Jessica Haller CCI Iridology

Jessica Haller CCI Iridology

I am a Board Certified Master Iridologist and a Nutritional Therapist specializing in detoxification


Mmmmm this eye was super fun to work on. What a puzzle piece!
I sat at my desk for the better part of the day just looking at this sclera, iris, and pupil and attempting to piece everything it was telling me together.

This client didn't come to me with any major health concerns. She takes great care of herself, with a clean diet and lots of gentle exercising. She came to me because she watched my Podcast and was fascinated by the link betweem the eyes and one's health.

So, in the absense of any major complaints, I sought to decode any clues and insight her eyes would be relaying that we may not yet be aware of.
And I saw the liver, pancreas, and thyroid come together to explain some things...

If you look at around 2:30 in the sclera {white part of the eye} you'll notice a thick red blood vessel making a loop.
πŸ‘‰ This indicates congestion in the reaction field that it lies in and it's in her thyroid reaction field, looping back up into her parathyroid and nasal area.
πŸ€” She didn't indicate any thyroid issues or diagnoses in her intake form, however she does suffer from migraines, muscle cramps, and sometimes difficulty sleeping, which can be linked to the thyroid.
When I compared that to the thyroid reaction field in her iris, it did show the potential for the congestion we were seeing due to a lack of drainage and nerve energy.

But that's not the 'be all end all' because what is causing/contributing to cellular disruption in the throat? We still haven't reached root cause.

🧐 If you look right at the canthus (corner of eye), you'll see I circled a couple clear fatty deposits. In Iridology those are liver signs and we assioate them with poor liver function and poor fat metabolism.
Client was in fact complaining of bloating and gas.
The liver, while not a pathway out of the body, is heavily involved in detoxification and digestion.

πŸ–€ More discussion is needed with this client so we can check on thyroid and liver health, and make whatever adjustments we need to. We are not done.
But what information the eye has revealed upon a glance! It has set us in a forward motion to begin healing.


Discretion is understanding that liver health and constipation are best discussed with clients and not at a school function with teachers and other moms present. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜…


Are you bringing natural remedies into your home on a regular basis, or do you wait until you're sick and scramble to find what you need?
The saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is incredibly accurate.

My goodies for this month:
🌻 Thieves Kitchen & Bath scrub. Toxin free and sooo good for grime.
🌻 Thieves mouthwash, as reccomended by my holistic dentist.
🌻 Lavender lip balm
🌻 Valor for my spine alignment and nervous system
🌻 Manuka for our deodorant

And my freebies this month were 2 bottles of a nighttime oil from our kid's line. 🀎 Great for helping the children get a good nights sleep for school days.


*Germ Theory* verses *Terrain Theory*

One says we must fear germs as they cause disease. We would be wise to inoculate ourselves with poision πŸ’‰ and take medicines and pills so we stay protected. Your inner health doesn't matter too much. Fear sickness.

The other says eat clean whole foods, πŸ₯”don't expose yourself to toxins, and get plenty of sunshine and water. Illness is detox and it will happen when the body needs to cleanse. Germs are the janitors inside us, and rather than being the cause of illness, they actually digest and detoxify cellular waste, toxins, and dead tissue. Don't fear sickness.

πŸ‘‰ Louis Pasteur was a French Biochemist who devoted his career to proving that disease was caused by different microbes. This is the foundation of germ theory and the belief of the current medical system we live under. He claimed to have proved that germs invade the body and cause dysfunction, but when his laboratory notebooks were analyzed after his death, it was found that he committed massive fraud.
He actually admitted in them that he was never able to prove that isolated germs cause disease. In fact, on his death bed he admitted, "The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything."
Why did he fake it?
Follow πŸ‘ The πŸ‘ Money πŸ‘

πŸ‘‰ Antoine Bechamp was a contemporary of Pasteur and worked on proving the exact opposite of what Pasteur claimed was true. He discovered microzyma {research those as they are the smallest structures of life} and found that germs and microbes are the *result* of disease, and not the cause. His experiments proved that microbes CLEANSE the body of toxins, plaque, and waste, and are our partners in health. Indeed, everytime we breathe in, we inhale thousands of them. If they truly caused disease, we'd all be goners. 🚫
He also noticed that germs can change their form {yeast, parasites...etc} depending on their environment, what part of the body they're in, and the toxins they are working to clean up.
This is called Pleomorphism and is in stark contrast to Monomorphism, which is what we're taught today.
πŸ’₯ NO specific germ causes any specific disease. Germs change depending on the terrain of the body.

