Tarot Healing

Tarot Healing

I offer:
Tarot reading (English/Bahasa)
Hypnotherapy/Consultation (Bahasa)
Pls DM for further information


Just because your parents didn't slap nor abuse you, doesn't mean that you didn't experience any trauma.
Trauma can come in the form of something that is missing.

Your parents might never slap you, but they were never emotionally available to you. It caused a lot of damage too.


If you’re struggling with generational trauma, know that you’re not alone.

Some steps that you can do:

1. Identifying and acknowledging the effects of past traumas on your life. This is an important first step in healing from generational trauma. Talking about your experiences as a trauma survivor with someone you trust can be incredibly beneficial

2. Educating yourself about your family history and learning about what happened to previous generations might help you make sense of your own experiences. Sometimes, it may become a source of pride and lead to a connection to those who came before you.

3. Practicing self-care . You must learn to care for yourself emotionally and physically. This might include exercise, relaxation techniques, outdoor time, and a healthy diet, for example. 

4. Connecting with others who’ve shared similar experiences and understand what you’re going through can be very beneficial. Support groups are often available for people affected by specific types of trauma.

5. Seeking a mental health professional if needed. Remember that help  is available. Many people have survived and broken the generational trauma cycle.


Some of the causes of generational trauma:

Natural disasters
Cultural Dislocation
Lack of Opportunity

When these traumatic experiences are passed down from generation to generation, they affect how people think, feel, and behave.


There are many signs of generational trauma, including:

Fear of death
No hope for the future
Mistrust of outsiders
Panic attacks
Chronic pain
Substance abuse disorders
Eating disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Low self-esteem
Anger issues
Difficulty trusting other
Issues of addiction, domestic violence, and sexual abuse.


Generational trauma can be passed down through DNA from family member to family member. However, not everyone who experiences intergenerational trauma has symptoms related to their experience.

Some of the trauma may or may not have been experienced by each person in the family, but how family members who’ve experienced the trauma raise their children or interact with other family members affects the path of others’ lives.

For example:
Because a mother or parents were hit by their parents or live in an unsafe neighborhood and are fearful for their child all the time that their child develops fears associated with their parents’ fears.


Generational trauma, also known as intergenerational trauma, is the passing down of traumatic experiences or stressors from one generation to another.

Generational trauma is the harmful effects of historical mistreatment or abuse. The symptoms of these traumas are passed down from generation to generation.

For example:
A trauma from your grandmother passed down to your mother and her siblings. From there, it passed down again to you, your siblings, and your cousins. If you don't stop it, you will pass it down to your children, and the story continues.



"Kamu harus sekolah di sini."

"Kamu harus les ini."

"Saat dewasa, kamu harus jadi ini."

"Kamu harus nurut apa kata orang tua."

"Jangan s**a membantah. Kamu mau jadi anak durhaka?"

"Kamu harus cari jodoh yang begini."

"Jangan pakai baju yang itu."

"Kamu harus meneruskan usaha orang tua."
Semoga kita menjadi orang tua yang tidak hanya mencintai anak, tapi juga membuat anak merasa dicintai ❤


The first three words that you see, tell you what The 888 Portal brings ♾️🦁❤💰


Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.


Bahasa kerennya adalah "memantaskan diri".

Segala sesuatu itu akan berjalan dan saling bertaut dengan vibrasi yang sama.

Kalau mau jadi pegawai dengan posisi manajerial level maka harus mau belajar lebih banyak dan jatuh bangun dengan pengalaman. Seorang fresh graduate atau pegawai entry level belum mampu mengemban tanggungjawab manajerial level, karena ada yang namanya pengalaman, soft skills, dan kematangan emosional yang tidak bisa dibeli, dibuat instant, atau diperam kayak mangga.

Setelah kita berproses, dari situ nanti baru akan muncul banyak kesempatan untuk berkarir di posisi dan perusahaan yang relatif lebih baik.

Jadi kalau saat ini masih di level entry tapi tidak mau banyak belajar atau kerja berat sedikit langsung mengeluh, maka artinya vibrasimu belum cocok dengan posisi manajerial yang kamu inginkan.

Silakan memantaskan diri dulu, baru nanti pintu peluang akan terbuka lebar untukmu.
Begitu p**a jodoh.

Kalau ingin jodoh yang dermawan, setia, rajin bekerja, positive vibes, mapan, sehat lahir batin, maka pantaskanlah dulu dirimu.

Karena kalau orang seperti itu mendapatkan dirimu yang masih mengeluh setiap hari atau belum mau sembuh dari victim mentality, kan kasihan dia. Tidak akan adil untuknya.
Mari pantaskan dirimu, agar semesta dengan senang hati membuka berbagai pintu peluang untukmu.

Blessed be ✨❤


Pursue to become the healthiest, the happiest, the most healed, the most contented, the most present, the most confident, the most peaceful, and the best version of yourself.

