years Old

*Click on the fan page's story to watch the unboxing of the 75th Anniversary Selection .
**DM us to find out more about these exquisite sets

#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #75週年

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 14/05/2024

🌟 #鑽耀登場 道格拉斯蘭恩 75週年紀念精選系列 🥃

為慶祝 75 年的輝煌時刻,道格拉斯蘭恩(DL)特別挑選了六款極其特別的高年份珍稀單桶威士忌作為鑽石般的閃耀紀念 💎 每個水晶酒瓶和威士忌杯都是由英國知名玻璃設計師 精心設計,打造絕佳的飲酒體驗 ✨

*點擊粉絲專頁限時動態,觀看75週年紀念精選禮盒開箱 👀

INTRODUCING: XOP Single Cask Diamond Anniversary Sets 🥃

To celebrate 75 Glorious Years of Whisky, our Chairman, Fred Laing, and Director of Whisky, Cara Laing, have selected six exceptionally special Single Casks befitting of our 75th Diamond Anniversary💎

Each bottle is beautifully paired with a crystal decanter and Whisky tumbler, by British glassware designer, to create the ultimate drinking experience 🥃

*Click on the fan page's story to watch the unboxing of the 75th Anniversary Selection .
**DM us to find out more about these exquisite sets

#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌


🐶 活力十足又有些調皮的 #淘氣鬼威士忌 肯定是冒險時的最佳夥伴!你的下一趟冒險在哪呢?一起與我們分享吧!同時也別忘了打包帶上 #淘氣鬼,好好地加醇加厚你的旅程 ✈ 🥃
Adventure is calling and Scallywag is all ears! Here's to packing the perfect dram for your next adventure 🥃🐶✈️
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #醇正精神 #產區威士忌


這款屢獲殊榮的淘氣鬼 (Scallywag) 可說是蘇格蘭最多產威士忌產區——斯貝賽 (Speyside) 的典範 👍

#淘氣鬼威士忌 採用單桶單一麥芽威士忌精心製作,蘇格蘭斯貝賽產區如蜂蜜、堅果和焦糖的特色十分豐富,口感中還帶有香料調味的深色水果、獨特的香草味,有些酒友們還有嚐到巧克力般的味道!🥃

其全面的甜味——還有那一點點的調皮——完美地體現了 #道格拉斯蘭恩 家族蘇格蘭梗犬的個性,瞧!牠正驕傲地坐在酒標上呢 🍬🐶
The award-winning Scallywag is the epitome of Scotland’s most prolific Whisky distilling region – Speyside 🥃 Created using only Single Cask Single Malts, the characteristic Speyside flavours of honey, nuts, and caramel are there in abundance, with added spiced dark fruit, distinct vanilla and (some say) chocolate on the palate.
The all over sweetness – and that little bit of extra mischief – well represents the nature of the Laing family Fox Terrier, Binks, who sits proudly on the label 🍬🐶
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #產區威士忌 #醇正精神


🥃 生活難免經歷高山低谷,這時,需要來自 #道格拉斯蘭恩產區威士忌 高地、低地產區的 #醇正精神威士忌 來為自己好好正名!💪💥

DL產區威士忌系列之中,今天,哪一款最有你的感覺呢?歡迎底下留言與我們分享屬於你的醇正精神吧 😎

🎩 大玩家 (The Epicurean) - 蘇格蘭低地的醇正精神,一抹清新柑橘酒香緩緩襲來。
🐭 黃金鼠 (Timorous Beastie) - 蘇格蘭高地的醇正精神,一股如滑順糖漿般的豪邁奔流。
Welcome to the home of the Remarkable Regional Malts range 🥃

🎩 The Epicurean - True Spirit of the Lowlands. A tipple of citrus fresh zestiness.
🐭 Timorous Beastie - True Spirit of the Highlands. A rush of bold syrupy smoothness.

#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #威士忌 #醇正精神


💥💥 道格拉斯蘭恩連續甜美驚喜爆擊介紹Part 2!

你認識多少DL卓越產區威士忌呢?快來瞧瞧底下是否有說出你心中的期待風味 👀

🐶 淘氣鬼 (Scallywag) -

🕸️ 風暴灣 (The Gauldrons) -
Welcome to the home of Douglas Laing’s Remarkable Regional Malt range 🥃

🐶 Scallywag - True Spirit of Speyside. A burst of rich spiced fruitiness.
🕸️ The Gauldrons - True Spirit of Campbeltown. A storm of spiced biscuity sweetness.



首先,和大家介紹DL島嶼產區的明星產品 —— 牡蠣岩與泥煤哥 :

🌊 牡蠣岩(Rock Island) -
🔥 泥煤哥(Big Peat) -

歡迎喝過或沒喝過的朋友,底下留言分享你認識的牡礫岩和泥煤哥 🥃
Welcome to the home of the Remarkable Regional Malts 🥃

🌊 Rock Island - True Spirit of the Islands. A wave of sweet sea saltiness.
🔥 Big Peat - True Spirit of Islay. A shovelful of feisty sweet smokiness.