There have been so many other Scientists who have found what Bechamp proved.
βœ”οΈ Max Pettenkofer
βœ”οΈ Gustave Henle
βœ”οΈ Dr. John Bell Fraser
βœ”οΈ Dr. Thomas Powell (this researcher injected and ingested many cultures of bacteria, including typhoid and diphtheria, and then was shown to be disease free after examination by various physicians.}

Understanding these 2 things will change your life:
+ germs do not cause disease
+ viruses as we know them do not exist


The more you're exposed to Wi-fi, the more you need to ground.


We don't inherit diseases.
What we inherit is the *tendency toward* a particular disease which we can identify using the iris.

Some of our genes we cannot change.
My height, eye color, hair color....etc, were all determined before I was even born.
My diet, no matter how perfect I eat, won't change that.
What my diet CAN control is how I express those genes I inherhited.

πŸ‘‰ Let's take diabetes, for example, since that runs in my family and is reflected in my eyes.
I didn't inherit "diabetes" and I am not doomed to get it.
If I choose to consume a Standard American Diet, OR a diet that overburdens the pancreas and liver, I am at MORE of a risk of developing diabetes than Mary down the street who didn't inherhit the predisposition toward diabetes.

We are in control of how our genes express themselves because we can influence that through what we eat and drink.
I have used the iris many times to inform clients where they are most vulnerable and what kind of diet they would flourish on.

Did you know your eyes revealed that? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ


❗ Join me this Sunday evening for a fun and informative class on how to use essential oils to help the kiddos move smoothly back into a school routine! ❗

This is a post based class and will take place in a private group, Sunday at 7pm CST.
Topics we will cover:
πŸ€” what even are essential oils??
πŸ€” which oils are best for helping improve focus and concentration?
πŸ€” how to create a happy cheerful morning routine
πŸ€” supporting digestion as kids are exposed to junk food and processed snacks
πŸ€” how to transition to bedtime

Comment below if you want in!! πŸ‘‡
I promise you'll learn a lot and come away with more than a couple valuable tools to help your children succeed and ENJOY school!
πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ You also won't want to miss out on the giveaway and special offer at the end of the class!!
🀫 ....this guy is one of them....πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


Before you had any disease or symptom, you had poor circulation.


Do you crave fat?
If you crave meat, pizza, cheese, and other foods rich in fat, you have fat cravings.

What do fat cravings mean? πŸ€”
πŸ• the body will crave fat when it doesn't have enough calories or energy {carbohydrates}.
Remember, the human body uses glucose for energy, not protein and not fat.

So why are you getting fat cravings and not carbohydrate cravings if the body is low in energy?
πŸ§€ because fat is the most calorically dense food there is. Fat contains more calories {energy} than carbohydrates and protein.
When the body is low on fuel, survival mechanisms kick in and you will crave the quickest source of energy.

This is why that burger and fries sounds a lot better than an apple at the end of a long and tired days. Quick source of calories.

Try fueling your body with more whole food carbohydrates all throughout the day, make sure you're eating enough calories and are hydrated, and you may just find your fat cravings slowly dissipate. πŸ‘Œ


Wanna get science-y with me and debunk some fears and myths?
These are some of my favorite posts to make.
πŸ‘‰ When the body is sick your cells will release a huge amount of differing particles that contain genetic material. These particles have been named a couple different things, but the two you may recognize the most are "virus" and "exosome".

Whatever they are called, these particles are a normal part of a bodily process, called exocytosis, which is what happens when the body needs to get rid of dead cells, cellular debris, and waste.
It's important to know this because most people believe that viruses are contagious, scary, and can get you sick.

In actuality, what modern medicine calls a virus is actually the NORMAL excretions of a cell that is getting rid of waste.
This waste is NOT contagious.
It canNOT get you sick.
There is no reason to vaccinate or be afraid of sick people.

