Ezugwu Chioma Patience - Mind Surgeon

Ezugwu Chioma Patience - Mind Surgeon

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When I see a good product with bad sales, I am particularly pained

I know for sure that the money is not in the product or the service, it's in the SELLING.

I have seen people who feel they would make it because they make/sell good products.

Listen, a good product they say sells itself - true

But here's what is 'truer'

A good salesman sells a good product better than the product would sell itself.

If you really want to make it big in business being good at what you do is not enough. You must be great at selling what you do

Start by speaking to an expert who can open you to what you need to learn to make it big and truely, be open to learning.

"SELLING" as a skill is one you must MASTER

PS: We are running a 3days FREE intensive Sales Training on WhatsApp to help you get started

Text "3DS" to 08106869708 on WhatsApp to join in

© Chioma Patience Ezugwu
The Mind Surgeon



I have seen men who truely were passionate about a certain thing but lack the necessary training needed to birth the result that they so desire

Passion without training is fatal and can leave the passionate frustrated for lack of result. Add to your passion the necessary training needed to birth that result and you will win a thousand time.

Enjoy giving into trainings! Check those who are making waves, they are a product of many personal and corporate trainings!. At every season of your life, have a thing you are currently training yourself on!

So right know; what's your current training on?

You can adopt this system; every month or season have a thing that you are currently training yourself on.

Do not leave your life haphazardly. Strategically plan yourself to be more in every season, that is how to win!

Again, what are you currently training yourself?


Do this if you want to MAKE MORE MONEY ONLINE

Read till the end to find sales strategies to 10x your sales

If you are in sales or business...
..here's one assumption you should never make


One time I was about launching an offer, someone in my team told me, "ma you know this is the middle of the month and people don't have money now, don't you think we should wait?"

My reply - "I know it's middle of the month but I don't know people don't have money, tell me about it..." Lol

Someone called to access money from me and when I asked him what he wanted to use it for, he said there was a course he needed to buy and the OFFER is ending today... Take note of the word OFFER

True - he didn't have the money at that time but with an IRRESISTIBLE OFFER, he sourced money

Listen, it's true there are times when people may have more money than not, but to assume that a specific time people don't have money is to your business detriment... It would only limit you and how you sell

Never also assume some things are too expensive for some persons, student bought 72ig course even when it climbed up to N65,000 or thereabouts.

Read that again, I said *STUDENTS*

Lastly, understand that people are not looking for the cheapest price, they are going for the BEST DEAL

See this two examples;

A. Buy this Even Tone Ackeyl Beauty Soap, that would keep you glowing without bleach, removes blemishes and ache head, clears dark spot and leaves your skin evenly tone, glowing and looking ever younger

Specifically for dark skin girls

Price = ~N10,000~
Get it between 16th - 18th May for N5,999 + FREE DELIVERY to Lagos, Abuja & Benin + FREE roll on attached.


B. Ackeyl beauty and even tone soap available for N5,000. Place your order to get it Now
Contains glycolic acid, lactic acids or citric acid, AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids)

Which is cheaper? B. Which would you go for? A sounds like a better offer to me

1. Offers reflects benefits over feature...

B showed features while A shows the following benefits;

- specifies skin type
- list benefits (what the product will do for me) and not just features (what products contains)


How a person sells matters.. people don't want to see features, they want to see features + BENEFITS.

2. Offers comes with discount, price off or additional value (jare)

People are not looking for a cheaper product they are looking for the best deal. If I see a fridge of N100k that is now 59k for a specific period and another fridge of N50k that is still N50k I would add 9k and go for the first even though the second seems cheaper, the first is a better deal.

The soap product we stated earlier;
- shows original price and gives me a discount which makes the product have higher worth and makes me feel like I got a great deal

3. An irresistible offer adds the word FREE

The word FREE is a great word that pulls sales. Look for a way to incorporate it when creating an offer.

