B L'arutan
B' Larutan offers organic body nourishing products that are eco-friendly and sustainable.
Bees wax, olive oil and other organic ingredients. #handmade blarutan.com
Ready for the holidays? Make sure to support local small businesses like www.blarutan.com! We have everything in stock and ready to ship. Get your natural and healthy presents bought today!
Ready for summer, but scared of the winter's harsh damage to your skin? Do not be afraid, B' Larutan all natural lotion bars will soothe your skin and help it look amazing in your summer gear.
Making bars today for a large client We can help you with small or large orders. Do not let your hands or body go dry!
Don't get caught with dry hands for Easter! Make sure "some bunny" has soft hands for Spring!
Have you had enough of your dry, itchy winter skin? B. L'arutan can help! Order today to get your skin soft and nourished before it is too late!
B. L'arutan's lotion is made from organic bees wax. What is yours made of?
Winter giving you dry skin? Don't worry! We have your solution in stock!
Keeping your skin soft is easy with B. L'ARUTAN lotion bars!
Natural and organic lotion bars make great stocking stuffers! Sunshine Citrus, French Lavender, Spring Tea Tree and Honeycomb are in stock.
Don't forget about Small Business Saturday! Help us spread the word of eliminating dry skin naturally! Www.blarutan.com
We are gearing up for the holidays! Help your friends and family keep moisturized during the dry winter!
Visit www.BLarutan.com today!
Cooler, drier weather is on the horizon. Why not nourish your skin with organic lotion to keep your body healthy? Try today!