My Thoughts

My Thoughts

As the page name says "my thoughts", it is of course about what is on my mind.

Anne of Cleves: Too Ugly for Henry VIII? Facial Re-Creations & History Revealed. 17/10/2022

Based on what the video here is telling about her, she's a WOW to me. She was a silent lake, calm but deep.

I find it ridiculous that the king became displeased by her reaction when he pretended to be a nobody to test her and she supposedly failed. If this was the case, wasn't it good that she didn't act like she became head-over-heels for a stranger? She knew that she was to marry a king, why would she entertain another man? That would have been troublesome. But based on the video narration his purpose was different but he never thought or looked at his plan from another point of view. But, there must be another reason for whatever happened.

I just love her ending. It feels like good revenge after him being unfaithful. He ended up giving her generous compensation and many more good things happened after. (Well, I am just basing everything on the video. I don't really know the whole story.)

Anne of Cleves: Too Ugly for Henry VIII? Facial Re-Creations & History Revealed. Ugliest wife, or luckiest wife? Anne of Cleves is known to history as being the “ugly” fourth wife of King Henry VIII, but we have reasons to believe this is...

This Painting Was an Act of Revenge. Here's Why. 17/10/2022

Different people have different ways of expressing their thoughts to inform or dissuade to change our or the later generations' lives for the better. This is one good example.

There were times when people did things despite knowing the ugliness of their actions. But after being slapped by how ugly they looked because of them, situations gradually changed. They, after all, cared more about their reputation.

It may still happen up to this day in different forms.

This Painting Was an Act of Revenge. Here's Why. This piece is called The Unequal Marriage by Vasili Pukirev. The artist came from humble beginnings and this painting was his way of revealing the uncomforta...

The Real-Life Couple That Inspired Beauty and the Beast 17/10/2022

Sometimes we make up stories and change the bad parts to console ourselves even after knowing that it can't change the fact that the ones involved suffered and nothing can be done about it.
On a side note, who's the real beast?

The Real-Life Couple That Inspired Beauty and the Beast It’s a tale as old as time – or, at least as old as the 1500s. But the real couple that inspired Beauty and the Beast lived a tragic life. The real life Beau...


When the hearts are truly in love, yes. Rearing kids nowadays comes to this situation, too -- when parents have to work it out. Everything has to go through logical process. The so called natural instinct vanished.


(Photo passed by newsfeed, owner of the photo can be seen)

The message got me thinking like ... Seriously? This mind game and manipulating again? Really? Just to get people to react and leave comments. Maybe that's not your purpose or maybe it is.. but whatever, it is still using the name for nothing, for nonsense..


(Photo credits to Skystrollerpics, a facebook account I follow with my personal account)

I remembered seeing the moon so big when I was a child. And I wonder why the moon looks so small now when I am older. Maybe because I was a small kid back then so I thought the moon was big? But now I think what I saw was a supermoon, only that I never knew it had a name back then.


(photo is from the page I follow. The Hill TV, as shown.)

This just get me thinking... Well I don't know where to start because it is a vast idea. So I'll just start from the little corner and I will make it short.

In a time forgotten, on another planet that was in the brink of destruction, there were groups of people in hopes to preserve humankind from extinction, sent many humans to different planets they observed to be habitable. One of those planets was Earth. But among these humans there was one or a few who had the dark mind and heart of those who seek power over others, greedy and evil. The information about how humans came to Earth were destroyed, and so the later generations, curious by nature began exploring and made their own conclusions that later on people believed as facts. And after thousands of years, what happened to the previous planet seems to be happening again. It may not be the case on other planets, or it may be worse, who knows? But what the ancient humans were trying to avoid seemed unavoidable after all, unless...


How do I stop my brain from worrying? Hmm... it is my heart that worries.

Ukraine mayor’s tortured body found alongside husband and son in mass grave 05/04/2022

If this is true, then it is them who did it. Maybe they wanted to stop the war by surrendering or they wanted to go out of their country, but they were stopped, then blame the "enemy".

Ukraine mayor’s tortured body found alongside husband and son in mass grave A mass grave containing the tortured bodies of a mayor, her husband and her son has been discovered in woodland near the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv.


Sorry, not sorry, but I think whoever these group of people behind the wars from before are no different. They are also war criminals. Pointing finger at someone and yet four of their fingers are pointing back at them. Sometimes I also think that not all the damages and casualties in Ukraine were only done by Russians troops but also by those who are supposed to be fighting for Ukraine and then blame it their so called "bad guys". What if instead of giving some weapons which could also have caused the prolonging of this war, they took all the civilians out of Ukraine? That is possible, yes? But maybe "they" didn't really want to do that because the civilians are the shield? Otherwise the "bad guys" can just go all out and on their part they have less things to blame at the "enemies" for? As if the world didn't have enough trouble already from COVID and then this war.

Sigh enough already.

Calling Intergalactic mother ship. You can now come closer to Earth. The descendants of ancient Galactic Empire's wanted runaways are fighting like the beings they call "animals of the wild"

(The photo is a screenshot of a news article that passed by my news feed)


Sigh.. I have been saying that they are the aliens, but of course I have no voice. Who would hear and believe? They came and even create chaos and began destroying the planet who adopted them. Their ancestors destroyed their old planet. But they are also fighting among themselves now, because they forgot their real identity, because the records of ancient knowledge were either destroyed or locked away. (The photo is from the internet. They're not mine.)


Are they locked in? Or did they hide themselves? But I think that the descendants of these fallen angels are now living in the world some chose to be lesser evil, some live peacefully, some chose to dominate over others and are causing havoc around the world from time to time. They displaced the real inhabitants of this world making them 'underdogs'. (photo is from the internet. I don't own it.)


I totally forgot about this page of mine. I sometimes see it somewhere but didn't recognize it and even thought it was familiar. It was actually mine.
