Smartbot Concept

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Happy new year

Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 24/08/2022


我总是会说是的,你可以通过交易机器人赚钱,而且你更有可能比根据自己的策略进行交易更好。加密机器人交易是一种交易加密货币的方法,它使用机器人自动执行交易。加密交易机器人通过连接 (API) 到您的交易账户并跟踪加密货币价格来运行。当加密货币价格达到机器人算法时,机器人将自动买卖,从而消除人类的情绪偏见。当加密货币的价格上涨到您指定的水平时,机器人将出售它,为您赚取利润。加密交易机器人是一个使用人工智能 (AI) 和机器学习来确定执行特定加密货币交易的最佳时间的程序。
加密货币交易一年 365 天,每天 24 小时进行。因此,交易者很难抓住市场上出现的每一个机会。交易机器人最令人印象深刻的是,机器人可以 24/7 全天候监控和交易,这是人类无法做到的。您可以根据市场情况预设算法随时执行交易。交易机器人可以非常快速地执行订单,这个星球上没有人可以在几秒钟内进行数百万次计算并下达数千个订单。人类交易者一次可以分析的数据量是有限的,即使人类能够处理所有数据,也很难根据这些数据获得洞察力。使用交易机器人,您的加密货币交易能力达到超人的速度。通过使用交易机器人,您可以节省大量宝贵时间,以便更好地与家人和朋友共度时光



Come join us today to start making consistent passive income even in weak market condition.

Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 24/08/2022


I will always say yes, you can make money with trading bots and it is more likely that you’ll better off than trading on your own strategy. Crypto bot trading is a method of trading cryptocurrencies that uses bots to execute trades autonomously. Crypto trading bots operate by connecting (API) to your exchange account and tracking cryptocurrency prices. When a cryptocurrency price reach the bot algorithms, the bot will buy or sell automatically thus eliminate human emotion bias. When the price of the cryptocurrency rises at your specified level, the bot will sell it, making a profit for you. Crypto trading bot is a program that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to determine the best times to execute specific cryptocurrency trades.

Trading bot takes every single decision based on data. Unlike humans, it doesn’t have the greed of profit or fear of loss. No matter how experienced you are, you can be overtaken by emotions and make mistakes that may cost you a lot of money in trades. The bots execute instructions once the rules is met and it won’t hesitate to change the target price again and again.Trading bots also don't require any high-level technical skill to operate, making them a go-to solution for trading in these days.

Cryptocurrencies trading takes place 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Therefore, it’s hard for a trader to seize every chance that arises in the market. The most impressive thing about trading bots is that bots monitor and trade 24/7, which is something no human can do. You can preset algorithms to execute trades at anytime, based on how the market conditions. Trading bots can execute orders very fast, no human on this planet can conduct millions of computations and place thousands of orders within seconds. There is a limit to the amount of data a human traders can analyst at a time, even if humans able to process all the data, it is tough to reach insights based on that data. With a trading bots, your cryptocurrency trading ability achieves superhuman speed. By using trading bots, a lot of your precious time can be save to better spend with family and friends.

Market volatility is a common characteristic of cryptocurrencies, moreover, it never closes. Trading cryptocurrencies wisely can bring very high profits, but it also increases the risk of significant losses. Some of these risks can be mitigated with a trading bot. Trading bots, unlike humans, only make trades based on the latest data and trends, so emotions and impulses are eliminated from the decision-making process. Most trading bots are profitable and allow users to customize their risk and rewards that suit them as much as possible. They support multiple strategies and integrate social trading to enable the use of free third-party signals.

There are different kinds of trading bots available in the market, users must choose those trading bots that come with high level of risk control functions. One of the important part of trading is risk control. With proper risk management, traders only can make decent incomes in long run. Another important control is money management, trading bots that have function to allocate your capital wisely will increase your chances for profitable no matter in what market conditions.

Conclusion, trading bots is profitable if you can use it correctly and patiently, but once you use it the wrong way then your risk will increase significantly.

Come join us today to start making consistent passive income even in weak market condition.

Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 29/07/2022

POW是在您进行比特币转移的任何时候,您连接到比特币矿工并且转移在整个网络中更新。加密挖掘是比特币网络验证其交易的方式,而不是依靠一台中央银行计算机通过一个中央资产负债表来处理交易,在那里他们拥有所有控制权和所有权力。区块链创建了一个由数千台计算机连接在一起的网络。他们在同一个网络上,他们都验证同一个资产负债表的同一份副本。这张资产负债表被称为“账本” ,这些计算机相互竞争,以尽可能快的速度解决数学方程。因为第一个解决下一个数学方程式的人将赢得账本的下一页。这个页面被称为 “区块” ,这就是我们称之为区块链的原因,因为所有页面都在资产负债表中链接在一起。当其中一台计算机最终解出下一个方程时,它们会赢得奖励,这将是一些免费的比特币或他们在该网络上挖掘的任何硬币。