Again, the soap product;
- offers FREE delivery to my location and added FREE roll on (the word FREE is a power word, if there is a way you can incorporate it in sales, always do)

I have a 3gb offer I sold for N1,000 while other dropped their price during a season when it was cheaper to buy, rather than drop my price, I gave a FREE 500mb for every 3gb bought for that season.

Since the price was dropped for a specific period, I also let them know the FREE 500mb was for anyone buying within that period

This seemed like a best deal to the buyers and made me sell out faster.

When the price was back to normal, others found it hard coming back to what they use to sell, while I found it easy ending the offer...

The jare I made kept me in business and even brought more people to me without touching my price...

People love jara.
They love bonus

Look for a way to add jare to your product or service. Some people's product are more expensive and yours cheaper still buyers will choose theirs over yours if they percieved it has too many jare and looks like a better deal than yours.

So you see it's not just about price. It's about percieved value.

I wanted to buy plain white 3 in 1 T-shirt from a store.

I saw two with same price, the difference is - one has a customized pen with the company's brand on the pen, the other didn't.

This pen probably didn't cost more than a N100 but served as the jare and for a N5,000 product it's worth the jare. That made it sell out faster than the other brands there. Not just I, others who came to that section picked that one over others.

4. Offers can be specific - specificity sells faster than generalised offers

The beauty product I used in example one would sell out faster because it mentioned it's for black/dark skin girls only

Having a boutique for large and extra large ladies would make you more money than a generalized boutique, I mean think of it. They would feel less embarrassed shopping with you than any where else

Have shoes for ladies with longer legs say 41+ would be a big win for you

See, you can even have a product for all type of persons but target different class of individual per time just ensure you apply wisdom.

For example, I have an SME course that is applicable to anyone who wants to make money online, I just re-name it anytime I want to launch

It could be SME for student or SME for stay at home mum etc

From time to time I still launch it as a general offer for anyone who wants to make money from SME

I noticed something; whenever I open it as SME for student...

Student troops in. When it's for stay at home mom same applies.

When it's general, I have less of student and stay at home mum

Funny right? But true!

5. Promotional offers are time based!

This one is the indaposky of offer creation. If you know how to create time based offer.... You are made!

I launch an offer and called it "Mid-Night Offer" and gave an exclusive discount for it. This offer only opens between 12midnight and 2am. Once it's 2:01am it shut down.

I gave an exclusive discount to anyone who could catch me at that odd hour to purchase it.

Omo! Men and Brethren, the sell out was massive. People stayed awake just to key into it. If you were to purchase during the day time. You pay more.

Now you know why your product or service is barely selling out. You are yet to master how to turn your product into an Irresistible offer.

Whether you sell a product, a service or into business of any form, all this are applicable to you, you just need to think and grow richer by creating irresistible offers

Bottom line is; stop assuming People don't have money, start creating irresistible offers

© Chioma Patience Ezugwu
The Mind Surgeon


The Law of Diminishing Intent!

The Law of Diminishing intent states that; the longer you wait to do something that you should do now, the greater the odd that you will never actually do it...

I like to put it to you in two ways...

1️⃣ The law of Diminishing intent states that procastination would only make you do less than you would ever do

2️⃣ The law of Diminishing intent states that the ideas that comes to you, comes with an energy and that energy is time bound even if the idea remains a constant

I said this sometimes ago, every time an idea hit you to do something now, it usually comes with an energy that is time bound

If you procastinate with doing that thing in the now, the idea remains a good idea in your head but all the ginger you needed to make it walk would just fly away...

It will remain a good idea, but you just don't find yourself wanting to take that moves.

Be a "Do - It - Now" person... Especially with the "Do-it-now-ideas"

Launch that offer
Send that proposal
Start off with that idea
Read that book
Start that business


© Chioma Patience Ezugwu
Mind Surgeon



1. Master How To Make Money

If you know how to make money you will have money - always look for smart ways to increase your offer bank... To be offerless is to be moneyless.

What value in form of a product, service, knowledge or idea can you sell. How can you reach people with this value? Once you can answer this two questions and make it a reality... You have crossed level one.