#牡蠣岩 #泥煤哥 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #威士忌


🔥上市15週年的泥煤哥現在不僅讓台灣的朋友們喝得到也看得到、摸得到 ——— 經典的泥煤哥威士忌在超質感泥煤哥威士忌杯中,再搭配我們精選泥煤哥硅藻土杯墊,給你百分之百的泥煤哥體驗~🥃🧔

現在!只要成為 #道格拉斯蘭恩 Douglas Laing & Co. Asia的粉絲、分享此篇貼文於FB頁面/IG限時動態,並且留言Tag兩位朋友寫下你在哪裡遇見泥煤哥經典禮盒組,就有機會獲得一整套的 #泥煤哥經典禮盒!(例:, 我在我家酒窖看到泥煤哥經典禮盒,買好買滿!)

#泥煤哥經典禮盒 限量限定,是泥煤哥 #獨獻台灣 的霸氣爛漫 🤗
Big Peat's 15th anniversary release not only allows our friends in Taiwan to taste but also see and touch it: the classic Big Peat whisky in the ultra-premium Big Peat whisky glass, paired with our selected Big Peat diatomaceous earth coaster, giving you a 100% Big Peat experience~ 🥃🧔

Now! Just become a fan of Douglas Laing, share this post on your FB page/IG story, and comment tagging two friends to write down where you encountered the classic Big Peat gift set, and you'll have a chance to win a complete set of Big Peat classic gift boxes! (e.g., , I saw the Big Peat classic gift set in my wine cellar, bought it all!)

The Big Peat Classic Gift Box is limited edition and exclusively dedicated to Taiwan.
#艾雷島 #艾雷島漁夫 #泥煤哥 #道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭產區威士忌 #蘇格蘭威士忌

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 15/04/2024


上個月,亞太區品牌大使 John來到泰國為熱情夥伴們提供詳盡培訓,在威士忌浩瀚學海中一起探索、認識豐富有趣的風味與故事。
【 泰國代理商門市夥伴培訓 】
|DL Partner Training for Pacific Cigar 2024 |
Thank you to partners from all over the world for sharing the beauty of Douglas Laing Scotch Whisky with us, helping more excellent whiskies to be recognized. Last month, our Asia-Pacific brand ambassador John visited Thailand to provide comprehensive training for our passionate partners, exploring and discovering the rich and interesting flavors and stories in the vast sea of whisky knowledge together.
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #亞太巡迴


說起煙霧般、有點神秘又不太神秘的人物代表(?),肯定少不了我們艾雷島人氣漁夫 #泥煤哥!😎

源自對創造 #蘇格蘭艾雷島產區 獨特但又平易近人的體驗渴望,屢獲殊榮的 #泥煤哥威士忌 即是來自艾雷島獨一無二的單桶威士忌的完美融合,口感上能感受到篝火灰燼,海灘和冒煙的煙囪,將泥煤哥的煙燻感一表無遺。

上市第15週年的特別時刻,邀請所有帶著冒險精神、充滿活力又同時帶有溫柔的同好們一起舉杯慶祝!持續關注 #道格拉斯蘭恩,接下來有更多好資訊、好康、好禮要和大家分享喔!🥃
When it comes to representing the smoky and mysterious character, we can't miss out on our popular Islay fisherman, Big Peat!

Born from the desire to create a unique yet approachable experience of the Islay region in Scotland, the award-winning Big Peat Whisky is the perfect blend of single cask whiskies from Islay, offering a taste that embodies bonfire ashes, beach, and smoking chimney, showcasing Big Peat's smoky essence.

As we celebrate the 15th anniversary of its release, we invite all adventurous, energetic, yet gentle enthusiasts to raise a toast together! Stay tuned for more exciting updates, offers, and gifts from Douglas Laing!

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 09/04/2024

將 #蘇格蘭威士忌產區 風味獨到呈現的道格拉斯蘭恩,這回透過亞太區品牌大使 John 的巧手調製,讓 #道格拉斯蘭恩威士忌 風味無限延伸,幻化成一杯杯極致享受的調酒,陶醉於亞洲浪漫的城市與酒吧 Flight24bkk !

🥃 想要自己試試 #道格拉斯蘭恩特調 的酒譜?或是,想要喝一杯我們專業帥氣品牌大使John的調酒嗎?歡迎留言或私訊告訴我們!🤓
Douglas Laing, renowned for its unique presentation of flavors from Scottish whisky regions, is once again extending its flavor profile through the skilled craftsmanship of Asia-Pacific Brand Ambassador, John . This transforms Douglas Laing whisky into cocktails of ultimate enjoyment, allowing one to indulge in a series of exquisite drinks while being enchanted in the most romantic cities of Asia!