In the spring of 2021, this microbiologist πŸ‘‡ published evidence that the condition of virologist's cell cultures, and not the virus, are what cause a cytopathic effect on tissue.
There has not been a proper control experiment done on viruses since 1954. Why? πŸ”Ž
πŸ’₯ Because it would disprove their theory that viruses are pathogenic and contagious.
πŸ’₯ Because they are lying to you.

In order to prove a pathogenic virus exists, the virus first needs to be extracted from an ill person and purified {meaning seperated from everything else}. This will give you pure virus particles which you can then study. You then need to transfer this into a healthy human or cell and show that it causes disease, aka it is pathogenic.
And it can't. Because dead cellular debris cannot cause disease. Viruses are not the cause of anything.

But don't believe me. Research this gentleman and begin to learn the truth about yourself and the lies. πŸ‘‡


Do not. I repeat *do not* douse yourself in Geranium oil before visiting your city's Botanical Gardens where geranium loving bees and pollinators live. πŸπŸ¦‹

Ask me how I know πŸ€ͺ


"May our clients never know the disease they prevented by positive lifestyle changes."

Despite the medical community holding tight to a skeptical view of Iridology, Iridologists work hard daily to help each of their valued clients avert serious health issues.
We do this by studying and identifying patterns and signs in the iris, sclera, and pupil. We aim to work alongside and in harmony with God's design of the human body.

The value of Iridology, and where it shines, is in preventative healthcare and as a pre clinical tool.
The eye can offer insights into the body before the human ever experiences any symptoms. πŸ™Œ
Clients are EMPOWERED when they understand where their genetic strengths and weaknesses lie.
This πŸ‘† is how you prevent the manifestation of disease!

Want to discover on a deeper level how God created you?
Are you curious about your genetic strengths and weaknesses or those of your children?
If you want to implement changes to prevent potential disease in the future, let's chat. 🀎


Another reason to make sure your fruits are ripe before eating them: they will contain more protein.
πŸ₯‘ As a fruit ripens, its amino acid {protein} content develops and increases.

Ripe fruits > unripe fruits for maximium nutrients
Fun fact: This guy is the highest protein fruit πŸ‘‡


Wanna do a fun challenge with me toward the end of the month?? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ
It's focused on health, in particular, sleep.

Good sleep is the unsung hero in your health, as sleep is the time of day where the body kicks into healing and cleansing mode the hardest. It's also the *only* time your brain is able to clean itself. Dirty brain = brain fog + forgetfullness + memory loss.

Deets: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
πŸ’₯ Will take place in my private oil group
πŸ’₯ 14 days long
πŸ’₯ Involves NingXia Red + 2 supplements that support healthy sleep and stress management
πŸ’₯ We will also be incorporating choosing healthier foods, 30 mins of movement a day, and at least 7 hours of sleep each night
πŸ’₯ Daily tips and education provided
πŸ’₯ Yes, there will be some fun giveaways!!!
πŸ’₯ $200 to join and that will include all the products you need as well as access to the group and education.
Comment below for the link to join and a 10% discount code!

Let September find us rested and implementing better habits. πŸ™Œ


The pineal gland is a small gland in your head located just above your eyebrows.
In the iris, this tiny organ's reaction field is around 12:00 at the top of the pupil.
The pineal creates melatonin, which is a hormone that helps you relax and go to sleep. πŸ’€ πŸ’€

When I have clients that are having trouble falling and/or staying asleep, I check the pineal gland in their iris, but another place I check is their gut health.

What does gut health have to do with your sleep? πŸ€”
πŸ‘‰ Because melatonin is derived from serotonin.
Enzymes in the body convert serotonin into melatonin, making serotonin a key player in your ability to sleep.

What does this have to do with the gut though? πŸ€”
πŸ‘‰ Serotonin is produced in a couple different places in the body, such as the tongue and the brain; but 90% of this hormone is produced in your gut.