2. Money Management

If you know how to manage money you will never be broke... I have seen people who make 6-7 figures a month come down to being broke again simply because they lack money management Principles

They know how to make money but lack money management Principles..

If you feel you keep being broke from time to time because the money you get is never enough, think again, because if more come to you, that would mean more money to meet your need and not more money to manage because you have been more of a spender than a manager

3. Investing Money

If you know how to invest money - you will ALWAYS have money independent of time.

The difference is in the ALWAYS as well as in the INDEPENDENCY OF TIME - making money brings you Active income, investing money guarantee freedom through passive income

Don't jump the levels, build your way to freedom..

First start from knowing what you should do to make money and the option is a thousand and one

Learn what it takes to translate the education, skill and knowledge you have into money and then go further to learn how money should be handled.

How to automate your saving in a way that works for you, how and what you should spend on per time.

And then build passive income through investing

1. If you know how to make money you will have money

2. If you know how to manage money you will never be broke

3. If you know how to invest money, you will ALWAYS have money independent of time

© Chioma Patience Ezugwu
Mind Surgeon


...Just a little extra

Being IT smart is a big deal, it just give you the view of smarter than norm.

I had two occurrence this week, very normal but it seemed EXTRAORDINARY to the 2nd parties

The first was an Excel issue from someone who stepped into our work place (Apex Intl.)

He had been trying to print an Excel Document but can't seem to make all column fit to one page while the rolls remained three pages, so his work was printing out 6 pages and the column cutting into separate pages...

All he wanted was all column in same page but the roll can extend to the next pages making it a total of three pages and not six pages

Well, In what seemed like a twinkle of an eye, I printed it out just how he wanted it...

"How did you do it" was all he muttered...

There was honestly nothing hard about it, it was just a print option but to him at that moment I was an IT guru to have pulled that off to perfection

This is far from what we teach even for Introductory Excel level, for us it's just a side knowledge, that means the main stuff of our Microsoft course will leave you a mind blower

Truth is, you can browse your way through alot by just asking Google but advancing your skill makes you even smarter because you handle things at higher level and just have every one else wonder at you

Whether you are looking for a Job, already working in an organization, into sales, business or education;

Excel has proven to be an asset to individuals and organization at different level, you just have to be exposed to the right training that open you to so much you can do with spreadsheet....
...and here's an opportunity for you to master it to advance level even if you have zero or basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel

A 2weeks Intensive Microsoft Excel Training by ITeach Academy

See comment for more details

PS - The second occurance was a partner who almost took his Printer for engineering repair, I thought to take a look at it and discovered the printer was in "pause printing mode" and all I did was uncheck that and boom - the machine was running print again

And when I looked at him I heard a "WOW"... Lol!

He was stunned at what was effortless to me....

Now imagine you doing more with our Microsoft Excel Course, there's alot of knowledge waiting to unlock a whole new you and have people Wowwwing... Much more is that you skill up to increase Opportunities

See comment section for details on the ongoing Enrollment for the Microsoft Excel skill up training

See comment



1. Google Classroom
2. WhatsApp Business
3. Meta Ad Manager

You see these three apps, they are digital assets to me...

They give me 1000% return on my data subscribed and ensure tangible daily credit alert

Here's How 👇

Meta Ad Manager drives the traffic to my WhatsApp Business, My WhatsApp Business Nurtures these Cold Audience and Closes them, Google classroom delivers my online digital varient along side WhatsApp business...

These things run continually and with this I have enjoyed 3years plus unbroken DAILY CREDIT ALERT

Honestly it's that simple once you know the "How"

This update is just to tell you to look beyond your social apps as a social thing but as a DIGITAL ASSET

© Chioma Patience Ezugwu
Mind Surgeon


When I come accross Facebook Ad with a Bad Copy, it personally hurt me. The right copy just automatically plays out in my head

Yes, that is one of the things that happen to you if you spend time writing lot of copies

Listen, if you run ad, take this advice straight up as I am giving it to you, spend time with coming up with the best copies, don't just unleash anything as words to run your ad and expect result... Or better still, get a Copywriter, a great/good one, it's a good investment...