POS类似于POW,两者都用于达成共识并保持底层区块链的安全。但是有一个重要的区别,POS需要更少的工作来验证数据块并且需要更少的能量。在POS中,没有与节点竞争来验证交易,而是他们现在参加幸运抽奖,其获胜者由区块链本身决定。要自愿参加这次幸运抽奖,您必须将您的一些加密货币存入一个存储空间,如果您作弊,您将受到惩罚,并且您的一些质押代币会被发现欺诈的实体拿走。事实上,为了保持抽奖的公平性,您投入的加密货币越多,您被选为获胜者的机会就越大。每种使用POS算法的加密货币都有自己的一套规则和程序,为各自的生态系统创建最佳组合。由于它不需要POW模型中涉及的计算能力,因此POS更节能,因为它不基于计算能力,不需要专门的设备,因此更多人可以参与运行证明质押节点。参与的人越多,网络的去中心化水平和抵抗 51% 攻击的水平就越高,它确保了卓越的可扩展性和更高的交易速度。 POS的主要缺点是一旦代币被质押,它们就会被锁定,因此在规定的质押期过去之前无法出售。在根据权益大小选择节点的POS模型中,持有大量硬币的人受到青睐。

这两种共识机制中的每一种都具有优点和缺点,并且选择其中一种取决于网络的需要。例如,专注于防止欺诈、建立信任和确保高安全性的网络需要POW。另一方面, POS主要用于需要高交易速度的网络。

Come join us today to start making consistent passive income even in weak market condition.

Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 29/07/2022

Proof of work is anytime when you do a transfer of Bitcoin, you are connected to a Bitcoin Miner and the transfer is updated across the entire network. Crypto mining is how the Bitcoin network verifies their transactions, instead of relying on one central bank computer to process transaction through one central balance sheet where they hold all the control, and all the power. The blockchain creates a network of thousands of computers connected together. They’re on the same network, and they all verify the same copy of the same balance sheet. This balance sheet is called the “Ledger”, and these computers compete against each other solving math equations as fast as possible. Because the first one who solve the next math equation wins the next page of the ledger. This page is called a “Block” and that is why we called it the blockchain, because all the pages are chained together in the balance sheet. When one of the computers finally solves the next equation, they earn a reward, which will be a bit of free Bitcoin or whatever coin they are mining on that network.

In Proof of work network, the consensus mechanism makes it higher level of security as it makes it more difficult and costly to attack and it often results in more decentralized network and it is relatively easy to implement. Proof of work requires significant computational power, and therefore, it leads to high energy consumption, it increased costs, and environmental impacts. Proof of work need specialized equipment, which can prove to be costly and need a big investment to start.

Proof of stake is similar to proof of work both are used to attain consensus and keep the underlying blockchain secure. But there is one important difference, proof of stake requires less work to validate data blocks and requires less energy. In proof of stake there is no race against the nodes to validate a transaction instead they now take part in a lucky draw whose winner is decided by the blockchain itself. To volunteer in this lucky draw you have to stake some of your cryptocurrency into a storage, if you cheat you are penalized and some of your staked coin are taken away by the entity that spots the fraud. In fact, to keep the lucky draw fair the more crypto you stake the higher your chances of getting picked as a winner. Each cryptocurrency that uses the proof of stake algorithm has its own set of rules and procedures to create the best possible combination for their respective ecosystem. Since it does not require the computational power involved in Proof of Work models, Proof of stake is more energy efficient given that it is not based on computing power, it doesn’t require specialized equipment, so more people can participate in running a Proof of stake node. The more people participate, the higher the network’s level of decentralization and resistance 51% attacks, it ensures superior scalability and higher transaction speeds. The main drawback of Proof of Stake is once the coins are staked, they are locked and thus cannot be sold until the stipulated staking period has elapsed. In Proof of Stake models that select nodes based on the size of their stake, those who hold a large amount of coins are favoured.
Each of the two consensus mechanisms comes with advantage and disadvantages, and choosing one over the other depends on the needs of a network. For example, Proof of Work is required by networks that focus on preventing fraud, building trust and ensuring high security. On the other hand, Proof of Stake is largely utilized by networks that require high transaction speed.

