Tips on How to Live Well with GERD

Tips on How to Live Well with GERD

This page gives tips and information on how to live a healthy life, to adults suffering from GERD.


Lying down after eating, especially large meals, puts extra pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter. This sphincter stops food from going back up into the esophagus after eating. When food goes into the esophagus, it causes pain and heartburn. Wait three hours after eating before lying down, and this will give food time to be digested. If heartburn occurs at night, use extra pillows to keep the stomach below the esophagus, and avoid eating before bed (International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders [IFFGD], n.d.).

Go to this website for more information:

International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders. (n.d.). About GERD.


One of the significant causes of GERD is obesity, which puts more force on your stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter. Restrictive clothing has the same effect. Weight loss is the number one solution to reduce heartburn and indigestion. Consult your doctor if symptoms do not reduce with weight loss (Roth, 2016).

For more information, visit this website:

Roth, E. (2017, June 22). Weight loss and acid reflux. Healthline.


Be careful about what you eat, as some foods can cause GERD symptoms; common triggers are fatty foods, coffee, chocolate, garlic, onions, and spicy foods. In comparison, some foods can help by decreasing symptoms, such as green vegetables, high-fiber foods, and bananas. Keep a food diary for 14 days to determine what foods increase symptoms (Schneider, 2022).

For more information, visit this website:

Schneider, R. (2022, August 22). What foods make GERD worse? Franciscan Health.


Smoking irritates the esophagus and increases acid production, thereby increasing or causing the symptoms of GERD. Quitting smoking can significantly improve GERD (Tamp Bay Reflux Center 2022). Trying to quit smoking can be difficult, but you don't have to do it alone; there are many tools that can help. The Mayo Clinic (2022) offers several suggestions, some of which are ni****ne replacement therapy, relaxation, and physical activity.

For more information, visit this website:****ne-craving/art-20045454

Mayo Clinic. (2022, May 28). Quite Smoking.****ne-craving/art-20045454

Tamp Bay Reflux Center. (2022, July 22). Is Smoking Making My Acid Reflux Worse?