When I give some persons my rate for writing a high converting copy, they somewhat feels it's high but I would always say; "go with my rate and get 100x your result or walk away and stay with not getting result..."

It may sound like a boast but that's just to spin their head to make them realize; a good Copywriter is a great investment...

Same goes to - if you need to respond to people in a way they should pay you... Get a good Copywriter, one great response copy is all you need to change the gear of your sales

If you have a landing page... Get a good Copywriter

Nigerians downplay the Important of Copywriters in their business, they like the DIY when they have zero idea how it works....

Over the boarder, they don't joke with investing in good "Salesman" and "Closer"... When it is in words over the net we call them - "Copywriters"

Understanding the age we are and the Importance of COPYWRITERS in your life and business is a big win...

If you have to Do-it-yourself (DIY) then master the science and art of Copywriting otherwise get and pay a good Copywriter

This one investment barely talked about will make a major (positive) change in your business

® Chioma Patience Ezugwu
The Mind Surgeon


Dream Big, Set Goals, Pen down your goals, Implement ✅

Get started with our goal setting planner and make the most of your year https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cY88UwIhrXU9SRomk6-81MO8A03HlkE3/view?usp=drivesdk


I was in a meeting of young persons, it was a question and answer session and questions kept flooding in the same direction

They were all asking questions like -

Q - I have a lot of skills but I am not making money from them what do I do

Q - I am a web designer, I am really good at it, I thought once I master web design I would become a millionaire with few deals but that hasn't happened, even with my high income skill I am still not getting high income client

Q - There's alot of things I can do and I have tried launching out at different things but I find myself still not getting the results I desire

Q - When I launched my first book, I got alot of Congratulations but my account balance no balance at all, there was nothing congratulatory about it, I don't even know what to do

Hehehe... The questions aren't funny but the fact that over 20 questions asked that day had same answer irrespective of what it was is what I find funny

Follow me, you would Gerrit

The Bible says - the labour of fools Warrieth every one of them because they knoweth not how to get to the market

The fool in this context actually has a hardiwork because he labours but here's what makes him labour in vain - He know not how to reach the people who needs him and would pay him for his labour - another translation says - he know not the way to the market

Again I laugh, this is a sales problem - he doesn't know how to sell - it came as a result of his ignorance

He has mastered a craft but has not mastered how to sell that craft so he is warried

This was the same challange of over 20 people who asked those questions, doing so much and getting minimal result

They don't know how to sell so they are warried in just whatever they want to start doing

Listen - It's not about how good you are but how good you are at making people see how good you are

In 2023 master the art of selling, learn how to sell effectively, become a student of the school of sales

This one thing would bring in the colour and light to the things you are already doing

PS - Photo; Prof Emmanuel Akpe et The Mind Surgeon

© Ezugwu Chioma Patience
Mind Surgeon



In 2019, I launched my first digital varient and made 119,000 in just 5days

In 2020 I made N1,191,000 in just 30days from the same product created from the comfort of my room

From 2019 till date I have not gone a day without a tangible credit alert

In this Ebook guide Sales like a Pro; A Practical Guide to Mastering Sales and making so much money from your offers

I have revealed the same beginners principle I used to make N119,000 in just 5days from the comfort of my home with just one product and how you can get this same result just by reading and applying the Principles in this Ebook guide

𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲'𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗘𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸;

- Overcoming the struggle or shyness that comes with selling online as a beginner

- The KLT FORMULA and how you can build a buying audience

- Principles to increasing and growing your Audience

- The blue print to making more money online by understanding how to sell online even if you never made a dim before from your offer

*As an addition you get a link within the ebook;

🔥My E-library worth over N149,000

🔥A video guide on how to design on canva using your mobile phone worth N5,000

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝘂𝘁?