Poor gut health πŸ‘‰ lower levels of serotonoin πŸ‘‰ lower levels of melatonin πŸ‘‰ you're not sleeping well

So. If you're not sleeping well, here are a couple tips to implement right away:
🀎 Clean up your gut. Do you need a colon cleanse? Do you need to drink more water to hydrate the colon? Does that fast food habit need to be kicked to the curb?
🀎 Dim the house with the sunset and absolutely ZERO blue light and ZERO gadgets before bed. The enzyme that converts serotonin to melatonin is most active when it's dark outside. Blue light turns off that enzyme.
🀎 Consume more melatonin rich foods such as cherries, bananas, and oatmeal. Sprouted nuts and seeds are high in serotonin.


Why are we still vaccinating our children?
Why are we raising them on fast food and artifical flavors?
Why do we worry about the economy?

Proverbs 1:15
"My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path"


The boys are up early to head to the gym and pool. πŸ’¦
Geranium is the top oil to help the body detox from chlorine. I put it on their spines and wrists. πŸ‘Œ


There is a reason I encourage all of my clients to consume plenty of fresh fruits, juices, and smoothies daily, and that reason can be summed up in one word: hydration. πŸ’¦

Most people come to me dehydrated because they either aren't drinking enough water {half your body weight in ounces of water daily}, or they aren't *eating* enough of their water, consuming instead dehydrating foods like processed grains and pasturized dairy.
The latter is more common than the former.

Even if you're drinking tons of water daily and urinating frequently throughout the day, you may still be dehydrated because in order to achieve cellular hydration the body needs minerals.
πŸ’₯ Your cells need electrolytes to pull the water into them.
No electrolytes = no absorption

Electrolytes include minerals such as potassium + sodium + calcium + magnesium + chloride.

Think about what you are given in a hospital to hydrate you: saline.
πŸ‘‰ Saline is a combination of water and electrolytes.

My 3 favorite ways to hydrate on a cellular level include:
πŸ’¦ drinking lemon/maple water in the morning
πŸ’¦ consuming fresh fruit daily
πŸ’¦ drinking smoothies regularly

What are your favorite ways?


The iris, although alluding to simplicity, is an extremely complex structure.

It is connected to every single organ and gland in the body, via the nervous system.
🧐 We know that the information the eye sees is sent to the brain through the optic nerve.
Likewise, the brain sends information back to the eyes, which means everything that affects the body, affects the eyes.

The iris also controls the size of your pupil (this is strongly influenced by your nervous system) allowing you to freely accommodate more light in dim circumstances, and less light in the bright sunlight β˜€οΈ to protect you.

πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I once thought the iris was just a colored part of the eye. Nothing more. Nothing less.
My mind is blown however, the more I learn about God's amazing design.
I will never look at someone's eyes the same.


πŸ€” How about essential oils that go through a whopping 26 Quality Control tests before they are approved for sale!

πŸ€” How about nutritional supplements that go through rigorous testing for heavy metals!

πŸ€” How about body care products without toxic preservatives that go through time tests to ensure they last without growing fungus or yeast!

πŸ€” How about a company with scientists that have over 200 combined years of experience including a cancer biologist & researcher!

πŸ€” How about tests that detect the measurement of half of a drop of mercury in an Olympic-sized swimming pool!

πŸ€” How about farms that test the soil to avoid purchasing farms/land with glyphosate residue!

These things do not come cheap, but this is how we are ensured that what goes into our body and into our bloodstream is truly the purest and closest to the way God intended it to be.

This is Young Living. Don't settle for less.


These cute little caprese bites are stinkin adorable and delicious.
How to:
πŸ‘‰ slice tomatoes
πŸ‘‰ layer with basil + avocado
πŸ‘‰ drizzle with balsamic reduction


Whether you need this vitamin or not is not dependent on your diet.
That may sound funny.
Bear with me..

πŸ₯© If you consume animal products, you are recieving *more* than enough B12 via your diet.
Yet. πŸ€” Those individuals have roughly the same rate of B12 defiencey symptoms as those that do not consume animal products.

How can you explain that?

B12 levels have nothing to do with how much you're consuming and everything to do with how well your body is able to utilize that vitamin {which is actually a bacteria}.
If you eat a plant based diet, you're not getting near the B12 that animal based dieters do, and that's ok.
πŸ‘‰ That's ok because B12 is produced by the body; specifically it is in the gut biome that the body produces B vitamins.

So. If you're low in this bacteria, you know you have a dirty terrain that needs to be cleaned. THAT'S root cause. Not supplementation.