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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 27/07/2022

抵押稳定币 VS 算法稳定币
抵押的稳定币有两种不同的类型,即法币抵押或加密货币抵押。法定抵押稳定币由英镑或美元等主权货币支持。这意味着要发行一定数量的法币抵押加密货币的代币,发行人必须提供与抵押品价值相同的美元储备。其他形式的抵押品可以包括黄金或白银等贵金属以及原油等大宗商品,但大多数法定抵押稳定币都有美元储备。 Tether (USDT) 和 BinanceUSD (BUSD) 是由美元储备支持的流行稳定币,以美元平价计价。
加密货币抵押的稳定币是 DeFi 生态系统的关键要素。这些稳定币对现有数字资产进行超额抵押,以动态维持一致的市场价格。这种结构为底层抵押品引起的价格波动提供了缓冲。要获得加密抵押的稳定币,您必须将抵押代币锁定在智能合约中。稍后可以通过将稳定币支付回智能合约中来取回抵押品,从而清算头寸。例如,MakerDAO 的 Dai (DAI) 稳定币与美元挂钩,但由以太坊 (ETH) 和其他价值相当于流通中 DAI 稳定币 150% 的加密货币提供支持。
算法稳定币不使用法定货币或任何类型的现金储备作为抵押品。算法稳定币通过智能合约与其他资产的价值系统挂钩,智能合约根据当前市场价值增加或减少供应。当算法稳定币的交易价格高于其挂钩时,硬币就会被铸造出来,从而降低其价值;当它的交易量低于其挂钩时,硬币就会被烧毁,从而提高价格。 Terra(UST)和Tron(USDD)等稳定币是算法稳定币。



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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 27/07/2022


There are two types of stablecoins categories, which is collateralized stablecoins and algorithmic stablecoins.
The collateralized stable coins have two different type which is fiat collateralized or crypto collateralized. Fiat collateralized stablecoins are backed by sovereign currency such as the pound or the US dollar. It means that to issue a certain number of tokens of a given cryptocurrency, the issuer must offer dollar reserves worth the same amount as collateral. Other forms of collateral can include precious metals like gold or silver as well as commodities like crude oil, but most fiat-collateralized stablecoins have reserves of U.S dollar. Tether (USDT) and BinanceUSD (BUSD) are popular stablecoins backed by U.S. dollar reserves and denominated at parity to the dollar.
Crypto-collateralized stablecoins are a key element of the DeFi ecosystem. These stablecoins over-collateralize an existing digital asset to allow for the dynamic maintenance of a consistent market price. This structure provides a buffer against price fluctuations caused by the underlying collateral. To receive a crypto-collateralized stablecoin, you must lock your collateral tokens in a smart contract. The collateral is retrievable at a later date by paying stablecoins back into the smart contract, thus liquidating the position. For example, MakerDAO's Dai (DAI) stablecoin is pegged to the U.S. dollar but backed by Ethereum (ETH) and other cryptocurrencies worth 150% of the DAI stablecoin in circulation.
Algorithmic stablecoins do not use fiat or any type of cash reserves as collateral. Algorithmic stablecoins are pegged to the value systems of other assets via smart contracts that increase or decrease supply based on current market values. When an algorithmic stablecoin trades above its peg, coins are minted, lowering its value; when it trades less than its peg, coins are burned, raising the price. Stablecoins like Terra (UST) and Tron(USDD) are algorithmic stablecoins.
The most important factor to consider when assessing stablecoins is how well they keep their pegs. To respond to changes in supply and demand, collateralized stablecoins involve liquid assets that can be traded quickly. Algorithmic stablecoins never use collateral, rather depend on smart contracts to provide theoretically infinite liquidity.
While algorithmic stablecoins sound great in theory, they still have a long way to go before they are considered a stable store of value. At the time of publication, no algorithmic stablecoin has fully achieved stable pegs. Most use cases are now for speculative traders.
Just like other stablecoins and cryptocurrencies, regulation will be important in algorithmic stablecoins. Compared to other cryptocurrencies, stablecoins pose a huge threat to the government's fiat currency system. Algorithmic stablecoins are censorship-resistant and pose a greater theoretical threat than non-algorithmic stablecoins.

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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 25/07/2022

互联网的发展可以分为三个阶段:web 1.0、web 2.0 和 web 3.0。Web 1.0 大多数互联网都是只读网站。用户只能读,不能写,没有交互性。这相当于传统报刊杂志的电子化。信息的创造权、控制权和收益权属于网站平台。
Web 2.0 是我们今天所处的位置,用户生成内容和大型技术行业的兴起。最典型的例子是 Facebook 和 Twitter 等社交媒体。用户可以在平台上创建自己的内容。但该内容的价值和控制权属于平台。问题就在于中心化,这些大型科技公司拥有你的数据并用它来操纵你。
为了更加平等和民主,web 3.0应运而生。它是一种通过区块链的去中心化协议,实现互联网管理和用户数据控制权的分离。将用户创造的内容转化为数字资产,并通过智能合约和区块链确认,确保数字资产不可篡改和剥夺。从而实现谁创造、谁拥有、谁受益三合一的价值体系。在 web 3.0 中,用户是数据和内容的所有者,用户将因参与而获得奖励。

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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 25/07/2022