- It's a beginner to advance guide, this means, even if you have zero idea on this topic, this book would help you get started and help you deal with any fear you have with selling

- It's Practical - at the end of each section, there's an action point that would help you apply and get the intended result, this would work for you irrespective of what you sell

- Its result based - All I share with you in this book has been proven and would continue to birth result as long as it is applied

- If you have ever wanted to kill that little bitch within which is the fear of selling, or move from just making a few bucks from what you sell to 100x your income then Congratulations you got the right guide

𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲'𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗹 👇

This Ebook is out for $10 but just for today, I have set the price to reflect $1 within the next 48hours

After that, price would revert back to $10

Get it today for a less than a coffee price of $1 CBN rate of N450

Yes! Just N450 for today before price revert back to N4,500 ($10)

Click to access it;

𝗨𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗼𝗻𝘂𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝟭𝟰𝟵,𝟬𝟬𝟬 𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆




Sales is an active thing, it's not passive, it's one of those things you MUST master if you are going to make money from whatever it is you offer

Robert Kiyasoki in his Rich Dad Series talks of how he joined xerox against all odds to master Sales

At first he was terrible at it, it seems almost impossible for him to make even his first sale... Despite all his marketing and cold calling - nothing changed

But he kept at it, kept learning and applying until he moved from zero sales to one of the top salesman in xerox and then guess what - he resigned

The goal was to master Sales, the moment he did, he knew he was ready to make so much money his way so he went on to build the rich Dad Corporation and become one of the BEST SELLING AUTHOR

Like he would always say - n̶o̶t̶ b̶e̶s̶t̶ w̶r̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶u̶t̶h̶o̶r̶ but
𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿

We have alot of people producing new albums, writing new books, launching new projects, starting new businesses and looking for the next lucrative business to jump on

Yet, with zero sells skill and this is their greatest adversity - Because it's not about how good you are but how good you are at making people see how good you are

Read that again

The money is not in those things you are doing but in the SELLING of those things

If you can't sell you would remain stock at a level with many beautiful ideas that can make you millions but never coming to pass because you know not how to go to the market (SELLING)

If there's one thing you must set your heart to master - it's SALES

Never say SELLING is not for you, the Bible refer to such person as - The Foolish Man Whose Labour Warrieth Him

As you go through this piece conclude in your heart that you would act in wisdom by first deciding to master the art of SELLING

© Ezugwu Chioma Patience
The Mind Surgeon



Let's make it practical

If you come to buy a plate of rice from me that cost N500 and Successfully make payment and then I tell you I can add beef, salad and plantain to your rice for N800 that means you add N300 that is me UPSELLING

If you buy my course on How to Write High Converting Sales Copy and I make you an offer to get coached by me to become as Expert in that field - that is me UPSELLING

The course + the coaching Program being more expensive than getting just the course

UPSELLING therefore, is a sales technique that convinces a customer to purchase a more expensive version of a product or service, an upgraded or premium version of a product or service - this means they spend more for a more valuable and upgraded package of what they initially got

If however you come to buy a plate of rice of N500 and I see you as a young lady who would appreciate a nice perfume and I tell you, I have a perfume you would love with sensual fregance and you offer to see them and end up buying for say - a bottle N3,500


Another example may be - you bought our Copywriting course from ITeach Academy and then saw an exclusive offer for our Excel course and got it too


Crossing is therefore selling an additional, complimentary or non complimentary product or service to a client or customer simply because they are your target audience for the both Product

Every business should upsell and cross sell - reason being that anyone who has bought from you before has become your hot audience and upselling as well as cross selling is one way to ensure hot audience keep buying from you - because those who have bought just anything from you and found it worthwhile are the easiest to sell to

So much effort is put in getting new lead and new client... If you however know how to upsell and cross sell you would make the most of your hot audience

I trust you are clear what upselling and crossing means in marketing so when next you hear it you are not lost

I trust you got value from this -

Think of your product or service... What can you offer to cross sell or improve on it to upsell


Recommended ✅

See more in comment 👇



Are you a student wondering what kind of skill should you learn in order to work for a lucrative company?

Are you a fresh graduate that has failed to get a good job all because you don't have a good skill worth paying for?

Are you into one form of business or the other and want to scale your business online?