So what about those plant based "experts" pushing B12?
Well. They're selling you something, right?
πŸ‘‰ This is something I make clear to all my clients, because I am not against supplements: if you want to supplement, fine. But you MUST address root cause at the SAME time for two reasons:
1. If you don't, you'll be taking B12 for the rest of your life
2. If you take B12 for the rest of your life, that makes you no different than Sally Jo who is on perscription meds for the rest of her life. Both of you are treating symptoms and there is no healing taking place.

The goal is to clean the body, hydrate it, remove the congestion, and lose the dependency on supplements.


Do children need to detox?

If your child has any stomach/gut issues, developmental delays, allergies, asthma, skin issues, constipation, or has excessive fatigue, they need to cleanse their bodies yesterday.
❀️ We often overestimate the health of children because of their youth. In addition, their high vitality easily masks health issues that are building and accumulating.

🧐 We know that children benefit from intentional detoxes because as babies they were exposed to toxins in utero. Although there are moms that try and eat healthy, if moms have not detoxed themselves before conception (which most do not), then all their toxins were passed to their unborn baby. This is why we have children born with skin issues and food allergies.
One large study done on umbilical cord blood found over 200 chemicals were passed through to baby, most of which are toxic to the brain and nervous system.

🧐 We also know that children are more sensitive to food and environmental toxins. They are more heavily impacted by them than adults are.
Children also have a higher respiratory rate than adults do, meaning they take more breaths per minute. This is very detrimental to kids living in homes with smoking parents, parents who use cleaning supplies with harmful chemicals in them, and children living in smoggy cities.

If you want to cleanse your child and support their detoxification pathways, a good place to start is by hydrating them.
πŸ₯₯ coconut water
πŸ₯₯ fresh fruit juices
πŸ₯₯ lemon water
πŸ₯₯ drinking clean filtered water all day
πŸ‘†πŸ‘† Start there. A hydrated body will take toxins in and easily excrete them in real time.
A dehydrated body holds onto toxins and that's where trouble begins for your child.

My 3 children πŸ‘‡whose diets I have drastically changed the past couple of years, so their detox pathways are heavily supported.


One of my favorite pictures of Christianity.

Psalm 18:1-2:
"The LORD is my protector; he is my strong fortress. My God is my protection, and with him I am safe. He protects me like a shield; he defends me and keeps me safe".


Evaluating the shading in an iris is an important element of an iris analysis.

The shading in an eye tells us about the reactive potential in the corresponding reflex area; this is where we see the genetic health of different organs in the body.
We assess whether certain areas are lighter or darker in relation to the color of the eye.
πŸ‘‰ Lighter/white shading is caused by the iris fibers being raised above the surface. They often appear "irritated".
πŸ‘‰ Darker shading is caused by openings in the iris fibers, exposing the deeper layers of the eye.

Light shading = increased reaction in that part of the body. Think inflamation and acidity.
Darker shading = sluggish and low nerve energy in that part of the body. Think hypo-functioning organs.

The darker shading you see at 8:00 in this iris is in the thoracic vertebra of the upper back.
This part of the individual's body we would expect to be a bit more sluggish than the rest. Blood and lymph supply may not be the best. We will be keeping an eye on that part of the spine, as well as all the organs the thoracic vertebra enervate.
πŸ’ͺ This is how we get ahead of problems and prevent them from occurring in the first place.


Survived another year around the sun.
I kid. I kid. We don't rotate around the sun. 😜

Today is 43 for me.
Things I've come to know as true...
❀️ aging doesn't mean we'll have health issues
❀️ aging is one of the biggest blessings
❀️ aging is about gaining-gaining more wisdom, gaining more patience, gaining more experience, gaining different perspectives.
❀️ .....and every birthday is a gift from God.
Job 12:12
"Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?"


Today's food for thought πŸ‘‡

This is all relative, of course, depending on the phase of life you're in. One cannot specify an exact amount of food that fits everyone.

πŸ‘‰ A dirty terrain that is not absorbing nutrients well, will require and crave more food.
πŸ‘‰ A clean body that is hydrated and free of mucus will absorb every nutrient it takes in and will not require an excess of food.