Interested in trying out the Douglas Laing signature cocktails yourself? Or perhaps you'd like to enjoy a drink crafted by our professional and dashing Brand Ambassador John? Feel free to leave a comment or send us a message!
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #調酒師 #大師班 #亞太巡迴


你與泥煤哥最美好的回憶是什麼?👀 是充滿力量的或是含蓄甜蜜的呢?

今年上市第15週年的泥煤哥是一位充滿活力、同時又帶有溫柔的艾雷島代表,自2009年以來一直在威士忌界佔據重要地位;泥煤哥包括了 Caol Ila 酒液帶來的甜美、Bowmore 的完美平衡、Ardbeg 的藥用土味特質,以及 Port Ellen 的優雅,這些 #艾雷島精華 全在泥煤哥瓶中漂亮地展現!🥃
What are your best Big Peat memories? This year we’re celebrating 15 years of our Ileach fisherman pal, Big Peat 🔥🥃

A marriage of Single Malt Scotch Whiskies only from the island of Islay, Big Peat has been such a dominant figure in the world of Whisky since 2009🔥 With Caol Ila spirit bringing sweetness, Bowmore the perfect balance, Ardbeg a medicinal, earthy quality and Port Ellen, a degree of elegance, Big Peat represents all that is Islay in a bottle🥃
#艾雷島 #艾雷島漁夫 #泥煤哥 #道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭產區威士忌 #蘇格蘭威士忌

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 05/04/2024

#道格拉斯蘭恩威士忌 除了純飲,做成各款經典、現代經典調酒甚至是獨創特調都非常美味;因此這回,我們帥氣品牌大使 John 化身你專屬道格拉斯蘭恩調酒師,帶來各款精彩道格拉斯蘭恩(DL)調酒!🥃

眼睛喝飽後也歡迎底下留言來分享你最喜愛的DL調酒唷😊 持續關注 Douglas Laing & Co. Asia ,一起在杯中品酩旅行、結識各地酒友同好。
【 曼谷Sofitel・客座調酒 】
|Guest Bartending Event in Bangkok Thailand at Sofitel |
Douglas Laing Whisky is not only perfect for sipping neat but also creates delicious classic, modern classic cocktails, and even unique creations. Therefore, this time, our handsome brand ambassador John will transform into your exclusive Douglas Laing bartender to share which DL cocktail is your favorite.

Keep following us to embark on a journey of tasting adventures in your glass and meet fellow whisky enthusiasts from all over.
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #調酒師 #大師班 #亞太巡迴



#道格拉斯蘭恩 #產區威士忌系列 的首款威士忌產區選擇就是 —— 不負眾望、近年水漲船高、有喝有個性的 #艾雷島產區!而,如此獨特的風味,當然由 #泥煤哥 來做擔當。15年過去,一直身為 DL產區威士忌系列的老大哥在今年很開心地要和大家一起歡慶 #泥煤哥上市15週年!🥃 透過台灣獨獻的精選禮盒組,打造、分享最有個性的品味經驗。

#泥煤哥15週年禮盒 限量限定,是泥煤哥獨獻台灣的霸氣爛漫!😎

When it comes to Scotch whisky regions, do you think of the same one as we do?

The first choice for our is —— the highly anticipated, rising star in recent years, and full of character: the region! And of course, such unique flavors are represented by . 15 years have passed, and as the big brother of the DL Regional Whisky Malt, he is thrilled to celebrate Big Peat's 15th anniversary with everyone this year! Through the specially selected gift box exclusive to Taiwan, we aim to create and share the most distinctive tasting experience.

15th Anniversary Gift Box is limited edition, a bold and magnificent gift exclusive to Taiwan!

*Feel free to leave a comment/private message to learn more about the Big Peat gift box information.
#艾雷島 #艾雷島漁夫 #泥煤哥 #道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭產區威士忌 #蘇格蘭威士忌

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 28/03/2024

💥普吉島的專注都在 #道格拉斯蘭恩!這回DL調酒師大師班來普吉島的 La torcedora,看大家那麼認真品飲每款佳釀,讓人忍不住在螢幕前也為自己倒上一杯 #道格拉斯蘭恩產區威士忌 好好地享受一番了。

為讓更多優秀威士忌被大家認識,道格拉斯蘭恩(DL) 投入許多心血在世界各地的品飲活動中。持續關注我們、和亞太區品牌大使John H. YC 一起在杯中品酩旅行、結識各地酒友同好吧!😊
【 普吉島調酒師大師班 】
|Bar industry masterclass in Phuket Thailand at La Torcedora |
Phuket is all about ! This time, the DL Masterclass comes to La Torcedora in Phuket. Seeing everyone so focused on tasting each fine whisky makes it irresistible not to pour yourself a glass of regional whisky and enjoy it thoroughly in front of the screen. 🥃