All the good things in life always start with you ❤


It's time to normalize being able to stand up for yourself ❤


Read that again, you are not lazy. Your body needs rest.
Put aside your rules, commitments, and plans.
Nothing is worth fighting for if you are not happy doing it or losing yourself in the process.


Procrastination or freeze mode is a coping mechanism that keeps us safe.

If you have been experiencing it for years, maybe it's a habit that you need to work on.
But if you only experience it once in a while or after completing a huge task, then it's a signal that your body needs a break.

Be kind to yourself ❤

Photos from Tarot Healing's post 17/07/2024

Understand that it's their own life and journey.
Respect their decision.
Focus on your own progress.
Save your energy from worrying too much about those who don't want to grow.

Photos from Tarot Healing's post 13/07/2024

Enjoy your healing process ✨❤


Try to heal your father wounds using these steps:

1. Recognize Your Father Wound
Recognize your father wounds will help you to not copy his behaviors or pass them to the next generation
2. Learn to Love Yourself
The best love supposed to be from yourself and for yourself. Start by looking for one special trait of yourself and celebrate it. If you can love others, then why can't you do the same thing for the most important person in your life, that is you
3. Don’t Be Like Your Father
One way many men are reportedly healing from their father wounds is by choosing not to be like their dads when they become parents themselves
4. Look for & Attract Secure Partners
Daughters with father wounds often seek out men who treat them in similar ways to their dad. So, once you have taken the time to love yourself so you don’t feel the need to seek love and approval from a romantic partner, it’s important to look for and attract secure partners who are emotionally available and who will respect you.

A secure partner will be honest, open, trusting, and will show emotional vulnerability. They will also consistently show support and warmth, rather than blowing hot or cold. Secure partners will also have healthy boundaries and will respect the limits that you put in place.


There are two ways of manifestations:
1. The active way - using the masculine energy
It is when you go actively pursuing things, including making plans, doing vision boards, or doing some practices in order to manifest something

2. The passive way - using the feminine energy
It is when you align your body, mind, and soul, and remove all the distraction from your auric field and you attract what you want to have in life

They both complete each other and the key to successful manifestation is switching here and there between them.


July will bring the first three words you see.
Write below to claim your blessings ⤵️


Daughters who experience a father wound may grow up struggle with:

1. Low self-esteem and lack of confidence
They tend to develop feelings like they’re not good enough, can be at anything, as a result of the absence of credit and appreciation from the father

2. Attract pattern of unhealthy relationships
Daughters with father wounds typically crave the love they didn’t get from their father, making them more likely to accept unhealthy behaviors from romantic partners. Furthermore, our caregiver’s behaviors often form the basis of our expectations of relationships. So, if someone was taught to accept being abandoned, abused, or criticized as children, they may be more likely to accept this behavior in a romantic partner. 

3. Develop trust issues towards men
Daughters who developed an avoidant attachment as a result of their father wound, they may avoid intimacy and a close connection with a romantic partner. 
In contrast, if the father wound caused the daughter to develop an anxious attachment style, they may seek intense closeness and reassurance from men. Their sense of self-worth may hinge on this reassurance and validation, and when they don’t receive it, they may start to feel anxious, insecure, and lose confidence.


Sons who experience a father wound will likely to feel lacking or “not good enough” in some way.

They may struggle with difficult feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, and the need for approval and validation, particularly from authority/superior/dominant figures, like boss, supervisor, older brother, or senior in school.

These feelings can manifest in two ways:

1. They may crave a male father figure, called “father hunger.”
Father hunger refers to the longing that a boy may experience for his father, who is emotionally, physically, or psychologically distant.

2. They may develop intense anger towards their father that may then become internalized, leading to negative self-views or resentment to their father - that can be suppressed (silent treatment/avoiding) or expressed in words and actions.

Photos from Tarot Healing's post 25/06/2024

These signs may be noticeable in both sons and daughters. However, their experiences of the father wound may also differ in certain ways.

Photos from Tarot Healing's post 22/06/2024

Parents are the first people we learn to love and form a relationship with.
If they were not supported, behaved/displayed unusual in the marriage, or were not available in any way, it can affect how we form a relationship later in life as an adult.


The father wound is a term of an absent father.
When a father is physically absent, emotionally distant, being abusive, being negative, or overly critical, it can develop long-term consequences for the child's development.

Photos from Tarot Healing's post 16/06/2024

Everything starts with you ✨


We incarnate through many lives.
We live in different countries, born with different faces, working in different jobs, but we will still be able to recognize each other's soul.
We tend to travel in the same circle as family, friends, even enemies, throughout various lives.
That's why our souls tend to recognize each other, so that we'll keep finding each other. No matter how far we may be separated.


Empaths carry this ability from their previous lives.
When they die, they often reborn to Earth carrying their gifts, where they blend into society as counselors, elders, teachers, and use their sensitivity to guide others to ease their pain, even heal them.


Seperti itu ☺

Photos from Tarot Healing's post 05/06/2024

For attachment is the source of all sufferings.


It's priceless and not every man can afford it ☺

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