The evolution of the internet can be broken down into three phases web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0. Most of the internet we know as web 1.0, are read only websites. User can only read, no write, there are no interactivity. This is equivalent to the digitalize of traditional newspapers and magazines. The right to create, control and benefit from information belongs to the website platform.
Web 2.0 is where we are today, you can see the rise of the users generated contents.The most typical example is social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Users can create their own content on the platform. But the value and control over that content belongs to the platform. The issue with this is centralization, these big tech companies own your data and use it to manipulate you.
In order to be more equal and democratic, web 3.0 came into being. Web 3.0 include decentralization; trustlessness and permissionlessness; artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning; and connectivity and ubiquity.It is a decentralized protocol via blockchain, to achieve the separation of internet management and user data control rights.Users created content into digital assets and through smart contracts and blockchain to ensure that the digital asset cannot be tampered with and deprived of. So as to realize who creates, who owns, who benefits three in one value system. In web 3.0 users are the owner of the data and the content, and users will get rewarded for the participation.

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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 24/07/2022


1. 越来越多的接受和采用

2. 对冲通胀

3. 全球可及性

Come join us today to start making consistent passive income even in weak market condition.

Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 24/07/2022


As a digital currency bitcoin value can go up as more people and more company use it.

Bitcoin investors believe the crypto currency will gain value over the long term because the supply is limited, unlike the supplies of fiat currencies.

Compare to traditional stocks and bonds. Bitcoin and others crypto easily accessible for anyone, even in small amount.

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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 23/07/2022


传统上,区块链只是一个大型数据库,您可以在其中存储数据,就像硬盘一样。区块链可以记录有关加密货币交易、NFT 所有权或 DEFI 智能合约的信息。所有记录的信息也称为数字账本交易。什么是数字账本交易?数字账本交易使用称为HASH的不可变加密签名记录。当加密货币从一个钱包转移到另一个钱包时,所有交易都会被记录下来。钱包就像你在区块链上的银行账户。要识别你的银行账户,你有一个银行帐号,而要识别你的钱包,你需要一个钱包地址。区块链在世界各地相互链接的多台计算机(节点NODE)上运行。(节点相互链接称为“网络”)。这些节点中的每一个都相互连接,它们不断地相互交换区块链上的最新信息。节点实际上存储、传播和保存区块链数据,因为没有集中的位置,这就是区块链去中心化的原因。

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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 23/07/2022


Traditionally a Blockchain is just one big database, a place where you can store data just like a hard drive. A Blockchain can record information about cryptocurrency transactions, NFT ownership or DEFI smart contracts . All recorded information is also known as digital ledger transaction. What is a digital ledger transaction? Digital ledger transactions are recorded with an immutable cryptographic signature called a Hash. When cryptocurrencies moved from one wallet to another wallet all transaction is recorded. A wallet is just like your bank account on the Blockchain .To identify your bank account you have a bank account number and to identify your wallet you need a wallet address. Blockchain runs on multiple computers(NODE) that linked to each other all over the world.(Node links to each other is called a” NETWORK”). Each of these node connected to each other and they continuously exchange the newest information on the Blockchain with each other .The Nodes actually store, spread and preserve the Blockchain data, because there is no centralized location, that why Blockchain is decentralized.

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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 22/07/2022

比特币是一种去中心化的数字货币,不受中央机构的控制。比特币利用一种称为区块链的技术,允许比特币用户验证交易。这项技术也是革命性的,因为我们能够证明数字稀缺性,这意味着你是不能凭空创造比特币或是任何政府都可以印制法定货币。比特币被硬编码为只有 2100 万个供应量,这意味着你不能只是复制和粘贴比特币,因为网络会将其识别为欺诈并拒绝它。

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Photos from Smartbot Concept's post 22/07/2022

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency which is out of the control of a central authority .Bitcoin utilizes a technology called blockchain ,which allows transactions to be validated by bitcoin users .This technology is also revolutionary because we are able to prove digital scarcity, meaning you just can’t go creating bitcoin out of the thin air where fiat money can be printed by any government .Bitcoin is hardcoded to only have 21 million in supply, meaning you can’t just copy and paste bitcoin because the network would recognize it as fraudulent and reject it.
The more people realize the importance of its scarcity, the more valuable it is because it is a limited supply currency, unlike gold, it is weightless and lower cost to transfer. Bitcoin is the perfect monetary system because it can’t be controlled by any government, company or person. It’s self regulating and its structure makes it so hard to be hacked.

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LUNA stablecoin create havoc in crypto market yesterday (11/5/2022), many traders get liquidated, but in Smartbot Concept, we use spot account and members still can decent passive income

LUNA 稳定币昨天(2022 年 11 月 5 日)在加密市场造成严重破坏,许多交易者被清算,但在 Smartbot Concept,我们使用现货账户,会员仍然可以获得不错的被动收入