What's the best skill you should learn so as to earn more?


Here's a quick exercise to show you the potency of this skill

Go to www.fiverr.com which is a freelancing site and search Copywriting

You would see the high demand for Copywriters as well as the high pay Copywriters demand from client

You would then agree with me that there is abundance of job for the skillful

This also goes for you that want to earn more from your business online

Interestly, Copywriting can be learnt in the shortest period of time

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗽𝘆𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴?

Copywriting is simply the ability to cause an action to be taken by the power of written word

Note that this isn't just any words but words in print that comes with applied principles which you must have learnt

No matter how good your offer is, if you fail to communicate how good your offer is, no one will take it

No lucrative company in its right senses will ever sack a competent copywriter.....

Why? Because copywriters are the driving force of every top company

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗳𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗢𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗽𝘆𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴?

💥 It enables you work from home or anywhere and get paid

💥 It boost sells for you or others when you apply the principle of offer

💥 It increases your employability status
Any course studied + Copywriting gives you 💯% chance to be chosen above others

I've had numerous students who got employed in prolific companies mainly because copywriting was included in their CV

💥 It's the perfect skill for a student; if you seek to school and earn then this is it for you

𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗜 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗽𝘆𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹?

This skill is a gold mine

Search this on Google; highest paying income skill, you will see Copywriting top 1-5

If this is false forget about reading the rest of what I am sharing with you

What if I told you that you can acquire this skill with as low as $25 and even get a whopping 80% discount if you get into my early bird of first 50 people

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁:

📌 What Copywriting is and how it applies to you directly

📌 How to land your first high paying client

📌 How to deploy or position yourself for employment with the power of effective Copywriting

📌 How to Boost your Business and Sells with the power of Effective Copywriting

📌 How to generate leads with little effort

📌 How to use the KLT formula for productive online Business

📌 How to grab people's attention using the AIDA principle

📌 Basic designs for ur products and services

📌 You gain automatic access to our Library worth #200,000 with over 200 online books

📌 Top 3 students get automatic employment to work with me

📌 A valid certificate after successful completion of the training

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗲?

If after this training you don't start seeing result (after applying all that will be taught)

You will get your money back with an official apology letter and #3,000 compensation fee

𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝗺 𝗜 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗺?

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Dear Business Owners,
Cc: Aspiring Business Owner

Gather here I have a word for you

Read on....

Listen, until you understand what you are selling you would keep struggling

Few days back, I boarded a taxi and was just gazing through the window when I saw a boutique with this line on their sign post; we will give you beauty, class and comfort

I smiled and thought within me; this is one boutique that would be cashing out real good

They understood that it's not just a product they are selling but what people want out of the product

The question is what are you selling?

Is a pharmacist just selling panadol or he is relieving you off the headache and excruciating pain with the product, which is it?

Are you just a bridal make-up artist or you are making one lady the centre of attraction on the most important day of her life with your bridal make-up expertise?

Is your human hair really expensive, or it's projected to the wrong audience, who don't understand that you are selling "CLASS"

You think iPhone is just selling phone? They are selling class!

Are you just a graphic designer or you see yourself as someone who help businesses become visible with your graphic design expertise

Listen, you have to look deep into your business and understand what problem it's solving or what emotional need it's providing, project that and watch your business take a new leaf

Once someone contacted me and said; "I need a Copywriter and I heard you are one and would want to see what you can do"

I replied with; "you need a Copywriter or you need someone that would help you sell off your product with the power of written words so you have high Conversion, great leads and make more money from what you have to offer while saving you lot of money you would have wasted on ad using the wrong words"

He replied with; "WOW! It's the latter I need not just a Copywriter"

It's still same thing as needing a Copywriter you might think but you see, if you can't project the problem your product is solving or the emotion behind it, You my dear would be wasting your time

People buy emotional and justify with logic, leave the logic of throwing your product at them and get to the emotion of what your product will truely do for them

Do more than just throwing your product to the face of your audience

You gerrit?

© Ezugwu Chioma Patience
Mind Surgeon