To introduce more excellent whiskies to everyone, Douglas Laing (DL) has put a lot of effort into tasting events around the world. Keep following us and join Asia-Pacific brand ambassador John H. YC to travel through glasses, meet whisky enthusiasts from all over the world!
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #調酒師 #大師班 #亞太巡迴


身為威士忌愛好者是件多麼美好的事!當然要在一年一度的 #國際威士忌日 這天好好地與身邊威士忌同好、手中道格拉斯蘭恩好酒一起舉杯感恩慶祝!🥃

留言與我們分享今天你最想哪一款 #道格拉斯蘭恩威士忌 吧 😋
Being a whisky enthusiast is such a wonderful thing! Of course, on the annual International Whisky Day, it's a great opportunity to raise a glass with fellow whisky lovers around you or enjoy a fine Douglas Laing whisky in hand, to express gratitude and celebrate!

Leave a comment and share with us which Douglas Laing whisky you most want to enjoy today. 😎
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #調酒師 #大師班 #亞太巡迴

Photos from Douglas Laing & Co. Asia's post 27/03/2024

為能有更多優秀的威士忌被大家認識, #道格拉斯蘭恩 投入許多心血在世界各地的品飲活動中。作為重要的市場,我們亞太區的首站來到曼谷,由亞太區品牌大使John H. YC為本地的調酒師進行大師班,感受更多來自我們裝瓶的佳釀!🥃
【 曼谷調酒師大師班 】
|Bar industry masterclass in Bangkok Thailand at Flight 24 |
In order to introduce more excellent whiskies to everyone, Douglas Laing has put a lot of effort into tasting events around the world. As an important market, our first stop in the Asia-Pacific region is Bangkok, where our Asia-Pacific brand ambassador, John H. YC, conducts a masterclass for local bartenders to experience more of our bottled treasures! 😊
#道格拉斯蘭恩 #蘇格蘭威士忌 #調酒師 #大師班 #亞太巡迴

Videos (show all)

🥃 有著佳釀以及優質談笑的加乘,道格拉斯蘭恩在 #馬來西亞 的媒體品酩分享和VIP品酩盛宴寫下了豐富多層次精彩的篇章;現在,就讓我們一起來回顧更多真實醇正的花絮時刻吧!..With fine wine and quality convers...
🥃 好酒、好友、好時光 ✨ #道格拉斯蘭恩 威士忌的醇正精神帶出的純正笑容,是每次與大家相遇的寶貴回憶畫面,現在就來回顧卡菈蘭恩亞太巡旅首站 #新加坡 的醇正精彩花絮吧 😊..Good spirits, good friends, good...
|始於橡實,橡木參天| 史翠森高地單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌  我們相信美好的風味需要從小細節開始著手,如同品牌銘言:「橡樹參天,始於橡實。」史翠森是唯⼀使用 MARIS OTTER麥芽品種的蒸餾廠,並採取非冷凝過濾,無焦糖色素,讓史翠森高地單一...
和我們一樣對威士忌的熱情如火嗎?🔥 那麼,絕對不能錯過在烈火中炙燒至「鱷魚皮」程度的橡木桶中陳年的 #牡蠣岩龍年限定版!我們知道「木頭」在釀製蘇格蘭威士忌過程中扮演非常重要角色,這款在鱷魚桶中陳年的 #牡蠣岩威士忌,讓酒液有機會從重度炙燒的...
Rock Island Year of Dragon
牡蠣岩龍年限定版 Rock Island Year of Dragon
🎊 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎊今年是哪一款道格拉斯蘭恩威士忌陪你過佳節呢?歡迎底下留言跟我們分享 🥳Which Douglas Laing Whisky will be your Christ...
#加碼抽獎 想得到 #泥煤哥2023聖誕節限定版?在充滿奇蹟的12月來份美好驚喜的機會來囉!只要完成以下步驟,就有機會贏得 #道格拉斯蘭恩 一瓶700ml的泥煤哥2023聖誕節限定版:🎄按讚 Douglas Laing & Co. Asia...
🥃經典回顧長長酒酒 - 2023 高雄威士忌嘉年華🥃道格拉斯蘭恩帶到酒展現場的美酒們你/妳喝了哪幾款呢?哪些是你/妳到現在都意猶未盡的呢?現在就底下留言告訴我們吧!😉Throwback to the tasting moments - 20...
天冷,適合來杯 #hottoddy 剛好 #蘇格蘭王2瓶500 全台7-11至12/28前特價中!#KoS #kingofsocts #douglaslaing #道格拉斯梁 #道格拉斯蘭恩