Someone in my house would benefit from thyroid support. It was discovered when they had their blood pressure taken by our Chiropractor and I noticed a low pulse rate.

The following morning I took their basal body temperature to check thyroid function. It was a tad low.
πŸ‘‰ Your glandular (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus) system helps regulate your heartbeat, so if your glands are a tad sluggish, your pulse may be as well.

Spent the free points I had with YL and bought a couple things to introduce gentle support for the thyroid and beyond.
❀️ NingXia greens is an awesome green powder filled with fermented greens, mushrooms, kale, parsley, and more. It's got one of the cleanest ingredient lists I've seen and this person will take it easily because it's not gross. This will be a rich supply of minerals and other nutrients not supplied by their diet because we don't eat/can't resource these nutritional powerhouses.
❀️ Thyromin is a thyroid glandular that also contains dissicated pituitary and adrenal glands. It has iodine from kelp which is SO good for the thyroid, and some herbs and essential oils.
❀️ I restocked my Cedarwood oil which I oil the children up with daily on the back of the neck. Cedarwood helps to stimulate pituitary function, which is important because the pituitary controls the thyroid.
πŸ‘‰ Sometimes....when you have sluggishness in any particular may not be that gland itself but the root cause may be higher up in the pituitary or hypothalamus.

That's it. Not doing too much. Will rely on diet and hydration (this family member is not good with drinking water) the most to address root cause, and will continue to eat to support their eliminative pathways.


The iris is a tapestry of all that is you.
It holds your genetic predispositions and tells of how you tend to react to life's pleasures and stressors.

While genetics are strong, your choices are even stronger. 🀍

This child πŸ‘‡ has tiny crypts (dark deep holes) in the reaction field of the ascending colon, which is a part of the large bowel. These are referred to as diverticula signs, because they indicate an individual genetically prone to developing diverticulities, due to poor gut health and an even poorer diet.

If this child grows up consuming a typical western diet (which he doesn't), the odds of him developing diverticula are stronger than one without this iris sign. That's the power of genetics.
They load that gun for you, ready and waiting, and the iris will tell you exactly where that gun is aimed.
But you hold the power over the trigger. That's the beautiful thing.


"Eat according to your body type"
"Everyone is different".

Cellular biology would disagree. Every human is designed to eat the same diet and thrives on the same food. You may need to eat differently than Sally Jo until you reach the ideal human diet, but the ideal human diet is the same for every human, according to how God built us.

🌍 Your geographical location does not change your body chemistry, nor does it change how your cells make energy.
My body runs the same as the Inuit in northern Canada and the African in the Sahara Desert. Our cells all make energy the exact same way, and when our bodies need fuel, what do they look for?
πŸ’₯ Sugar πŸ’₯
πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ No matter your size, height, or weight, your body wants sugar.
πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ No matter if you survive off seal blubber or wild game, your body burns sugar for energy.
πŸ‘‰ If no sugar is available it will go to the liver and use glycogen, which is sugar the liver saves for a rainy day.

After glycogen, the body will, in a process called gluconeogenesis, begin to convert protein into sugar.
After protein, it will begin concerting fat to sugar, which is a process called ketosis.
Can you see that protein and fat are NOT your body's preferred energy source, and it will only go after these macronutrients when it's starved of carbohydrates (sugar)?

So, when I teach people how their bodies are designed, inevitably someone will bring up their cousin who is losing weight, has balanced their blood sugars, and are "thriving" on a low carb/Keto diet.
This is VERY important to understand when it comes to health: πŸ‘‰ something can have benefits and not be healthy for you.

Are Keto diets and low carb diets an effective way to lose weight and reduce insulin needs? Sure!
You can absolutely lose weight on them. Why? Because you're restricting carbohydrate intake and so your body has switched to burning fats so it can stay alive.

Losing weight is a good thing, but I'll say it again:
πŸ‘‰ A diet can have benefits and still not be healthy and ideal for you.

We are made to run on sugar. Period.
I didn't design the body, God did. If you don't like it, talk to Him.
If you are restricting whole food sources of glucose and carbohydrates, it's because you don't truly understand how the body works, nor have you felt how good you could be feeling consuming mostly fruits and vegetables. πŸ‘πŸ’¦

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